View Full Version : Bring the Hideout to 152
05-04-2006, 06:53 AM
<p><strong><em><font face="georgia,times new roman,times,serif" size="2">After Ronny brought it up the other day, I figured I would ask everyones opinion.</font></em></strong></p><p><strong><em><font face="Georgia" size="2">I've heard two shows, and they are definitely interesting.</font></em></strong></p><p><strong><em><font face="Georgia" size="2">Since the only thing worth listening to on 152(in my opinion, of course) is Phil Hendrie, I've wondered why the Hideout is not on here.</font></em></strong></p><p><strong><em><font face="Georgia" size="2">I don't know if e-mailing E-Lo is the right course of action.</font></em></strong></p><p><strong><em><font face="Georgia" size="2">152 seems to be run by Clear Channel, so I don't know how much say XM has over content.</font></em></strong></p><p><strong><em><font face="Georgia" size="2">If anyone has any idea of how to help Ronny make this happen, let us know.</font></em></strong></p><p><strong><em><font face="Georgia" size="2">If Ronny wants it, Ronny should get it !!!!</font></em></strong></p>
05-04-2006, 07:10 AM
why not 201 or 203?
05-04-2006, 07:16 AM
<p>I think the <a href="" target="_self">Hideout</a> is great and would love to hear them on XM! Jefe and Dubs, along with their producers Tommy and Chunks, have put together a unique and funny show that is easily one of the most addictive programs on the radio.</p><p>Until they are on XM, <a href="" target="_self">you can hear them online</a> Monday - Friday 7-11pm (EST) OR <a href="" target="_self">you can download select audio</a> from their show, OR <a href="" target="_self">you can go to i-tunes</a> and sign up for one of their five different Podcasts (Gameshows, General, Interview, Stunts, "Wadcast"). Their Orlando station already airs two or three other shows on XM 152, so it only makes sense that they would get the call up at some point.</p><p><img height="109" src="" width="502" border="0" /></p><p>For people who don't know the history, it isn't a very long or complicated one (although I'll try and make it so! haha) - Jefe and Dubs came to D.C.'s WJFK at the same time that Ron and Fez moved here. They worked on the R&F Show, while doing a weekend show. Along the way, they also worked on other shows on the station. Eventually they got the chance to do a 2 hour nightly show at 11pm, right after Ron and Fez, and that segued about as smoothly as I've ever heard two shows flow into each other (Dubs was still running the board for R&F and was basically a 3rd mic during this time). In January 2005, the guys lost their evening slot when WJFK had to absorb more talent than they had room for when another station imploded. Jefe and Dubs were given a Sunday show as a consolation, but they knew they were ready for the next step, and took advantage of a connection R&F gave them, and they left the S.S. Titanic (WJFK) in the spring of last year for Orlando. Evedently the only football bet Fez can win is against J. Dubs - last year Dubs lost a tat bet, and he and Jefe came to NYC for the payoff (which, unfortunatly, was the week after the heart attack, so Fez wasn't there to see it).</p>
<span class=post_edited>This message was edited by curtoid on 5-4-06 @ 11:20 AM</span>
Mike from Bklyn
05-04-2006, 07:24 AM
I agree the Hideout should be on XM.<br />
05-04-2006, 07:27 AM
<p>JFK officially died when the Hideout left. J Dubbs brought funny to
Don and Mike, and Ron and Fez were still there kicking ass. Some of the
funniest RnF stuff was during that time, the Hideout would be PERFECT
for XM. Ron and Fez 203 with Hideout and Lazlow weekends! Come on thats
a good mix! </p>
05-04-2006, 07:28 AM
I've never heard the Hideout but if Ron B. says they should be on 152 - I'll listen.
05-04-2006, 07:41 AM
Hideout is one of the best show out there, not many that I can stomach, but I love this show
05-04-2006, 07:57 AM
Working late was cool back when I had Ron & Fez from 7-11 and the Hideout til
1am to listen to. El Jefe and J Dubs are a perftect compliment to Ron & Fez.
05-04-2006, 11:36 AM
<strong>Terragen</strong> wrote:<br /><p>JFK officially died when the Hideout left. J Dubbs brought funny to Don and Mike, and Ron and Fez were still there kicking ass. Some of the funniest RnF stuff was during that time, the Hideout would be PERFECT for XM. Ron and Fez 203 with Hideout and Lazlow weekends! Come on thats a good mix! </p><p><strong><em><font face="georgia,times new roman,times,serif" size="2">I agree.</font></em></strong></p><p><strong><em><font face="Georgia" size="2">The only problem is that J-Dubs & El Jefe, not too long ago, signed a contract with Clear Channel.(I'm pretty sure someone on the show(R&F) mentioned this awhile back) I would love that lineup, though.</font></em></strong></p><p><strong><em><font face="Georgia" size="2">I'll be happy if they get on 152.</font></em></strong></p>
Doctor Manhattan
05-04-2006, 12:07 PM
<strong>curtoid</strong> wrote:<br /><p>I think the <a href="" target="_self">Hideout</a> is great and would love to hear them on XM! Jefe and Dubs, along with their producers Tommy and Chunks, have put together a unique and funny show that is easily one of the most addictive programs on the radio. </p><p> </p><p><font color="#0000ff" size="2">I totally agree: The Hideout was a perfect show for after Ron and Fez when they were on WJFK. O&A seemed to like the one bit they played on the air (during that Golden Ticket bit) I think it was the Icy Hot to the balls gag...</font></p>
05-04-2006, 12:23 PM
<p>HIDEOUT WHAT!!!</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>5000</p>
05-04-2006, 01:05 PM
<strong><em><font face="Georgia" size="2"> agree.</font></em></strong> <p><font face="Georgia" size="2"><strong><em>The only problem is that J-Dubs & El Jefe, not too long ago, signed a contract with Clear Channel.(I'm pretty sure someone on the show(R&F) mentioned this awhile back) I would love that lineup, though.</em></strong></font></p><p><strong><em><font face="Georgia" size="2">I'll be happy if they get on 152.</font></em></strong></p><p></p><p>I believe 152 is full of Clear Channel shows from Real Radio so they would make a perfect fit. <br />I think it would be great to have them on XM so I could hear the <br />shows again. The Hideout rocks. </p>
Don Stugots
05-04-2006, 05:58 PM
i have listened to a few of the clips online, I must say i like it. it reminds me of the NEW days with Anthony coming in drunk and the guys getting out of hand. hey E-LO get it done!
05-04-2006, 06:36 PM
I'm sure that they didn't get a multi-year deal considering the fact that they were relatively unknown/untested. Bringing the Hideout to 152 would be great! I would definitely listen.<br />
05-07-2006, 09:48 AM
152 would be awsome with the hide out.. after the phile that smidt guy i a asshole <br />
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