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Should I Get Rid Of My Landline? [Archive] - Messageboard


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06-16-2005, 05:27 PM
I work fairly long hours, so I'm not home much and after 7PM my cell phone is free. I'm thinking of getting rid of my house phone because all I really use it for lately is incoming calls, and they're usually solicitations (even though I registered on the "do not call" MONTHS ago).

Does anyone have a cell as their only phone, and are there any downsides?

PS - My internet hookup is cable

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06-16-2005, 05:30 PM
<p>I got rid of my landline months ago and boy its been great no more telemarketers and people know if they need me they call my cell cuz it's always by me. it was a bit weird to do it becuz it's like whats a house without a phone number. but man it was great especially to get rid of an extra bill. i say do it, it's been nothing but great.</p>

A peek into the Life of Boring Interest (

06-16-2005, 05:38 PM
More and more people are doing it lately, and considering the questionable health effects of cell phone usage, it's kind've scary... But other than a rampant cancer outbreak in 15 years, here's the thing with getting rid of your landline... In emergency cases, like 9/11 and the blackout, I found myself falling back on my landline and being glad I still have it. It's the only thing that works when there's no electricity, and cell phones work like ASS in emergencies. Secondly, you carry your cell phone around with you, which means you can lose it. With your cell phone as your ONLY means of phone usage, you run the risk of losing your phone and being totally FUCKED. So, basically that's my input. It may save you some cash to drop the landline, but I think when the shit hits the fan, it's good to still have it.

<IMG SRC=""><br>HORDE KING FOREVER!!! ORACLE NEVER!!!<br><strike>Shock</strike><br><marquee behavior=alternate><font size=2><b>EMFA</b></font></marquee>[color=white]

06-16-2005, 05:42 PM
<p>I have not had a landline phone in 4 years, and I do not miss it at all. If you are worried about the cancer rate, go hands free. Or they have kits for you home that your cell plugs into, and then it rings to all the landline phones in the house. </p><p>At this point, for me at least, a landline phone is&nbsp;a big waste of money. The emergency aspect does suck, but if it were a bad storm and phones got knocked out, then you cell would still work! If you just look at 2000 until present, there may have been 2-3 times in 5 years where the cell would have failed you. I think its worth it to save the money. </p>
Thanks to Reef for my sig. You rock

06-16-2005, 05:47 PM
<p>First:&nbsp; Hands free or not, your phone will give you cancer.&nbsp; From what I heard on a radio infomertial, the signal your phone gets fucks you up, even if youre not talking on it.&nbsp; Carry it on your hip, you got hip cancer.&nbsp; stick an ear piece in and the signal run to your ear and you got ear cancer.&nbsp; Whatever.</p><p>I havnt had a landline in....4 years.&nbsp; If you dont get service on your cell then get a new phone.&nbsp; Verizon and sprint both work great for me.&nbsp; The sprint i have now rules, it works everywhere.</p>

A proportionate amount of props are equally distributed to my
nigga's Fluff, Alexxis, CanOfSoup15, WWFallon and Katylina



06-16-2005, 05:54 PM
I haven't had a landline in over a year. Cell phones are the way to go.<br />

<img border=0 src=""></center>

06-16-2005, 05:59 PM
<p>I primarily only use my cell phone, but I do still have my landline because I'm a caveman with dial-up. I leave my comp on constantly, so if you call my regular #, it'll always be busy. That stops any unwanted calls.</p><p>But let me make one argument for keeping the landline.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>You could very well be fucked if you needed 911 and you couldn't speak because of smoke inhalation or a murderer had your mouth taped up or something of the like. 911 cannot trace cell phone calls as of yet, not successfully anyway. If you called 911 and didn't speak, they can still send a response.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Besides,&nbsp;I work for Verizon. So don't take money out of my pocket or you're a communist.</p>

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I am an essential worker!


walking joint
06-16-2005, 06:09 PM
i hate using the phone and hate using our cell phone more.&nbsp; if not&nbsp; for my wife i would never own a cell phone. i don't like that people can reach me at home,&nbsp; yet in my car or at the supermarket.&nbsp; this makes me hate looking at people using a cell phone more also.&nbsp; can't the useless conversations wait until your home bothering no one. not everyone on the line needs to hear about your life.&nbsp; keep your landlines and throw away your cell phones...thanks

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thanks for the sig SatCam...and thanks for bringing it back Furie

06-16-2005, 06:10 PM
i have managed to cut my phone time down to less than 100 minutes PER MONTH. good times for me.
Thanks to Reef for my sig. You rock

06-16-2005, 06:11 PM
<p>If you don't want cancer from your cell phone, maybe you should put it on your desk when you're not using it :)</p>

<img src="" align="right" alt="Oh my gawd!" /><a href="">Ron and Fez Drops and Bits</a>

[ X ][color=white]

newport king
06-16-2005, 06:12 PM
ok here's my sales pitch. i work for verizon so keep your landline so i have a job you fucking assholes.

