View Full Version : why not bomb israel
10-05-2001, 09:36 AM
who is the first ones to help out and back up israel? thats right the USA. now they wanna start talkin shit?
BOMB THEM TO!, lets face it, one of the reasons
the USA is hated, IS because of our realations with israel.
what happend to YOUR EITHER WITH US, OR WITH THE TERRORIST!!! and by the way, i'm sure there are terrorist camps in isreal, it's not like they have'nt blown up innocent people. and what about the IRA? lets just fucking kill everyone! see, we bail these UNGRATEFUL countries out of their mess and not one of them backs us up! (without making a deal)
i say nuke the planet-
fuckin brits, they may be our only friend. and dont even get me going on canada. tho their skanky hookers rock, their border control blows~ trust me on that one!
<img src="" height=100 width =300>
cum to butthead...
10-05-2001, 03:50 PM
I'm not sure why you're saying this, because I'm not aware of what Israel has said or done recently to make you feel this way. Are they pulling the same stunt as France, the whole "We don't really want to support your war, but you have our hands tied" line? What did Israel say?
I know how you feel, but I'm all for maintaining our relationship with Israel. There are a lot of people who feel we should cut our ties with Israel, because we get grief for being friendly with them. I say it doesn't matter. Most of the Middle Eastern countries will hate us anyway. We're the Big Satan to them, or at least to their governments. Israel is pretty much the only country over there who has a government that is favorable to us, and as such, they are are closest ally in the region.
But I would love for us to just run a little rampant on all terrorist organizations in numerous countries. I don't want to stop at just Afghanistan.
<img border="0" src="" width="300" height="100">
"I smoke. I take drugs. I drink. I wash every six weeks. I masturbate constantly and fling my steaming poison semen down from my window to your hair and food. I'm a rich and respected columnist for a major metropolitan newspaper. I live with two beautiful women in the city's most expensive and select community. Being a bastard WORKS."
--Spider Jerusalem
10-05-2001, 05:20 PM
I want to ask you people something. Do you want to wipe out terrorism in general or just ones that affect us immediately in a negative way? Do you include governments in the terrorism category(which they should be)? Do you consider terrorists that we support ok? Should we hold the people in our government that helped train these groups responsible and be held accountable? Bin Laden and his cronies haven't changed since he was on our side. And that ended up blowing up in our faces literally. Israel has been condemned by human rights organizations like Amnesty International, and Human Rights Watch so it isn't like the Palestinians are the only people committing atrocities. First stop to stopping terrorism is stopping the support of brutal regimes and organizations wherever their allegiances may lie.
Just because a country may serve our interests doesn't make it right to ally with them. The Shah of Iran served lots of U.S. interests but he was a brutal despot that killed his own people.
I will get a sig pic...eventually
10-05-2001, 05:28 PM
I am assuming this thread is
some type of sick joke!!!!!
David the Franchize
Let them eat Cake!
10-05-2001, 06:23 PM
The problem with Israel is the US feels they have a responsiblity to look after Israel.
If it weren't for us an the UN, there would be no Israel and if we stop supporting them we could see a second holocaust. I know it sounds extreme, but look at a map. If we didn't support them, they would be swallowed up by Muslim nations teeming with extremists who want nothing more than to eradicate Jews.
We never funded Bin Laden. We funded the resistance in general. I don't think Bin Laden was even in Afghanistan at the time. It's not like the Afghans fought off Russia and the Taliban came to power. After the victory of the resistance, the groups turned on each other and here we are today. Technically, we never directly funded Bin Laden or the Taliban.
Plus, it's good to have allies in the Middle East. Look at Saudi Arabia, they are a breeding ground for terrorists, it is a Fascist...excuse me Monarchy, and the citizens of Saudi Arabia in general hate the US. The same goes for Pakistan (But I have to admit, their General/President/Dictator does seem sincere with his desire for political reforms in Pakistan.) But we need allies in the Middle East so we excuse it. I know we would like to exterminate terrorists internationally, but I feel it is ultimately impossible and only the terrorists of hostile nations will be destroyed. In the end, the most powerful and influential of terrorists will be crushed, but the smaller ones will remain. Only time will tell whether those groups will rise to the level of Bin Ladens or Arafats or Husseins.
-Norman Schwartzkoff
"May God bless us in this trial, comfort us, strengthen our resolve, and make our justice as terrible and certain as His."
