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Forum Focus Change: Ron & Fez to XM [Archive] - Messageboard


View Full Version : Forum Focus Change: Ron & Fez to XM

12-10-2004, 01:22 PM
The "Bring Ron & Fez back to NY" forum has now been changed to "The Goal: Ron & Fez To XM Radio". I felt NY was thinking too small...let's do all we can to get Ron & Fez on satellite radio so the whole country can enjoy them! Instant syndication! Reunited with O&A! More AFRO Shows! Sky's the limit.

Post emails and phone numbers to XM Radio customer suggestion departments.

Someone start an online petition.

Send your letters in!

We can do this!

<center><img src="">
It made my heart sing.

12-10-2004, 01:29 PM
I think this is the wrong idea. While R&F are under contract with Infinity, they are unlikely to end up on XM. If they eventually end up on XM, it is likely to be after their contract with Infinity is over. How long is their contract? That's not publicly knowm, but they signed a new contract during the summer of this year, and it seems unlikely that Infinity would syndicate them to two new markets without a multi-year contract in place.

A return to NY is more likely because they could potentially return to NY while still under contract with Infinity.

I say keep the forum as it is.

edit: and if the goal is to get them to satellite radio, why restrict to XM? Yeah, it would be nice to have O&A and R&F on the same service, but given the speculated ties between Infinity and Sirius, having R&F farmed out to Sirius while under contract with Infinity might be more likely.

<img src="">
Ron & Fez Show Log (; Daily News Scratch N' Match is the Devil
Just because you don't listen doesn't mean I don't have a radio show
The Music Mikey Likes Show on RadioBBQ, weekdays 12-2 (

This message was edited by mikeyboy on 12-10-04 @ 5:36 PM

12-10-2004, 01:49 PM
That, plus XM costs money.

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<marquee behavior=alternate><font size=2><b>EMFA</b></font></marquee>[color=white]

12-10-2004, 02:07 PM
I read the whole keep it on the down low, but in NYC I cant find a site to listen to the boys, please help.

12-10-2004, 02:14 PM
That, plus XM costs money.

Prior to me actually getting XM I would have agreed with you. However I can honestly say that I get what I pay for and I'm very happy with it. If I'm not listening to O&A there's always music on one of the channels for me to listen to. Plus there is a growing portion of comedy channels, political talk radio to listen to. From right wing talk show hosts like Sean Hannity, to Laura Ingraham, to left wing radio like Air America, the O'Franken Factor, Majority Report, as well as ABC News Radio, CNN, and Fox News. Plus MTV and VH1 radio. There's even computer techno talk. Plenty to listen to for anyone who likes radio. Traditional radio is dead in my eyes now. I don't know about the others on this board who have subsribed to satellite radio but I am very happy with it.

<center><IMG SRC="">
Reefy's website... (</center>
<font size="1" color="red">
<center>Check out The Ron and Fez Show Logs...UPDATED!!!!! (</center>
<marquee behavior=alternate bgcolor="#FFFFFF">Right now you could care less about me...
but soon enough you will care, by the time I'm done</marquee> </font>

12-10-2004, 02:22 PM
I think this is the wrong idea. While R&F are under contract with Infinity, they are unlikely to end up on XM.

I think that's incorrect thinking.

Viacom currently hates Mel Karmazin and Howard Stern.

Joel Hollander is an O&A supporter and believes highly in personality driven radio.

Perhaps infinity might realize the money-making potential of simulcasting some of it's feeds on satellite.

I know for a FACT I'd listen to WFAN on Satellite radio.

It's not getting Ron and Fez off WJFK. It's about getting a simulcast.

<center><img src=""></center>

12-10-2004, 02:24 PM
I think this is the wrong idea. While R&F are under contract with Infinity, they are unlikely to end up on XM. If they eventually end up on XM, it is likely to be after their contract with Infinity is over. How long is their contract? That's not publicly knowm, but they signed a new contract during the summer of this year, and it seems unlikely that Infinity would syndicate them to two new markets without a multi-year contract in place.

That's business stuff...whether or not its likely is not the point...its not likely they'll be heard in NY anytime soon either...that's not to say its not a possibility either...

I'm talking about what would be best for the fans entertainment wise....satellite is the future of radio. I can't tell you how awesome it is to be able to listen to O&A from NY to Florida without goign out of range. It's my opinion that the O&A show is 1000 times better on XM radio than it ever was...

