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09-06-2004, 02:18 PM
Kane vs. Orton, Triple H vs. Eugene in a steel cage!

Should be a good night with this being the last raw before the PPV on sunday

09-06-2004, 02:32 PM
I honestly thought the whole Eugene/HHH program was done....

09-06-2004, 02:46 PM
it will be tonight. Eugene beat HHH last week. Makes sense with Orton busy

Heather 8
09-06-2004, 03:58 PM
Dave Meltzer is reporting that Paul Heyman is at Raw tonight. Apparently he has rejoined the creative team (although Brian Gerwitz is still the head writer for Raw).

09-06-2004, 04:38 PM
i hope heyman gets some type of input.. it will actually make the angles and characters decent.

09-06-2004, 04:46 PM
I think they should let Heyman be the Head creative guy on SD!, and let him and Vince write for Raw. Vince, in my opinion should still be good enough to squeeze out some ideas with Paul.

Jesus - The Source of my Strength!
<IMG SRC="">
<marquee>"The Revolution will not be televised!"</marquee>
"The first casualty of War, is Truth!" - James Enthume

Heather 8
09-06-2004, 05:24 PM
It's now being reported that Paul is not an "official" writer, but rather is acting as more of an "idea man." Since Vince has shat on his ideas in the past, I don't know if the current atmosphere would make things any different.

This message was edited by Peachy on 9-6-04 @ 9:25 PM

09-06-2004, 05:46 PM
For god's sake just make him the head writer of both shows already. He's a genius in wrestling. It'll save both shows.

09-07-2004, 05:05 PM
For god's sake just make him the head writer of both shows already. He's a genius in wrestling. It'll save both shows.


Jesus - The Source of my Strength!
<IMG SRC="">
<marquee>"The Revolution will not be televised!"</marquee>
"The first casualty of War, is Truth!" - James Enthume

09-13-2004, 06:49 PM
Looks like Lita is unpregnant!!

<img src=>
Please don't hold my huge nutbag against me, or I'll hold it against you that you have flapjack tits

09-13-2004, 06:54 PM
It's stupid shit like this which has REALLY helped destroy any credibility wrestling has as a legitimate form of athletic entertainment.

Just retarded.

<center><img border="0" src="" width="300" height="100">
Don't blame me....I voted for Kodos.
I look forward to an orderly election that will eliminate the need for a violent bloodbath. </center>

09-13-2004, 06:58 PM
My God...Lita got hurt...LITA GOT HURT...what is wrong with you people....I LOVE HER...SHE"S CARRYING MY BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[center]<IMG SRC="">

This message was edited by reeshy on 9-13-04 @ 10:59 PM

Heather 8
09-13-2004, 07:05 PM
Well, sucks to be you then, reeshy.

Gee, and here I thought we'd actually be privvy to the convenient water breaking, rapid labor, and birth of the demon seed within a two-hour span several Raws down the road.

09-13-2004, 07:41 PM
Hey Peachy what's more bullshit:

the entire kane-lita angle

or (what I think is), the clusterfuck that they forced stevie richards to do last night

<img src="">

IM: Evilpete66
<li><a href="
">Blog (AKA random thoughts of a loser):</a></li>

Heather 8
09-13-2004, 08:02 PM
Well, since I'm going solely by what I read online (I'm so thankful for my lack of cable at this point), I have to go with the Tomko "match." There was absolutely no reason a squash needed to stretch for 15 minutes. (Best line I've read about Tomko: "He's more like one of those "Create-a-Wrestlers" for a PS2 game that someone got crazy with adding the tattoos on.") But that's not to say that the Lita thing was gold compared to that; pregnancy angles usually suck.

BTW, anyone call the Simon System number? ;)

This message was edited by Peachy on 9-14-04 @ 12:08 AM

09-13-2004, 08:51 PM
BTW, anyone call the Simon System number? ;)

As soon as I saw the area code was 203, I knew there was hijinks afoot.

re: Lita pregnancy. I know it seems like a miscarriage angle, but having a jobber do it just seems anticlimatic. If anything, it shoulda been Tomko, to give the Lita/Trish feud that extra spice.

