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Ivan + New Orleans = Underwater [Archive] - Messageboard


View Full Version : Ivan + New Orleans = Underwater

09-14-2004, 02:59 PM
If hurricane Ivan hit New Orleans directly... ( the city would be flooded under 20 feet of water for weeks..

<center> </center>

<center><B>My Thanks to Just Jon, Reefdwella, ADF, Yerdaddy,Monsterone and Katylina for the sig-pic help and creation!</B></center>
<marquee behavior=alternate><font size=1>Which Witch Wished Which Wicked Wish?</marquee>

09-14-2004, 03:13 PM

09-14-2004, 03:18 PM
My friend who goes to Tulane University was going to fly back there yesterday. I hope she stayed here in NY.

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Thank you Freakshow.

09-14-2004, 03:33 PM
My aunt and uncle live in fort meyers, florida....they got hit bad with the last hurricane..I asked them why they continue to live there....My aunt just said that "We love it here"...Crazy!!!!!

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09-14-2004, 03:44 PM

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09-14-2004, 03:46 PM
I can't beleive people live there for a beautiful 3 months and then the rest of the time it's rainy or there's a hurricane on the horrizon.

<img src="" align="right" alt="Nigguh pleeze" /><a href="">Ron and Fez Drops and Bits</a>


Heather 8
09-14-2004, 03:53 PM

Nice to see Tom from New Orleans still hanging in there.

"How you guys doin'?"

09-14-2004, 04:00 PM
resshy - is that hitler in your sig?
Thanks to Monsterone for my first sig.

09-14-2004, 08:35 PM
If any town needed a good stank-washin', it's New Orleans.

<img src="">
1979 << I love my drug buddy... >> "You can tell some lies about the good times we've had, but I've kissed your mother twice...and now I'm working on your dad..."

09-14-2004, 08:43 PM
This is what you get for fucking with The Simpsons.

09-14-2004, 08:45 PM
resshy - is that hitler in your sig?

First of all it's spelled reeshy...and not it's not Hitler

[center]<IMG SRC="">

09-14-2004, 08:45 PM
i bet flights are cheap

<center><img border=1 src=""><br></center>


<font color="gray" size="1">do you know what "nemesis" means? a righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent.
personified in this case by an 'orrible cunt... me.

<font color= "red" size="6">

Mike Teacher
09-14-2004, 09:51 PM
i bet flights are cheap

Hopefully not flights of those 4x8s sailing through the air at 150mph.


If you really wanted 'The Perfect Storm' meaning, by what Sebastian Junger meant, the interstice of several factors, ending up in one fucking Bad Day, you combine:

The Winds created by the release of Heat +

The Waves churned by Winds, and pushed outward +

The actual physical lifting of the sea, from insanely low pressures at center =

A storm surge. If you add the timing of a high-tide you can have seas of up to 20+ feet above mean high tide levels. Galveston was about wiped off the map in 1900, 6000+ gone there. Bad Times. We have been very very very [keep going for a while...] very very lucky.

<IMG SRC="">

09-15-2004, 06:23 AM
The big NO is in trouble. People down there know that one big Category 5 could wipe out half the city - especially the French Quarter.

If Ivan stays strong and hits Lake Pontchartrain head on, good bye French Quater.

The city stays dry because of a series of levees and drains that can handle a maximum of 2 inches an hour. Ivan has the potential to deliver up to 20 inches an hour.

True, it's a dirty city, but it has a great character and it's tons of fun. I've been to a few Mardi Gras and never had such an awesome time. I hope she survives.

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...with thanks to JustJon

09-15-2004, 06:28 AM
my boss was supposed to fly there tommorow. the airline called her last night and cancelled.

it is going to be bad news down there once this storm comes. billions in damage. i was supposed to go last year for vacation and i never went. oh well, maybe after the rebuild i will try and take a trip.
Thanks to Monsterone for my first sig.

09-15-2004, 06:35 AM
Nice to see Tom from New Orleans still hanging in there.

I hope his wife is O.K.!

My bad........

I shucked it, and I shucked it, and I shucked it, i'm quite the mother shucker

09-15-2004, 06:49 AM

Nice to see Tom from New Orleans still hanging in there.

Peachy took the words right out of my mouth!

If any town needed a good stank-washin', it's New Orleans.

You got it Mojo. If anyone has been to Bourbon St. they can attest to the fact that it smells like a mens room at a dive bar after closing time.
Puke puke puke.
But I think people are also forgetting that the FL panhandle is also getting hammered. At this rate FL is going to have over 100 BILLION in damages. If you want to buy real estate, it is going to be cheap as hell now. (Insurance rates will be up the ass but we are used to that in NJ)

<img src=>
"What did he want???"
"What do all men want Phillip?"
"He wants you to dress up like Wonder Woman, tie him up with your golden lariat and force him to tell the truth?????"

The Jays
09-15-2004, 07:31 AM
Meanwhile, Tropical Storm Jeanne was threatening to turn into a hurricane Wednesday in the Caribbean as it approached Puerto Rico. At 8 a.m., it had wind of about 70 mph, just a few mph below hurricane strength, and was about 70 miles southeast of San Juan, Puerto Rico. Long-range forecasts showed it could be near Florida's east coast as early as the weekend.

