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O&A Show Report Card? [Archive] - Messageboard


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05-03-2006, 07:19 AM
<p>I really haven't had the opportunity to hear O&amp;A for more than a few minutes at a time since the CBS-FM deal started, so I'm curious what people think.&nbsp; How is it?&nbsp; How is it different from the XM show up to that point?&nbsp; Has the transition from uncensored show to terrestrial radio show been smooth?&nbsp; Has the larger audience had an effect on the callers?&nbsp; Have they been able to get bigger guests because of the larger audience?&nbsp; Which portion of the show (XM exclusive or CBS-FM) has been stronger?&nbsp; Have the FM breaks been difficult to adjust to?&nbsp; Is XM doing a good job of filling the breaks with content?&nbsp; Is the approach to the new show any different?&nbsp; How has the transition between the two studios been handled?</p>

walking joint
05-03-2006, 07:27 AM
<p>i only get to hear the CBS portion from 6-7:15 or so...other then the cursing i really don't feel the show is all that much different.&nbsp; that could be because the first hour is usually slower paced anyway.&nbsp; they are having some phone problems (surprise) and seems the studio isn't complete yet.&nbsp; for some reason the commericals don't seem that bad.&nbsp; its not the 2 minute XM breaks...which seemed to get longer and longer to me anyway...but they aren't the 10 minute breaks i remembered.&nbsp; maybe i'm just happy to have something other then DLR to listen to in my car on the way to car kit broke and i'm not paying to have another one installed.&nbsp;&nbsp; no stars have been on during the time i listen, unless you count Vos and I know no one would.&nbsp; they did have Pat Cooper, but that was on the XM portion and was hilarious.&nbsp; that interview would not have nearly been as good on&nbsp;FreeFM.&nbsp;&nbsp; i'm happy with it.&nbsp; and i still get&nbsp;the XM portion to listen to at home later in the day.&nbsp; it actually works great for me and my schedule.&nbsp; oh, and the walk from CBS to XM is one of the best parts of the show on XM.&nbsp; its great.&nbsp; </p>

05-03-2006, 07:33 AM
Yes the walk over portion that's on XM is FUNNY.&nbsp; Them on regular radio is good too. I expect it to get better &amp; more like the old WNEW days once the studio at free fm is done &amp; they feel comfortable to be themselves.

Doctor Manhattan
05-03-2006, 07:43 AM
<a href="">O&amp;A Show Report Card?</a> <p>&nbsp;</p><p><font color="#0000ff" size="2">I give them an &quot;F Minus&quot; in my book...</font></p><p>Actually, they show isn't all that different (except the comercial breaks)</p><p>They have already mentioned that they&nbsp;had a couple guests that they might now have had before.</p><p>The walk over (Anyone have a list of the music? They played &quot;Walk this way&quot; and Pantera's &quot;Walk&quot; among others) has been pretty funny, I loved them getting smoothies on Monday.</p>

<span class=post_edited>This message was edited by Doctor Manhattan on 5-3-06 @ 11:46 AM</span>

Death Metal Moe
05-03-2006, 07:51 AM
<p>It really isn't a lot different from what I've heard now.&nbsp; I do understand that now they just plain can't move into certian topics like they used to but so far I can't bitch that the show wasn't funny or anything.&nbsp; Plus last week Ant was sick all week, and now Opie is sick.&nbsp; Shitty beginning but so far I think they've begun to adjust to it.</p><p>What I didn't like was over on Wackbag, ANY questioning of the show was forbidden and you got shouted down.&nbsp; Sure, there were a bunch of &quot;Angry Typing Guys&quot; bitching about the move even before it happened, but there was also a lot of older posters who got the business for just talking about thier concerns.</p><p>I was spending all my time pissed about the Ron and Fez FUCKING, and one of their Mods told me to quit it.&nbsp; Ehh, I had already made my point. Once a Mod tells you &quot;We know you don't like the Ron and Fez move, you say it in every thread, we get it&quot; your work is pretty much done.</p>

05-03-2006, 08:16 AM
<p>I used to listen to both O&amp;A and R&amp;F when I could (listened to O&amp;A back in the old BCN days and just started out with R&amp;F on XM) - but since O&amp;A have to gone to FreeFm, I suddenly and unexpectedly lost interest in them.&nbsp;&nbsp;I really had no plans or expectations to suddenly drop them from my universe - but there it is. I don't hate them in any way and wish them success.&nbsp;This happened for me with Howard too a long while back.&nbsp;One day he was there, filling&nbsp;my head with his Howard&nbsp;sounds and I was having a rocking good&nbsp;time and then the next day, boom, I was done. </p><p>Maybe it's the 9 hour a day show.&nbsp; Maybe Opie is rubbing me the wrong way.&nbsp; Maybe I just don't need to listen to them anymore.&nbsp; Maybe I just love R&amp;F so much that I don't need any other buddays.&nbsp; </p><p>It's hard to say.&nbsp; R&amp;F have, to me, an incredibly mysterious show.&nbsp; It's very odd, very simple, very enigmatic, very real, very unreal, and absolutely joyfully hysterical.&nbsp; It's not &quot;like&quot; anything else.&nbsp; It's a warm bath in a strange gel.&nbsp; I love East Side, I love Earl, I love Bronx Johnny, I love Fez and, of course, I love the cigar scarecrow, most of all.&nbsp; </p><p>My first post.&nbsp; I'm ready for some noob slams. Damn, I'm missing the show...</p>

Death Metal Moe
05-03-2006, 08:19 AM
If anyone slams you for liking Ron and Fez on a Ron and Fez fansite, I'll be very surprised.

