View Full Version : ~ Which Voltron was best? ~
06-12-2006, 12:41 PM
<span class="postbody"><p>Might I suggest checking out the site I listed below for a Voltron refresher course. I never would have remembered the three separate teams in the vehicle Voltron (land, air and sea teams). Cool shit. </p><p>I'm still waiting for both Voltron DVDs to come out. I liked them both, but the vehicle version was hard to find after time. Also, Lance kicked ass compared to the fucking princess angle they went with later. </p><p> </p><p>Here's a great site to do some research first. It sure as hell sparked some memories of running home from school to catch the next episode and then all of a sudden, only the lion version continued. </p><p>Here's the cool site. Make sure you go to both Voltron (LV and VV pages). <a href=""></a></p></span>
<span class=post_edited>This message was edited by spoon on 6-12-06 @ 5:12 PM</span>
06-12-2006, 12:46 PM
<p>Black Lion Piloted by Keith. Forms the head and body of Voltron. The Black Lion sets on the tower in front of the Castle of Lions </p><p>Blue Lion Piloted by Allura. Forms the right leg of Voltron. The Blue Lion sits underwater in the lake around the Castle of Lions </p><p>Green Lion Piloted by Pidge. Forms the left arm of Voltron. The Green Lion sits inside a tree in the middle of the forest Y</p><p>ellow Lion Piloted by Hunk. Forms the left leg of Voltron. The Yellow Lion sits in the middle of the desert in a cave </p><p>Red Lion Piloted by Lance. Forms the right arm of Voltron. The Red Lion sits in a cave in the heart of a Volcano </p><p> </p><p>I stand corrected, what the hell was the original blue lion's pilot name? Sven??</p>
06-12-2006, 12:47 PM
<strong><em><font face="georgia,times new roman,times,serif" size="2">I don't know if I should vote. I never even knew there was a vehicle version until Doc Manhattan brought it up in the Transformers thread.</font></em></strong>
06-12-2006, 01:01 PM
<p>Here's some more info from another site.</p><p><font color="#c0c0c0" /></p><p> </p><p>Sven </p><p><img src="" border="0" /></p><p>Rank & Such: Sven was among the original members of the team, serving as their naviagtor and Blue Lion pilot. </p><p>Background: I'm pretty sure he's from Earth and by the sound of his accent, Norwegian. Sven initially only stuck around for the first 6 episodes - that's when Haggar, looking to take a member down so Voltron would be out of commission, injured him so badly he could no longer pilot his Lion. Luckily, Allura was able to take his place. Not much was said about him until later, when he showed up as a prisoner of Doom. He was a scruffy, brooding man after having spent time in the Pit of Skulls - not to mention being exposed to Zarkon's cruelty. He was also haunted by what he percieved as failing the other VF members. It wasn't until he met Romelle that his attitude changed, and his will to live returned. Sven never did resume his role in the Blue Lion, opting instead to go back to Pollux with Romelle. Basic Personality: Not too much was learned about Sven before his unfortunate run-in with Haggar but to me he seemed earnest if not a bit shy. Moments to Shine: His sacrifice in "The Right Arm of Voltron" made for a valiant start to his hiatus. </p><p>*Sidenote: Sven's character actually was killed off in ep 6 of GoLion, Lion Voltron's parent series. Apparently, the man that appears later was supposed to be his brother but WEP changed the story so that Sven didn't have to be killed off. Good thing they looked so similar! </p><p> </p><p><img src="" border="0" /></p>
06-12-2006, 01:03 PM
<p><sub>There were 3 voltrons out there 1. the vechicle one</sub></p><p> 2. the robot one (the one below was the robot one)<br /></p><p> 3. the lion one</p><p><img width="569" height="504" border="0" src="" alt="voltron 2" title="voltron 2" /><br /> </p><sub />
06-12-2006, 01:04 PM
<img src="" border="0" />
06-12-2006, 01:08 PM
Lions. Anyone who says otherwise is a communist<br />
06-12-2006, 01:08 PM
<p><img src="" border="0" /></p><p> </p><p><img src="" border="0" /></p>
06-12-2006, 01:11 PM
<p>Holy shit Whitey, I vaguely remember that one now! Personally, I love the very old Toy'R'Us price tag on the box too. </p><p>Nice call.</p>
06-12-2006, 01:47 PM
I liked both vehicle and lion Voltron... but Lion trumps vehicle because it was a lot easier to follow the characters (since there weren't like 20,000 pilots).