-Senator John McCain
10-05-2001, 06:40 PM
This is getting me sick!!!!!!
David the Franchize
Let them eat Cake!
The Blowhard
10-05-2001, 09:48 PM
Israel is America's ONLY TRUE FRIEND in the region. I think Sharon was angry and who knows, it could all be part of a misinformation campaign to confuse the Arabs. Bush is quiet. Powell and Rice are being diplomatic. Rumsfeld seems to be ready for an attack. The English PM Tony Blair is talking tough. It's war people, and always remember to take what you read and hear with a grain of salt.
As for Amnesty International: They have no more credibility than a WWF Referee.
"The true character of liberty is independence, maintained by force"
OX Baker
10-05-2001, 09:54 PM
blair is going beserk
It's like a heartpunch to the heart =)
10-05-2001, 10:16 PM
This is what Israel has told the U.S.
"If America is going to include known terrorist groups and States in your "anit-terrorist" (ha) coalition, do not expect to force us to give up ANYTHING to secure their cooperation at the expense of our own security."
Land for peace is a bad joke.
Only Bush could be so stupid and short sighted.
10-06-2001, 06:07 AM
That's a very bold statement HK. For a nation whose existence depnds on our support, they have a funny way of showing it. Powell did say we would judge our relations with countries by how they act now. I think we need to make an example of Israel if they do indeed play hardball. But I doubt they will.
-Norman Schwartzkoff
"May God bless us in this trial, comfort us, strengthen our resolve, and make our justice as terrible and certain as His."
-Senator John McCain
10-06-2001, 06:35 AM
Hey NUTS... the Us said you
are our enemy if you protect
the terisists. Israel is not
helpung the teresists and if
you knew anything about Israel
you would NO WAY IN HELL are
they he;ping them. They
simply disagree with the us on
some things. Now if that that
is the reason to bomb someone
David the Franchize
Let them eat Cake!
10-06-2001, 06:52 AM
White House reaction:
Isreal remarks UNACCEPTABLE-
REMEMBER, THERE WOULD BE NO ISREAL IF UNCLE SAM WAS'NT backing them up- there are tons of terrorist in isreal-
i believe in the end, isreal will back peddle and END UP KISSING UNCLE SAMS the way, it's a money thing, not a terrorist thing.
<img src="" height=100 width =300>
cum to butthead...
Captain Rooster
10-06-2001, 07:03 AM
Isn't Ariel Sharon pretty much just as hardline as one of the terrorists?
He was elected because he was so hardline.
I think he may be as big a pain in the ass as one of the Taliban leaders to deal with - he only hears himself.
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God Bless America!
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10-06-2001, 07:05 AM
I have said for years(you can quote me on that!) that Palestine deserved to be recognized as a nation-state. Of course, the Israelis don't hanker to this. Well, let me quote a colleaque of mine-"Tough Shit". I,for one, am tired of this so called Bastion of Democracy dictating to me how to think, how to spend my tax money for foreign defense, what nations I can ally myself with etc. What I think is needed here is to finally grow a spine and tell Israel to knock it off and get in line like the rest of the other Welfare Recipients. It's my fucking money and I'll tell YOU how to spend it!!
Thank you.
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As one who is normally very Pro-Israel, I was very disappointed to see their remarks yesterday. They will come to rue the day they forced Benjamin Netanyahu out.
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Thanks again, WWFallon. You are an American hero.
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This message was edited by gvac on 10-6-01 @ 12:38 PM
10-06-2001, 08:16 AM
We never funded Bin Laden. We funded the resistance in general.
It's been proven that the CIA thru the Pakistanis wanted to get the most ruthless thugs(in this case Ultra-Right-Wing nuts like Bin Laden because they hated the Soviets and were willing to go to any extreme to get rid of them.
Good point about Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia is the most right-wing nation after Afghanistan in that region.
As for Amnesty International: They have no more credibility than a WWF Referee.
Them and their crazy human rights.
Oh and Israel can be ruthless just like the terrorists. Remember the 1982 war where 20,000 civilians were killed? The brutalities were so bad that one Israeli solider killed himself because of it. Middle East terrorism goes both ways.
I will get a sig pic...eventually
10-06-2001, 05:44 PM
With the notable exception of HECKLER, CYYFYYY and SE7EN, you guys are not thinking.
We are including terrorists in the anti-terrorist coalition. It's like putting the fox in charge of the chicken coop.
