View Full Version : Handicapping the 2008 Presidential Hopefuls...
12-30-2005, 06:43 AM
<p><a href="" target="_self">The Washington Post</a> ran a column today assessing what kind of you all of the 2008 Presidential hopefuls (the ones we know of) had this last year...why? Not sure, except that it's always more fun to guess who the next President is going to be than care about the current one. Here's a recap:</p><p><strong>The Democrats</strong></p><p>* <strong>New York Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton</strong> (D): Clinton leaves 2005 just as she entered it -- the clear frontrunner for her party's 2008 nomination. But small fissures have begun to appear, most notably on her positioning on the Iraq war. With Clinton not likely to face a strong challenge in her Senate reelection race next November, her handling of the Iraq issue may be immaterial since she will be able to stockpile tens of millions of dollars that could be immediately transferred to a presidential race next winter. </p><p>* Former <strong>North Carolina Sen. John Edwards</strong> (D): Following his defeat as the vice presidential nominee in 2004, John Edwards picked an obscure issue -- poverty -- to be the centerpiece of his political efforts. Hurricane Katrina pushed the nation's poor into living rooms across the country, making poverty a major factor in the national debate.</p><p>* <strong>Wisconsin Sen. Russ Feingold</strong> (D): When Feingold has endeared himself to the party's liberal left, which is looking for an heir to the grassroots movement built by former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean in 2004. </p><p>* <strong>Former Vice President Al Gore</strong> (D): If he decided to run, it would turn everything on it's ear (he was always against the Iraq war, which could be a positive in '08), but he isn't running. </p><p>* <strong>Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry </strong>(D): Most Democrats don't want him to run, but he's got strong pull with party insiders. Also, he has gotten pretty savy at raising funds, and has an e-mail list totaling more than 3 million -- the largest of any of the aspiring 2008 Democrats. </p><p>* <strong>New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson</strong> (D): Impressed a lot of folk in 2005 when he declared a state of emergency to free up funds to deal with problems caused by illegal immigratio; chairman of the Democratic Governors Association, he has a national platform for the next year. </p><p><strong>* Virginia Gov. Mark Warner</strong> (D) entered 2005 as a little-known figure on the national stage and leaves it, arguably, as the leading anti-Hillary candidate in the Democratic field. Warner took a major risk by making the November gubernatorial election a referendum on his four years in office and was rewarded when Lt. Gov. Tim Kaine (D) won a surprisingly strong victory. Expect Warner's 2006 schedule to be packed with events in places like Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina as he seeks to capitalize on his current momentum.</p><p><strong>The Republicans</strong></p><p>* <strong>Virginia Sen. George Allen</strong> (R):Allen used 2005 to solidify his status as the nominal co-frontrunner (along with Arizona Sen. John McCain) in the GOP field. Allen's unique ability to appeal to both social and fiscal conservatives within the party has fueled his rise, as has his affability and charisma on the stump. Allen drew some negative press for switching positions on alternative fuels and hate crimes legislation, but he will likely benefit from those reversals in the long term, especially in Iowa and among social conservatives.</p><p>* <strong>Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour</strong> (R): Barbour prospered politically in 2005 as the result of a tragedy. In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, which devastated Mississippi's Gulf Coast, Barbour <a target="_self">emerged as an empathetic and confident leader</a> -- in sharp contrast to the bungling of Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco (D). Barbour remains a reluctant presidential candidate, but after his handling of the hurricane he would be a major factor if he decided to run.</p><p>* <strong>Tennessee Sen. Bill Frist</strong>
newport king
12-30-2005, 09:26 AM
<p>i don't know if Barak Obama meets the age requirements but i kind of like him....although many people may think his last name is too close to Osama. </p>
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12-30-2005, 09:35 AM
<font style="font-size: 9px" face="Verdana">quote: </font><p>i don't know if Barak Obama meets the age requirements but i kind of like him....although many people may think his last name is too close to Osama. </p><p>I think he'll be 47 in 2008. You have to figure that if he isn't running in then, he'll either be in the thick of it in 2012, or he'll be the top name for the VP part of the ticket, no matter which Dem is there in 2008.</p><p><br /><em>I'd rather have hope in my soul than soap in my hole...</em></p>
<font color=black>This message was edited by curtoid on 12-30-05 @ 1:36 PM</font>
12-30-2005, 10:04 AM
I'm going to vote for whoever has the nicer hair<br />
<img src="" align="right" alt="my sig about myself" title="SatCam is such a cool guy!!" />
[ X ][color=white]
12-30-2005, 11:19 AM
I'd like to see Al Gore run. He's been free from the clusterfuck of the last 5 years, and has come out firey in interviews. He's also a smart guy with a good reputation abroad.
