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Who would win in a fight? [Archive] - Messageboard


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10-23-2001, 10:07 AM
Polar Bear or Gorilla?

My vote goes to the gorilla. It can use tools (like eggers).

Oops was that mean?

10-23-2001, 10:17 AM
I'm going with the ape as well.
I'd think the ape has more strength for its size. Plus it could bouce around and swing from a tree and stuff and drop on top of the polar bears head like the old Samsonite commercials.
I'd give the edge to the bear if he got one lucky wallop in and then jumped on the ape, but that wouldnt happen, the ape would be much more whiley than that stupid bear.

I have balls !!!

RF Godfather
10-23-2001, 10:56 AM
"White people are sooo scared of black people..."

You knew that was comin'

Yadda Yadda Yadda!

Mee Meep! Wakka Wakka!

Jinkies! Zoinks!
Thanks WWFallon.

10-23-2001, 11:14 AM
Got to go with the Polar Bear, those Motherfuckers are vicious.

<IMG SRC="" width=300 height=100>

10-23-2001, 12:58 PM
Yeah, I'll have to go with the bear. Gorillas are

-- Furie
Damn! One number off!

<img src="">

This message was edited by furie on 11-16-02 @ 11:33 PM

10-23-2001, 02:12 PM
This reminds me of that truly classic debate, "The Shark vs. The Crocodile".

My money's on the bear. Gorillas are too dumb to use tools effectively against a bear. Most *humans* are too dumb to use tools effectively against a bear.

<img border="0" src="" width="300" height="100">

"I smoke. I take drugs. I drink. I wash every six weeks. I masturbate constantly and fling my steaming poison semen down from my window to your hair and food. I'm a rich and respected columnist for a major metropolitan newspaper. I live with two beautiful women in the city's most expensive and select community. Being a bastard WORKS."
--Spider Jerusalem

10-23-2001, 03:21 PM
that's a good one....the shark has the speed but the croc has that death roll the croc hunter is always talking about.

and i thought the classic was who would win in a fight...batman or superman
who would win in a race, superman or the flash?

<IMG SRC="">
Why am I drippings with goo?
"I like to pick up girls on the rebound and fuck them in a very uncomfortable place. the back of a volkswagon?"

F Wad
10-23-2001, 04:59 PM
the gorilla is one of the strongest mammals

<IMG SRC="">

aka canweseeyourstuff from o&

10-23-2001, 05:22 PM
I would have to vote for the gorilla. They are very strong, and attack the head first. That bear is not doing much without his eyes.

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Thanks To WWFallon

10-23-2001, 05:43 PM
Okay, how about Lion vs.

I go with the hippo. they're
nasty mf's.

10-23-2001, 05:45 PM
I would take the lion on land, because he is much quicker. He also has claws and teeth. The hippo only has teeth. In the water, the hippo would kick ass.

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Thanks To WWFallon

10-23-2001, 07:35 PM
remember, nothing beats a bear... not even sharks...

<img src="">

10-23-2001, 07:51 PM
While a gorilla may have the ability to use weapons unless they are present the teeth and claws of a polar bear would give it the edge ... polar bear has lotsa fat that gorilla would have to get through to get to vitals

10-23-2001, 07:53 PM
The hippo has got thick skin,
too, and if he can get in the
water he sooo has an
advantage! I mean, I'd like to
see a lion go for the carotids
on a hippo!!

Jim Poo
10-23-2001, 09:21 PM
Who's got homefield advantage? Gorilla's can't survive in Polar surroundings. Which would make the fight very unfair. Even though the gorilla has apposable thumbs, my vote goes to the polar bear because they eat seals.

You have the hair of a lego person. Awful!!
<IMG SRC="">

girl germs
10-24-2001, 01:44 AM
<i>"Polar Bear or Gorilla?"</i>

polar bear.

definitely the polar bear. even though they're cute and cuddly, they can still kick some ass.