A return to NY is more likely because they could potentially return to NY while still under contract with Infinity.

I can't see an Infinity station where they would fit. Certainly not Krock. They're not gonna take out Stern and put Ron & Fez in thier place. I just can't see that. I can't see WNEW either.

edit: and if the goal is to get them to satellite radio, why restrict to XM? Yeah, it would be nice to have O&A and R&F on the same service, but given the speculated ties between Infinity and Sirius, having R&F farmed out to Sirius while under contract with Infinity might be more likely.

Again, its not about the business...I'm coming from an entertainment perspective. You want Stern and Ron & Fez together on the same network? That would be a good fit for you? As a fan, and I think I speak for a lot of people here, I think it would be great to be able to listen to the lineup we were used to before this all went down...O&A and Ron & Fez on the same network...helping out each other's shows...riffing together....two shows united against Stern's bullshit.

<center><img src="">
It made my heart sing.

12-10-2004, 02:28 PM
It's not getting Ron and Fez off WJFK. It's about getting a simulcast.

I understand this. However, this is just not something Infinity has done to this point. There's an additional hurdle in lobbying to get Infinity to do something that is beyond it's corporate policy (simulcasting on satellite) than something that is consistent with its corporate polcy (syndicating a show to one of the stations it owns).

And from my earlier post, if the goal is satellite, why ignore Sirius? As I said, there may be some ties with Infinity. (I have neither Sirius nor XM, so I have nothing vested in either company)

And shouldn't someone consult Heckler on this? He's been the driving force in this campaign, and unless someone else is planning to take the mantle, changing gears without consulting him seems foolish.

<img src="">
Ron & Fez Show Log (; Daily News Scratch N' Match is the Devil
Just because you don't listen doesn't mean I don't have a radio show
The Music Mikey Likes Show on RadioBBQ, weekdays 12-2 (

12-10-2004, 02:32 PM
Look this isn't a mandate. I personally consider satellite to be a better way of going about doing it. Heckler is free to do whatever it is he wants to do. If the end result is I get to hear Ron & Fez again, that's great...I just see a better possibility with satellite radio.

To address the question why XM, i think its better to have a definitive choice between the two companies so the efforts can be focused more on that particular company. Tack on the reasons I've mentioned earlier and its a compelling arguement...I think anyway...

<center><img src="">
It made my heart sing.

12-10-2004, 02:34 PM
I can't see an Infinity station where they would fit. Certainly not Krock. They're not gonna take out Stern and put Ron & Fez in thier place. I just can't see that. I can't see WNEW either.

And I can't see Infinity simulcasting to XM. Why abandon one low odds battle for another. If we want to push the R&F to sattelite, I don't think we should abandon the fight to get them back on in NY (AM is a possibility -- they are on AM in Tampa), and I don't think we shoulkd eliminate Sirius from the battle. Fighting to get R&F heard in NY one way or the other should be the primary concern.

<img src="">
Ron & Fez Show Log (; Daily News Scratch N' Match is the Devil
Just because you don't listen doesn't mean I don't have a radio show
The Music Mikey Likes Show on RadioBBQ, weekdays 12-2 (

12-10-2004, 02:37 PM
It's really simple.

Infinity is scared shitless about what Howard could do when he goes to Sirius. He already says he wants to take a lot of people with him when he goes.

Infinity is not a big fan of Howard or Mel Karmazin right now, and they know what they have to face down.

So infinity has a choice - my idea is making a pre-emptive strike and offering some of their finest shows on satellite. They can still syndicate to markets where it's viable, but they can also make money on the listeners in the markets where it isn't... like New York.

Of course, stations may be pissed off why they have to syndicate shows that are available on XM - but they've probably lost those listeners ANYWAY.

<center><img src=""></center>

12-10-2004, 02:39 PM
I can't see an Infinity station where they would fit. Certainly not Krock. They're not gonna take out Stern and put Ron & Fez in thier place. I just can't see that. I can't see WNEW either.

And I can't see Infinity simulcasting to XM. Why abandon one low odds battle for another. If we want to push the R&F to sattelite, I don't think we should abandon the fight to get them back on in NY (AM is a possibility -- they are on AM in Tampa), and I don't think we shoulkd eliminate Sirius from the battle. Fighting to get R&F heard in NY one way or the other should be the primary concern.

Simulcasting is Tenbats idea. I don't care if they simulcast. I'd rather they didnt. Uncensored, do the show they want...that's what works...

