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HordeKing1, question about "teacher" [Archive] - Messageboard


View Full Version : HordeKing1, question about "teacher"

RF Godfather
10-14-2001, 03:08 AM
I just thought of this in my head a few minutes ago. Why is the word "teacher" spelled... TEACH HER... close enough and why isn't there a word, "TEACH HIM" in the English language. Is that another offhanded word that promotes the ego of Ameican men? Similar to the word, "woman" meaning - from man. Don't think ill of me, and I am a guy but what's up with this word or maybe it's not even a real question. Just wondering, oh wise one, Mr. HordeKing1.
Thanks WWFallon.

10-14-2001, 10:59 AM
RONFEZ MARK - Men will never admit that they don't know it all, but women will and thus the word directly applies to those who will most benefit from instruction.

Also "hot for teacher" sounds a lot better than "hot for teachhim"

RF Godfather
10-14-2001, 02:02 PM
Got me there, oh wise one. Does the knowledge ever cease? I think not. Have you ever been on Jeopardy? Just a thought. Thanks HordeKing1 for clearing that up.
Thanks WWFallon.