<p align="center" font face="arial"><embed src="" quality=high width="300" height="65"></p>

10-24-2001, 04:17 AM
Polar Bear in the second

David the Franchize
Let them eat Cake!

10-24-2001, 04:27 AM
I too say the polar bear. They have claws of death! I mean sure they're all happy and nice in the Coke Commercials but they're mongrels at the heart of the matter! As for lion and hippo I can't imagine those two together.

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Thanks Rooster!
If you put a tin can to your ear, you can hear the subway - deez

10-24-2001, 05:08 AM
Polar bears use tables!

<IMG SRC="">

<IMG SRC="">
That F'n Good! <a href="">WWFallon</a>

10-24-2001, 05:15 AM
polar bear would kick ass theyre vicious.
id take the lion on land and hippo in water.
and of course if a dolphin can beat a shark the croc should have no problem.

gone postal!
<IMG SRC="">

thanks WWFallon

10-24-2001, 05:17 AM
As mentioned earlier, it would depend on the setting you put them in , but if in a mutual local, the Polar Bear takes it paws downs.

As for the lion and hippo, the lion would rip the fatty hippo a new a-hole

Iam thread cancer

10-24-2001, 07:35 AM
i think one must take cunning factor into though. I don't see cunning coming from a Gorilla. Polar bears are pretators. Any bear would maul any primate.
But the Home field advantage is a good point. If this fight took place in Rowanda, the Gorilla stands a chance.

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This message was edited by furie on 11-16-02 @ 11:36 PM

10-24-2001, 08:44 AM
I saw on a documentary last night that gorrilas won't even fight a human they are too scared of things they don't know, so my vote

Fact: a cat will almost always blink when hit on the head with a hammer.

10-24-2001, 09:24 AM
Is it a polar bear that was once human becase he was chewing NEW POLAR ICE GUM

or just a plane one becasue im shure that the gum you change you but you would be smart like a human but with laser vison so i would go with super human polar bear but if its a normal one i think the gorilla cause i saw this movie where apes took over the world and they could ride horses....

And a lion vrs hippo thats easy lion cause there kind of the jungel acording to lion king all animals bow for the lion king except the hiennas but there a bunch of pot heads anyway

number 333 its the way to be

10-24-2001, 06:12 PM
Sheeplovr, I love you.

Captain Rooster
10-24-2001, 06:25 PM
does the Gorilla get to throw
barrels like Donkey Kong?

<img src=>

God Bless America!

<img src=>

10-24-2001, 06:26 PM
The lion would have to bite the Hippo about twenty times, and the Hippo would just step or sit on him.

07-19-2002, 11:03 AM
I just wanted to bring this back cause it seemed a little appropriate after today's discussion!!!!!!!!

man I should like be a psychic or something... :)

<img src=>

07-19-2002, 11:56 AM
do you still love me?

Polar bears wins no contest

number 333 its the way to be

07-19-2002, 02:41 PM
A Polar Bear would kick the fucking crap out of a gorilla. Now if they let the gorilla throw barrels, I'm paying double to see it......

<img src="">
"My young heart's in tatters and I'm sure, that it will be a long time healing."

07-19-2002, 02:50 PM
I'm on the fence with this one: a polar bear is 12 feet tall and over 1000 pounds, with killer claws and teeths.

a silver back gorilla is 600 pounds with incredible intelligence and muscle density 8 times that of a human of comprable size (that means theoretally, they have the strength of 4800 lbs worth of human, or 24 large men!!)

the range advantage of the bear is a non-issue because a bear's tactics involve grabbing and "hugging" its victim to it, crushing it with its massive size and tearing with its claws. an ape is smart enough imho to avoid this long enough to land at least one fatal blow to the head (they strike at the head) before falling to the killer claws

