View Full Version : To Catch A Predator
02-26-2006, 04:34 PM
<p>has to be one of 'if not' the most beneficial 'to mankind' sting operations going. this news program airs on MSNBC. they are catching men 'young and old' who are internet predators looking to have sex with underage boys and girls. </p><p>these guys are showing up at 'what they believe to be' the child's home, some with liquor, some with viagra. </p><p>worst crime in this world is harming a child. it would be nice if they could castrate these guys but at the least they are being caught, arrested, and prosecuted...</p>
Death Metal Moe
02-26-2006, 04:38 PM
<p>I guess I just don't get it because I'm not sick like these guys, but I CANNOT believe these assholes go on the internet, get addresses and actually go. I also can't believe there's so many of them. A never ending stream of predetors for new special after new speical. Don't they watch TV?!</p><p>Are they fucking RETARDED?!?!</p><p>The sad part is, if these guys are willing to risk it like this, it probably means they actually succeed a certian percentage of the time. Parents need to keep a VERY tight control on what their kids do online.</p>
02-26-2006, 04:50 PM
<p>The sad part is, if these guys are willing to risk it like this, it probably means they actually succeed a certian percentage of the time. Parents need to keep a VERY tight control on what their kids do online</p><p>good points! especially about the parents or parent, grandparent, 'whoever the guardian may be' being vigilant in knowing when the kids are on the computer and what they do while they are online. </p><p>i'm sure there are cases where a younger child lies and tells someone that they are older(above the legal limit)... </p>
02-26-2006, 04:52 PM
If this is what I think it is (not near a tv right now), it was a 2 hour special that aired on NBC a few weeks ago, and part of a regular Dateline NBC series. Very creepy and scary and in most (if not all) of those situations a relief they got this scum off the earth. It did make me wonder a couple of things - what kind of laws are there where these convictions stick if there aren't real children in harm (unless they do a sweep of their computers and find illegal shit, or if someone is on probation and violate it, I wonder how these can go though - and also makes me question if the men were rich and had a well paid lawyer, if they would be able to get out of it, which then makes me quesiton the fairness of our legal system), and do these kind of specials help the average parent, or do they get people more afraid than they need to be - since most of this kind of crap really doesn't happen with strangers, and even is often that is family dirty secrets.
<span class=post_edited>This message was edited by curtoid on 2-26-06 @ 8:54 PM</span>
02-26-2006, 04:53 PM
<p>I thought this was going to be about the sci fi movies</p><p><img width="160" height="240" border="0" src="" /> </p>
Death Metal Moe
02-26-2006, 04:55 PM
<p>Well Curtoid, I can't answer all your questions but I know I heard the Dateline host say something to the effect of "Once sex has been offered and discussed with someone who says they're underage, the crime has already been comitted." So if you're a middle aged scumbag and you talk about getting together with what you think is a 12 year old boy, your conversation is already breaking the law.</p>
Death Metal Moe
02-26-2006, 04:56 PM
<strong>Sheeplovr</strong> wrote:<br /><p>I thought this was going to be about the sci fi movies</p><p><img height="240" src="" width="160" border="0" /> </p><p>I think I'd rather see The Predator than listen to those disgusting pieces of shit on the TV trying to explain why they're at the house with the Dateline crew.</p>
02-26-2006, 05:10 PM
<p>Im glad that this show will expose and ruin anyone that would do that to a kid! I know that young kids often goof around with people on the net. I think they are "testing boundrys" or whatever, and these creeps go after them like crazy. I think the only thing that would stop a guy who has that fancy is the ideas that their perversion could be exposed and ruin them in every way possible!! Id like to see a father of one of these kids get a hold of these assholes! Id pay to see it on Pay Per View! It'd make milllions I bet! </p>
02-26-2006, 05:11 PM