<marquee> Finally on Myspace Please love me </marquee>
12-30-2005, 11:34 AM
<p><br />It'd be a reallllll shame if George Allen keeps coming up the frontrunner the closer we get. If you thought a US President couldn't get any more awkward than Bush, you're right, but Allen would be a close second.<br /></p>
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12-30-2005, 12:25 PM
i remember hearing that guiliani and pataki were considering running for prez are they still in the mix??
12-30-2005, 02:21 PM
<p> </p><font face="Verdana" style="font-size: 9px;">quote:</font><p><br />It'd
be a reallllll shame if George Allen keeps coming up the frontrunner
the closer we get. If you thought a US President couldn't get any more
awkward than Bush, you're right, but Allen would be a close second.<br /></p>
<br />
<br />Begin your response here...<p> </p><p>he
can't get through a speech or interview without making an annoying
football analogy. he pulls that crap out in the middle of senate
hearings. i cant wait until he finds out that the rest of the country
doesnt know or care about his daddy. </p>
-I'll log off now, and listen to your
12-30-2005, 03:58 PM
<p>I dont think there's any contest on the Democrat side. It's Hillary,
period. She will have the money, the organization, most of the party
bigs behind her. The only question is if she's electable. And that
depends greatly on who the Republicans run against her. <br />
</p><p>For the Republicans, I'm hoping its McCain but I doubt it. Many
of the hard core base voters think he's "disloyal" to the party,
because thats what Rush Limbaugh has told them. So while he'd be very
good in the general election, he may have trouble getting through the
primaries. My bet is George Allen takes it. They're already propping
him up as "The next Reagan", and ironically enough McCain will be seen
as too old. </p><p>Looks like I'll be home jerking off on another election night. I'd get off the couch for McCain, but none of the others. </p>
My site Bully Baby (
"A dog recently saved his owner's life, because he had been trained to dial 911. Unfortunately, operators had trouble finding the address 'woof, woof.'"-Norm MacDonald
newport king
12-30-2005, 04:09 PM
any man who spent time in a tiger cage has got my vote.
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Death Metal Moe
12-30-2005, 04:11 PM
<p>I'm voting for whoever isn't going to shove religion down my fucking throat. The Republicans have done a fine job of losing me. Lets see if the Democrats can pick me up.</p><p>I'm so disgusted I'll vote 3rd party at this point.</p>
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Death Metal Moe
12-30-2005, 04:13 PM
And when I read the title of this thread, I thought we were gonna go around and "Nancy Kerrigan" everyone who was up for the office.
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<A HREF="">One Big SeXXXy Blog</A>
<A HREF="">Death Metal MySpace</A>
12-30-2005, 04:14 PM
<font style="font-size: 9px" face="Verdana">quote: </font><p>I dont think there's any contest on the Democrat side. It's Hillary, period. She will have the money, the organization, most of the party bigs behind her. The only question is if she's electable. And that depends greatly on who the Republicans run against her. <br /></p><p>For the Republicans, I'm hoping its McCain but I doubt it. Many of the hard core base voters think he's "disloyal" to the party, because thats what Rush Limbaugh has told them. So while he'd be very good in the general election, he may have trouble getting through the primaries. My bet is George Allen takes it. They're already propping him up as "The next Reagan", and ironically enough McCain will be seen as too old. </p><p>Looks like I'll be home jerking off on another election night. I'd get off the couch for McCain, but none of the others. </p><p> </p><p>At least get off the couch to vote against every incumbant in every race.</p><br />
I'm not a bad person, I just do bad things.
<p>When the moment of truth comes, the Republicans always get together and do the politically smart thing, and the Democrats don't. So it will be McCain vs. Hillary, and McCain will win. Luckily this time the politically smart thing might happen to turn out to be the best thing.</p><p>Personally, I'd support Edwards or Gore, and I'm really turned off by Hillary's shameless pandering on issues like the war and censorship. I know more than enough about Kerry, Frist, Romney, Barbour, Huckabee and Rice. I'd need to know more about Warner, Hagel, Richardson and Feingold before I'd make a decision about them. I also need to know more about Allen, but I've seen him speak before and he really comes off like an ass, like previously mentioned.<br /></p>
newport king
12-30-2005, 04:27 PM
I emplore them not to bring out Lieberman again. I could do 10 rails, and by the time he gets finished with his 2nd sentence i'm dozing off. I have no idea if he has any good points i'm just so turned off by his magoo impersonation.
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12-30-2005, 04:30 PM
<p>Forget Gore. When have the Democrats ever recycled a losing candidate? (The Republicans did it with Nixon)</p><p>That
list is missing another candidate who's been making the rounds in Iowa.
