View Full Version : Lawdy, Lawdy, more terror threats!!!
Johnny Fontane
07-31-2004, 07:14 PM
Here we go again...this time rumor has it that Wall Street is the target. Ho hum.
You know what would have been great? If George Bush told everyone on Sept. 12, 2001 "relax! There won't be another attack on our soil this year, next year, or the year after that - I guarantee it!"
Well, he would have been right, and then some (it's almost three years now).
Give Bush some credit - I'm not a fan of he war in Iraq, but let's face it - we have a President who scares our enemies, and yes, in some small way that makes us safer.
"The principal benefit acting has afforded me is the money to pay for my psychoanalysis."
07-31-2004, 07:45 PM
If an asteroid slammed into the mid east, and wiped out everything between Japan and India would it really be such a bad thing? :)
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<center><B>My Thanks to Just Jon, Reefdwella, ADF, Yerdaddy,Monsterone and Katylina for the sig-pic help and creation!</B></center>
<marquee behavior=alternate><font size=1>Which Witch Wished Which Wicked Wish?</marquee>
This message was edited by sr71blackbird on 7-31-04 @ 11:47 PM
07-31-2004, 07:53 PM
everything between Japan and India
that would be a helluva asteroid to hit the middle east, SKIP OVER india, and destroy the rest of the far east. except for japan, of course, cuz that'd be a bad thing.
07-31-2004, 08:05 PM
Give Bush some credit
For what?
Hey, have any of you been murdered since I was born?
Didn't think so.
Gimme some credit.
<img src="">
1979 << December boys got it BAD >> "You can tell some lies about the good times we've had, but I've kissed your mother twice...and now I'm working on your dad..."
This message was edited by TheMojoPin on 8-1-04 @ 12:10 AM
I don't see how the Homeland Security Department's vague security warnings have anything to do with our day-to-day safety. Somehow, I don't think the terrorists will stop a planned attack because we're in orange alert. The Bush camp hasn't demonstrated to me that they have the slightest ability to effectively organize an intelligence community. If a terrorist attack is foiled, it will likely have nothing to do with anything Bush has done.
<center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a><i><br><br><b>blablam!</i></b></center>
07-31-2004, 08:24 PM
we have a President who scares our enemies
not trying to be snotty or sarcastic, but doesn't our action in iraq piss off our enemies (ie. al qaeda) more than it scares them.
-I'll log off now, and listen to your
07-31-2004, 08:29 PM
that would be a helluva asteroid to hit the middle east, SKIP OVER india, and destroy the rest of the far east. except for japan, of course, cuz that'd be a bad thing.
I was going to say Africa, but I didnt want to be branded a racist ;p
<center> </center>
<center><B>My Thanks to Just Jon, Reefdwella, ADF, Yerdaddy,Monsterone and Katylina for the sig-pic help and creation!</B></center>
<marquee behavior=alternate><font size=1>Which Witch Wished Which Wicked Wish?</marquee>
07-31-2004, 08:58 PM
<img src="">
1979 << December boys got it BAD >> "You can tell some lies about the good times we've had, but I've kissed your mother twice...and now I'm working on your dad..."
07-31-2004, 09:18 PM
For what?
Hey, have any of you been murdered since I was born?
Didn't think so.
Gimme some credit.
why, is someone trying to kill him?
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<a href="">mental vomit</a>
07-31-2004, 09:25 PM
Give Bush some credit
for what??? the patriot act? i give credit to the dems also. an insult to democracy and civil rights.
<center><img border=1 src=""><br></center>
<font color="blue" size="1"> it's a party tonight and ooh she's so excited
tell me who's invited: you, your friends and my dick </font>
<font color="white">moe & horde king, come back soon</font>
07-31-2004, 09:31 PM
For what?
Hey, have any of you been murdered since I was born?
Didn't think so.
Gimme some credit.
why, is someone trying to kill him?
Possibly. But that's not important. Only that the possibility exists of you being murdered, but you have been not-murdered since I've been born.
The point is, I'm here, you're not the math.
<img src="">
1979 << December boys got it BAD >> "You can tell some lies about the good times we've had, but I've kissed your mother twice...and now I'm working on your dad..."
07-31-2004, 09:43 PM
fuck you all..this is nothing but a joke to you assholes...they will hit us with all they got if you don't watch out.....Ad fuck this board if you don't beleive it
[center]<IMG SRC=>
[center]I know karate....voodoo too!![center]
07-31-2004, 09:53 PM
reesh, i have to disagree. we don't need the patriot act. we need a reorganization of intelligence. we are watching; they just don't need to be watching you and me.
<center><img border=1 src=""><br></center>
<font color="blue" size="1"> it's a party tonight and ooh she's so excited
tell me who's invited: you, your friends and my dick </font>
<font color="white">moe & horde king, come back soon</font>
07-31-2004, 10:21 PM
"do what he say!!! do what he say!!!!
