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Ground troops: Bad idea. [Archive] - Messageboard


View Full Version : Ground troops: Bad idea.

Drudge Jr.
10-09-2001, 07:02 AM
Washington post: says the US may send ground troops into Afghanistan Via Pakistan or from ground heald by the Northern Aliance. Bad idea.

Russia tried this before, and were outsmarted and defeated the same Britian was outsmarted on America's ground during the reveloution.
Afghan troops are like camels, needing very little water of food. And when they do it's hidden all ove rthe country's central mountains. Afgahns carry little but weapons.
Afghans won't follow nor do they even know the rules of war detailed in the geneva confence. They have no qualms with taking out a hospital. They are masters of Geurilla warfare. They ambush, and run, a very effective mode of pyschological and caustic attack.
Flying over with invisible planes will be difficult to defend against but i doubt sending in ground troops will be effective. Osama may be hiding in the mountains, but he is certainly defended by more then rocks.

I'm not the worst reporter ever!

Captain Rooster
10-09-2001, 07:28 AM
What else can we do....we may need to go in there!

We are between a rock and a hard place now!

Ground troops will be killed doubt...but

We are not trying to take over real estate and conquer the country like the armies of the past.

We would be in a search and attack operation...IN and OUT

Quick raids - not stay there to be attacked at a firebase or at a base established in that shit-hole!

We will do our best to stay alive - but the military is ready to fight and win the nations wars - PERIOD!

Not a pretty or easy life...God bless the soldiers over there!

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God Bless America!

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10-09-2001, 07:32 AM
Dropping bombs: bad idea. We need ground troops. We send bombs, what do you think gets hit? No one really important. They hear the planes the leaders of the terrorists get into their underground bunkers and hide until the bombs stop.

Ground troops will die but that's what war is. people die on both side.

Carrot Man to Big Apple: I Miss my baby carrot.

Drudge Jr.
10-09-2001, 08:07 AM
i have no doubt ground troops are somewhat neccesary, but no matter what it won't fail.

btw if anyone is wondering i am posting this stuff from school; right now i'm in comp programming

I'm not the worst reporter ever!

10-09-2001, 08:26 AM
btw if anyone is wondering i am posting this stuff from school; right now i'm in comp programming care?

Carrot Man to Big Apple: I Miss my baby carrot.

10-09-2001, 08:35 AM
Drudge Jr.:

You are wrong. The Taliban defeated Russia with the assistance of the USA. We provided small arms, surface to air missles, and a variety of other tactical provisions.

This issue is not so much how we approach them. Rather, it is to understand that Muslims (or, non western countries) enter into war with wholly different philosophies. In the West we confront head on, man to man. The Oriental approach has always been one of hit and run--gorilla warfare. That is why "terrorism" is such a large part of their style of war.

They are cowards. We are brave warriors. "Let's roll."

"And the meek shall inheret the earth."

Drudge Jr.
10-09-2001, 11:10 AM
although it's true we did help fund and supply the resistance against Russia we that wasn't the whole problem. Russia was much bigger than Afghanistan's, just like our army will be, but they know the terrain like the back of their dirty little hand. Unless our ground troops have rocket packs we won't beet them on their terrain. keep reading drudge.

I'm not the worst reporter ever!

10-09-2001, 01:34 PM
Yeah it's a bad idea but only if we are positive we destroyed most of there useful things I don't want to see any more americans die but what needs to be done should be done........

Who's got a little text under his name?I do! :-P

10-09-2001, 01:46 PM

Russia's army had PISS POOR training and a virtually non-existent Air Force.

I'm sure you heard about the 8,000 troops at the Uzbehkistan. We'll see how long it is before those troops are DECIMATED. For an army of 40,000 a good 20% will be killed in the air attacks or flee from Afghanistan. Many of the refugees into Pakistan have admitted they were a member of the Taliban army who escaped from our air raid.


-Norman Schwartzkoff

"May God bless us in this trial, comfort us, strengthen our resolve, and make our justice as terrible and certain as His."
-Senator John McCain

This message was edited by NewYorkDragons80 on 10-9-01 @ 5:54 PM

Drudge Jr.
10-09-2001, 04:30 PM
Maybe Russia's army had poor training and maybe the taliban's army isn't nearly what is was (take out the maybes yourself, i'm to lazy to backspace) but it is still a lesson on the difficulty that it will take to defeat the Afghans in their mountains.
Just because we have bigger guns and bombs doesn't mean we can beat them on their terrain, they know what they are doing, and we are doing just what they want.

I'm not the worst reporter ever!