Only Bush would be so moronic. Note, that I said the same the moment he concluded his pathetic excuse for a speech in response to the WTC. I said then that he hasn't said anything new, and now finally, everyone wonders what the hell he's thinking.
Of course Israel relies on us. That's not the issue. The issue is how far we are willing to go in our "anti-terrorism" campaign; (That is if we ever get one).
Will we sell out our one ally in the Middle East for a compact with terrorists who have broken their word at every opportunity?
Will we betray Israel for those who want to see America broken, lying in ruins, her people dead?
Israel will never betray the US. Yet she will not let terrorist organizations, dictate terms to them. Will the US betray Israel by insisting on "anti-terrorist" coalitions with terrorists who want to see America and Israel destroyed? The answer remains to be seen.
ADOLESCENTMASTURBATOR - I didn't expect anything better from you. As for the rest of you - For shame.
10-06-2001, 06:09 PM
Israel will never betray the US
The US has had basically unwavering support for Israel. It would pretty stupid for them to betray America because if it wasn't for America all those Security Council resolutions would have passed.
I didn't expect anything better from you.
Well played move HK. Just because someone disagrees with you doesn't make their argument invalid. Let's just forget about the whole Israel thing because we will both obviously not change our minds.
As for this "anti-terror" coalition I found it very hypocritical for our government to be courting countries like Uzbekistan(which has a horrible human rights record), Turkey(which terrorizes it's Kurdish population in the Southwest), Russia(with it's involvment in Chechnya), China(with it's brutal repression of the Falun Gong among other things). Bush's declaration of "You are with us or you are with the terrorists" has shown that the terrorists are also with us. We need to settle on a definiton of terrorism. Terrorism really equals(from"the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion". Now this can includes governments as well as non-governmenatal organizations.
I will get a sig pic...eventually
10-06-2001, 06:26 PM
ADOLESCENTMASTURBATOR - I don't expect anything better from YOU on this issue.
Although there are other pro-palestinian or anti-Israel advocates you are the only one who does not debate, but actively spouts palestinian and arab propeganda, anti-Israel and anti American sentiments.
I will be happy to talk to any rational people on this issue as I have in the past on all topics.
It is not that your beliefs are diffenent than mine, that makes them invalid it is your fictional recreation of history and your double tongued anti-semetic rhetoric that makes them reprehensible. The fact that you claim not to recognize yourslef as an anti-semite is just plain sad.
I'm afraid that for you, for this particular topic, you cannot see beyond your nose (and probable socialization by your family and peers). Let's move on to something else.
10-06-2001, 06:58 PM
Although there are other pro-palestinian or anti-Israel advocates you are the only one who does not debate, but actively spouts palestinian and arab propeganda, anti-Israel and anti American sentiments.
As for the rest of you - For shame.
You just stated anybody that said anything critical of Israel should be ashamed of themselves. But then you state that you want to have a rational discussion but you say to anybody that says something critical of Israel that they should be ashamed.
I have nothing aganist Israelis or Americans. I do have certain problems with the Israeli and American governments. Most people express distrust with their government. I just back it up with facts.
Not all people that express heavy concerns over Israel are extremists that chant "Death to Israel" and "Kill All Jews" as CNN would have you believe. I'm not asking you to agree with me. What I find funny though is when you try to find a way to call me racist when I said both sides have done bad things.
I will get a sig pic...eventually
10-06-2001, 07:54 PM
Horde King,
I'm going to digress for a moment. I have noticed, both now and in the past, that if one tends to disagree with your opinion, you tend to denigrate both them and their opinion. Shame on me?-I think not!
If being on this board comes with the condition of being in accord with your views-then,I sir, say no! it's really not worth my time or effort to engage in discourse with you.
I have had nothing but fun with everyone else on the board but I sometimes cringe when I see you are posting.
Well, I guess this post will get me banned from the board but so be it. I must fight tyranny in all it's forms when and where I see it.
Thank you.
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10-06-2001, 11:42 PM
Kingy.....who are you to call Bush moronic?
THe man has handled this situation incredably. When the country needed to hear reassuring words, Bush gave them. Bush and Guiliani have shown the world what leaders are. And for you to have the BALLS to say the man is acting moronic?