My call: Lita doesn't miscarry but she's off TV a few weeks under doctor's orders. Considering how the WWE has been hyping this angle, I can't believe they are gonna kill it now.

re: Vince's announcement. Could it be something that has to do with his own offspring?

re: Foley/Bradshaw debates. Holy fuck, I don't even want to see Kerry and Bush debate, what makes you think I want to see Foley and Bradshaw debate?

re: Simon System. It could work, but it needs a hot chick. I'm glad to see they are kind of combining the Positive Page gimmick (which I was a fan of) with the Bodydonnas.

re: Gail's shirt. It's losing the battle, man.

re: Nidia. Can someone PLEASE put her in a wardrobe of clothes that's trademarked? Lita has her own look, Trish has her own look, all the divas have their own look EXCEPT for Nidia, who just looks awful every week.

Nidia needs a J.Lo gimmick. Period.

re: Batista. Is it wrong to be a mark for him?

<center><img src=""></center>

09-14-2004, 12:52 PM
re: Batista. Is it wrong to be a mark for him?

I don't think so. Now really, I hope they'd put him in feuds with top guys to make him a better worker, because at this point he's proved to be a great fit for the "monster heel" role that SD! needs. Get the kid ready to headline, and send him to SD! to take Brock's place. That's the most logical think to do with him before they ultimately kill off Evolution.

Jesus - The Source of my Strength!
<IMG SRC="">
<marquee>"The Revolution will not be televised!"</marquee>
"The first casualty of War, is Truth!" - James Enthume

09-14-2004, 06:37 PM
Well, since I'm going solely by what I read online (I'm so thankful for my lack of cable at this point), I have to go with the Tomko "match." There was absolutely no reason a squash needed to stretch for 15 minutes. (Best line I've read about Tomko: "He's more like one of those "Create-a-Wrestlers" for a PS2 game that someone got crazy with adding the tattoos on.")

I've said it before here, I'll say it again: Tomko is one of the worst workers I've ever seen in my 12+ yr. "career" as a wrestling fan. He's just incredibly bad - not even CLOSE to ready for TV. He is a perfect example of a guy being where he is only because of his size & look, as the guy is about even with Nathan Jones or Heidenreich in the level of suck.

re: Lita pregnancy. I know it seems like a miscarriage angle, but having a jobber do it just seems anticlimatic. If anything, it shoulda been Tomko, to give the Lita/Trish feud that extra spice.

I would have to disagree. The problem with doing something like that is that you can't really walk away from that once it's done. Eventually, they may want to turn Trish or Tomko face, and how could they really effectively do that if they caused a miscarriage? Even by accident. I suppose they could just do as they do with everything else - conveniently forget that the event ever happened - but it's just too much suspension of disbelief. Better to have it happen because of the actions of some jobber who we'll never see again.

My call: Lita doesn't miscarry but she's off TV a few weeks under doctor's orders. Considering how the WWE has been hyping this angle, I can't believe they are gonna kill it now.

I would like to think that someone finally wisened up and realized - all wrestlecrap comedic value aside - just how awful this angle really is.

re: Vince's announcement. Could it be something that has to do with his own offspring?

99.99% sure the "big announcement" will be about the October RAW PPV, "Taboo Tuesday", where the gimmick is rumored to be that the fans will be picking the matches. The GM announcement is rumored to be something about having using elections to select the RAW GM - that Vince, he capitalizes on everything. Even election years.

re: Foley/Bradshaw debates. Holy fuck, I don't even want to see Kerry and Bush debate, what makes you think I want to see Foley and Bradshaw debate?

"Trainwreck" isn't the right word, but it's the first word that comes to mind.

re: Simon System. It could work, but it needs a hot chick. I'm glad to see they are kind of combining the Positive Page gimmick (which I was a fan of) with the Bodydonnas.

I'm no huge fan of Nova, but he deserves better than this. Stupid gimmick, but it could be amusing.

re: Batista. Is it wrong to be a mark for him?

Not really. Look at his clothes! Batista is fucking pimptacular.