05-03-2006, 08:48 AM
the only thing i dont like about this is that they start at 6 now guaranteeing that i never hear the first hour live anymore. i dont mind listening to the replay though.<br />

Doctor Manhattan
05-03-2006, 08:59 AM
<strong>Death Metal Moe</strong> wrote:<br />If anyone slams you for liking Ron and Fez on a Ron and Fez fansite, I'll be very surprised. <p><font color="#0000ff" size="2">This is a Ron and Fez <em>fan</em>site?</font> </p>

05-03-2006, 09:19 AM
<strong>Sleeves</strong> wrote:<br /><p>I used to listen to both O&amp;A and R&amp;F when I could (listened to O&amp;A back in the old BCN days and just started out with R&amp;F on XM) - but since O&amp;A have to gone to FreeFm, I suddenly and unexpectedly lost interest in them.&nbsp;&nbsp;I really had no plans or expectations to suddenly drop them from my universe - but there it is. I don't hate them in any way and wish them success.&nbsp;This happened for me with Howard too a long while back.&nbsp;One day he was there, filling&nbsp;my head with his Howard&nbsp;sounds and I was having a rocking good&nbsp;time and then the next day, boom, I was done. </p><p>Maybe it's the 9 hour a day show.&nbsp; Maybe Opie is rubbing me the wrong way.&nbsp; Maybe I just don't need to listen to them anymore.&nbsp; Maybe I just love R&amp;F so much that I don't need any other buddays.&nbsp; </p><p>It's hard to say.&nbsp; R&amp;F have, to me, an incredibly mysterious show.&nbsp; It's very odd, very simple, very enigmatic, very real, very unreal, and absolutely joyfully hysterical.&nbsp; It's not &quot;like&quot; anything else.&nbsp; It's a warm bath in a strange gel.&nbsp; I love East Side, I love Earl, I love Bronx Johnny, I love Fez and, of course, I love the cigar scarecrow, most of all.&nbsp; </p><p>My first post.&nbsp; I'm ready for some noob slams. Damn, I'm missing the show...</p><p><font size="1">Wow, if I didn't know better i would say that I wrote this. Every point is exactly what I have been thinking. </font></p><p><font size="1">I&nbsp;had been&nbsp;listening to O&amp;A less and less since I was introduced to Ron &amp; Fez&nbsp; when they came to XM. I don't really have a problem with O&amp;A it's just that I can't dedicate so much time to listening anymore. And I'd rather spend my time listening to R&amp;F. </font></p><p><font size="1">When the O&amp;A crew settle into their new routine and get the &quot;steroid version&quot; of the cbs show into the replays (editing out the commercials) I'll probably listen once in a while , but for me Ron &amp; Fez is where it is for me.</font></p>

05-03-2006, 11:45 AM
I really enjoy the fm show. Dont get me wrong the xm show is funnier but I enjoy the fm show.

05-03-2006, 11:54 AM
<p>&nbsp;</p><strong>Doctor Manhattan</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>Death Metal Moe</strong> wrote:<br />If anyone slams you for liking Ron and Fez on a Ron and Fez fansite, I'll be very surprised. <p><font size="2" color="#0000ff">This is a Ron and Fez <em>fan</em>site?</font> </p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>its the official unofficial!&nbsp;</p>

05-03-2006, 12:24 PM
<strong>Sleeves</strong> wrote:<br /><p>R&amp;F have, to me, an incredibly mysterious show.&nbsp; It's very odd, very simple, very enigmatic, very real, very unreal, and absolutely joyfully hysterical.&nbsp; It's not &quot;like&quot; anything else.&nbsp; It's a warm bath in a strange gel.&nbsp; I love East Side, I love Earl, I love Bronx Johnny, I love Fez and, of course, I love the cigar scarecrow, most of all.&nbsp; </p><p>My first post.&nbsp; I'm ready for some noob slams. Damn, I'm missing the show...</p><p>No slam, bro - I really like the description. It captures the idea of a feeling of a connection, and it's something that I haven't really had with any other show either.</p>

05-03-2006, 12:53 PM
<p>&nbsp;</p><strong>suggums</strong> wrote:<br /><p> </p><strong>Doctor Manhattan</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>Death Metal Moe</strong> wrote:<br />If anyone slams you for liking Ron and Fez on a Ron and Fez fansite, I'll be very surprised. <p><font size="2" color="#0000ff">This is a Ron and Fez <em>fan</em>site?</font> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>its the official unofficial! </p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>I thought it was the unofficial official.<br /></p>

05-03-2006, 01:09 PM
<p>I haven't heard the show since they got the boot from NEW.&nbsp;The biggest changes I've noticed are:&nbsp;&nbsp; less forced laughter in the studio; Jimmy seems to be playing a bigger role.&nbsp;&nbsp;The only thing I haven't enjoyed was the Twitchel and Big A stuff.&nbsp; But I'm not a big fan of the malady guest.&nbsp; </p>

05-03-2006, 01:58 PM
<p>I'm not a big O&amp;A fan but their show is 100% better than the former DLR show.</p><p>&nbsp;</p>

05-03-2006, 02:03 PM
Did you hear O&amp;A today?&nbsp; It was shitty.

Doctor Manhattan
05-03-2006, 02:06 PM
<p>I do a daily report card:</p><p>May 3, 2006:</p><p><font color="#0000ff" size="2">O - A</font></p><p><font color="#0000ff" size="2">A - A+</font></p><p><font color="#0000ff" size="2">J - HIV</font></p>

05-03-2006, 02:06 PM
<strong>mdr55</strong> wrote:<br /><p>I'm not a big O&amp;A fan but their show is 100% better than the former DLR show.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>That's like comparing a rimjob to a sigmoidoscopy.</p>

05-03-2006, 06:41 PM
&nbsp;now that they do the replays different i really dont get to listen to the cbs portion of the show so that really sucks, but from what i hear at least at the last portion of the cbs shows they seem&nbsp; to be doing alright not really all that different

05-03-2006, 07:07 PM
<strong>Furtherman</strong> wrote:<br />Did you hear O&amp;A today?&nbsp; It was shitty. <p>It was very shitty!!!<img src="" border="0" /></p>

05-03-2006, 09:24 PM
I'm digging it. Sometimes you can tell they are holding back on a subject because the comment will just get dumped out. That's a little disapointing.

But all in all it's been good now that they are about done with introducing themselves to the new listeners and just doing their show again. The walk over to XM is really funny, thats the most surprising part of the whole thing.

