View Full Version : Buh-Bye Benoit
01-03-2005, 05:34 PM
Just got through watching Chris Benoit vs Batista on Raw. And it is official: Chirs Benoit will never EVER get another whiff of the world title. Batista went over clean, Orton went over clean and Benoit's role will be relegated to putting over talentless hosses and prettyboys for the rest of his wrestling life. I can't remember the last time I was pissed off enough to turn off Raw after the first match. :mad:
Wayne Brady: Ho's? Dave. Dave? Ho's.
Dave Chappelle: Evenin' bitches.
Talentless? Have you even seen a Bastista match lately? He has improved greatly, and is hella over.
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01-04-2005, 12:41 AM
That match was great and batista and batista is more over than anyone on the roster now. HHH wins NYR. Batista wins Rumble, Batista wins belt at Wrestlemania. When he powered out of the cross face was an awesome moment.
01-04-2005, 04:55 AM
I heard more cheers for Batista last night than for any performer. Randy Orton was only getting cheers from women and during his promo he got some pretty loud boos.
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WQAQ The Soundtrack of Quinnipiac (
01-04-2005, 03:35 PM
Talentless? Have you even seen a Bastista match lately? He has improved greatly, and is hella over.
I know it's the hip thing now to be a Batista mark, since he's been booked so strong on RAW for the past 8 thousand years or so, but when it comes to ability in the ring, Batista is at best a fourth-rate Brock Lesnar, only WITHOUT Brock's incredible wrestling ability. It was a bit scary last night to see Benoit willingly allow a guy who's still pretty sloppy in the ring to give him a muscle buster, given Chris' history of neck problems.
I'm not much of an Orton fan, but even Orton could work circles around Batista, and even more telling, Orton is capable of putting on a good match with someone who is not one of the upper-tier workers on RAW (such as HBK, Benoit, or Jericho). Batista has yet to do that.
I do regretably have to give the WWE some props - they're doing a slow burn on what looks to be an eventual HHH / Batista feud, which could produce a money-making match down the line, unless they get stupid and have Batista & HHH do their own version of the Fingerpoke of Doom (which with the WWE - and Stephanie leading the writing crew - is entirely possible).
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Nov. 3, 2004 - It's official. Four more years!
There are those who said this day would never come.
What are they to say now? </center>
01-05-2005, 12:49 PM
I like Batista but he should not be put over clean on Benoit and I could give cup of cold piss how over he is right now. He's the new flavor of the month and the lemmings have flocked to I really couldn't care less. My concern is Chris Benoit becoming jobber to the stars. What I'm seeing now is that anytime there's a new lump that the Fed wants to push on the masses they trot Benoit out there for the clean job to make the schmuck look legit because HHH won't job clean.
Wayne Brady: Ho's? Dave. Dave? Ho's.
Dave Chappelle: Evenin' bitches.
01-05-2005, 02:25 PM
Maybe I turned on something else but didn't HHH job clean in the center of the ring to Randy Orton. I like Batista a hell of a lot more than Randy Orton.
01-06-2005, 05:33 PM
Actually it was not 100 percent clean the turnbuckle was taken off by Battistta earlier in the match
Everyone Loves CYYYFYYY
I am just a Simple jewish Boy
from the Lower east Side
King Imp
01-07-2005, 12:32 AM
<----- Batista fan since Day 1 (well, Day 1 of RAW anyway since I never watch Smackdown and only knew of his gimmick there from reading the sites).
I'm with the others here. I can't stand those that are jumping on the Batista bandwagon now. The only reason they are doing so is because he "allegedly" is being primed to take on and possibly defeat the man everyone hates.
6 months ago everyone was bashing the big man because heaven forbid he didn't have a "high work rate" or couldn't fly around the ring like a fucking Luchador.
Hey bandwagon fans, do us a favor, go back to sucking Randy Orton's cock and let the trus fans of Batista savor this.
01-07-2005, 04:44 AM
Maybe I turned on something else but didn't HHH job clean in the center of the ring to Randy Orton. I like Batista a hell of a lot more than Randy Orton.
Oh what a surprise. HHH put his pet project over. Woulda never expected it.