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06-16-2005, 06:24 PM
<p>My phone has some kind of GPS locator on it made specifically for 911 so they can pinpoint your exact location.</p><p>I haven't had a landline in over 3 years</p>

<BR><img src="" width="300" height="100" border="1"><BR>
"To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public." [ Theodore Roosevelt ]

newport king
06-16-2005, 06:34 PM
the gps locator is usually incase you lose your phone. 911 systems can't find your phone like that.

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06-16-2005, 06:37 PM
<p>No, on my phone it's specifically there for E 911 services.&nbsp; You can set it to only be tracked by 911 operators.&nbsp; When you set it, a little crosshairs and E911 flashes. </p><p></p><span>Short for <em><strong>E</strong>nhanced <strong>911</strong></em>, a location technology advanced by the <a href="">FCC</a> that will enable mobile, or <a href="">cellular</a>, phones to process 911 emergency calls and enable emergency services to locate the geographic position of the caller. When a person makes a 911 call using a traditional phone with ground wires, the call is routed to the nearest public safety answering point (PSAP) that then distributes the emergency call to the proper services. The PSAP receives the caller's phone number and the exact location of the phone from which the call was made. Prior to 1996, 911 callers using a mobile phone would have to access their <a href="">service providers</a> in order to get verification of subscription service before the call was routed to a PSAP. In 1996 the FCC ruled that a 911 call must go directly to the PSAP without receiving verification of service from a specific cellular service provider. The call must be handled by any available service carrier even if it is not the cellular phone customer's specific carrier. Under the FCC's rules, all mobile phones manufactured for sale in the United States after February 13, 2000, that are capable of operating in an <a href="">analog</a> mode must include this special method for processing 911 calls. </span><span><p>The FCC has rolled out E911 in two phases. In 1998, Phase I required that mobile phone carriers identify the originating call's phone number and the location of the signal tower, or <a href="">cell</a>, accurate to within a mile. [b]In 2001, Phase II required that each mobile phone company doing business in the United States must offer either handset- or network-based location detection capability so that the caller's location is determined by the geographic location of the cellular phone within 100 meter accuracy and not the location of the tower that is transmitting its signal. The FCC refers to this as Automatic Location Identification (ALI). [b]<!--content_stop--></p></span><!--content_stop--><p><br /><img height="100" src="" width="300" border="1" /><br />&quot;To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.&quot; [ Theodore Roosevelt ]</p>

<font color=black>This message was edited by angrymissy on 6-16-05 @ 10:40 PM</font>

newport king
06-16-2005, 06:43 PM
hmmm. you ever try it? i'm just asking because i actually work on 911 systems once and awhile, and seriously never heard of them being able to do it. maybe just not the ones i've worked on. but somone said before that they CAN do it, but not that well. eh who knows.

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06-16-2005, 06:46 PM
<p>I never have had to call 911 from my cell, but I know someone who was in a car accident and did, and they pinpointed his location using the E911 service.</p>

<BR><img src="" width="300" height="100" border="1"><BR>
"To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public." [ Theodore Roosevelt ]

06-16-2005, 07:23 PM
<p>Missy, you make good points, but trust me, it's far from perfected.</p><p>Like Newport King, I am also an employee of Verizon. I have worked with E911. There are a lot of bugs that still need to be worked out, and many of them have nothing to do with the phone company's network. </p><p><strong>There will be a day</strong> when it will be much more reliable, but it's <strong>not here yet</strong>.</p><p>Besides, E911 on your cell phone won't make a fuck of difference if your battery is dead or you can't get a signal.</p><p>For me personally, I feel a lot safer knowing that reaching 911 from a landline is much more reliable when I am <strong>at home</strong>. Obviously if I am in a car accident or out of the house, I will hope it works on my cell phone. Even cell phones that do not have a provider are supposed to be able to call 911 if they can power up. Supposed to. Doesn't always work.</p><p>And for future reference, Verizon is working on FTTP (Fiber to the premesis) and you're going to be able to get your phone, cable and&nbsp;internet all through one line basically and on one bill. So you may end up saving more money in the long run by getting rid of your cable modem and tv&nbsp;and keeping your land line.</p>

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I am an essential worker!