[center]<font color="blue" face="Trebuchet MS" size=-2> Fuck what you heard.</font>

09-15-2004, 07:38 AM
Category 4 =

Right now I'm just south of the Red Star. The winds are starting to pick up, and the rain will be onshore here very soon. Everyone is predicting that this fucking thing is going to start ramming due north, and is headed right for us.

I've done what I can to secure this place, and it's probably time to start packing and get the fuck out. I've ridden out several down here, but never a Category 4... or even a Cat 3. At least not a direct hit like this will most likely be.

Any prayers or good thoughts you could send our way would be greatly appreciated.

<center><img src="">
I beat the clown!__________SigPic courtesy CZMc2004</center>

09-15-2004, 07:43 AM
this sucks

<center><img src="">
I beat the clown!__________SigPic courtesy CZMc2004</center>

09-15-2004, 07:56 AM
Ozzie - get the fuck out of there if you can. If not, keep your head low and stay safe.

Good luck.

<img src=>
[center]"Freakshow Makes...Tall James Takes"

09-15-2004, 08:16 AM
Ozzie, if you can't get out, get to "high ground"...go stay in a hotel or a friend living in a tall apartment building.

Good luck and stay safe.

<img src="">
1979 << I love my drug buddy... >> "You can tell some lies about the good times we've had, but I've kissed your mother twice...and now I'm working on your dad..."

09-15-2004, 08:22 AM
"Be careful. Trust me on this, if it's one thing I know, it's Crazy Ivans."

<img src=""><br>
"It is not best to use our morals weekdays, it gets them out of repair for Sunday." - Mark Twain 1898

Thanks to Reefy & M1 for my sigs!!

09-15-2004, 08:32 AM
I've been saying since Friday that it's going to hit Alabama. Just a hunch.

Be safe Ozzy.

<center><img width=300 src=>
Thanks Furtherman, SatCam, Reefdweller, and Monsterone!<br>I hate traveling, mostly because my dad used to beat me with a globe.</center>

09-15-2004, 08:34 AM

Best of luck to you Ozzie. Head for high land!

<IMG SRC="">
...with thanks to JustJon

09-15-2004, 09:09 AM
Don't listen to them Oz stick around and keep posting. We need live coverage. Start a thread from inside the eye. Test a sig while spinning in mid-air. Duck if any foreign objects come hurling at you. Unless it's a chick.

<img src="" alt="Rescue My sig"border=2>
I'll tip my hat to the new constitution Take a bow for the new revolution

09-15-2004, 09:14 AM
get a notebook so in case the power goes out you can still post.
Thanks to Monsterone for my first sig.

09-15-2004, 09:17 AM
Duck if any foreign objects come hurling at you. Unless it's a chick.

Specifically, a hot Brazillian chick.

<img src=""><br>
"It is not best to use our morals weekdays, it gets them out of repair for Sunday." - Mark Twain 1898

Thanks to Reefy & M1 for my sigs!!

09-15-2004, 10:13 AM
Here is a tracking graphic of Ivan.

Ivan Graphic Archive (

<IMG SRC="">
...with thanks to JustJon

East Side Dave
09-15-2004, 10:27 AM
----------Weather Flash-------

-----straight off the weather-wire-------

------Following Hurricane Ivan------

----Will be Hurricane Lendl------

----Jimmy Connors and John MacEnroe at risk for danger!------

---more flash at noon-----

<img src=>
Big Ass Mafia

Click this link ( to hear my show on 90.5 The Night FM;
Friday and Saturday Night: Midnight to 5 AM you bastards!

09-15-2004, 10:42 AM


damn, 30 foot waves, thats the craziest thing. also judging by the fact the the eye is more defined and bigger than about to hours ago, plus the MB are droppin a little again, means it may be gettin stronger right now

i wish all those people well
GO SAWX!!!!!
Rollin down the Street, Smokin Indo, sippin on Gin & Juice Snoogans 1, Monitor 0

09-15-2004, 10:55 AM
plus the MB are droppin a little again, means it may be gettin stronger right now

Over the weekend the millibars dropped to 904, I believe. Which was one the 5 lowest pressures of all time for an Atlantic storm. That's some serious shit.

<center><img width=300 src=>
Thanks Furtherman, SatCam, Reefdweller, and Monsterone!<br>I hate traveling, mostly because my dad used to beat me with a globe.</center>

09-15-2004, 10:58 AM
yea i was watching before, and they had gotten up to 940, and the eye was startin to get oblong, but last check:
they are at 937 now, and the eye seriously is now lookin perfect, which isnt good
GO SAWX!!!!!
Rollin down the Street, Smokin Indo, sippin on Gin & Juice Snoogans 1, Monitor 0

09-15-2004, 11:04 AM
that storm is HUGE. it looks like we took it from jupiter and put it here. i feel bad for all those people. when is it supposed to make land fall?
Thanks to Monsterone for my first sig.