Most likely they will kill each other

of course, if its the apes from "congo" then its no contest


this sig is the masterpiece of the cheesy one
<i>support your local 420: union of brotherhood

living on the road, my friend, was supposed to keep us free and clean.
now you wear you skin like iron, your breath's as hard as kerosene-- townes van zant "the ballad of poncho and lefty"</i>

<a href=>Transcendental Blues: a journal</a>

This message was edited by DarkHippie on 7-19-02 @ 7:01 PM

Green Lantern
07-19-2002, 04:32 PM
Polar Bear ....hands down

<IMG SRC="" ALT="green lantern" HEIGHT=100 WIDTH=300>

Joe Insight
07-20-2002, 09:26 AM
I think that intellegence wins almost on one I think the bear wins but the wild the gorilla is smarter and travels in a gang...very hard to beat....sure bears have gangs too but I dont think its the same...also...gorillas are "gymnists" so if there is any sort of trees or foliage I think the gorilla has the advantage...empty room style fight ....the bear wins!!!

11-16-2002, 07:38 PM
hmmm... what if the Gorilla was a veteran of monkey knife fights? that might turn the tide of the fight.

<img src="" width=300 height=100>
thanks adf!
<marquee behavior="alternate"><a href="aim:goim?screenname=furie1335&message=You_are_Number_6">IM:Furie1335

11-16-2002, 08:17 PM
Gorillas are not arboreal. They are not viscious killers. They are herbivores. Even their displays of agression (chest beating, snarling, lunging) are mostly that - display.

Polar bears are killing machines. They can kill a 600 pound seal with a single swipe of their deadly claws. They kill to live. If they don't kill they don't eat. You won't find any vegan polar bears.

<img src="">

11-16-2002, 08:22 PM
The polar bear is the most dangerous animal on earth.It would smack around a gorilla like ike did tina

11-16-2002, 08:49 PM
Polar Bear....those things are sick nasty.


<IMG SRC="">
Aggie rules!!!

11-17-2002, 05:50 AM
You won't find any vegan polar bears
of course. no one makes any seal-flavored tofu.

<marquee>Who is DarkHippie? "You look like an Amish child molester"-- Jim Norton. "Watch out for this one. Someday he's gonna snap and kill you all."-- Rich Vos </marquee>
</i><a href=>Gonads and Strife: a journal</a>

11-17-2002, 08:11 AM
Dhippie, you may be wrong.
I believe I saw a recent post by Jersey Rich on a restaurant that serves "a scrumptious serving" of seal flavored tofu.

<img src="">
Nothing...i have nothing!

11-17-2002, 01:48 PM
I don't believe the films were known as "The Planet of The Polar Bears". Obviously the gorilla will win.

<img src=>
VP #2 for the Coalition of Angry Micks, and Minister of Bloody Mayhem.
"You can tell some lies about the good times you've had/But I've kissed your mother twice and now I'm working on your dad..."

11-17-2002, 06:07 PM
A polar bear would kick the shit out of a gorilla

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11-17-2002, 06:09 PM
I am saying the Gorilla due to it having that thumb like appendage

<Marquee>todds the man - canofsoup15/todd is the shiznit! - Contra/Toddevf just rocks that much he gets two appriciation threads, but whatever - DCReed/dint mean to come down on him earlier. . . I like Todd - Doogie76/And he supports my nicotine-fits - DynamiteK/But it's great to see the end result with Todd!! - Gaia/How can I be the man if he's the man?!? - FlavorSaver/Todd Rocks and has a HUGE cock. . . so I heard!!!! - Green Lantern/i can actually say that i love the little fuck - GrlNiN/Todd Will always be a DARLING! - LatinSpiceXoX/your the bestest, greatest, coolest todd! - Lulu/TODD EVF RULZ THE SCHOOL - NJDMMoe/I like Toddevf. He seems like a fine young gentleman. - pinkyfloyd/I appreciate my Mini-Me! - RonFez Mark/So screw all the Todd-haters! - Shorty/I admire todd's ability to slyly and skillfully turn any and every thread into one about HIM - TheMojoPin</Marquee>

11-17-2002, 10:27 PM
Too many factors for the gorilla. If the bear misses in that intial charge, it's gonna be in trouble. The gorilla can use those hands for bashing, with sticks, rocks, whatever. Plus gorillas can climb up some trees pretty fast and get a little height advantage. Besides, when was the last time you heard of an apeskin rug?