Color me pink-o and call me a communist because I liked the vehicle one. I didn't really care for either cartoon, but playing the legs on the lion ones seemed all wussy-like and the vehicles had more of a solid feel.<br />
06-12-2006, 03:09 PM
<p>I grew up in the New York city area (yeah I know you got your own radio show sheesh!)</p><p>And they never to my knowledge showed the multi robot Voltron. The Lions were the coolest the vehicles were just okay.</p><p>I think there were just 2 separate cartoons from Japan that they just slapped the name Voltron on.</p><p>FORM BLAZING SWORD!!!!!!!</p>
Don Stugots
06-12-2006, 04:15 PM
the one in my pants. Voltron is what my chick calls my cock.
06-12-2006, 04:38 PM
It comes apart?
Don Stugots
06-12-2006, 04:41 PM
06-13-2006, 08:44 AM
how is this even a question!? Lion voltron hands down.
I always thought Lance (red lion) was the coolest. He was the asshole of the group.
Death Metal Moe
06-13-2006, 08:48 AM
<p>Always loved Voltron. I don't know how I got my parents to do it because we were poor, but either they or someone in my family got me both The Lion and Vehical Voltrons. I still have a lot of the stuff in a box in my closet. The lions are beat up from playing and I'm sure not all the vehicals are there but I know where most of it is.</p><p>If I remember correctly, the vehical one became a pain in the ass to keep together after constant assembly and disassembly. The connections wore out here and there and a leg or arm would fall off.</p>
Doctor Manhattan
06-13-2006, 08:53 AM
<strong>ChimneyFish</strong> wrote:<br /><strong><em><font face="georgia,times new roman,times,serif" size="2">I don't know if I should vote. I never even knew there was a vehicle version until Doc Manhattan brought it up in the Transformers thread.</font></em></strong> <p><font color="#ff0000" size="2">I had no idea there was a robot version until Spoon brought it up in this thread.</font></p><p><font color="#ff0000" size="2">So the robots combine to form another robot?</font></p>
06-13-2006, 09:14 AM
<p><a href="" target="_blank">The story of Voltron in America</a></p><p>Kids loved the lions, didn't care for the vehicles, never translated/released the robots</p><p>Matchbox released all 3 toys anyway. </p>
06-13-2006, 09:22 AM
<strong>spoon</strong> wrote:<br /><p>Black Lion Piloted by Keith. Forms the head and body of Voltron. The Black Lion sets on the tower in front of the Castle of Lions </p><p>Blue Lion Piloted by Allura. Forms the right leg of Voltron. The Blue Lion sits underwater in the lake around the Castle of Lions </p><p>Green Lion Piloted by Pidge. Forms the left arm of Voltron. The Green Lion sits inside a tree in the middle of the forest Y</p><p>ellow Lion Piloted by Hunk. Forms the left leg of Voltron. The Yellow Lion sits in the middle of the desert in a cave </p><p>Red Lion Piloted by Lance. Forms the right arm of Voltron. The Red Lion sits in a cave in the heart of a Volcano </p><p> </p><p>I stand corrected, what the hell was the original blue lion's pilot name? Sven??</p><p>Yup Sven was the original blue lion. He had a way over the top accent.</p><p>Also don't forget when the castle mice had their own little mouse Voltron</p>
06-13-2006, 09:30 AM