09-15-2004, 11:07 AM
they say anytime around tonight, the winds are gonna get into the 50's by late this afternoon, but its so slow its gonna be late before the eye and be there for a few days, and its gonna do some damge in the states north of the coastals too
GO SAWX!!!!!
Rollin down the Street, Smokin Indo, sippin on Gin & Juice Snoogans 1, Monitor 0

09-15-2004, 11:13 AM
this might be the scariest map of all
GO SAWX!!!!!
Rollin down the Street, Smokin Indo, sippin on Gin & Juice Snoogans 1, Monitor 0

This message was edited by Snoogans on 9-15-04 @ 3:15 PM

09-15-2004, 11:18 AM
so now they are saying it is going to miss new orleans and just hit alabama and florida?
Thanks to Monsterone for my first sig.

09-15-2004, 11:18 AM
Snoogs, why not just post the link? (

<img src="" border=0 align=right>

"Ahh, Beer. The cause of, and answer to all of life's problems"
Big A.S.S.#22127
The Cruising Vessel (

09-15-2004, 11:21 AM
yea good point, and Nick, no.

they have been sayin that the whole time, the outter bands will hit new orleans, but hurricanes stay over water as long as the can, and since louisiana sticks out, it tends to cut to the right and avoid the early land fall.
dont be fooled though, the outterbands could still flood the shit outta new orleans, especially since they will still have huge wave surges
GO SAWX!!!!!
Rollin down the Street, Smokin Indo, sippin on Gin & Juice Snoogans 1, Monitor 0

09-15-2004, 11:33 AM
Ozzie - get the fuck out of there if you can. If not, keep your head low and stay safe.

Good luck.

Ozzie I am with should get out while the gettin's good. Before the roads are fully flooded and covered with debris.

If you can't then good luck and I will cross my fingers for you.

<img src=>
"What did he want???"
"What do all men want Phillip?"
"He wants you to dress up like Wonder Woman, tie him up with your golden lariat and force him to tell the truth?????"

09-15-2004, 02:31 PM
Are the people of New Orleans complete animals? I came across this diddy while reading about the storm......

The city decided against opening the Superdome to able-bodied people. The last time that happened, during Hurricane Georges in 1998, the 14,000 refugees nearly did more damage than the storm itself. Countless televisions, seat cushions and bar stools were stolen, and workers spent months cleaning graffiti off the walls.

So let me get this straight......your city is nice enough to take your cajun ass in, and you fuck up the place that they let you stay in? ANIMALS!

I shucked it, and I shucked it, and I shucked it, i'm quite the mother shucker

09-15-2004, 03:18 PM
Does this mean Mardi Gras is cancelled this year?

<center> </center>

<center><B>My Thanks to Just Jon, Reefdwella, ADF, Yerdaddy,Monsterone and Katylina for the sig-pic help and creation!</B></center>
<marquee behavior=alternate><font size=1>Which Witch Wished Which Wicked Wish?</marquee>

Mike Teacher
09-15-2004, 03:34 PM
Does this mean Mardi Gras is cancelled this year?

I'm not sure, but I just saw some new postcards...

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09-15-2004, 06:38 PM

winds are still 135, but now the mb are down to 933. time to be scared now. 20 foot water level rises and 40 foot waves plus the weather channel just showed its rainging so hard that a pool that was emptied has a visible water level already
GO SAWX!!!!!
Rollin down the Street, Smokin Indo, sippin on Gin & Juice Snoogans 1, Monitor 0

09-15-2004, 08:23 PM
I should go on to sleep but I'm glued to the coverage on tv - CNN's feed from Mobile is just nuts.

I can't even imagine putting up with that.

"Don't believe everything you read on message boards." - RB

09-15-2004, 08:51 PM
I'm watching CNN right now. I want to comment on one thing besides the awfulness of this storm: I cannot believe that these networks are sending people into the middle of a hurricane, especially one like this. Someone is gonna die one of these days, and for what? That we can see how horrible hurricanes are? Isn't the devastation afterwards enough? And then what gets me is that the reporters in the middle of the storm will track down and interview people who stayed, and act all flabbergasted that someone would stay through a hurricane. YEAH, IT IS PRETTY FUCKING STUPID TO SIT THROUGH A HURRICANE! IS IRONY LOST ON YOU STUPID FUCKING REPORTERS!?

09-17-2004, 07:06 PM
Dont think Im harsh or anything, but I have spoken with a number of people who also seemed a little "let down" that the hurricane didnt cause as much damage as expected. Were you dissapointed? Just curious...

<center> </center>

<center><B>My Thanks to Just Jon, Reefdwella, ADF, Yerdaddy,Monsterone and Katylina for the sig-pic help and creation!</B></center>
<marquee behavior=alternate><font size=1>Which Witch Wished Which Wicked Wish?</marquee>

09-23-2004, 06:25 AM
Ivan sez, "I'M BACK, BITCH!" (

<img src="">
1979 << I love my drug buddy... >> "You can tell some lies about the good times we've had, but I've kissed your mother twice...and now I'm working on your dad..."