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New Bin Laden tape [Archive] - Messageboard


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10-29-2004, 12:44 PM
Every time I see this guy it simply baffles me that he is still alive, it's totally unbelievable.

Bin Laden: U.S. security depends on policy (

10-29-2004, 12:47 PM
Looks like he's one of those "undecideds"

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10-29-2004, 01:00 PM
bewteen this and the uber-scary tape yesterday, i'm starting to get a little spooked again ...

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10-29-2004, 01:01 PM
So..Does he thinks that Bush is misleading the American people. Wouldn't he want you to vote for him then?

10-29-2004, 01:03 PM
Turns out he just wanted to congratulate the Red Sox.

10-29-2004, 01:15 PM
Well, I guess he's still alive. I was hoping he was dead. That sucks.

Here's a more detailed article on the video. (

This message was edited by HBox on 10-29-04 @ 5:23 PM

10-29-2004, 01:24 PM
So..Does he thinks that Bush is misleading the American people. Wouldn't he want you to vote for him then?

You're suggesting we base our vote on something Osama Bin Laden says?

He should not have that much power over us

[The Patriot Act has decreed this sig indecent, and has put JerryTaker under suspicion]</B>

10-29-2004, 01:26 PM
bewteen this and the uber-scary tape yesterday

Quite frankly I'm not spooked by this. First of all the first tape with that guy is such a joke that it doesn't even register to me as anything important. However this new Bin Laden tape is definitely something that needs to be looked into a little more closely.

However, the reason I'm not so worried is that all these actions by these terrorists from the beginning of the year to today just shows me more and more how much they are losing the battle. I honestly think we are making serious headway and we will one day see a breakthrough in the war on terror.

I think whether it is Bush or Kerry on office that it will occur and that it will be a huge capture and a great day. This war is long from over though I think we are winning the war. We've made some mistakes, and there is definitely some things we could do better, but we've also made significant progress as well.

<center><IMG SRC="">
Reefy's website... (</center>
<font size="1" color="red">
<center>Check out The Ron and Fez Show Logs...UPDATED!!!!! (</center>
<marquee behavior=alternate bgcolor="#FFFFFF">Right now you could care less about me...
but soon enough you will care, by the time I'm done</marquee> </font>

Doctor Manhattan
10-29-2004, 01:33 PM
Looks like he's one of those "undecideds"

<img src="">

That's funny. I wonder who he would vote for.

So is this the october surprise?

Did W let him film this from his hotel room before he "captures him"?

<a href=""><img src="" border=0></a>

This message was edited by SKW on 10-29-04 @ 5:35 PM

10-29-2004, 01:36 PM
so I guess the 20 Newsmax reports that Bib Laden had died were wrong. who would have guessed.

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<a href="">mental vomit</a>

10-30-2004, 08:14 AM
I thought Kerry's response came across rather poorly yesterday, while the President (wisely) took the high road. He blinked like a mother fucking son of a bitch (which, anyone into body language tells you is a sure sign of a liar), but he came across better.

That said, I think the only way this tape could have actually helped Kerry is if Osama had just come out and said, "Please re-elect Bush! We know he can't catch me! This other guy...not so sure...but we know President Bush hasn't caught me!" Followed by a "nanny-nanny-boo-boo."

So..Does he thinks that Bush is misleading the American people. Wouldn't he want you to vote for him then?

He does.
"One of our normal friends." - RB

10-30-2004, 08:28 AM
I realize Bush has said alot of things like this, but I actually gained a ton of respect for Kerry after reading his quote in that article.

"As Americans, we are absolutely united in our determination to hunt down and destroy Osama bin Laden and the terrorists," Kerry said in West Palm Beach, Fla. "They're barbarians, and I will stop at absolutely nothing to hunt down, capture or kill the terrorists wherever they are, whatever it takes, period."

I enjoy a president who's willing to relay the fact that he's pissed off and willing to do something about it. It just seems to give Kerry some additional character to a personality that is widely percieved to be really bland.

10-30-2004, 08:34 AM
I have been a lurker for a year or 2 now and I only have a few posts....but I wholeheartedly agree with Reefdweller. My thoughts exactly. Well said!

10-30-2004, 09:45 AM
New Bin Laden tape

What a recording! His new producers are really pulling out all the stops on this new Bin Ladin Joint. Highly energetic with groovy breakdowns, this new recording breaks new boundries and is sure to rock the house! Recorded in 5.1 sound, you can drop acid and really feel the hate!!!
My favorite cuts are "Melika ach ach ach" and "Piki Piki Buusch, Kari FukFar" DJ's will be blowin up da clubs wit dis shit!!!

<img src="">

10-30-2004, 09:47 AM
Yo, when's he gonna drop tracks with Kanye, son?!?

<img src="">
1979 << I love my drug buddy... >> "You can tell some lies about the good times we've had, but I've kissed your mother twice...and now I'm working on your dad..."

This message was edited by TheMojoPin on 10-30-04 @ 1:47 PM

10-30-2004, 09:51 AM
Something about:

In the tape, bin Laden - wearing traditional white robes, a turban and a tan cloak - reads from papers at a lectern against a plain brown background.

seems kind've fishy. You'd think that a guy hiding out in the middle of a desert would be a little dirty. And a podium with papers? Plain brown blackground, not a cave?

Anyone else think this could possibly be a set-up. It would be very late for an October suprise, but you never know.