<center><img src="">
It made my heart sing.

12-10-2004, 02:41 PM
Simulcasting is Tenbats idea. I don't care if they simulcast. I'd rather they didnt. Uncensored, do the show they want...that's what works...

Do Ron and Fez need to be uncensored?

<center><img src=""></center>

12-10-2004, 02:42 PM
everyone should be uncensored

<center><img src="">
It made my heart sing.

12-10-2004, 02:44 PM
everyone should be uncensored

Well, Mikey IS right they can't break the contract, so we should accept the fact that if R&F are on satellite in the very near future, it will be a simulcast.

<center><img src=""></center>

12-10-2004, 02:49 PM
I don't care how it happens, I just don't see where they could syndicate Ron & Fez to in NY. But it's not just about those of us in NY...everyone should get to hear them...with satellite you're INSTANTLY available around the country...building a syndicated network takes YEARS for a show...

and i made this point to mikey in our im conversation...i think Ron & Fez as a show would work better on satellite...its like a little gem you discover for when i discovered arrested development for myself it was a treat...but the network didn't really put its efforts into the show until it got popular....

<center><img src="">
It made my heart sing.

This message was edited by FMJeff on 12-10-04 @ 6:51 PM

12-10-2004, 03:01 PM
Ok, Mikey and I talked for a bit, he made some good points...I changed the forum name to "The Goal: Ron & Fez Nationwide". That way we're not limited by the medium but our goal remains the same, to help ron & fez be heard around the country.

<center><img src="">
It made my heart sing.

12-10-2004, 05:23 PM
I've chimed in on this topic before, and from the looks of it Mikey did a lot of the heavy lifting in this thread (huzzah), so I don't really have anything new to offer except relay a conversation R&F had on the air about 3 weeks ago about what they viewed as a drawback to being only on sat radio...very simple, it's the limiting the show to only the hardcore fans.

While that may be great for the hardcore fans, it doesn't do much to bring in anyone new. Also, Ron mentioned about how what often makes great radio are those people who DON'T agree with the hosts - people of differing opinions who can hash it out over the air. Great stuff would be lost.

I would love to see Infinity get off their ass and simulcast their shows across the country. It will be the easiest way to syndicate. Once the suits can figure a way that they can make money with it, I think they'll flip the switch and strike a deal - with someone.

East Side Dave
12-10-2004, 05:37 PM
I'd like to see them simulcast from my basement so I could put funny little hats on Fezzy.

<img src=>
Big Ass Mafia

Click this link ( to hear my show on 90.5 The Night FM;
Friday and Saturday Night: Midnight to 5 AM you bastards!

12-10-2004, 05:52 PM
Question for all the XM experts...Does XM radio work overseas in lets say for hypothetical cases, Japan?? Cause if it does this is something that I will have to seriously consider getting in the next month.


12-10-2004, 05:55 PM
Question for all the XM experts...Does XM radio work overseas in lets say for hypothetical cases, Japan?? Cause if it does this is something that I will have to seriously consider getting in the next month.

I'm no expert, but my understanding is that you can get XM outside of the US, although XM doesn't guarantee that you'll be able to pick it up everywhere. The one thing you'll need, though, is a U.S. billing address.

<img src="">
Ron & Fez Show Log (; Daily News Scratch N' Match is the Devil
Just because you don't listen doesn't mean I don't have a radio show
The Music Mikey Likes Show on RadioBBQ, weekdays 12-2 (

12-10-2004, 06:03 PM
Ok let me narrow it down, would it work in Japan?? Okinawa for instance??


12-10-2004, 06:08 PM
at this point, i think xm is more do-able than krock or another ny station

<img src=""height=100 width=100>

<a href="">mental vomit</a>

12-10-2004, 06:13 PM
Here is the point. Broadcast (terestrial) radio is DEAD! XM is the not only the future, but the present.

I shucked it, and I shucked it, and I shucked it, i'm quite the mother shucker

12-10-2004, 06:36 PM
XM is the not only the future, but the present.

It may very well be the future, but given the subscriber base of XM (and that of Sirius as well), it's not the present yet.

<img src="">
Ron & Fez Show Log (; Daily News Scratch N' Match is the Devil
Just because you don't listen doesn't mean I don't have a radio show
The Music Mikey Likes Show on RadioBBQ, weekdays 12-2 (

This message was edited by mikeyboy on 12-10-04 @ 10:36 PM

12-10-2004, 09:19 PM
XM or any other satellite radio requires a direct line of site to the satellite or repeaters to bounce the signal. As the satellite is probably fixated in orbit over our hemisphere, I can't say for sure whether or not it will the company, they'll tell you.