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AIM- yelowrose1981
Its time to party.... Italian Style
07-31-2004, 10:41 PM
we need a reorganization of intelligence.
Right the fuck on.
We had the DOD, the FBI, the NSA, State Department, Justice Department and the CIA all charged with wrangling the intelligence and information that's supposed to stop things like 9/11. So when it becomes clear that these agencies are having "trouble" working together and sharing information and acting as a cohesive intelligence net, what's the solution? CREATE A NEW AGENCY! BRILLIANT!
And as for the whole giving Bush credit thing, here's how it feels to me...ANY president would have drastically stepped up domestic security after 9/11. I honestly do not think a Democratic president would have done much, if anything, differently. Has that probably deterred terrorists? Most definitely. But we're still not nearly proactive enough in getting these guys. Deterring them is one thing...actually catching them or killing them so we don't have to deter them down the line is something completely different.
A temporary delay or spanner in the works is great...but we need more longterm results. Deterring is still kinda waiting for them to start coming at us, as opposed to going after them. Unfortunately, you have Iraq sucking off the majority of resources we'd need for those kind of operations.
<img src="">
1979 << December boys got it BAD >> "You can tell some lies about the good times we've had, but I've kissed your mother twice...and now I'm working on your dad..."
This message was edited by TheMojoPin on 8-1-04 @ 2:47 AM
08-01-2004, 01:16 AM
Hey, have any of you been murdered since I was born?
Only my feelings Mojo.....YOU......B-B-BASTARD!
:sniff sniff:
we have a President who scares our enemies
Not to mention most of America. I still have no trust or any faith whatsoever in this guy. Look at how good the Rangers are doing now that he isn't owning them. I can only dream of how great this country can be when he is out of the picture. Ok, bad comparison. It's late. I know he doesn't own the country but damn if he doesn't act it.
08-01-2004, 06:03 AM
I was going to say Africa, but I didnt want to be branded a racist ;p
<center> </center>
<center><B>My Thanks to Just Jon, Reefdwella, ADF, Yerdaddy,Monsterone and Katylina for the sig-pic help and creation!</B></center>
<marquee behavior=alternate><font size=1>Which Witch Wished Which Wicked Wish?</marquee>How true...
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08-01-2004, 08:37 AM
OK, people get that an asteroid slamming into the Middle East AND somehow only wiping out countries between India and NOT actually hitting anything in the Middle East, right?
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1979 << December boys got it BAD >> "You can tell some lies about the good times we've had, but I've kissed your mother twice...and now I'm working on your dad..."
This message was edited by TheMojoPin on 8-1-04 @ 12:38 PM
08-01-2004, 09:21 AM
The Patrotic Act has made the country safer. Thanks to the Patriot Act the Lackawanna 6 cell was caught. Jose Padilla was nabbed. These people were dangerous and wanted to do alot of evil acts.
People tend to have a misunderstanding of the Patriot Act. The feds dont have the time monitor everybodys library visits and see what they are reading. It gives the Feds power to conduct wiretaps, and search warrants to people who could pose a threat. Contrary to what most people think, a court order is still needed to conduct wiretaps and issue search warrants. A new organization would be more bureocracy. I think the FBI, CIA and NSC should be given more power to share information and more Info should be passed down to the state and local level.
08-01-2004, 06:57 PM
For what?
Hey, have any of you been murdered since I was born?
Didn't think so.
Gimme some credit.
why, is someone trying to kill him?
Possibly. But that's not important. Only that the possibility exists of you being murdered, but you have been not-murdered since I've been born.
The point is, I'm here, you're not the math.
<img src="">
1979 << December boys got it BAD >> "You can tell some lies about the good times we've had, but I've kissed your mother twice...and now I'm working on your dad..."
no, it is important. no one's trying to kill him. But someone, several thousand someone's, ARE trying to attack the US. The analogy doesn't hold up.
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<a href="">mental vomit</a>
08-01-2004, 07:11 PM
For what it's worth, I've been trying to kill Mojo for quite some time now.
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Ron & Fez Show Log (
08-01-2004, 07:29 PM
all I'm saying is that just as a president should get blamed when there's an attack, he should get credit when we're not attacked.
fair's fair.
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<a href="">mental vomit</a>
08-01-2004, 08:14 PM
The Patrotic Act has made the country safer. Thanks to the Patriot Act the Lackawanna 6 cell was caught. Jose Padilla was nabbed. These people were dangerous and wanted to do alot of evil acts.