06-16-2005, 07:32 PM
<p>From what I heard on a radio infomertial, the signal your phone gets fucks you up, even if youre not talking on it.&nbsp;</p><p>Consider the source.&nbsp; An infomercial has never given out questionable science in an attempt to sell a product, has it?&nbsp; Hmmm.</p>

<img src=""><br>Ron & Fez Show Log (; Daily News Scratch N' Match is the Devil<br>The Music Mikey Likes Show on RadioBBQ, weekdays 11:00 am - 1:00 pm (<br>Now with new theme song ( by BoBoGolem

06-16-2005, 08:32 PM
It was an anti-cell phone deal.&nbsp; They werent selling shit.

A proportionate amount of props are equally distributed to my
nigga's Fluff, Alexxis, CanOfSoup15, WWFallon and Katylina



06-16-2005, 09:26 PM
<p><strong><font size="1">Should I Get Rid Of My Landline?</font></strong> </p><p>i try not to throw any lines away...</p><p>I say keep it for emergency's... they'll be that one 'emergency day' and you'll find your satellite thingy icon on your c-phone&nbsp;flatlining</p>

<img src=" RwxKGkJq4aNu7X76!GDtJL9!ZyRCMozmii00zoSpuchIJSY5R8 A1slffKxYEslSCzLIEA/FUNK2.JPG?dc=4675521715404891557">

06-17-2005, 02:44 PM
Thanks for the input, gang. You've definitely given me some things to think about that I hadn't previously considered.

To be honest, after reading how many of you have a cell as your only phone I am leaning more towards that decision. I sincerely doubt Verizon will miss my $19 a month (yes, that's all I'm presently paying) and leave Skidmark and Newport King jobless, and I have to believe that if I'm able to dial 911 I'll also be able to somehow communicate my location to them.

But then again, for such a tiny sum of money, it almost seems pointless to NOT have a landline.

I'm so confused.

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Death Metal Moe
06-17-2005, 02:55 PM
With the way I work, I'll just be getting a cell phone as my primary line as all of you are getting some chip implanted in your ear to make calls with your brains.&nbsp; I'm so behind the times.&nbsp; I get Verizon DSL through my landline jack.&nbsp; I'm gonna be a slave to it for awhile longer.

<IMG SRC="">

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06-17-2005, 03:47 PM
<p>Keep it, for a couple of reasons...</p>

<p>* On September 11, 2001 the only phones working in DC were the
landlines; the only way I was able to reach my family from my job at
the Smithsonian that day was from a pay phone - just days earlier I got
into a discussion with my then-boss about whether or not we even needed
pay phones...<br />

<p>* There are conspiracy theorists who have recently raised (among
other things) privacy related issues around the government's push to
move people away from landlines....<br />


06-17-2005, 04:00 PM
<font style="font-size: 9px" face="Verdana">quote: </font><p>Keep it, for a couple of reasons...</p><p>* On September 11, 2001 the only phones working in DC were the landlines; the only way I was able to reach my family from my job at the Smithsonian that day was from a pay phone - just days earlier I got into a discussion with my then-boss about whether or not we even needed pay phones...<br /></p><p>I used AIM and e-mail to communicate with my friends on 9/11.&nbsp; Even in NYC, the landlines were fucked - AIM and email was much better.</p><p><br />&nbsp;</p>

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06-17-2005, 06:59 PM
<p>turn on your&nbsp;landline... let it shine wherever it goes</p><p>actually: there have been a few times where i've been at home on an 'important' call on my cell and the signal was breaking up... have to say it was almost like an orgasm to pick up the land line and have that crystal clear communication</p><p>plus when you call them 900 numbers you're paying by the second and you want to savor every tasty tantalizing syllable</p>

<img src=" RwxKGkJq4aNu7X76!GDtJL9!ZyRCMozmii00zoSpuchIJSY5R8 A1slffKxYEslSCzLIEA/FUNK2.JPG?dc=4675521715404891557">