Israel has killed innocent people as well. They, themselves have commited terrorist attacks and they get away with it because they are under our umbrella. You know what, fine, out there, they fight the war by killing innocent people, i don't give a shit about israel or palestine or any middle east country. But when they tell us were close to becoming like the Nazis, The ONLY country in the world that has backed them through thick and thin? You know what, fuck them, let them survive on their own
and i do pity your narrow view of things horde...never taking in others views, never thinking about someone elses opinion. You are shallow, and i pity you.
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This message was edited by Godzilla on 10-7-01 @ 3:55 AM
10-07-2001, 12:00 AM
GODZILLA - You think Bush is doing a good job?
Maybe he is, on Earth 2.
He gave an awful speech to the nation, provided no new infomation and since then has not given the nation any more leadership than he has before the attack on America took place.
Yes, Bush is a moron, and a particularly foolish one at that.
Could Gore have done a better job? Who knows, but at least he's intellectual and would have some kind of plan (and you could bet it wouldn't involve consorting with terrorists).
I will not even comment about your other statements other than to say that I find it fascinating how people who don't sagree with you are narrow minded.
Next time think then react. An opinion is formed and an intelligent descision is made after all options and factors are considered weighed and evaluated. You should try it sometimes.
10-07-2001, 12:25 AM
dudes! dont fight- here, i got some cool buds. TOKE UP AND CHILL OUT- this is what the terroristS want, they want members to argue at 3am ABOUT things we have no CONROL OVER. either one of you will; change each others minds so lets agree to just make out and make up =)
<img src="" height=100 width =300>
cum to butthead...
10-07-2001, 12:37 AM
PEERYNOID - You have exactly the right idea.
10-07-2001, 12:47 AM
absolutly...i'm too tired to fight...let's all just chill...with no unreasonable bannings...
<font size = 5><font face = distress><font color = green>GODZILLA</font></font></font>
10-07-2001, 04:37 AM
HK, by terrorists we are siding with, do you mean Northern Alliance?
If you'd like, we can send in troops with little knowledge of the terrain and how to do battle on it. We can go in there and fight a war were we would have ZERO support from the people of Afgahnistan as opposed to now when we have some rebels with whom we share a common goal.
Kids, remember what we had to do in a little conflict in World War II? Who did we side with? The Soviets. The very same USSR that had slaughtered millions of their own people. Together, with the Soviet Union, Fascism was extinguished in Europe. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. In that case Stalin, one of the worst leaders in the history of man, was our friend to achieve a goal. Now, we may need the help of terrorists. Will you say no?
And Perrynoid, the IRA has specific targets with minimal civilian casualties. They target government leaders, which isn't very different than what the United States will do to the Taliban. The IRA are put in the same category as the animals with stinger missiles because the rest of Europe hates the Irish, ESPECIALLY the British. Since the US "Has no better ally than Britain," we churn out the same anit-Irish propaganda that they do. What they fail to realize is that 230 years ago we did the same thing to the Brits and we were heroes for it. Guerilla warfare is A-OK if it's done by a "civilized nation," but if done by a hostile nation, they aren't playing fair or they are terrorists.
-Norman Schwartzkoff
"May God bless us in this trial, comfort us, strengthen our resolve, and make our justice as terrible and certain as His."
-Senator John McCain
This message was edited by NewYorkDragons80 on 10-7-01 @ 8:54 AM
10-07-2001, 05:57 AM
I guess my post will be ignored again. Too bad.
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10-07-2001, 08:24 AM
Gore an intellectual? LMAO. He's just as stupid as George Fuzzy Math. I'm no fan of Dubya in fact I hate him but to say Gore would have been better is just insane. They are both the same crap. Any real discernable differences is just marginal.
I will get a sig pic...eventually
I am going to quote one of my favorite historical characters of all time, and the man I truly believed should have been Time magazine's "Man of the 20th Century", Sir Winston Churchill: "If you are not a liberal when you are 20 you have no heart; if you are not a conservative by the time you are 40, you have no MIND."
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Thanks again, WWFallon. You are an American hero.
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10-07-2001, 09:16 AM
Why the anger? We need to unite, my brothers and sisters. I won't say something trite like "agree to disagree", but hey, if anyone has a problem with a particular person on the board, maybe it's best if you handle it through email. Cause it's painful to watch you guys fight in public. Remember what little Lenay said last week: Can't we all just get along?