<strong>ADF</strong> wrote:<br />Color me pink-o and call me a communist because I liked the vehicle one. I didn't really care for either cartoon, but playing the legs on the lion ones seemed all wussy-like and the vehicles had more of a solid feel.<br /><span style="font-size: 7.5pt; color: black; font-family: verdana">I liked the vehicle too. They were pretty bad ass, the ground team was the best by far. I never understood the red plane the just hung out on the chest in the robot form, it seemed kind of pointless. <p> </p></span><span style="font-size: 7.5pt; color: black; font-family: verdana">I also loved how the big huge ships they flew around in would land on planets and turn into huge boats.<p> </p></span><span style="font-size: 7.5pt; color: black; font-family: verdana">The more I think about it I think I liked the vehicles the best.<p> </p></span><span style="font-size: 7.5pt; color: black; font-family: verdana">The Lion version did have what maybe was the sexiest scene in after school cartoon history. The Voltron team was all chillin after beating some ro-beast. The princess dove into a lake, and she popped her head out and then her swimsuit floated up next to her, and I think it was a bikini. When I was a kid that was almost to much to take.<p> </p></span><p><font face="Times New Roman" size="3"> <img height="220" src="" width="100" border="0" /></font></p><font face="Times New Roman" size="3"> <p> </p></font>
06-13-2006, 10:24 AM
<p>Nice call back Kdubya. The mice thing was incredibly gay though. I guess the two events offset themselves, something there for all of us.</p>
06-13-2006, 01:55 PM
<strong>Doctor Manhattan</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>ChimneyFish</strong> wrote:<br /><strong><em><font face="georgia,times new roman,times,serif" size="2">I don't know if I should vote. I never even knew there was a vehicle version until Doc Manhattan brought it up in the Transformers thread.</font></em></strong> <p><font color="#ff0000" size="2">I had no idea there was a robot version until Spoon brought it up in this thread.</font></p><p><font color="#ff0000" size="2">So the robots combine to form another robot?</font></p><p>Thanks but that was Whitey Dr. M.</p>
06-13-2006, 02:25 PM
<strong>boeman</strong> wrote:<br />It comes apart? <p>I always thought Voltron members were more powerful when they would all come together.</p>
06-14-2006, 09:06 AM
<strong>booster11373</strong> wrote:<br /><p>I grew up in the New York city area (yeah I know you got your own radio show sheesh!)</p><p>And they never to my knowledge showed the multi robot Voltron. The Lions were the coolest the vehicles were just okay.</p><p>I think there were just 2 separate cartoons from Japan that they just slapped the name Voltron on.</p><p>FORM BLAZING SWORD!!!!!!!</p><p>Actually they did show a couple of episodes in NYC. I should know, born and raised in NYC. I remember watching Voltron every chance I got as a kid.</p><p>And I remember looking forward to another episode of the Lions Voltron until they showed the vehicle Voltron and I was like "What the hell is this"??!!! After that they pretty muched showed the majority of the Lion Voltron with every now and then dread the times they showed the vehicle Voltron episodes.</p><p>The only time I would've tolerate the vehicle Voltron is when they teamed up with Lion Voltron in that special episode or something, and to this day......I NEVER SAW!!!!</p><p>I just need to find that episode. Anybody out there knows about or remembers that episode??</p>
06-14-2006, 09:29 AM
Gee, I always liked the mouse version of Voltron<img src="" border="0" />
07-04-2006, 10:36 AM
Lion Voltron Rules, the reason is simple, when Voltron was brought back in 3D (computer animated Cartoon) called Voltron the Third Demention they still used the lions. I have also heard word that there is a voltron live action movie in the works, if done well it could be great. 2008 is the given date for the movie, but we will see what will happen. <br />
07-04-2006, 01:19 PM
Hands down, Lion Voltron is the motherfucker.
07-04-2006, 01:51 PM
Call me crazy but I actually liked Voltron better once Roth left and Sammy came on board.