Alice S. Fuzzybutt
06-17-2005, 07:40 PM
<p>$20 dollars a month?</p><p>KEEP IT!</p><p>It's not that much of a drain on your bank account. I still like my land line.</p>


"We sound just like Cheap Trick only the guitars are louder,"
- Kurt Cobain

"I prefer to listen to Cheap Trick."
-Homer Simpson

06-18-2005, 05:32 AM
<p>It woud be nice to save that extra $45 a month, but I can't bring myself to do it.&nbsp; Cell phones are still too unreliable at a moment's notice...sure, mine might be working, but what if the person on the other end's isn't?&nbsp; I don't know how many times I've been unable to reach my landline-less friends just because their signal faded, or went into &quot;roaming&quot; and they don't want the charges...AND THEY'RE AT HOME!</p><p>Plus, I still have &quot;issues&quot; with cell phones...namely, I loathe them.&nbsp; Unless I'm somebody important, like a doctor or a drug dealer or whatever, why the fuck do I need one?&nbsp; If I'm not home, I'm not home...part of the greatness of being not home is NOT having to answer the phone...besides, I live in a huge major&nbsp;urban area.&nbsp; The times where I'm actually &quot;in the middle of nowhere&quot; and would have to use my cell phone to call for help if my car broke down is essentially nil.&nbsp; If anything, my money's being wasted on THAT shitty little piece of crap...</p>

<img src="">

1979 << On the streets of your town... >> "You can tell some lies about the good times we've had, but I've kissed your mother twice...and now I'm working on your dad..."

06-18-2005, 06:10 PM
<p>&nbsp;</p><font face="Verdana" style="font-size: 9px;">quote:</font><p>Plus,
I still have &quot;issues&quot; with cell phones...namely, I loathe them. Unless
I'm somebody important, like a doctor or a drug dealer or whatever, why
the fuck do I need one? If I'm not home, I'm not home...part of the
greatness of being not home is NOT having to answer the
phone...besides, I live in a huge major urban area. The times where I'm
actually &quot;in the middle of nowhere&quot; and would have to use my cell phone
to call for help if my car broke down is essentially nil. If anything,
my money's being wasted on THAT shitty little piece of crap...</p>

<br />Wow, you really are
the last of the Mohicans. I used to hate cell phones, too. But that was
mostly because I was driving behind someone who was more interested in
talking than driving. And by the looks of it, doing niether all that
well. So I resisted getting a cell phone for a long time. Mostly to
enjoy NOT being in touch w/people.<p>&nbsp;</p><p>But then I broke down and got
a Blackberry, and I absolutely love the thing. Saves me time with work,
gets me all sorts of info, from the weather to the Yankees. Actually
shaved a good 2 hours off my workday, and made me more productive at the same time. <br />
</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>So now I'm just resisting the I-Pod. Which I
actually think is dangerous, especially in the city. Some truck could
be backing right into you, beeping and all, and you're blasting
&quot;Spoonman&quot; Plus, wait a year, and you'll get all your MP3's on a
decently priced phone.<br />

My brand spankin new site Bully Baby (

Do Siamese twins have to file seperate tax returns? Or do they file jointly?

06-18-2005, 06:47 PM
I love the iPod, but stuff like the Blackberries and the new &quot;super cell phones&quot; bug the hell out of me.&nbsp; I don't NEED all of that shit on me at any given time...fuck, I don't even NEED a phone.&nbsp; And I think I get a perverse glee in pissing people off when they can't call me on my cell phone because I haven't turned it on in over three weeks.

<img src="">

1979 << On the streets of your town... >> "You can tell some lies about the good times we've had, but I've kissed your mother twice...and now I'm working on your dad..."

Alice S. Fuzzybutt
06-18-2005, 06:54 PM
I'm actually considering getting rid of my cell phone and switching to one I can add minutes to just for car emergencies.


"We sound just like Cheap Trick only the guitars are louder,"
- Kurt Cobain

"I prefer to listen to Cheap Trick."
-Homer Simpson

06-18-2005, 09:37 PM
<p>I've been afraid of changing cause I've built my life around...a landline.</p><p><img height="250" src="" width="198" border="0" /></p>

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A Skidmark/canofsoup15 production.

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