View Full Version : Looking For A Home For My Cat
10-13-2004, 06:31 PM
Well in about a month I'll be moving out and cant bring my cat with me. She's 2 years old, was spade and has all her shots. She's long haired, all black except for one white dot next to her right eye.
It hurts for me to give her up but I honestly cant care for her properly and I'll be moving into a house that doesnt allow pets.
I will meet up with you anywhere in the NY/NJ area. Please feel free to PM me for more info. I dont want to take her to an adoption facility cause I need to know she's going to be loved. I had her since she was only 3 weeks old. She's like my baby.
Please if you can help I would be greatful.
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"I sorry to interupt the politic, please is it possible I make a shit in your house? It very urgent, I have a problem...please." -Borat from Da Ali G Show</center><font color=white>
10-14-2004, 12:24 PM
Beware of offers until next month...
Black cat adoptions put on hold (
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The sun in your eyes made some of the lies worth believing
10-14-2004, 01:26 PM
As much as I love pussy, my Siamese takes up too much of my time as it is. Good luck Pants, you're doing your cat a nice service by trying to find a nice home.
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Please don't hold my huge nutbag against me, or I'll hold it against you that you have flapjack tits
10-15-2004, 06:03 AM
Please don't take your cat to the shelter.
A 2 year old cat will most likely be put down.
Please, anyone adopting an animal, remember you're adopting that animal for life. A cat can live 18 years.
Call Friends of Felines or Stray Katz rescue organization.
<a href="">Here is a link to a nokill shelter in the nyc area</a>
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This message was edited by angrymissy on 10-15-04 @ 11:46 AM
Missy has a great point, put an add in the paper and make some flyers
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10-22-2004, 02:30 AM
If you REALLY cared what happened to your cat you wouldn't disown her. At least try to find a good home before sending her to her death at a shelter from kennel cough or feline leukemia. Pussys rule!
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10-22-2004, 04:46 AM
If you REALLY cared what happened to your cat you wouldn't disown her.
Um, what if you have to move into a new place that refuses to let you keep the cat. What do you suggest to do then?? I know-- why don't you mail me your reply along with my books!!!!
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<a href="" target=_new>Katylina's Web Page</a>
<marquee>I have no desire to make windows into men's souls.</marquee>
10-22-2004, 06:10 AM
Um, what if you have to move into a new place that refuses to let you keep the cat. What do you suggest to do then??
You either sneak the cat in or find a place that takes cats, it's not that hard. I almost gave away one of my cats when I moved, until I realized it would be fucked up. I have 3 cats and I've always been able to find an apartment that would take them. You might have to pay a little more money, or look a little harder, but it is doable. Our pets are our companions and depend on us, they're not disposable.
Is there at least a family member that can adopt the cat? I had 4 cats at one point and one was not getting along with the other 3, so my sister and father took him in. He already knew my sister because she lived with me before, so it was an easy transition, and I still get to visit him.
edit: In fact, my last apartment was supposed to be a "no pets" apartment, but I spoke with the landlord and let him know my cats are neutered and indoor only, and offered a $500 pet deposit in case the carpets or anything was ruined, and he let me have the cats.
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This message was edited by angrymissy on 10-22-04 @ 10:15 AM
10-22-2004, 07:29 AM
this isnt gonna help but its just a "beat the landlord" story...
my friend's apartment has a no dog rule that turned into a no pet rule but let the people who already had cats keep them. my friend wanted to adopt this tiny lil chiuaua and they told her no. they argued that there are cats there that are bigger than the dog, she doesnt bark, and they will keep her on a leash. some of the people in that apartment accumulate cats like theyre going out of style and the cats just run free all over the place. she won her lil battle and now has her doggy.
there are still people in the complex who make up stories to try to get the dog kicked out and I think that is so fucked up.
fight for your pussy pants!!
((ps- if my step dad didnt hate cats i would gladly take her in, im looking for a lil buddy))
<center><font color="blue"><b>You can speak your mind but not on my time.
<img src="">
<font color="red">To all the people who never gave love, and continue to deny me 'cuz of what I look like: suck my dick you fucks!!!</font>
<font color="blue">I dunno where I'm goin', all I know is when I get there someone's gonna touch my body.</font></font></b>
This message was edited by AngelAmy on 10-22-04 @ 11:32 AM
walking joint
10-22-2004, 07:34 AM
Um, what if you have to move into a new place that refuses to let you keep the cat. What do you suggest to do then?? I know-- why don't you mail me your reply along with my books!!!!
but if the answer isn't posted, it won't help Pantera find a home for his cat...this is about his cat, right?