<strong>curtoid</strong> wrote:<br />If this is what I think it is (not near a tv right now), it was a 2 hour special that aired on NBC a few weeks ago, and part of a regular Dateline NBC series. Very creepy and scary and in most (if not all) of those situations a relief they got this scum off the earth. It did make me wonder a couple of things - what kind of laws are there where these convictions stick if there aren't real children in harm (unless they do a sweep of their computers and find illegal shit, or if someone is on probation and violate it, I wonder how these can go though - and also makes me question if the men were rich and had a well paid lawyer, if they would be able to get out of it, which then makes me quesiton the fairness of our legal system), and do these kind of specials help the average parent, or do they get people more afraid than they need to be - since most of this kind of crap really doesn't happen with strangers, and even is often that is family dirty secrets. <span class="post_edited">This message was edited by curtoid on 2-26-06 @ 8:54 PM</span> <p><strong>aren't real children in harm</strong> - these predators did not know that. they were obviously on the internet with intentions of finding someone to have sex with and even if that meant 'with a minor'. i'm sure some were specifically looking to have sex with a minor...</p><p><strong>and also makes me question if the men were rich and had a well paid lawyer, if they would be able to get out of it, which then makes me quesiton the fairness of our legal system)</strong> - this is a whole other topic in itself</p><p><strong>and do these kind of specials help the average parent, or do they get people more afraid than they need to be - since most of this kind of crap really doesn't happen with strangers, and even is often that is family dirty secrets </strong>- these sting operations aren't an "end all" to the sexual abuse of a minor, it's a small way to catch a small number 'which is better than catching zero'. Hopefully other predators will see the program and elect to change their ways, predators that are sitting on the fence as to whether they will 'take a chance' and risk arrest, humiliation, and sacraficing the loss of their friends and family...</p>
02-26-2006, 05:14 PM
<p><img height="240" src="" width="160" border="0" /></p><p>This was one of the best alien designs I saw in movies! Its mouth always reminded me of the "bat wing" from Waiting</p><p><img height="200" src="" width="240" border="0" /></p>
02-26-2006, 05:21 PM
The trult disgusting thing is about every guy who was caught had a record. We need stiffer laws to keep these guys in for life or even kill them
02-26-2006, 05:28 PM
I saw one of these where the guy was getting caught by Dateline for the second time.
02-26-2006, 05:35 PM
It boggles my mind that parents give their kids such free reign on the internet. When I have children, I'm gonna lock down their computer time so fuckin' tight they won't know what hit 'em. I'm blocking out as many sites as I can and tracking everything they do, no if's, and's or but's. And honestly, if you're a parent of a kid under 18, why AREN'T you already doing this? Creeps like the guys on this special are never going away. The most effective thing you can do is BE A GODDAMN PARENT. A computer is not a toy! Hell, my kid isn't even touching a computer in my home until they're at least 13, and even then, see everything I talked about above. My kids have the rights *I* give them, and that doesn't include dicking around on the computer!
02-26-2006, 05:39 PM
I wonder if these guys have records, why isnt there something done about what they view and do online? Like, how come a guy with a record for abusing kids has free access to the net unsupervised? Im also botherd by parents that seem to allow their kids to do whatever they want online and also for seemingly making it "ok" for them to date at like 12 years old, and not objecting to their kids viewing sexual images and topics without consequences. Kids today seem to me to be forced into adulthood far sooner than necessary. I see it all the time. Parents do not seem to want to be bothered, and they let their kids congregate behind closed doors in their own homes, while the kids are looking at all kinds of shit that I believe my own parents never would have allowed when I was growing up, if this medium existed at that time. My mom beat the shit out of me when I was 17 when she found a fucking Playboy magazine in my drawer!
Death Metal Moe
02-26-2006, 05:40 PM
<p>My ONLY concern is, I still don't want to lose my rights as a responsible adult for "the children." Far too many assholes out there use fear tactics to push legistlation that limits the rights of normal people.</p><p>I want these kid touchers off the street but I don't want to lose rights as to what I can hear and see on the internet. It really does begin with their fucking parents. But it also branches into the idea that not everyone should have kids.</p>
02-26-2006, 05:43 PM
And the catch-22 of being able to scrutinize these guys means that we can all be watched, too. And y'know what? Fuck that. I DO have things I don't want other people to know. We all do. It's nowhere illegal, but I want my fucking privacy! Yeah, these pervs are scary, but they're nothing new, for better or for worse. You control your kid on the internet, boom, that's the biggest and most effective step to keeping criminals like this away from your kids.