This is someone who I'd not only get off the couch for, but volunteer
in his campaign. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>Ready?</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p><br />
Sure?</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>Newt
Gingrich. Has alot of great ideas for making Government both smaller
and more effective. Probably unelectable, if for no other reason his IQ
and the relative IQ of the folks that vote in Republican primaries.
George Allen is their kinda guy. Newt uses too many big words and wants
to change too many things, which makes them nervous. </p><p> </p>
<img border="0" src="" />
<a href="" target="blank">My site Bully Baby</a>
"A dog recently saved his owner's life, because he had been trained to
dial 911. Unfortunately, operators had trouble finding the address
'woof, woof.'"-Norm MacDonald
<font color="black" />
<font color=black>This message was edited by Bulldogcakes on 12-30-05 @ 8:33 PM</font>
12-30-2005, 05:10 PM
<font style="font-size: 9px" face="Verdana">quote: </font><p><font color="#000080"><font size="2">When the moment of truth comes, the Republicans always get together and do the politically smart thing, and the Democrats don't. So it will be McCain vs. Hillary, and McCain will win. Luckily this time the politically smart thing might happen to turn out to be the best thing.</font></font> </p><p> </p>God, I hope so. And they would be brilliant if they made him their candidate. He's exactly the kind of guy that would draw tons of votes from the left and practically be a shoe-in against someone like Hillary.<br />
<center><img src="">
Dancing with the women at the bar... << He knows his Claret from his Beaujolais >> "You can tell some lies about the good times we've had, but I've kissed your mother twice...and now I'm working on your dad..."</center>
<p>When have the Democrats ever recycled a losing candidate?</p><p>Adlai Stevenson in 1956.</p><p>McCain is going to be 72 in 2008. Reagan was 69 in 1980 and Bob Dole was 73 in 1996. If McCain runs against Hillary, he can always recycle Reagan's "youth and inexperience" line from the 1984 campaign.</p><p>The thing in Allen's favor is youth and Gubanatorial and Senatorial qualifications. I wouldn't mind Hagel though.</p>
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A Skidmark/canofsoup15 production.
Red Sox Nation
12-31-2005, 07:07 AM
No Zel Miller?
<img src=""><br>
<a href="">mental vomit</a>
high fly
12-31-2005, 05:15 PM
<font style="font-size: 9px" face="Verdana">quote: </font>I'm going to vote for whoever has the nicer hair<br /><font color="#ffffff"><p><br />MeMe<font color="#000000">Me, I'm looking for the folksiest affectations....</font></p></font><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p>
" ...and they ask me why I drink"
Big ups to sex bomb baby Katylina (LHOOQ) for the sig!
01-01-2006, 05:10 AM
<p>* <strong>Tennessee Sen. Bill Frist</strong> (R) Shit the bed in 2005.</p><p>There's a campaign button that's sure to be a collector's item.</p>
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Fuck it from behind.
01-02-2006, 09:59 AM
<img height="404" src="" width="309" border="0" />Dick Gregory for PEACE AND FREEDOM!
I say sweeping the pockets of the Dutchman was not Mob business!
01-02-2006, 12:23 PM
Hate imply this, but if McCain is the Repub running in the end his VP selection must be very strong. Being 72 many voters would at least contemplate the issue. I'd be happy with him running, as he might actually bridge the gap that so divides this country today. So much for crazy religious zealot (now that he's done doing blow, booze and babes) Bush reuniting the US. My vote couldn't be determined until I watched everyone's campaigns and heard all their positions on the major and secondary issues. I'd like to think the Dems could put someone forward this time who's proactive and speaks first on issues, not listening to advisors but speaking from the heart. I'd also like to think McCain could actually get through the muddied republican waters, but I doubt it based on what they did to him in 2000. His own people don't want him anywhere close to the office. As for Newt, no fucking way. His lesbian sister would get my vote if he ran.
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It's like a koala bear crapped a rainbow in my brain!
El Mudo
01-02-2006, 04:47 PM
I'm writing in Troy Smith...<br />
<img src=""><br>
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I went up to Little Big Horn...Not a single word was said...'cept one old lonely ghost sayin' "General's still dead...General's still dead" </marquee>
Thanks Monsterone And Fallon
01-02-2006, 04:56 PM
<img height="240" src="" width="200" border="0" />
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01-02-2006, 04:57 PM
Warner has my vote all the way.
<center><img src=""></center>
<center>Hey! Those multi-cultural slave children, belong to the Disney Corporation!</center><center>Get 'em Achmed!</center>
01-02-2006, 08:22 PM
<font style="font-size: 9px" face="Verdana">quote: </font><img height="240" src="" width="200" border="0" /> <img src="" border="0" /> Now you're just trying to piss me off Funk!!! DAMN YOU!!!<br />
<img src="">
It's like a koala bear crapped a rainbow in my brain!