And personally, I think that Harry Browne should have won. He was the Libertarian candidate, I believe. I don't know dick about his foreign policy, but he was for legalizaing pot. ;)
<img border="0" src="" width="300" height="100">
"I smoke. I take drugs. I drink. I wash every six weeks. I masturbate constantly and fling my steaming poison semen down from my window to your hair and food. I'm a rich and respected columnist for a major metropolitan newspaper. I live with two beautiful women in the city's most expensive and select community. Being a bastard WORKS."
--Spider Jerusalem
I can't speak for anybody else, se7en, but I can honestly and truly tell you there is no anger on my part. I merely get a big kick out of Churchill and his "no bones about it" way of speaking.
Horde King is a liberal, and nothing in the world is gonna change that. I am a conservative, and the same can be said for me. I think we can get along quite well; I am after all a follower of the Tao.
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Thanks again, WWFallon. You are an American hero.
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10-07-2001, 09:54 AM
Churchill has been quoted that he was quite please with the killing of "uncivilized" Kurds in the Middle East. Just a little factoid.
I will get a sig pic...eventually
10-07-2001, 09:59 AM
I'm a follower of girlie heinie!!!
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10-07-2001, 11:12 AM
Reeshy, thank you for putting in perspective what it is we are fighting for.
-Norman Schwartzkoff
"May God bless us in this trial, comfort us, strengthen our resolve, and make our justice as terrible and certain as His."
-Senator John McCain
10-07-2001, 11:48 AM
Regarding the inclusion of terrorists in the anit-terrorism coalition, recall these famous words:
"An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last."
- Winston Churchill
GVAC - On many issues I'm arch liberal on others I'm arch conservative. That makes me a moderate.
GVAC - On many issues I'm arch liberal on others I'm arch
conservative. That makes me a moderate.
So you vote for both Republicans and Democrats? That is a concept I will never understand.
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Thanks again, WWFallon. You are an American hero.
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10-07-2001, 12:22 PM
It's not the party that attracts me it's the positions of the candidates.
It's also another way of ensuring checks and balances within the system.
It has nothing to do with checks and balances, HK. It is more akin to rooting for both teams in a football game. Utterly nonsensical.
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Thanks again, WWFallon. You are an American hero.
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10-07-2001, 01:46 PM
Although there are other pro-palestinian or anti-Israel advocates you are the only one who does not debate, but actively spouts palestinian and arab propeganda, anti-Israel and anti American sentiments.
That's a little extreme, don't you think? AM is just a skeptic. It doesn't make him anti-American. He's all for this country, but if they make a move he doesn't agree with, we'll know about it.
-Norman Schwartzkoff
"May God bless us in this trial, comfort us, strengthen our resolve, and make our justice as terrible and certain as His."
-Senator John McCain
10-07-2001, 04:05 PM
Ok Godzilla you just showed
your stupidity.... Israel
being terrosits and getting
away with it because the US
protects us. Do you realize
there are Bus bombers that
happpen in a regular basis in
Israel???? Do you realize
Israel not nearly fights back
as much as they should because
they are worried waht the US
thinks. I see we have a bunch
of racisits or just stupid
people. I think it is more of
stupid p
David the Franchize
Let them eat Cake!
10-07-2001, 07:35 PM
If you call that restraint I'd hate to see what they would do with no leash.
I will get a sig pic...eventually
The Blowhard
10-07-2001, 09:58 PM
Just look how this thread started. Perry was fooling around, and you guys are pissed at each other.
Can't you just agree to disagree? This is a board about a radio show, right?
AM, you will never change, being an Iranian you are loyal to your people. HK feels passionate about Israel.
Can we stop now? Thanks guys.Now let's go and eat some felafel!;)
"The true character of liberty is independence, maintained by force"
10-07-2001, 10:59 PM
Mmmmmmmmmmm falafal.
10-08-2001, 06:10 AM
Falafels are tastearicious.
I will get a sig pic...eventually
10-08-2001, 08:37 AM
For those of you who said you like falafel, for shame :)
-Norman Schwartzkoff
"May God bless us in this trial, comfort us, strengthen our resolve, and make our justice as terrible and certain as His."
-Senator John McCain
I'd kill for a knish right about now.
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Thanks again, WWFallon. You are an American hero.
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The Blowhard
10-08-2001, 11:47 AM
OK, let's start trouble again:
Bagels or Pitas? ;)
"The true character of liberty is independence, maintained by force"
10-08-2001, 02:11 PM
Bagel in a Pita.
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