Judge Smails
06-16-2006, 07:46 AM
<p><a href="http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/0615061gifts1.html" target="_self">The Smoking Gun has a copy of the Bush Administration's annual report of gifts received from foreign leaders.</a></p><p>I always pictured world leaders giving and receiving some great swag. But this reads like a list of some of the crappy gifts you'd give your dad for Father's Day or Christmas.</p><p>Here are a few of the more interesting ones:</p><p>Some Dallas Cowboys clothing from Prince Bandar of Saudi Arabia</p><p>Some DVDs and CDs from the Sultan of Brunei</p><p>A paperback of "The Worst Case Scenario" from the President of Turkey</p><p>Jars of fertilizer from the President of Italy</p><p>Ten pounds of dates (valued at $60.00) from the President of Tunisia</p><p>Coffee pot from Prince Faisal of Saudi Arabia</p>