Wayne Brady: Ho's? Dave. Dave? Ho's.
Dave Chappelle: Evenin' bitches.
01-07-2005, 02:30 PM
I liked Randy Orton as the cocky heel. I hate him as the forced down my throat fan favorite. The batista turn is going well. I have always been a fan of HHH and have defended him in every single thread that was against him. I think HHH's work ethic is amazing and his love for the business is incredible.
01-07-2005, 08:27 PM
Well said Teenweek
Everyone Loves CYYYFYYY
I am just a Simple jewish Boy
from the Lower east Side
01-08-2005, 05:27 PM
anyone know where i can download this match? haven't been able to find the sledgehammer website in a long time.
01-08-2005, 06:50 PM
Actually it was not 100 percent clean the turnbuckle was taken off by Battistta earlier in the match
But the announcers didn't make an issue of that point, which is all part of why this match did nothing but further demote Benoit down a roster he's already sinking in. JR - who has a fucking coronary if someone like HHH so much as eye-pokes someone - didn't even make mention of the fact that Batista illegally used the turnbuckle to win. It wasn't "Damn that Batista, he cheated to win!", it was "That Batista is a monster, bah gawd!"
Fuck it.
I'm with the others here. I can't stand those that are jumping on the Batista bandwagon now.
If it makes you feel better, I'm NOT on the Batista bandwagon and never have been. Doubt I will anytime soon.
The only reason they are doing so is because he "allegedly" is being primed to take on and possibly defeat the man everyone hates.
I disagree. People are getting on the Batista bandwagon because, like HHH, Batista is being booked as an unstoppable god. This is why HHH gets big face pops even though he's the king heel - he's been booked as victorious for so fucking long that the fans, naturally wanting to cheer winners, give him face heat.
Same with Batista. Book him as a monster, and even if he's a heel, he'll get cheered. The same thing happened a little over a year ago when they (briefly) gave Kane a monster push - he got very over and got great crowd reactions (before they killed that dead by feuding him with Shane).
6 months ago everyone was bashing the big man because heaven forbid he didn't have a "high work rate" or couldn't fly around the ring like a fucking Luchador.
He doesn't have a high work rate and needs better workers to carry him to good matches.
And sine you brought it up, there isn't a lightweight wrestler currently employed by the WWE who is NOT a MUCH better worker than Batista.
I think HHH's work ethic is amazing and his love for the business is incredible.
I may give you the work ethic (he tends to get lazy when not feuding with his friends, but he did strive to put on decent to good matches in 2004), but I wholeheartedly call bullshit on the second part of your assertion.
Hell, if he TRULY loved the business as much as people claim he does, he would never have allowed RAW to have been booked as it has been the last couple years.
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Nov. 3, 2004 - It's official. Four more years!
There are those who said this day would never come.
What are they to say now? </center>
01-09-2005, 06:47 PM
I think HHH's work ethic is amazing and his love for the business is incredible.
HHH has left a TON of wrestlers buried in his path that only shows me he loves himself. Flair put over anyone who wanted to be put over is seemed Sting, Lugar, Kerry Von Erich, Ricky Steamboat, even Ronnie fucking Garvin. That willingness to give someone else a chance to shine when you're the top man shows a love for the business. The realization that there's room in the spotlight for more than just one guy shows a love for the business. Watching HHH fellate himself every fucking week on Raw at the expense of every frigging body else just makes me nauseous.
Wayne Brady: Ho's? Dave. Dave? Ho's.
Dave Chappelle: Evenin' bitches.
01-10-2005, 12:42 AM
And HHH put over Benoit in the match of the year. He put over Maven, Shelton Benjamin and Eugene this year.
01-10-2005, 06:11 AM
And HHH put over Benoit in the match of the year. He put over Maven, Shelton Benjamin and Eugene this year.