02-26-2006, 05:43 PM
<p> </p><strong>CYYYFYYY</strong> wrote:<br />The trult disgusting thing is about every guy who was caught had a record. We need stiffer laws to keep these guys in for life or even kill them<p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>Rephrase that, chief. Every guy they caught that was SHOWN had a record. It makes for better television, because then as someone posted below you, "We need stricter laws!"</p><p>Of course, there's a slippery slope situation here: You make the laws tighter, and then you run into problems like a guy being permanently classified as a sex offender for something like urinating in public.</p><p> </p><p> </p>
02-26-2006, 05:54 PM
<p>there is always a point i like to make when a crime has been committed...</p><p>sure parents and kids have to be more responsible and they can be faulted for that BUT the "actual crime" is being committed by the adult predator.</p><p>it's like when a senior citizen gets conned out of their life savings. it is alot of people's reactions to point at the senior citizen and say "how stupid can he/she be" and some people even go as far as to say the senior citizen "deserved it" but the fact is they did not commit a crime. the person who stole their money committed the crime.</p><p>if a girl dresses provocatively "in some people's eyes" it doesn't mean you can have sex with her. some people try to say "she was asking for it" or "she deserved it" if she was sexually assaulted or raped but she didn't commit a crime, the person who assaulted or raped her did...</p>
02-26-2006, 05:54 PM
<strong>TheMojoPin</strong> wrote:<br />And the catch-22 of being able to scrutinize these guys means that we can all be watched, too. And y'know what? Fuck that. I DO have things I don't want other people to know. We all do. It's nowhere illegal, but I want my fucking privacy! Yeah, these pervs are scary, but they're nothing new, for better or for worse. You control your kid on the internet, boom, that's the biggest and most effective step to keeping criminals like this away from your kids. <p>Yeah, but what about other things that we do that is along these lines as far as control is concerned? If you have a problem with drinking say, and had a DWI, then any other time you get pulled over after you "did your time" you get scrutinized microscopically if you had any kind of drink in you. I think we are better served as a society if when someone does something wrong, that things need to be in place for not only their own protection, but for the sake the rest of the world as well. Im nat attacking "freedom" here, Im talking about anyone that has tendencies that go towards to most innocent and fragile (children). This is every parents nightmare!</p>
Death Metal Moe
02-26-2006, 05:57 PM
<img height="500" src="" width="466" border="0" />
02-26-2006, 05:59 PM
Hey, lock 'em up. Once you get caught going after a kid, fuck it, you're done. Tracking them after the fact is redundant. Even if you're relased, I honestly think you should only be allowed in certain monitored communities, and that's it. They shouldn't have to be followed over the computer because you know where they are. And, if you're busted for kiddie porn/abuse, you just gave up your access to computers for the rest of your life, pal. Or at least the internet.
03-26-2006, 05:06 PM
<font size="2">Tonight "Predator III" on MSNBC. With the added fun of arrest</font>
04-04-2006, 07:30 PM
<p><a href="" target="_self">Homeland Security Official Arrested</a> </p><p></p><p>MIAMI - The deputy press secretary for the U.S. Department of <span class="yqlink"><a title="Related information on Homeland Security" href="" onclick="activateYQinl(this);return false;"><strong><font color="#000000">Security</font></strong></a></span> was arrested Tuesday for using the Internet to seduce what he thought was a teenage girl, authorities said. </p><p></p><p><img height="344" src=" jpg?x=215&y=345&sig=178l5hla4.zNTJ6l7VVh9g--" width="215" border="0" /></p>
04-08-2006, 11:52 PM
The thing that disturbs me the most about these sting opperations is the sheer number of pederasses that they wind up catching. Perhaps I'm naive, but for the longest time I was under the assumption that kids touchers were a miniscule part of the population. As I get older, I'm more and more shocked by how many of these guys are out there. Kind of casts a dark shadow on my view of human nature, which kind of sucks. While I still think the majority of people out there are generally decent, the percentage I envisioned continually drops. <br />
<span class=post_edited>This message was edited by dereckfishboy on 4-9-06 @ 3:54 AM</span>
04-09-2006, 12:08 AM
<p>If it helps your view on humans in general, I think this can be deceiving. Yes... there are too many kid touchers. However, because they are such a minority, and what they do is so wrong, they tend to gravitate to the same sources for their desires.</p><p>The people doing the sting operations don't just go anywhere on the web to find these guys. They go to places where the pervs will likely be. They then say the things that the pervs are looking for, and... WHAM... you got your perv.</p><p>If enough resources were provided by the authorities to do these kind of stings, it would be a very good thing (instead of news shows and organizations such as Perverted Justice having to do so much of the work).</p><p>Unfortunately, one type of perv (and probably the most prolific type) isn't as vulnerable to this kind of sting. That's the kind that preys on family members. These demons don't need to rely on "finding" victims, as their victims are kids that are already close to them.</p>
<span class=post_edited>This message was edited by PapaBear on 4-9-06 @ 4:18 AM</span>
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