Death Metal Moe
07-04-2006, 04:50 PM
<p>Lookee what I found while doing a major cleaning of my room this weekend:</p><p><img src="" border="0" /></p><p>Fuckin' sweet! Of course when I found this all it did was start the guilt trip stories from my parents. "Do you know how much each one of those stupid lions was?! We were flat broke trying to raise you and those metal lions were like 50 bucks a pop!"</p><p>They're in "played with: condition but I'm not throwing him out, ever. Voltron rulz.</p>
Death Metal Moe
07-04-2006, 04:57 PM
<p>I forgot I took one of them apart for anyone interested.</p><p><img src="" border="0" /></p>
07-04-2006, 05:28 PM
<p>Lion Voltron had a better TV show, but Vehicle Voltron was a way more badass Defender of the Universe. The quantity of vehicles coming together made it so much cooler, and the fact that they also had the ability to combine into conglomerate fighting machines other than Voltron ruled all over the place. </p>
<span class=post_edited>This message was edited by BrownTown on 7-4-06 @ 9:30 PM</span>
07-04-2006, 05:37 PM
<p>I just found about 20 of these in storage. 22 year old Voltron tattoos. </p><p><img height="436" src="" width="588" border="0" /></p>
07-04-2006, 05:46 PM
<p>Voltron was a rip-off of Dancougar. (Which was a pretty good anime series by the way)</p><p> </p><p><img width="600" height="600" border="0" src="" /> </p>
Death Metal Moe
07-04-2006, 05:55 PM
<strong>mdr55</strong> wrote:<br /><p>Voltron was a rip-off of Dancougar. (Which was a pretty good anime series by the way) </p><p>Hoo hoo.</p>
07-04-2006, 06:42 PM
pre-princess Lion Voltron should have been an option
07-04-2006, 06:58 PM
<strong>mdr55</strong> wrote:<br /><p>Voltron was a rip-off of Dancougar. (Which was a pretty good anime series by the way)</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>I had that toy when I was a kid, it was awsome, my favorite was the one on the bottom, went from a tank to a mamonth to a robot (or as Fez says Robut). </p><p>It turned into a large robot, but was kind of lame. The two lions turned into feet and the bird into a head, so it was really just the mamoth robot with big feet and a hat. </p><p><img src="" border="0" /></p>
<span class=post_edited>This message was edited by kdubya on 7-4-06 @ 11:00 PM</span>
07-07-2006, 11:18 PM
<p>"Robut" Voltron clip: <a href=""></a></p><p>Vehicle Voltron Into: <a href=""></a></p><p>Lion Voltron Intro & Transformation: <a href=""></a></p><p>Voltron Campaign Smearing Vid: <a href=""></a></p><p> </p>
10-12-2009, 02:56 PM
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
10-12-2009, 03:08 PM
Just when I thought this place was the most shameful, creepy and nerdy corner of the internet...furie posts that video.
10-13-2009, 07:11 AM
Titan Maximum is better
10-13-2009, 07:21 AM
came here thinking that there was going to be a Voltron movie.
fuck it. they can do transformers, they can do voltron.
who would win in a fight (collectively), voltron or the dino-bots ?
10-13-2009, 09:16 AM
came here thinking that there was going to be a Voltron movie.
fuck it. they can do transformers, they can do voltron.
who would win in a fight (collectively), voltron or the dino-bots ?
i would say the dino-bots, since they were able to kick devastator's ass
10-13-2009, 12:31 PM
came here thinking that there was going to be a Voltron movie.
fuck it. they can do transformers, they can do voltron.
who would win in a fight (collectively), voltron or the dino-bots ?
i would say the dino-bots, since they were able to kick devastator's ass
i am such a douche.
i meant the constructicons (as devastator) vs voltron
10-13-2009, 12:35 PM
i am such a douche.
i meant the constructicons (as devastator) vs voltron
oh, then either voltron would destroy devastator
10-12-2011, 04:21 PM
Fuck. Won't embed.
10-12-2011, 04:30 PM
Fuck. Won't embed.
I watched a bit of the new voltron with my son. it's crap. an that's not just me talking.
10-12-2011, 04:31 PM
Fuck. Won't embed.
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
10-12-2011, 04:48 PM
I suck.
Thanks DSpy.
10-12-2011, 11:41 PM
<p>Voltron was a rip-off of Dancougar.
Big Moth sucks a bag if dicks.
Too much dialogue and not enough lion mechs.
But, I guess you can't expect too much from a fan vid.
10-14-2011, 10:25 PM (
10-14-2011, 10:30 PM
<object style="height: 390px; width: 640px"><param name="movie" value=""><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="360"></object>
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