People tend to have a misunderstanding of the Patriot Act. The feds dont have the time monitor everybodys library visits and see what they are reading. It gives the Feds power to conduct wiretaps, and search warrants to people who could pose a threat. Contrary to what most people think, a court order is still needed to conduct wiretaps and issue search warrants. A new organization would be more bureocracy. I think the FBI, CIA and NSC should be given more power to share information and more Info should be passed down to the state and local level.
sorry my friend, but the pa gives the govt power it was never intended to have, via the constitution. yes you can point to examples oh where it was worked, but it has been used in cases that involved people that have nothing to do with attacking the american people.
i will never support anyone who supports unconstitutional legistation, plain and simple.
<center><img border=1 src=""><br></center>
<font color="blue" size="1"> it's a party tonight and ooh she's so excited
tell me who's invited: you, your friends and my dick </font>
<font color="white">moe & horde king, come back soon</font>
Amendment: But if we change the constitution.......
Boy: We can make all sorts of crazy laws!
08-01-2004, 08:26 PM
all I'm saying is that just as a president should get blamed when there's an attack, he should get credit when we're not attacked.
There are US Soldiers being attacked and killed almost daily. Amongst a host of other people that would most likely still be alive if he didn't invade Iraq... He should've put the majority of his efforts and the hundreds of billions of dollars into Homeland defense, global intelligence and the tracking and killing Al Qaeda...
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08-01-2004, 10:24 PM
I for one will not be travelling into the city until the threat level drops back to yellow.
That being said...this is the last time I'm giving these alerts credence...this only has me concerned because it is significantly more specific in terms of targets...
<center><img src="">
It made my heart sing.
This message was edited by FMJeff on 8-2-04 @ 2:29 AM
08-01-2004, 10:32 PM
if there is an attack on nyc during the convention, do we take that as an endorsement for the dems?
<center><img border=1 src=""><br></center>
<font color="blue" size="1"> it's a party tonight and ooh she's so excited
tell me who's invited: you, your friends and my dick </font>
<font color="white">moe & horde king, come back soon</font>
08-02-2004, 01:08 AM
What really irks me is there is NO mention of this terror threat on the dept of homeland security website as of 5:09 AM Monday morning.
<center><img src="">
It made my heart sing.
08-02-2004, 01:25 AM
for the first tim ein a loooooong time i am scared- not for me but for my dad
my mom and i drove to 30th street station to drop him off to go to DC- he has to go for something having to do with work
i just really didnt want him to go
and my parents are now like "if anything happens in NYC you come home right away"
LIKE THAT WOULD BE EVEN POSSIBLE- i said "yea like theyll even let me over the verrazano adn then goathals if something happens-id be stuck in brooklyn or manhattan if anthing happened"
i dont get scared easily by hearing about the threats but right now im shaking
<IMG SRC="">
AIM- yelowrose1981
Its time to party.... Italian Style
08-02-2004, 06:49 AM
I'll take my hell to go- preferably in a handbasket.
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<b>I distinctly heard 'Jew down the price.' -Ben Stein</B>
08-02-2004, 10:05 AM
I have to say, these terror warnings really don't give me much pause. First of all, they are released whenever there's a pickup in chatter or some intelligence that suggests something might happen, not just (and not yet) when there's something going down for sure. I don't expect for us to be hit this time.
Secondly, the chances that if something does happen you'll be affected are pretty small, especially since the type of attack we get warnings for (car bomb for example) will be isolated in its scope. So to me, unless you're in one of the buildings named, being in NY or DC really isn't that any more dangerous than usual.
"42nd-delay is the only person who's making sense." - Ron, 3-12-02
08-02-2004, 10:12 AM
But someone, several thousand someone's, ARE trying to attack the US.
To be blunt...prove it.
None of us has any kind of certainity that any kind of attack was even close to being executed since 9/11. I have zero doubt that far too many people in the world may WANT to, but WANT is a long way from actually making something happen. People have wanted to attack us since well before 9/11. When they say they hear "chatter," that's just what they're hearing.
All I'm saying is that I've seen Bush do nothing in terms of domestic security that any other president, regardless of political party, wouldn't have done. We're very much still on the defensive in terms of the type of people who would pull of another 9/11, not on the offensive...and it's been almost 4 years since we've been attacked.
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1979 << December boys got it BAD >> "You can tell some lies about the good times we've had, but I've kissed your mother twice...and now I'm working on your dad..."
08-03-2004, 06:20 AM
Here, everyone can calm down:
Al Qaeda Gathered Data Prior to 9/11 (
Most of the al Qaeda surveillance of five financial institutions that led to a new terrorism alert Sunday was conducted before the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks and authorities are not sure whether the casing of the buildings has continued, numerous intelligence and law enforcement officials said yesterday...
..."There is nothing right now that we're hearing that is new," said one senior law enforcement official who was briefed on the alert. "Why did we go to this level? . . . I still don't know that."
"42nd-delay is the only person who's making sense." - Ron, 3-12-02
08-03-2004, 07:25 AM
That's what our current administration likes to call "Keepin' the fear".