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<marquee behavior=alternate><Font size="1" Color="blue">
I got the glass, I got the steel. I got the love to hate.
</font><font color=red> All I need is your head on stake.</font></marquee><Font Color = White>

10-30-2004, 10:05 AM
seems kind've fishy. You'd think that a guy hiding out in the middle of a desert would be a little dirty. And a podium with papers? Plain brown blackground, not a cave?

Who says he's been hiding in a cave? Or the desert? We clearly have no clue WHERE he is. EVERYTHING is just speculation at this point.

One thing to consider, however, is this video could be months old, potentially dating as far back as to when Kerry became the clear Democratic frontrunner, which was, what, February? So who knows WHEN it was made...

<img src="">
1979 << I love my drug buddy... >> "You can tell some lies about the good times we've had, but I've kissed your mother twice...and now I'm working on your dad..."

10-30-2004, 01:23 PM
So who knows WHEN it was made...

The Shadow knows. . .*-http%3A//

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This message was edited by GodsFavoriteMan on 10-30-04 @ 5:27 PM

10-31-2004, 09:00 PM
I'm gonna catch a lot of heat for saying this, but i feel a minority opinion still should be heard anyway....

let me preface this by saying saying any violent reaction to my opinion is probably natural, but i say this with no disrespect intended towards those who lost friends and family by terrorist action...i just want to put this out there...

I read the transcript of bin laden's latest speech twice...this is the first time i've ever read anything by the man where he actually stopped with the muslim "kill all the infidels" bullshit and just spoke plainly and directly to the american public...

I have to admit I'm extremely confused emotionally about how to feel about what I read here...the conservative side of me wishes to instantly dismiss this speech as terrorist rhetoric...the liberal side of me wants to understand more...about the man...about his motivations...our government paints him with such broad strokes that it almost seems as if he isn't a real person at all, but some comic book villain like Doctor Doom or Emperor Ming...there is a certain degree of a person on the terrorist side must feel about America and the terror we've unleashed over there...what drives them to kill others and themselves to preserve thier own people...I don't want to be his friend and as any other human being on this planet who values life rejects his methodologies with profound intensity...but are we better of just dismissing the man instead of trying to understand him? Isn't that just the American way? "I will hunt and kill the terrorists wherever they hide...." What kind of bullshit american cockiness is that? Maybe that makes the idiots of the general populace feel better, but I sure as hell don't. Everytime we bomb a city in the middle east we make more terrorists. I dunno, maybe more listening and less bombing might do us all some good? I mean...the man knows we're weak, he exploited our weakness, and no matter how many tanks or lasers or whatever we have, there's no way we're stopping someone with WMD's walking into a major's just not gonna happen...

its really easy to just go into a downward spiral of apathy if you really think about it...can we ever conquer our baser instrincts? the lust for power? the ignorance of cultures? and by we i mean mostly this country, but in the middle east as well....

sorry if i offended...just want to understand....

<center><img src="">
It made my heart sing.

10-31-2004, 09:54 PM
just want to understand

A sentiment that seperates you from the vast majority of us out there. Understanding takes time, thought, and work. Why do that when you can have a knee jerk reaction like "Why don't we just nuke them and turn their land into glass?"

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11-01-2004, 02:54 AM
the liberal side of me wants to understand more...about the man...about his motivations...

He's made this clear in previous statements: as a veteran of the Afghan war against the Soviets, bin Laden is passionate about helping Muslims who are suppressed/oppressed. He hates the way Muslims are treated by Israel and is angry at America's support of Israel because of this. He also hates America's support of the Saudis whom he feels are corrupt and not truly Islamic. He also hates Western influence in Saudi Arabia which is home to the Two Holy Mosques.

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A Skidmark/canofsoup15 production.

Red Sox Nation

11-01-2004, 04:28 AM

The following memo was obtained from an unnamed yet impeccable source within the CIA and is simply amazing.

From: Bin Laden, Osama []
Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2002 8:17 AM
To: Cavemates
Subject: The Cave

Hi guys. We've all been putting in long hours but we've really come together as a group and I love that. Big thanks to Omar for putting up the poster that says "There is no I in team" as well as the one that says "Hang In There, Baby." That cat is hilarious. However, while we are fighting a jihad, we can't forget to take care of the cave. And frankly I have a few concerns.

First of all, while it's good to be concerned about cruise missiles, we should be even more concerned about the scorpions in our cave. Hey, you don't want to be stung and neither do I, so we need to sweep the cave daily. I've posted a sign-up sheet near the main cave opening.

Second, it's not often I make a video address but when I do, I'm trying to scare the most powerful country on earth, okay? That means that while we're taping, please do not ride your razor scooter in the background. Just while we're taping. Thanks.

Third point, and this is a touchy one. As you know, by edict, we're not supposed to shave our beards. But I need everyone to just think hygiene, especially after mealtime. We're all in this together.

Fourth: food. I bought a box of Cheez-Its recently, clearly wrote "Osama" on the front, and put it on the top shelf. Today, my Cheez-Its were gone. Consideration. That's all I'm saying.

Finally, we've heard that there may be American soldiers in disguise trying to infiltrate our ranks. I want to set up patrols to look for them. First patrol will be Omar, Muhammed, Abdul, Akbar, and Richard.

Love you lots.


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Fuck it from behind.