05-03-2006, 09:38 PM
<p>The show isn't much different that its been lately, but the whole
ordeal is rather annoying.&nbsp; Honestly, I haven't really enjoyed the
show that much lately.</p><p>I catch the show in the morning and
afternoon out of convenience really.&nbsp; The last time I remember
listening every day was the stunt when Patrice was in for Norton while
he was in Hollywood.&nbsp; There were so many classic moments from
those weeks, and Patrice was so godamn funny.</p>

05-05-2006, 05:35 PM
<p>&nbsp;</p><strong>torker</strong> wrote:<p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p> The only thing I haven't enjoyed was
the Twitchel and Big A stuff. But I'm not a big fan of the malady
guest. <p>&nbsp;</p><p>Seconded. When they come on, I tune in to a different station.&nbsp;</p><blockquote /><p>&nbsp;</p>

05-05-2006, 05:52 PM
<strong>mdr55</strong> wrote: <strong>torker</strong> wrote: The only thing I haven't enjoyed was the Twitchel and Big A stuff. But I'm not a big fan of the malady guest. Seconded. When they come on, I tune in to a different station.&nbsp;<p><font face="courier new,courier,monospace" size="2">I didn't like the Big A stuff at first, but when it seemed like he was enjoying it, I felt like he was laughing along with everyone else, and it made it okay. As for Twitchells, he uses his affliction as a gimmick to promote his career (and yes, I know he would rather not have Tourettes). But when they put stuff in his hands and made him slap himself, I had to bail.</font></p>

Death Metal Moe
05-05-2006, 05:54 PM
<p>Twitchels sucks, period.&nbsp; SOOOOO fucking sick of O&amp;A using him as their &quot;Go To&quot; guy when they want to do something &quot;Over the top&quot; so to speak.</p><p>I don't even care if it's really an act or not, he's fucking boring. </p>

05-05-2006, 06:02 PM
I was standing next to Big A when Ron &amp; Fez were at BB King's.&nbsp; I had no idea who he was and never would have known he had an affiliation with O&amp;A, but&nbsp;they acknowledge his being there.&nbsp; He ain't acting.&nbsp;

05-08-2006, 03:57 PM
<p>While I am not going to judge their shows on Free FM yet because it's still building, though I do think that O&amp;A made an awful decision this morning by playing Howard Stern on Sirius. They were talking about how Howard was claiming to have also gotten an offer to do regular radio. They then played the audio from his show. Why? What is the benefit of playing audio from his show to people who used to listen to his show? If anything it may make some of those people miss hearing him and sign up for Sirius. While they're itching to expose Howard, they have to build their audience and they don't have them all on their side yet, so trashing the show the listeners loved and playing his audio just doesn't sound like a wise thing to do. </p><p>I think they would have been better served if they just ignored him. Opie liked to joke that other radio shows that talked about them and trashed them were falling into their plan of talking about their show. Well they did the same thing for Howard and they also gave the listeners a chance to hear him again. They should just quit it and do their own thing already. I get it they're made and they want to expose him. Though I think they should do it when they actually win that audience over and build ratings.</p>

05-08-2006, 04:11 PM
Opie and Anthony must have really been hurting for cash to sign on for this 2 radio shows deal.&nbsp; I realize they were on &quot;regular&quot; radio when we all discovered them on 'NEW, but I've come to know and love the XM version.&nbsp; The tame version before 9 AM is weak and morning zoo-ish.&nbsp; <br />

Don Stugots
05-08-2006, 04:17 PM
? i agree with you. i was a huge fan of the NEW show, but the XM show just seams like a perfect fit. I love the walk over. i think it is a very funny bit. Vos doing his act in starbucks last week was too much.

Death Metal Moe
05-08-2006, 04:17 PM
<p>i've competely stopped being excited about or listening to the Free XM show.</p><p>I get more and more pissed that there's assholes listening for free to the same crap I am paying for on XM, then we get 2 pity hours from them.</p><p>Fucking stupid, and they fucked Ron and Fez.</p>

05-08-2006, 05:52 PM
<p>&nbsp;</p><strong>Death Metal Moe</strong> wrote:<br /><p>i've competely stopped being excited about or listening to the Free XM show.</p><p>I get more and more pissed that there's assholes listening for free to the same crap I am paying for on XM, then we get 2 pity hours from them.</p><p>Fucking stupid, and they fucked Ron and Fez.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p> moving them an hour?</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p>

Death Metal Moe
05-08-2006, 05:57 PM
<p>YES Tenbats, are we going to do this again?&nbsp; Fucking them in the exact same way they laughed at Howard for doing to Bubba, yes.&nbsp; For putting Ron and Fez in the O&amp;A described &quot;Worst timeslot in radio.&quot;&nbsp; Yes.</p><p>For trying to say there was some sort of silver lining here with West Coast dive then getting them out of it completely.</p><p>Yes.&nbsp; Fucked.&nbsp; Hard.&nbsp; Again and Again.&nbsp; Promises of &quot;big things&quot; for months.&nbsp; Promises that their timeslot was temporary that got us all to sign up.&nbsp; An impossibly gay replay.</p><p>All of that, yes.&nbsp; </p>

newport king
05-08-2006, 06:27 PM
<p>Twitchels sucks, period.&nbsp; SOOOOO fucking sick of O&amp;A using him as their &quot;Go To&quot; guy when they want to do something &quot;Over the top&quot; so to speak.</p><p>I don't even care if it's really an act or not, he's fucking boring. </p><p></p><p>would you all think less of me if i replaced twitchels with east side dave. and o&amp;a with r&amp;f?</p>

walking joint
05-08-2006, 06:32 PM
<p>YES Tenbats, are we going to do this again?</p><p>so how many times has&nbsp;Tenbats proven you wrong on this?&nbsp;</p>

Death Metal Moe
05-08-2006, 06:34 PM
<strong>walking joint</strong> wrote:<br /><p>&nbsp;</p>YES Tenbats, are we going to do this again? <p>&nbsp;</p><p>so how many times has&nbsp;Tenbats proven you wrong on this?&nbsp;</p><p>Still waiting in fact, thanks chief.</p>

Death Metal Moe
05-08-2006, 06:36 PM
<strong>newport king</strong> wrote:<br /><p>Twitchels sucks, period.&nbsp; SOOOOO fucking sick of O&amp;A using him as their &quot;Go To&quot; guy when they want to do something &quot;Over the top&quot; so to speak.</p><p>I don't even care if it's really an act or not, he's fucking boring. </p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>would you all think less of me if i replaced twitchels with east side dave. and o&amp;a with r&amp;f?</p><p>East Side Dave talks about a lot of different things.&nbsp; He's doing things all over the place on the show. He's doing positive and negative work for Ron and Fez.</p><p>Twitchles gets tortured and made fun of every show.&nbsp; Then he does the news and puts more and more stupid twitches and noises in.</p><p>Apples and oranges.</p>

05-08-2006, 06:49 PM
<strong>Death Metal Moe</strong> wrote:<br><p>Twitchels sucks, period. SOOOOO fucking sick of O&A using him as their "Go To" guy when they want to do something "Over the top" so to speak.</p><p>I don't even care if it's really an act or not, he's fucking boring. </p><p></p>

Couldn't agree more. He's a one trick pony that should be put down.