HHH put over Benoit because he was given no choice I gaurantee you he had no input concerning the outcome of that match. And he put over Shelton because the fed needed another young star and Orton is a lump. I'd be willing to bet that, that wasn't in his plans either. Orton and HHH were supposed to be the big 2. The heel and the face and they would own Raw playing hot potato with the belt. Not only that but when he put over Benoit, his feud with Randy Orton was the centerpiece of Raw. Was Benoit the center of any REAL storylines when he was champ? What was he allowed to do other than have good matches? Did anything on Raw really focus on Chirs Benoit during his whole reign as champ? As for Eugene, Eugene put himself over. That was something special when a gimmick should have tanked horribly but the fed managed to play it right. HHH had pretty much nothing to do with Eigene's success other than being his first real opponent. Him and evolution beat Eugene bloody and that was pretty much it. And when did HHH put over Maven? That invitation to join Evolution? It would have been nice if they had let maven accept. that would have put Maven over. But Maven didn't accept and thus is still a midcard jobber.
Wayne Brady: Ho's? Dave. Dave? Ho's.
Dave Chappelle: Evenin' bitches.
01-10-2005, 02:29 PM
You have to love it, when Helmsley loses he had to lose, when he wins it was because he demanded it.
Did anyone else notice that Helmsley has yet to pin Beniot on TV since he lost to him on Wresltemania so they keep up the gimmick of Helmsley never beating Beniot even though in Beniots first match in the WWE he lost to Helmsley but that is a different story for a different time
Everyone Loves CYYYFYYY
I am just a Simple jewish Boy
from the Lower east Side
01-10-2005, 05:23 PM
And he put over Shelton because the fed needed another young star and Orton is a lump.
Can we really say that he put him over, though? Because absolutely nothing was sustained. Shelton scored the victory, and for that night at least, he looked like a million bucks, but since then, he hasn't really progressed much at all further up the card. He may be IC champ, but what the hell does that mean? He's feuding with MAVEN these days, and that feud is all about getting Maven over as a heel rather than elevating Shelton. Shelton's just kind of there, when in reality, they should be pushing him as a serious contender for the World title (as they should ALL IC title holders, if they want that belt to have any kind of prestige).
Was Benoit the center of any REAL storylines when he was champ? What was he allowed to do other than have good matches? Did anything on Raw really focus on Chirs Benoit during his whole reign as champ?
Of course not - because the focus was, and always will be, on HHH. Benoit was champ, but he was left to defend it against others (or to wrestle in about 9,394 different tag matches with La Resistance) while the focus was upon HHH. HHH vs. Michaels, HHH vs. Eugene, HHH vs. Orton, etc.
I think, ultimately, the Benoit title reign has to be considered as just a tribute of sorts to Benoit, as a thank you for all of his hard work over the years. Which is a shame, because as Benoit proves time and time again, Benoit can easily win over a crowd and get VERY over simply based upon his work rate and emotion in the ring.
As for Eugene, Eugene put himself over. That was something special when a gimmick should have tanked horribly but the fed managed to play it right. HHH had pretty much nothing to do with Eigene's success other than being his first real opponent. Him and evolution beat Eugene bloody and that was pretty much it.
It's my opinion that HHH kind of fucked over Eugene.
Granted - the gimmick itself has its limitations. It's primarily a midcard gimmick, but for some inexplicable reason, Eugene did get very over (probably owing a bit to The Rock, who actually did more to get Eugene over than HHH by far). And once that happened, who stuck his rather sizable nose into things? HHH.
Can anyone honestly say that the Eugene / Evolution confrontations would have happened if the gimmick didn't take off - or if it never got any more popular than just the midcard?
What happened was that the WWE stuck the Eugene character out there with Evolution, and Eugene got over-exposed (because they made his interactions with Evolution the focal point of every fucking RAW). He's rebounded a bit, but honestly, he never should have really been placed against HHH.
And when did HHH put over Maven? That invitation to join Evolution? It would have been nice if they had let maven accept. that would have put Maven over. But Maven didn't accept and thus is still a midcard jobber.
If he's talking about the match from RAW following Survivor Series, then he's really crazy to think that match was HHH "putting over" Maven, considering that match has Benoit AND Jericho AND Orton cheating like motherfuckers to help Maven win, with HHH STILL coming out victorious (not only NOT putting over Maven - at all - but making the other three main faces look like chumps. There's that HHH for you - man, he just LOVES the business!).
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Nov. 3, 2004 - It's official. Four more years!
There are those who said this day would never come.
What are they to say now? </center>
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