<center><img border="0" src="" width="300" height="100">
Don't blame me....I voted for Kodos.
I look forward to an orderly election that will eliminate the need for a violent bloodbath. </center>

Heather 8
09-15-2004, 06:59 PM
Better to have it happen because of the actions of some jobber who we'll never see again.

Congrats Gene "Baby Killer" Sniski... you're now the answer to a trivia question.

09-15-2004, 08:00 PM
Just to clarify, it's ok for Austin to PULL A FUCKING GUN ON Pillman but it's not OK for someone like Tomko to inadvertently cause Lita to miscarry?

It's not like Gene gave Lita's belly a chairshot.

- Kane knocked up Lita

- Kane forced Lita to marry him

- Kane's been forcing Lita to come to the ring with him.

If anything, it's Kane, not Lita, and not Gene who is responsible for what happens.

Remember, as much as Lita hates Kane, she wanted to have the baby.

<center><img src=""></center>

Heather 8
09-15-2004, 08:06 PM

What. The fuck. Ever.

And people say I take this shit too seriously.

09-15-2004, 08:31 PM

What. The fuck. Ever.

And people say I take this shit too seriously.

Relax, Peachy, it's just a wrestling show.

I didn't mean to get up all in your business. I'm just sayin that if the everyday wrestling fan can forget about Mark Henry sleeping with a man, I'm sure they would be able to handle Tomko giving Kane a chairshot.

<center><img src=""></center>

09-16-2004, 08:32 AM
I agree with Jynx on the fact that since Evolution doesn't have the real fire it used to have, put Batista on SD, make him the "Brock" of the roster, have Trips stay on RAW with Flair as the manager and Orton be the guy making their life a living hell.

"And I never will play the Wild Rover no more."

09-16-2004, 08:45 AM
I dunno why they just didnt have Batista stay with the gimmick as Leviathan

<img src="">
Darkness Is No More

09-16-2004, 01:22 PM
I dunno why they just didnt have Batista stay with the gimmick as Leviathan
Instead they put him in an awful gimmick with D-Von. Thank god he got over with Evolution, because that could have killed him.

<img border=1 src="">
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This message was edited by WWFallon on 9-16-04 @ 5:23 PM

09-20-2004, 06:27 PM
Can the Kane/Lita angle get any worse? Their acting sure can't.
M1 is the shit!

09-20-2004, 06:58 PM

Just fantastic. I need a sig of this.

This image, plus an interview with Gene "The Baby KILLA~!" Snitsky, makes this officially the greatest angle of all time.

I mean, sweet Jesus, entire volumes of Wrestlecrap could be written about this. Volumes.

<center><img border="0" src="" width="300" height="100">
Don't blame me....I voted for Kodos.
I look forward to an orderly election that will eliminate the need for a violent bloodbath. </center>

09-20-2004, 07:50 PM

<img border=1 src="">
</center><font color=white>

09-20-2004, 08:12 PM

"And I never will play the Wild Rover no more."

The Book of Mike (

I'm not Shamus McFitzy.

shamus mcfitzy
09-20-2004, 08:56 PM
oh thank god i officially bailed on RAW for the fall. This shit could've killed me with either extreme anger or extreme hilarity or both. Either way it'd say in the papers that wresling killed me.

09-20-2004, 09:24 PM
Fallon, that pic is genius.

I swear to god, that's gotta be the longest miscarriage I've ever seen in my entire life.

The interview with Snitsky was insane. I could almost hear the van pulling up and kidnapping him back to OVW.

"I came here to do a job!" - Yes. Yes you did.

<center><img src=""></center>

09-20-2004, 10:09 PM

You are my lord and savior.

I owe you my first born.

<center><img border="0" src="" width="300" height="100">
Don't blame me....I voted for Kodos.
I look forward to an orderly election that will eliminate the need for a violent bloodbath. </center>

09-21-2004, 10:39 AM
Anyone notice this miscarriage, of an abortion of an angle, all took place during the smackdown rebound? and they didn't replay the SD rebound? You EVER think they would do this during a Raw recap on SD????

proof even the WWE thinks SD sucks!!!!

<img src="">

IM: Evilpete66
<li><a href="
">Blog (AKA random thoughts of a loser):</a></li>