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what paco, the mexican lawyer, told me [Archive] - Messageboard


View Full Version : what paco, the mexican lawyer, told me

10-23-2001, 09:32 AM
after the show yesterday, I receivAed a call froM pacO, the mexicaN lawyEr whO never wins a case. paco, a Friend of mine from way back THEN, told me that he Is very "NErvioso" regarding the "chica" who acted like [9]a "Bitch," criticizing thE "jobber" and otherS.
i comforTed paco, the MExican lawyer who never winS a caSe, telling him thAt the color was uGly and stupid and a hookEr. that cheered up paco, the mexican lawyer who never wins a case. then, i demanded that he hook me up with his very "Bonita" sister maria, a sexy waitress whO never sAys no. and so he did and i had sex with maRia for many hours.
anyway, i just wanted to say that no one showeD up at union square Park yesterday and the plan tO invade never developed. apparenTly, pEople in this message boaRd are Scared and piss on theIr paNTs all thE time like al dukes does.
no, i'm just kidding. i don't know Why i'm mean sOmetimes (yell, it could be the aRray of anti-depressants i've been taking aLl too often lately).
maybe, one day in the future, we'll invaDe that sportsguys web site on yahoo! maybe not.
finally, i do think that the ron and fez show is the best show on wnew - and is the only one that i still listen to (and that includes taping the show each night so that i get to listen to it again from 11-3). surely, i am crazy. that's what my mother told me one day: "jim eggers, you are crazy." i don't really like my mother; and i haven't talked to her in four days.
my dr. evil impression rocks. maybe, one day i should go on the air like that intern went on the air yesterday.
ron and fez rock. you people here are wimps. i'm one of the nine best message board posters in the world (and, yes, i can name you the other eight, and, no, none of the other eight post here).
ikeaboy is really smart. i don't really talk to nyu peace fags though. i still have no idea what mellissa looks like. alls i know is that she needs it.
more props to dan from hoboken for working on his writing. i, too, am a writer. my book is about this guys who has multiple personalities, and at any one particular point in time the reader does not know which personality is writing.
to my fans, i offer my graditude.

thank you, good luck, and god bless america,
jim eggers

... and as of yesterday, i'm technically no longer a virgin!

10-23-2001, 09:41 AM
It looks like i wrote this

number 333 its the way to be

10-23-2001, 09:47 AM

<img src=>
This Is Really Me!!

10-23-2001, 09:49 AM
great, but you're also the absolute most ANNOYING MESSAGE BOARD POSTER IN TE(sic) WORLD. way to go!