<img src=>
VP #2 for the Coalition of Angry Micks, and Minister of Bloody Mayhem.
"You can tell some lies about the good times you've had/But I've kissed your mother twice and now I'm working on your dad..."

11-20-2002, 02:11 PM
Besides, when was the last time you heard of an apeskin rug?
Doesn't Billy Staples wear one of those?

<img src="">
Nothing...i have nothing!

11-20-2002, 02:33 PM
i would say a polar bear, it has sharp claws and teeth, plus it has power the gorilla is only gonna jump around and pound his chest

<img src=>

"I'm Tony Montana...You Fuck Wit Me...You Fuck Wit The Best!!"

Shout Out To Can of Soup 15 and Toddevf for the Kick Ass Sig Pic!

11-20-2002, 08:23 PM
I would say bear unless the ape is Kong or Mighty Joe Young because they were like huge when was the last time you saw a stupid bear cilmb the empire state building. The bears lost there edge when they started doing Coke ads stupid sell out bears. <P>


11-21-2002, 02:31 PM
i would have to go with a polar bear bears can beat the shit out of three or four dogs at one time

I am the ruler of my domain and the worlds biggest jeremy shockey fan

11-21-2002, 02:35 PM
I've posted on this before. I spoke with essentially the 'second in command' of the mammal department at The Bronx Zoo. He said without a doubt, the Polar Bear would destroy the Gorilla. He said that the Polar Bear is basically a killing machine, along the same lines as a shark. They are built to kill, and it doesn't necessarily kill for food. They are extremely intelligent, and if you have the misfortune of running across one, it will kill you just because it can. The Gorilla, no matter how big, would not be able to land enough shots to injure the bear to the point of death. It might get in one or two good shots, but the bear would absolutely shred it. He said it wouldn't even be a contest.

"What are the scores George Dawes?"
<marquee>White people are so scared of blakjeezis</marquee>

11-21-2002, 08:17 PM
I spoke with essentially the 'second in command' of the mammal department at The Bronx Zoo.

I didn't know that Superstar had a second job. GORILLA FAN SINCE DAY ONE.

<img src=>
VP #2 for the Coalition of Angry Micks, and Minister of Bloody Mayhem.
"You can tell some lies about the good times you've had/But I've kissed your mother twice and now I'm working on your dad..."

08-14-2004, 09:14 AM
Polar bear.

But how about lion V tiger?

08-14-2004, 09:45 AM
Tiger. But what if it was Daniel the Tiger vs. the Cowardly Lion?

<marquee> Check out DarkHippie's latest story, "Keeper", at </marquee>

08-15-2004, 12:59 PM
Polar bear.

Which of the present day carnivores or aggressive beasties do you think would fair best if pitched one on one against a raptor?

Lion, tiger, polar or grizzly bear, wolverine or a n other?

Do you think it would be any different if groups were pitched against each other?

06-04-2008, 08:09 AM
Polar Bear vs. Husky?

Here comes a wild polar bear cut off from his normal seal diet by the water-not-yet ice... he comes upon a husky tethered in the snow... it looks like lunch time for the bear. (

06-04-2008, 09:37 AM
Let's look at their moves:

Polar Bear: Bear Hug
Gorilla: Gorilla Press

Both good moves, but I doubt a gorilla can press a polar bear. Advantage: Bear.

06-04-2008, 09:47 AM
Please shrink your sig to 300 X 100, Cawckstrong.

07-22-2008, 09:50 AM
Leopard vs. Crocodile? (