05-08-2006, 06:51 PM
<strong>TheQuestion</strong> wrote:<br>Opie and Anthony must have really been hurting for cash to sign on for this 2 radio shows deal.<br /><p></p>

Opie mentioned he finally reached his dream, which I think means he's a millionare now.

05-08-2006, 06:52 PM
<strong>Fallon</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>TheQuestion</strong> wrote:<br />Opie and Anthony must have really been hurting for cash to sign on for this 2 radio shows deal.<br /><p>&nbsp;</p>Opie mentioned he finally reached his dream, which I think means he's a millionare now. <p>Opie was a millionaire when he signed his last deal with WNEW.</p>

05-08-2006, 06:56 PM
<p>All the behind the scenes stuff aside, the last few O and A shows have been really funny. </p><p>I was kinda pissed and annoyed with them for a while, but I am back to really enjoying their show.</p><p>I wish Ron and Fez had a better slot, and maybe it will ahppen. But as afar as O and A, I give them a stron B+ the last few days.</p>

05-08-2006, 07:10 PM
<p>Its been pretty good. If you liked the old show, you will like the new one.&nbsp; I get a sense that its a lot of radio to do in one day.&nbsp;&nbsp;The other day a bit blew up&nbsp;when nobody showed up for&nbsp;a&nbsp;$1000 and Tool ticket contest. It was kinda awkward after that. &nbsp;Now they got a bit where they pit FM vs. XM when it comes to being professional. It seems like the bit could be the foundation for blaming problems with the transition on XM managment.</p>

05-08-2006, 08:08 PM
<p>&nbsp;</p><strong>Death Metal Moe</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>walking joint</strong> wrote:<br /><p> </p>YES Tenbats, are we going to do this again? <p> </p><p>so how many times has Tenbats proven you wrong on this? </p><p>Still waiting in fact, thanks chief.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Moe, I'm sure I'm not in the minority when I say I'm getting sick of your harbinger of doom posting style, especially being, as HBox so eloquently put it, the self-proclaimed guardian of the R&amp;F show.</p><p>Outside of being bumped an hour, NOTHING HAS CHANGED FOR THE RON AND FEZ SHOW since coming to XM.&nbsp; </p><p>They were bumped one hour.&nbsp; They didn't lose an hour of show.&nbsp; They didn't have their shift completely changed.&nbsp; They were bumped in order to make the XM/CBS deal happen.&nbsp; End of story.&nbsp; In the long run, the bump can HELP Ron and Fez's career by exposing 202 to people who listened primarily to terrestrial radio and get turned on to R&amp;F.</p><p>If you think the O&amp;A deal or the one-hour bump is so bad for Ron and Fez, please explain it to me.&nbsp; Please explain to me how the 60-minute change can be so detrimental to the show.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>YOU see it as detrimental, and you will go all out to proclaim it far and wide across the board, and REFUSE to see any other sort of POV.&nbsp;</p><p>You talk of how R&amp;F and O&amp;A are &quot;fighting for studio space&quot;... show me.&nbsp; As went over before, space in the facility was cramped BEFORE all the other shows left for the Lincoln Center studios.&nbsp; Now, I believe the only XM operations that is coming out of Steinway is High Voltage.&nbsp; I could be wrong, but honestly - it's space for two shows in the same space that ran several CHANNELS on XM before the expansion of High Voltage.</p><p>You take comments that O&amp;A have made in the heat of the moment blinded by their hatred of Howard Stern, and twist them to make your argument that Ron and Fez are being disrespected.</p><p>The pecking order of airshifts has always been Morning, PM Drive, Middays, Nights, Overnights.&nbsp; Always has been.&nbsp; Although a lot of us prefer R&amp;F to be on at night, it's a step up for them to be on in Mid-Days.&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;Moe, you said yourself that you were going to wait to see how it plays out, and then withing THIRTY SIX HOURS, you started this &quot;Fuck Opie&quot; campaign.&nbsp; Yeah, that's a well-thought-out and rational way of doing things.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>For Christ's sake, there's a six-hour hole in Free-FM's lineup, there's been speculation about R&amp;F's involvement, and you're STILL going on this &quot;Fuck Opie&quot; rampage.</p><p>If Ron and Fez get the 7-11 slot on Free FM, you are really going to have to swallow your pride and seriously shut the hell up.</p><p>&nbsp;</p>

Death Metal Moe
05-08-2006, 08:18 PM
<p>I grow weary of arguing radio with you Tenbats, I really do.&nbsp; I guess just because you work in the industry your word is somehow better than mine. I'm not repeating myself anymore with you.&nbsp; If you can't handle someone else's opinion being on here without you jumping in EVERY FUCKING TIME then so be it.&nbsp; Go convince yourself that your opinions matter more than mine.</p><p>As for the Free FM deal, I don't want Ron and Fez there.&nbsp; I paid for them to be on XM with all the freedoms and way less commercials.&nbsp; Why would I want them to go backwards?&nbsp; I've become quite used to hearing Ron and Fez speak more casually, when I can actually listen.&nbsp; </p><p>I want what we were promised.&nbsp; Ron and Fez, free of FCC bullshit, live during a timeslot where new and old fans alike can interact with the show.</p><p>Now tear down every sentence and prove me wrong.&nbsp; I don't care because I don't take anyone else's point of view into consideration.</p>