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thanks for the sig SatCam...and thanks for bringing it back Furie
10-22-2004, 07:42 AM
i suggested to my mom to get my grandmother a cat but she isnt really a cat thinking maybe it would be good to find someone either here or someone you know that has a mother or grandmother that lives alone that might need a lil companion but is still able to care for herself and cat and go that route.
<center><font color="blue"><b>You can speak your mind but not on my time.
<img src="">
<font color="red">To all the people who never gave love, and continue to deny me 'cuz of what I look like: suck my dick you fucks!!!</font>
<font color="blue">I dunno where I'm goin', all I know is when I get there someone's gonna touch my body.</font></font></b>
10-22-2004, 07:47 AM
Sorry. Couldn't resist.
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[center]"Freakshow Makes...Tall James Takes"
This message was edited by Tall_James on 10-22-04 @ 11:48 AM
10-22-2004, 08:45 AM
You either sneak the cat in or find a place that takes cats,
I would agree 100%, but there are circumstances where sneaking the cat in are impossible. It seems all of these places you call that are humane, all say that they will not accepts any more cats.
<img src="">
<a href="" target=_new>Katylina's Web Page</a>
<marquee>I have no desire to make windows into men's souls.</marquee>
10-22-2004, 09:18 AM
Unfortunatly I can not sneak the cat into the house.
I've tried to call the nassua animal league and they arent excepting cats. I called the ASPCA and they arent excepting cats. They reffered me to another shelter but they are not a non kill shelter.
This isnt an easy issue for me. I got really upset yesterday just thinking about my choices. I really dont know what to do. I cant bring the cat to get evaluated cause my cat isnt very friendly. She's let me, my dad, and Kristi pet her. I was shocked when Kristi was able to pet the cat without her attacking her. But the fact is that when I take her to be evaluated she's going to go nuts, attack the doctors or whoever is evaluating her and they will choose to put her down. I know this, yet I dont know what other choices I have. I'm moving to a much better place. Where I live now is a 2 by 4 studio apartment where I sleep on a couch because I cant fit a fucking bed in there.
I've posted on several cat friendly messageboards, called all the no kill shelters I can find. I asked any of you if you can take her. Asked personal friends, family, even co-workers, but nobody wants to take her. Dont tell me I dont care for my cat because I do, but this move is something I need to do for myself...someone I've neglected for far too long.
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10-22-2004, 09:25 AM
hmm , so you're lookin for the pussy....
not an uncommon problem
[center][color=purple]Jack&Gwen ~ 10/5/04
It's Peanut Butter Jelly Time! (
10-22-2004, 12:01 PM
try, the pet forum... they have people on there who foster cats who might be able to point you in the right direction... i only know of the orgs. here in Jersey.
if your cat will freak out when they evaluate it DO NOT take it to a regular shelter, they will deem it unadoptable. You need to get with one of the smaller resuce orgs. that have foster homes for cats.
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This message was edited by angrymissy on 10-22-04 @ 4:03 PM
10-22-2004, 01:36 PM
Also try NY Pet Rescue ( I adopted my dogs from there. They are really friendly people. They take animals of all ages.
10-23-2004, 10:23 AM
North Shore Animal League is no kill and will take her.
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10-23-2004, 10:36 AM
I am pretty sure he called there, and they are not accepting cats.
I was shocked when Kristi was able to pet the cat without her attacking her
That's because I know how to pet a pussy the correct way. It takes years of practice to master this move.
<img src="">
<a href="" target=_new>Katylina's Web Page</a>
<marquee>I have no desire to make windows into men's souls.</marquee>
This message was edited by Katylina on 10-23-04 @ 2:36 PM
10-23-2004, 06:38 PM
I was able to get rid of a cat I had by putting and ad in a pennysaver and this is what I did; I made up an ad asking fo spomeone to adopt it and I will include the following: 1 cat, 1 cat litter pan w/liners, 1 YEAR worth of food, cleaning supplies, literature on cats, water/food bowls, all medical history etc. I stated I was heartbroken.
I got 15 calls from people and one woman called me and said she wanted to come over and check her out and she came over and liked her and that was the last I ever saw of that psycho cat from hell! :)
North Shore Animal League is no kill and will take her.
I tried that and they basically told me that they absolutely couldnt take her back!
Seriously, try the ad. Then change your number!
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<center><B>My Thanks to Just Jon, Reefdwella, ADF, Yerdaddy,Monsterone and Katylina for the sig-pic help and creation!</B></center>
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This message was edited by sr71blackbird on 10-23-04 @ 10:41 PM
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