01-17-2006, 08:43 PM
<p>Check out this video and opine:</p><p><a href=""></a></p><p>As I'm watching this and trying to decide which is the funniest component - the cheesy 80's style scenery, the Journey meets Lee Greenwood song "craft", the pseudo-religiousity or the even pseudo-er Know Nothing patriotism - I think the makers of this thing have replaced Matt & Trey's <em>America - Fuck Yeah!</em> as the pinnacle of Over The Top Parodyland.</p><p>Then I get a chill down my spine as I remember one awful day last year when I was sitting in Busch Gardens at one of those "entertainment kiosks" where they have college students singing top 40 crapola in "musical revues". (Don't ask why.) They start to sing "<em>Proud to be an American</em>" and, as I drop my head and cover my face to try to hide the smirk, the 30 something, semi-hot, kinda biker looking lady sitting a seat over stands up, applauding like crazy, and starts crying with an emotion that looked like a disturbing combination of heart-bursting (& breaking) pride and knocked off your horse on the way to Damascus religious zeal. I remember this moment as being the first time I thought I understood on a visceral level how W got re-elected. But the reason I bore you with this li'l vignette is that I start to think the people who made the video might be on the level, at least in their own minds.</p><p>I humbly ask your opinions & will check back to read 'em.</p><p> </p>
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[b]There ain't no asylum here.
King Solomon, he never lived 'round here[b]
<IMG SRC="">
[b]There ain't no asylum here.
King Solomon, he never lived 'round here[b]