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Feds considering taxing how far you drive! [Archive] - Messageboard


View Full Version : Feds considering taxing how far you drive!

02-15-2005, 06:59 PM
Stupid, stupid idea (

IF AND ONLY IF the mileage tax is close to what I pay in gas tax I will be a ok with this. Plus they better not fucking make me pay for the device used to clock my mileage.

<center><img src="">
It made my heart sing.

02-15-2005, 07:05 PM
Feds would refer to the Federal Government, while the article refers to State Governments considering this. There is no federal gas tax anyway.

Let Us Trim Our Hair In Accordance with Socialist Lifestyle!

This message was edited by HBox on 2-15-05 @ 11:05 PM

02-15-2005, 07:32 PM
i usually try to investigate the details of something like this so i can place fair judgement but i find that very taxing

on another note:

if you drive the jersey parkway, they took out some toll booths right. so you hit the toll booth before the 'now missing toll booth' and they charge you double or 70 cents. As you approach the area where they removed the toll booths they have signs up saying "Toll Free"

it drives me fucking insane

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02-15-2005, 08:02 PM
So every fucking time I have to go to Neptune, Belmar and Eatontown (about 200 miles roundtrip once a week) I would get taxed a HELL of a lot for that. I get .405 › a mile now which I think is pretty good according to the national standard and I make out like a bandit on milage. About $1400 a month and I spend about $200 a month on gas. Shit, I could be rich if I would have saved all that extra over the last 4 years. Damn where does all my money go. Damn, sorry to get off track all. :p

I hate you. Go away!

02-15-2005, 08:10 PM
My mistake, not feds, state government.

<center><img src="">
It made my heart sing.

02-15-2005, 08:20 PM
you know, the Gov. really wants to kill the economy don't they??? Don't they realize that if people drive less, that means less road trips, less shopping trips, and in the end, less money from sales/gas taxes???

and don't they already tax you in a way with tolls?

as FMJeff said, stupid stupid idea...

IM: Evilpete66
<li><a href="
">Blog (AKA random thoughts of a loser):</a></li>

02-15-2005, 09:41 PM
Well, I thought about it, and it does actually make sense...kinda...a car travelling a 200 miles a day will put more wear on the roadways than one that does 10 miles. If the rates are structured correctly, the amount of taxes you pay during a gas tank fillup should equal the taxes you pay for using the roads. They have to make up that money somehow. In the end, hybrid cars still make environmental sense as they use less just lose the cash break you would get on gas tax for using a hybrid. It should all balance out.

<center><img src="">
It made my heart sing.

02-15-2005, 09:57 PM
Taxes, taxes, taxes...I wonder how this could possibly end??

<img src= width=300 length=300>


02-16-2005, 05:27 PM
Isn't Freedom great?

Ow! Hey! Get that net offa me! Ouch! Help!! Somebody HELP!!!!

02-17-2005, 06:21 PM
i love how half the people in this thread still think the federal government is contemplating this.

<img src="">

<a href="">mental vomit</a>

02-17-2005, 06:33 PM
i love how half the people in this thread still think the federal government is contemplating this.

Its fun to get one French Revolution refernce in a post that is why I do it...La Marseille!!


02-17-2005, 06:39 PM
Whether its Federal/State/Local, its still frustrating.
Federal, however, would be much worse. The one size fits none approach.

Ow! Hey! Get that net offa me! Ouch! Help!! Somebody HELP!!!!