01-03-2006, 02:06 PM
<p>Everybody repeat after me</p><p>PRESIDENT Newton L. Gingrich </p><p> <img width="200" height="256" border="0" src="" /></p><p>PRESIDENT Gingrich</p><p> </p><p><font size="3">PRESIDENT</font> Newton L. Gingrich</p><p> </p><p><font size="5">PRESIDENT </font></p><p><font size="5">Newton </font></p><p><font size="5">L. </font></p><p><font size="7">Gingrich </font></p><p>BOOOYAH! </p>
My site Bully Baby (
"A dog recently saved his owner's life, because he had been trained to dial 911. Unfortunately, operators had trouble finding the address 'woof, woof.'"-Norm MacDonald
01-03-2006, 03:38 PM
I would take him over another Bush though.
<img src="">
It's like a koala bear crapped a rainbow in my brain!
01-03-2006, 03:56 PM
I just did that to make H-Box gag. <br />
My site Bully Baby (
"A dog recently saved his owner's life, because he had been trained to dial 911. Unfortunately, operators had trouble finding the address 'woof, woof.'"-Norm MacDonald
El Mudo
01-03-2006, 05:06 PM
<img width="200" height="277" border="0" src="" />
<img src=""><br>
Powered by <a href=""></a>
I went up to Little Big Horn...Not a single word was said...'cept one old lonely ghost sayin' "General's still dead...General's still dead" </marquee>
Thanks Monsterone And Fallon
That didn't make me gag. After this bunch of shameless, ignorant fucks are long gone, ANYBODY with even a modicum of personal responsiblity and intelligence will be a breath of fresh air. He'd qualify as that.............. barely.<br />
01-04-2006, 02:42 AM
Wow, I thought most of the country hated his guts. Maybe he is
electable, especially after W. He's clearly the most intelligent of
either field of candidates. I dont think he's a natural politician,
though. Not a shmoozer. I also doubt the country will elect someone
with such far reaching ideas unless were in a recession or worse. 2008
is a long way off, we'll see. <br />
My site Bully Baby (
"A dog recently saved his owner's life, because he had been trained to dial 911. Unfortunately, operators had trouble finding the address 'woof, woof.'"-Norm MacDonald
01-04-2006, 04:21 AM
NOTHING can make HBox gag! Huddela! Huddela!
<img src="">
Fuck it from behind!
01-04-2006, 04:28 AM
If it made you feel any better you made me gag - three times, even. I still am annoyed by an appearance Newt made on Fox News with Brit Hume (a man I once rented pornography to), when the Iraq war began, and he was screaming and carrying on about how there was NOT ONE Democrat on Capital Hill who supported the first Gulf War back in the early 90s, and (of course) Hume sat there and smiled - even though both men know damn well that several Democrats did support that war, including the often maligned Al Gore, that crazy "liberal." Just one of several times I've seen the man go on television and just lie like there is no tomorrow. I also gagged because I still remember running into Newt's sister, Pepperment Patty, and damn if she doesn't look like Bobby Brady. Finally, I gagged because Newt is the spitting image of my father, something my Dad takes great, great pride in.
I'd rather have hope in my soul than soap in my hole...
01-04-2006, 06:38 AM
<p><img src="" border="0" /></p><img src="" border="0" /><br />We don't need a cure we need a final solution
<font color=black>This message was edited by Freakshow on 1-4-06 @ 10:39 AM</font>
Dougie Brootal
01-04-2006, 06:43 AM
<font style="font-size: 9px" face="Verdana">quote: </font><p>I'm voting for whoever isn't going to shove religion down my fucking throat. The Republicans have done a fine job of losing me. Lets see if the Democrats can pick me up.</p><p>I'm so disgusted I'll vote 3rd party at this point.</p><font size="2">i second that</font><br />
01-04-2006, 07:38 AM
<p><img height="386" src="" width="400" border="0" /></p><p><strong><font size="4">He will make all of your dreams come true.</font></strong></p>
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The last four Presidential elections had me feeling like a Yankee fan watching a Red Sox - Mets World Series.
I just hope 2008 brings a candidate I can actually root for.
01-07-2006, 09:55 AM
<font style="font-size: 9px" face="Verdana">quote: </font>The last four Presidential elections had me feeling like a Yankee fan watching a Red Sox - Mets World Series. I just hope 2008 brings a candidate I can actually root for. <br />Wait, the last good election was Bush v. Dukaukis (sp)?
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