08-02-2004, 10:29 AM
Doctors Without Borders is leaving Afghanistan (http://quote.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=10000080&sid=aW_KQ3oLXSHQ&refer=asia) because it's not safe enough for them to carry out their operations. This is a group that stayed there through the Soviet-Afghan war, the rule of the Taliban and the war in '01.
It's amazing to me that we can go fight a war to kick the Taliban out and then talk about bringing democracy to the country, yet then take the focus and the funding away and let it fester again. We're never going to get anywhere in the War on Terror if we don't start putting necessary effort into "draining the swamps" that spawn terrorists instead of just trying to track them down and kill them. Cause there will always be more until we make those countries better places.
As with Iraq, it doesn't matter how people are registered to vote in Afghanistan if lawlessness and lack of necessities make voting and, moreover, living a struggle. And this is assuming they have elections (already postponed once for three months).
This story (http://www.news-leader.com/today/0801-Talibanrea-146191.html) doesn't paint a pleasant picture either...
I'm not trying to be pessimistic or even partisan (!) here, as much as trying to remind people that we have unfinished work there. After all we've gone through, we can't afford to let that country slide backwards.
"42nd-delay is the only person who's making sense." - Ron, 3-12-02
It's amazing to me that we can go fight a war to kick the Taliban out and then talk about bringing democracy to the country, yet then take the focus and the funding away and let it fester again. We're never going to get anywhere in the War on Terror if we don't start putting necessary effort into "draining the swamps" that spawn terrorists instead of just trying to track them down and kill them. Cause there will always be more until we make those countries better places.
As with Iraq, it doesn't matter how people are registered to vote in Afghanistan if lawlessness and lack of necessities make voting and, moreover, living a struggle. And this is assuming they have elections (already postponed once for three months).
This story (http://www.news-leader.com/today/0801-Talibanrea-146191.html) doesn't paint a pleasant picture either...
I'm not trying to be pessimistic or even partisan (!) here, as much as trying to remind people that we have unfinished work there. After all we've gone through, we can't afford to let that country slide backwards.
"42nd-delay is the only person who's making sense." - Ron, 3-12-02