If anything you could still stream XM on the internet for 7.99.

I've chimed in on this topic before, and from the looks of it Mikey did a lot of the heavy lifting in this thread (huzzah), so I don't really have anything new to offer except relay a conversation R&F had on the air about 3 weeks ago about what they viewed as a drawback to being only on sat radio...very simple, it's the limiting the show to only the hardcore fans.

While that may be great for the hardcore fans, it doesn't do much to bring in anyone new. Also, Ron mentioned about how what often makes great radio are those people who DON'T agree with the hosts - people of differing opinions who can hash it out over the air. Great stuff would be lost.

I would love to see Infinity get off their ass and simulcast their shows across the country. It will be the easiest way to syndicate. Once the suits can figure a way that they can make money with it, I think they'll flip the switch and strike a deal - with someone

See I thought the same thing when Steve first told me about O&A were going to XM...yes, you do lose that element of terrestrial radio but you adapt...and O&A have're gonna lose the occasional shocked caller but you gain something else...freedom to do the show you want to do...the show then becomes more entertaining because you're not inhibited by broadcast regulations. The result of this is an initial loyal following followed by a grassroots campaign of word of mouth advertising... "hey you should check these guys out...they're funny"....

moreover, a lot of companies now are installing satellite radio into thier vehicles so I predict, in time, the dynamic of someone stumbling onto a show they really enjoy will return in a matter of time...

And let me just say this...just because you're a loyal follower of a show doesn't necessarily mean you can't disagree...people do it all the time on O& can appreciate the show for its entertainment value and still have your own opinion about things...

<center><img src="">
It made my heart sing.

This message was edited by FMJeff on 12-11-04 @ 1:20 AM

12-11-2004, 02:04 AM
XM's signal for the receivers only works in Canada, Mexico, and the United states.

HOWEVER, if you pay 8.00 a month, you can get XM online via streaming, and it's pretty good. No extra fee for O&A.

Doogie - PM me for details.

<center><img src=""></center>

12-11-2004, 12:02 PM
in the immortal words of Paris Hilton... "that's hot"

<IMG SRC="">

AIM- yelowrose1981

Its time to party.... Italian Style

"Let's have a bachelor party! With chicks, and guns, and fire trucks, and hookers, and drugs, and booze!"

12-11-2004, 06:12 PM
It may very well be the future, but given the subscriber base of XM (and that of Sirius as well), it's not the present yet.

Mikey, the FCC has killed broadcast radio, you just do not realize it yet.

I shucked it, and I shucked it, and I shucked it, i'm quite the mother shucker

12-11-2004, 06:16 PM
XM or any other satellite radio requires a direct line of site to the satellite or repeaters to bounce the signal. As the satellite is probably fixated in orbit over our hemisphere, I can't say for sure whether or not it will the company, they'll tell you.

Both birds are in geo-synch orbit over North America. I believe Rock is on the east coast, and Roll is on the west.

Basically, Jeff's right. Since the satellites are in geosynch orbit, where North America goes, so does the satellite signal. Hence why it won't work in the Eastern or southern Hemispher.

If you're not in the US, your best bet is to stream.

<center><img src=""></center>

12-11-2004, 06:19 PM
While that may be great for the hardcore fans, it doesn't do much to bring in anyone new. Also, Ron mentioned about how what often makes great radio are those people who DON'T agree with the hosts - people of differing opinions who can hash it out over the air. Great stuff would be lost.

You could ask Jim Norton about a guy from San Jose who wanted to hear some "skits" on O&A.

<center><img src=""></center>

12-11-2004, 07:15 PM
XM's signal for the receivers only works in Canada, Mexico, and the United states.

This doesnt do me a whole hill of beans now does it. They need to change this shit to 'where US bases are'. I need my dose of O and A.

Doogie - PM me for details.

No Tenbats. No matter how many times ya ask, I will not go out with you...


12-11-2004, 08:19 PM
Well that was a first, one of my post's deleted.

Anyone know why, anyone?


I shucked it, and I shucked it, and I shucked it, i'm quite the mother shucker

12-11-2004, 08:57 PM
which one?

<img src=""height=100 width=100>

<a href="">mental vomit</a>