05-08-2006, 09:31 PM
<p>And again, Moe, you're avoiding the central question I asked of you, so I'll present it again. </p><p> </p><p>&nbsp;</p><p> <span class="postbody">If you think the O&amp;A deal or the one-hour
bump is so bad for Ron and Fez, please explain it to me. Please
explain to me how the 60-minute change can be so detrimental to the
show. </span></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>You also contradicted yourself in your post just now.</p><p>You say that you want what you were PROMISED when you paid for XM. What you PAID for - and what YOU KNEW WHAT YOU WERE GETTING - was a mid-day version of the Ron and Fez show. Again, 60 minutes is not that big of a difference.</p><p>It may be a big difference for YOU, but in the long run, it's not.</p><p>What were you promised? Where did it say this? Outside of some vague statements from Opie, which isn't an iron-clad promise.</p><p>You are one of the most prolific posters on this board, but the problem is, you're so caught up in the verbal diarrhea that constantly spews from your mouth, you lose focus of the big picture.</p><p> If I did research of your posts, how many times, over and over again, do you beat into the ground that Ron and Fez are being disrespected? That Opie is an awful human being? That Ron and Fez and the show is in a dangerous territory, and it's up to you to save them?</p><p>You have CONSTANTLY made this about YOURSELF and how YOU can't interact with the show. Well, that's all well and good, but don't you think there's a TON of us who are in the same boat, and try to make ways to listen to the show? Sure, we want to be a part of it, but with the way it works, we can't. That's how life works. </p><p>Again, you have been an absolute harbinger of doom about the Ron and Fez show, when again - the only difference is that it was bumped an hour.</p><p>I will present the question one more time, and don't avoid it: Please explain to me how the one hour bump is so detrimental to the Ron and Fez show. Don't give me crap about how they're missing on West Coast Drive Time or anything like that... if that was the case, the first hour of the R&amp;F show should be the most important hour of the show, and it's not, considering the first 15 minutes is dedicated to the show open, a song, and general setups.<br /></p><p>I want clear cut examples of how O&amp;A have been disrespecting Ron and Fez. I want facts and cites to back them up. I want you to explain to me - since you are discounting the fact that I actually work in radio - how you think they are &quot;fighting&quot; for studio space. </p><p>You're getting tired of fighting with me because I'm calling you out for being a gasbag and a whiner and complainer, instead of actually doing something positive, or maybe, just for once, seeing how it plays out.</p><p> </p><p>I find your comments about going to Free FM being a step backwards laughable. You know damn fucking well that if Ron and Fez were off XM and on Free-Fm from 7-11, you would be dancing in the street.</p><p>At this point, Moe, you can't make everyone happy.&nbsp; If Ron and Fez go to Free-FM, they will probably pull a simulcast from 7-11.&nbsp; So there's the FCC restriction - which Ron and Fez can work with a LOT easier than O&amp;A could - but a LOT more people get to interact with the show, including a lot of people from the board. &nbsp;</p><p>You know an XM-only 7-11 show is not going to happen, so it appears what you need to do is add this word to your vocabulary: &quot;COMPROMISE&quot;.</p><p>I mean, you complain you can't listen and interact with the show, but if it goes the 7-11 you can, but with the FCC restriction.&nbsp; You can't have your cake and eat it too, Moe.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p>

<span class=post_edited>This message was edited by Tenbatsuzen on 5-9-06 @ 1:35 AM</span>

05-09-2006, 02:04 AM
<font size="3">I was stuck in my wife's sat. free car yesterday and
listened to O and A for 15 minutes. In that 10 minutes nothing remotely
funny or new happened. The one thing that that stuck out to me was that
Machiavelli said that they had been planning this move back to Testicle
radio for 18 months. This positions him as the biggest douchebag
hypocrite in radio history. If R and F wind up with the same deal
(which O is implying) throw out your XM. It would be a pity because I
think Ron has been on fire on Sat.<br />

walking joint
05-09-2006, 03:38 AM
<p>I grow weary of arguing radio with you Tenbats, I really do.&nbsp; I guess just because you work in the industry your word is somehow better than mine</p><p>No, its just that he is right about this.&nbsp; </p>

05-09-2006, 05:00 AM
<p>&nbsp;</p><strong>Johnny4</strong> wrote:<br /><font size="3">I was stuck in my wife's sat. free car yesterday and
listened to O and A for 15 minutes. In that 10 minutes nothing remotely
funny or new happened. The one thing that that stuck out to me was that
Machiavelli said that they had been planning this move back to Testicle
radio for 18 months. This positions him as the biggest douchebag
hypocrite in radio history. If R and F wind up with the same deal
(which O is implying) throw out your XM. It would be a pity because I
think Ron has been on fire on Sat.<br />
</font><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Well, we all know what a grand supporter of Opie and Anthony YOU'VE been.&nbsp; Funny, O&amp;A never called terrestrial radio &quot;testicle&quot; radio... who does that?&nbsp; Oh, right, Stern.<br /></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Seriously, stop comparing the O&amp;A show to the R&amp;F show.&nbsp; It's apples and oranges, and we all know that R&amp;F can keep the integrity of the show much more intact on terrestrial than O&amp;A could.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p>

05-09-2006, 05:11 AM
<p>I slept on it last night, and I also came to this conclusion...</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Moe, essentially, you and I want the same thing from the Ron and Fez show.&nbsp; We want a show that is convenient for us to listen to live and take part in.&nbsp; That means 7-11.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>I'm a proponent of the Free-FM simulcast because I believe that's the only way 7-11 is going to happen.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>My issue with you is that your twisting of the facts and making it about yourself while masking it under the fact that you're &quot;protecting&quot; the R&amp;F show smacks of duplicity.&nbsp;&nbsp; As I said before, outside of a 60 minute bump, nothing has changed for the show.&nbsp; They have interns, they have more space in Steinway, they are being promoted the best they can on XM, and they have one of the biggest shows on XM as a lead-in.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>I fail to see the problem for the current incarnation of the show, outside of the fact it's a problem for good amount of old-school people to listen to it live.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p>

05-09-2006, 05:40 AM
<p><img height="150" src="" width="205" border="0" /></p>

Death Metal Moe
05-09-2006, 06:06 AM
<p>Well Tenbats, although I find your attitude towards other people's opinions appauling, and I'm sorry&nbsp; you still don't get why we're pissed about Ron and Fez just getting shoved where O&amp;A need them I will agree with you on one thing.</p><p>I don't think Ron and Fez are ever going to get the 7-10 or 7-11 slot on XM.&nbsp; They're not big enough to get their own channel and O&amp;A aren't going to give up their slots for their retard scheduled show.</p><p>So I guess that means I can't complain?&nbsp; </p>

05-09-2006, 06:09 AM
<strong>Death Metal Moe</strong> wrote:<br /><p>As for the Free FM deal, I don't want Ron and Fez there.&nbsp; I paid for them to be on XM with all the freedoms and way less commercials.&nbsp; Why would I want them to go backwards?&nbsp; I've become quite used to hearing Ron and Fez speak more casually, when I can actually listen.&nbsp; </p><p>I want what we were promised.&nbsp; Ron and Fez, free of FCC bullshit, live during a timeslot where new and old fans alike can interact with the show.</p><p>This sums up pretty much how I feel about the whole thing. </p>

05-09-2006, 01:39 PM
Todays shows are a good example of how great O&amp;A can be when they have their shit together. First the Frank Vincent interview was a lot of fun. Though by far the Richard Dreyfus interview on XM was easily the best O&amp;A interview on XM to date, and the best interview I've heard from anyone in a long time.

