09-09-2004, 01:20 AM
LOS ANGELES, California (Reuters) -- A Southern California man who sold the skull of a Hawaiian woman from the 18th century to undercover agents on eBay was charged on Wednesday with a federal crime. (http://www.cnn.com/2004/US/09/08/crime.skull.reut/index.html)
<img src="http://homepage.mac.com/furie1335/.Pictures/rfsigs/FuturamaRush.jpg">
<marquee>"All right! It's Saturday night, I have no date, a two liter bottle of Shasta and my all Rush mix tape, let's rock!"
<a href="http://fallingtowardsapotheosis.blogspot.com/">mental vomit</a>
<img src="http://homepage.mac.com/furie1335/.Pictures/rfsigs/FuturamaRush.jpg">
<marquee>"All right! It's Saturday night, I have no date, a two liter bottle of Shasta and my all Rush mix tape, let's rock!"
<a href="http://fallingtowardsapotheosis.blogspot.com/">mental vomit</a>