Don Stugots
05-09-2006, 01:49 PM
<hr color="cococo" align="left"></font><strong>booster11373</strong> wrote:<br><strong>Death Metal Moe</strong> wrote:<br /><p>As for the Free FM deal, I don't want Ron and Fez there. I paid for them to be on XM with all the freedoms and way less commercials. Why would I want them to go backwards? I've become quite used to hearing Ron and Fez speak more casually, when I can actually listen. </p><p>I want what we were promised. Ron and Fez, free of FCC bullshit, live during a timeslot where new and old fans alike can interact with the show.</p><p>This sums up pretty much how I feel about the whole thing. </p><hr color="cococo" align="left"><p></p>

here here. i also would like a whole line up for 202 with o&a replays on 203. TEN, i see your point, but i think you are wrong. R&f can do a show on free radio without compromising, yes, but why would they? why would i like it? i hate free radio i hate the rules, the commericals, etc.

Death Metal Moe
05-09-2006, 01:54 PM
<strong>STUGOTS1</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>booster11373</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>Death Metal Moe</strong> wrote:<br /><p>As for the Free FM deal, I don't want Ron and Fez there. I paid for them to be on XM with all the freedoms and way less commercials. Why would I want them to go backwards? I've become quite used to hearing Ron and Fez speak more casually, when I can actually listen. </p><p>I want what we were promised. Ron and Fez, free of FCC bullshit, live during a timeslot where new and old fans alike can interact with the show.</p><p>This sums up pretty much how I feel about the whole thing. </p><p>&nbsp;</p>here here. i also would like a whole line up for 202 with o&amp;a replays on 203. TEN, i see your point, but i think you are wrong. R&amp;f can do a show on free radio without compromising, yes, but why would they? why would i like it? i hate free radio i hate the rules, the commericals, etc. <p>Careful guys, you're agreeing with a man who gets demonized for his opinions.&nbsp; I don't want to drag you down with me, or have you be the target of useless assholes attacking you.</p><p>That's my domain.</p>

05-09-2006, 02:03 PM
So having a difference opinion of how things are playing out makes someone an asshole?

05-09-2006, 02:22 PM
<p>&nbsp;</p><strong>Death Metal Moe</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>STUGOTS1</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>booster11373</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>Death Metal Moe</strong> wrote:<br /><p>As for the Free FM deal, I don't want Ron and Fez there. I paid for them to be on XM with all the freedoms and way less commercials. Why would I want them to go backwards? I've become quite used to hearing Ron and Fez speak more casually, when I can actually listen. </p><p>I want what we were promised. Ron and Fez, free of FCC bullshit, live during a timeslot where new and old fans alike can interact with the show.</p><p>This sums up pretty much how I feel about the whole thing. </p><p> </p>here here. i also would like a whole line up for 202 with o&amp;a replays on 203. TEN, i see your point, but i think you are wrong. R&amp;f can do a show on free radio without compromising, yes, but why would they? why would i like it? i hate free radio i hate the rules, the commericals, etc. <p>Careful guys, you're agreeing with a man who gets demonized for his opinions. I don't want to drag you down with me, or have you be the target of useless assholes attacking you.</p><p>That's my domain.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><img width="469" height="600" border="0" src="" />&nbsp;</p>

Death Metal Moe
05-09-2006, 02:32 PM
<strong>Reefdweller</strong> wrote:<br />So having a difference opinion of how things are playing out makes someone an asshole? <p>Oh no, the &quot;useless assholes&quot; thing was directed at my Uber Fans who just HAVE to try their Special Ed best to tear me down all over the board.&nbsp; I didn't want to see other posters attacked just for agreeing with me because I've seen it happen in all it's pathetic glory.</p><p>I wasn't talking about people like you or Tenbats that have been discussing things in here.</p>

Death Metal Moe
05-09-2006, 02:35 PM
<strong>HBox</strong> wrote:<br /><p>&nbsp;</p><p><img height="600" src="" width="469" border="0" />&nbsp;</p><p><img src="" border="0" /></p>

Don Stugots
05-09-2006, 03:01 PM
<hr color="cococo" align="left"></font><strong>Death Metal Moe</strong> wrote:<br><strong>STUGOTS1</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>booster11373</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>Death Metal Moe</strong> wrote:<br /><p>As for the Free FM deal, I don't want Ron and Fez there. I paid for them to be on XM with all the freedoms and way less commercials. Why would I want them to go backwards? I've become quite used to hearing Ron and Fez speak more casually, when I can actually listen. </p><p>I want what we were promised. Ron and Fez, free of FCC bullshit, live during a timeslot where new and old fans alike can interact with the show.</p><p>This sums up pretty much how I feel about the whole thing. </p><p> </p>here here. i also would like a whole line up for 202 with o&a replays on 203. TEN, i see your point, but i think you are wrong. R&f can do a show on free radio without compromising, yes, but why would they? why would i like it? i hate free radio i hate the rules, the commericals, etc. <p>Careful guys, you're agreeing with a man who gets demonized for his opinions. I don't want to drag you down with me, or have you be the target of useless assholes attacking you.</p><p>That's my domain.</p><hr color="cococo" align="left"><p></p>

i will stick with you on this point Moe, i like being an outcast. also, i have broad, strong shoulders, i can carry the load.

05-09-2006, 03:06 PM
<strong>STUGOTS1</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>Death Metal Moe</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>STUGOTS1</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>booster11373</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>Death Metal Moe</strong> wrote:<br /><p>As for the Free FM deal, I don't want Ron and Fez there. I paid for them to be on XM with all the freedoms and way less commercials. Why would I want them to go backwards? I've become quite used to hearing Ron and Fez speak more casually, when I can actually listen. </p><p>I want what we were promised. Ron and Fez, free of FCC bullshit, live during a timeslot where new and old fans alike can interact with the show.</p><p>This sums up pretty much how I feel about the whole thing. </p><p>&nbsp;</p>here here. i also would like a whole line up for 202 with o&amp;a replays on 203. TEN, i see your point, but i think you are wrong. R&amp;f can do a show on free radio without compromising, yes, but why would they? why would i like it? i hate free radio i hate the rules, the commericals, etc. <p>Careful guys, you're agreeing with a man who gets demonized for his opinions. I don't want to drag you down with me, or have you be the target of useless assholes attacking you.</p><p>That's my domain.</p><p>&nbsp;</p>i will stick with you on this point Moe, i like being an outcast. also, i have broad, strong shoulders, i can carry the load. <p>I am on both sides, depending on my mood, I guess. You guys raise some interesting points!</p><p>also</p><p>i have broad, strong shoulders, i can carry the load. </p><p>PAUSE.</p>

Don Stugots
05-09-2006, 03:15 PM
<hr color="cococo" align="left"></font><strong>Hottub</strong> wrote:<br><strong>STUGOTS1</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>Death Metal Moe</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>STUGOTS1</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>booster11373</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>Death Metal Moe</strong> wrote:<br /><p>As for the Free FM deal, I don't want Ron and Fez there. I paid for them to be on XM with all the freedoms and way less commercials. Why would I want them to go backwards? I've become quite used to hearing Ron and Fez speak more casually, when I can actually listen. </p><p>I want what we were promised. Ron and Fez, free of FCC bullshit, live during a timeslot where new and old fans alike can interact with the show.</p><p>This sums up pretty much how I feel about the whole thing. </p><p> </p>here here. i also would like a whole line up for 202 with o&a replays on 203. TEN, i see your point, but i think you are wrong. R&f can do a show on free radio without compromising, yes, but why would they? why would i like it? i hate free radio i hate the rules, the commericals, etc. <p>Careful guys, you're agreeing with a man who gets demonized for his opinions. I don't want to drag you down with me, or have you be the target of useless assholes attacking you.</p><p>That's my domain.</p><p> </p>i will stick with you on this point Moe, i like being an outcast. also, i have broad, strong shoulders, i can carry the load. <p>I am on both sides, depending on my mood, I guess. You guys raise some interesting points!</p><p>also</p><p><hr color="cococo" align="left"></font>i have broad, strong shoulders, i can carry the load. <hr color="cococo" align="left"></p><p>PAUSE.</p><hr color="cococo" align="left"><p></p>

oh shit, wait, no homo.

05-09-2006, 03:16 PM
<img height="600" src="" width="469" border="0" />

05-09-2006, 05:37 PM
<strong>STUGOTS1</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>Hottub</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>STUGOTS1</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>Death Metal Moe</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>STUGOTS1</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>booster11373</strong> wrote:<br /><strong>Death Metal Moe</strong> wrote:<br /><p>As for the Free FM deal, I don't want Ron and Fez there. I paid for them to be on XM with all the freedoms and way less commercials. Why would I want them to go backwards? I've become quite used to hearing Ron and Fez speak more casually, when I can actually listen. </p><p>I want what we were promised. Ron and Fez, free of FCC bullshit, live during a timeslot where new and old fans alike can interact with the show.</p><p>This sums up pretty much how I feel about the whole thing. </p><p>&nbsp;</p>here here. i also would like a whole line up for 202 with o&amp;a replays on 203. TEN, i see your point, but i think you are wrong. R&amp;f can do a show on free radio without compromising, yes, but why would they? why would i like it? i hate free radio i hate the rules, the commericals, etc. <p>Careful guys, you're agreeing with a man who gets demonized for his opinions. I don't want to drag you down with me, or have you be the target of useless assholes attacking you.</p><p>That's my domain.</p><p>&nbsp;</p>i will stick with you on this point Moe, i like being an outcast. also, i have broad, strong shoulders, i can carry the load. <p>I am on both sides, depending on my mood, I guess. You guys raise some interesting points!</p><p>also</p><p>&nbsp;</p>i have broad, strong shoulders, i can carry the load. <p>&nbsp;</p><p>PAUSE.</p><p>&nbsp;</p>oh shit, wait, no homo. <p>I have decided to give in to the pressure and flip my opinion. Which way is that bandwagon going?</p>

05-09-2006, 05:45 PM
<p>I have decided to give in to the pressure and flip my opinion. Which way is that bandwagon going?</p><p>We've decided that since both shows have given us so much grief to instead ask that they remove both O&amp;A and R&amp;F from both airwaves and replace them with the powerhouse team of Mason and Kalinski.</p>

Death Metal Moe
05-10-2006, 06:07 PM
<p>Baah, I can't stay mad forever.</p><p>I'm thinking the O&amp;A stuff is getting funnier.&nbsp; I like it.</p><p>And who am I kidding?&nbsp; I'm not getting rid of XM.&nbsp; I love the Ron and Fez show, I'll pay for XM just to hear on weekends.</p><p>I guess all the anger is out of my ship's sails.&nbsp; </p>

05-10-2006, 06:36 PM
<font size="4">Sellout!!!!<img border="0" src="" /></font>

Marc with a c
05-10-2006, 06:41 PM
<p>i feel the exact opposite of moe.</p><p>at first i didn't care at all about the move, now i am irritated by the lack of action.&nbsp; i'm not sure what type of action i want, just a sign showing that 202 is aware of ron and fez and that they haven't been relegated to 12-3.</p>

05-10-2006, 06:42 PM
<p>Damn, I was so hoping they would get you really mad by doing a &quot;and now for the big news regarding Ron and Fez, their show will...&quot; end of show. I'd love a gag like that.</p><p>Todays whats in my pants bit was great. </p>

05-10-2006, 06:42 PM
<strong>Death Metal Moe</strong> wrote:<br /><p>Baah, I can't stay mad forever.</p><p>I'm thinking the O&amp;A stuff is getting funnier.&nbsp; I like it.</p><p>And who am I kidding?&nbsp; I'm not getting rid of XM.&nbsp; I love the Ron and Fez show, I'll pay for XM just to hear on weekends.</p><p>I guess all the anger is out of my ship's sails.&nbsp; </p><p><em>Love</em> Metal Moe?</p>

05-10-2006, 06:52 PM
<p><img height="482" src="" width="333" border="0" /></p>

05-10-2006, 06:56 PM
<p><font face="courier new,courier,monospace" size="2"><strong>I like O&amp;A, but, their celebrity ass-kissing gets on my nerves.</strong></font></p><p><font face="courier new,courier,monospace" size="2"><strong>When Richard Dreyfus was in for an interview, at one point Anthony said something, and Dreyfus responded with, &quot;I love cynacism.......NOT!&quot; and the three stooges loffed and loffed, as if he had said something witty. I don't expect them to pound a guy like Dreyfus, but they should have just laughed politely, and quickly moved on. Also, when Carville was on today, a caller make some hack Ted Kennedy reference, and Opie apologized, and said the caller deceived the screener. I mean, c'mon Carville's a big boy, and could have easily handled the caller, why embarass yourself, and grovel like that?</strong></font></p>

05-10-2006, 07:30 PM
<p><strong><font face="Courier New" size="2">When Richard Dreyfus was in for an interview, at one point Anthony said something, and Dreyfus responded with, &quot;I love cynacism.......NOT!&quot; and the three stooges loffed and loffed, as if he had said something witty. I don't expect them to pound a guy like Dreyfus, but they should have just laughed politely, and quickly moved on. </font></strong></p><p>You gotta be kidding, there was no way in hell that they were even going to be remotely close to doing anything out of line with Dreyfus. This was a great way for them to showcase how well they could do a straight up interview. There was way too much at stake with that interview, and on top of that they all greatly admire him with was obvious. Me personally I loved the interview and thought it was perfect aside from the fact that they ran out of time. </p>

05-10-2006, 07:34 PM
<p>&nbsp;</p><strong>Reefdweller</strong> wrote:<br /><p>&nbsp;</p><strong><font size="2" face="Courier New">When Richard Dreyfus was in for an interview, at one point Anthony said something, and Dreyfus responded with, &quot;I love cynacism.......NOT!&quot; and the three stooges loffed and loffed, as if he had said something witty. I don't expect them to pound a guy like Dreyfus, but they should have just laughed politely, and quickly moved on. </font></strong><p>&nbsp;</p><p>You gotta be kidding, there was no way in hell that they were even going to be remotely close to doing anything out of line with Dreyfus. This was a great way for them to showcase how well they could do a straight up interview. There was way too much at stake with that interview, and on top of that they all greatly admire him with was obvious. Me personally I loved the interview and thought it was perfect aside from the fact that they ran out of time. </p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Seconded.&nbsp; They just started getting good interviews, and you want them to start bashing people?&nbsp; Why don't we go back to the days where they are tearing the pages out of some hole's book?&nbsp; Yeah, that never gets old.</p><p>&nbsp;</p>

05-10-2006, 07:54 PM
<strong>Tenbatsuzen</strong> wrote:<br /><p>&nbsp;</p><strong>Reefdweller</strong> wrote:<br /><p>&nbsp;</p><strong><font face="Courier New" size="2">When Richard Dreyfus was in for an interview, at one point Anthony said something, and Dreyfus responded with, &quot;I love cynacism.......NOT!&quot; and the three stooges loffed and loffed, as if he had said something witty. I don't expect them to pound a guy like Dreyfus, but they should have just laughed politely, and quickly moved on. </font></strong><p>&nbsp;</p><p>You gotta be kidding, there was no way in hell that they were even going to be remotely close to doing anything out of line with Dreyfus. This was a great way for them to showcase how well they could do a straight up interview. There was way too much at stake with that interview, and on top of that they all greatly admire him with was obvious. Me personally I loved the interview and thought it was perfect aside from the fact that they ran out of time. </p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Seconded.&nbsp; They just started getting good interviews, and you want them to start bashing people?&nbsp; Why don't we go back to the days where they are tearing the pages out of some hole's book?&nbsp; Yeah, that never gets old.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong><font face="courier new,courier,monospace" size="2">Holy shit! Did you guys even read my post? I didn't say they should have Ramoned him, I just said they didn't have to drool all over him.</font></strong></p>

05-10-2006, 07:56 PM
<p><strong><font face="Courier New" size="2">Holy shit! Did you guys even read my post? I didn't say they should have Ramoned him, I just said they didn't have to drool all over him.</font></strong></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Now you wanted them to Ramone him...c'mon man, that's just insane!</p>

05-10-2006, 08:05 PM
<strong>Reefdweller</strong> wrote:<br /><p>&nbsp;</p><strong><font face="Courier New" size="2">Holy shit! Did you guys even read my post? I didn't say they should have Ramoned him, I just said they didn't have to drool all over him.</font></strong> <p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Now you wanted them to Ramone him...c'mon man, that's just insane!</p><p><strong><font face="courier new,courier,monospace" size="2">No, they should have made him put his nut-sack in a jar of wasps!</font></strong></p><p><strong><font face="Courier New" size="2">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" border="0" /></font></strong></p>

05-10-2006, 08:10 PM
Mouse Trapes for Dick Dreyfus's Nuts!!!!

05-10-2006, 08:13 PM
<strong><font face="courier new,courier,monospace" size="2">They should have made him have a &quot;close encounter&quot; with Twat-o.</font></strong>

05-11-2006, 01:55 AM
<font size="3">I haven't heard alot, but A) Why have Frank Vincent on
at ALL? B) Sounded like every other Z morning Zoo interview. C'mon
fellas, wake up from the coma.<br />

05-12-2006, 07:57 AM
<p>...</p><p>I've given the show a listen for a week, kept an open mind etc.</p><p>The show is as good as it was. Out of the new stuff, I could give two shits about OnA and their thoughts about people complaining about the new format.&nbsp; IMO, get on with the show, riffin on hoo hoo is funny, riffin on some dipshit from whackbag seems like a waste of time.</p><p>&nbsp;</p>

05-12-2006, 08:09 AM
<p>&nbsp;</p><strong>Johnny4</strong> wrote:<br /><font size="3">I haven't heard alot, but A) Why have Frank Vincent on
at ALL? B) Sounded like every other Z morning Zoo interview. C'mon
fellas, wake up from the coma.<br />
</font><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Just stop, because everyone knows what you are going to say anyway. Actually posting is unneccessary.<br /></p>

05-12-2006, 09:21 AM
I loved the Frank Vincent interview the other day, but it really felt like two interviews.&nbsp; At CBS, it's was a typical morning radio interview.&nbsp; Get in there, promote the products, take the calls.&nbsp; Once they took to the streets, it was a whole other level.&nbsp; They were just guys hanging out.&nbsp; Frank telling Twitchels that he wasn't funny was hilarious.&nbsp; Then they got to the XM studio it was just guys riffing and hanging out.<br />

05-12-2006, 09:23 AM
<p>It was funny when Frank told Twitchels to go lie down</p><p>I enjoy the walk-over</p>

<span class=post_edited>This message was edited by Jennitalia on 5-12-06 @ 1:45 PM</span>

05-12-2006, 09:43 AM
<p>I was enjoying the show the first week, and was hoping that this new challenge of two shows would be something to get me listening more. This week, though, I keep catching the same exact segment whenever I try to catch something on replays. </p>