<IMG SRC="">
...with thanks to JustJon
08-03-2004, 09:22 AM
I for one will not be travelling into the city until the threat level drops back to yellow.
That being said...this is the last time I'm giving these alerts credence...this only has me concerned because it is significantly more specific in terms of targets...
<center><img src="">
It made my heart sing.
This message was edited by FMJeff on 8-2-04 @ 2:29 AM
NYC's been at Orange all this time, since 9-11-01 and will not be dropping down anytime soon. So you're not going into the city for years?
<img src="">
<a href="">mental vomit</a>
08-03-2004, 09:25 AM
Here, everyone can calm down:
Al Qaeda Gathered Data Prior to 9/11 (
Most of the al Qaeda surveillance of five financial institutions that led to a new terrorism alert Sunday was conducted before the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks and authorities are not sure whether the casing of the buildings has continued, numerous intelligence and law enforcement officials said yesterday...
..."There is nothing right now that we're hearing that is new," said one senior law enforcement official who was briefed on the alert. "Why did we go to this level? . . . I still don't know that."
"42nd-delay is the only person who's making sense." - Ron, 3-12-02
Threats based on old intel shouldn't be thought to be any less significant. Al Qaeda has a history of planning operations for years.
<img src="">
Fuck it from behind.
Here, everyone can calm down:
Al Qaeda Gathered Data Prior to 9/11 (
Most of the al Qaeda surveillance of five financial institutions that led to a new terrorism alert Sunday was conducted before the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks and authorities are not sure whether the casing of the buildings has continued, numerous intelligence and law enforcement officials said yesterday...
..."There is nothing right now that we're hearing that is new," said one senior law enforcement official who was briefed on the alert. "Why did we go to this level? . . . I still don't know that."
"42nd-delay is the only person who's making sense." - Ron, 3-12-02
Threats based on old intel shouldn't be thought to be any less significant. Al Qaeda has a history of planning operations for years.
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Fuck it from behind.
Thank you.
I'd rather see the government err on the side of caution.
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A Skidmark/canofsoup15 production.
Red Sox Nation
08-03-2004, 09:58 AM
Actually, after reading this... makes me honestly wonder if we're doing the right thing in focusing so heavily on threats like this (Not that we shouldn't up our security...just questioning the thinking that this is truly going to be al-Queda's next step after something like 9/11). The book makes the very real point that if bin Laden truly wished to engage in these sort of attacks (car bombs, snipers, etc.), why has none of that been in flicted on us since 9/11? No matter how heavily we've increased our security, those are very low-level operations that require little planning and preparation, and can typically involve just one or two people. If there are at least hundreds of al-Queda operatives or supporters in this country as has been stated, why have none of them engaged in these sort of strikes in the last 3+ years? If there truly is a "war on the West," where is the intifada that could easily be waged almost literally at a moment's notice?
Basically the book is saying not that we shouldn't be concerned, but that theories like attacks to disrupt the election are a much more viable threat at this point, or "dirty bombs." Based on his actual rhetoric, bin Laden does NOT just want "as many Americans dead as possible." He wants very specific and devastating strikes. Car bombs and hostage-takings don't accomplish what he wants. He wants his actions to have true, and long-lasting consqequences, which is what makes him truly diabolical.
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1979 << December boys got it BAD >> "You can tell some lies about the good times we've had, but I've kissed your mother twice...and now I'm working on your dad..."
08-03-2004, 11:38 AM
Most of the al Qaeda surveillance of five financial institutions that led to a new terrorism alert Sunday was conducted before the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks
Wait, wait, I could have sworn Condi had said, Under Oath, that there were "no specific threats from Al-Qaeda prior to 9/11" or something to that effect. I'll have to look up her testimony, if it hasn't been put down a "memory tube" yet....
wouldn't "threats" to "specific" financial institutions "prior to 9/11" disuade that? or does that depend on what your defitinion of "specific" is?
[The Patriot Act has decreed this sig indecent, and has put JerryTaker under suspicion]</B>
08-04-2004, 08:56 AM
Isn't it odd that last week, after the convention, a Newsweek poll showed Kerry leading Bush in the polls 52% to 44%. Now this terror threat comes up.
Sound familiar? Last May Bush was taking a beating in the polls because of the Iraq failure to find and WMDs and the prison pictures. May 26 - Ashcroft holds a press conference warning that the terrorists "want to hit America hard."
Last Friday, Bush told a crowd in Missouri that "America is safer". In fact, he said it about a dozen times in his speech.
Just two days ago, on Monday, he told reporters "America is in danger".
That is a flip-flop.
<IMG SRC="">
...with thanks to JustJon
Last Friday, Bush told a crowd in Missouri that "America is safer". In fact, he said it about a dozen
times in his speech.
Just two days ago, on Monday, he told reporters "America is in danger".
Last Friday they didn't discover all of these files.
<img src=>
A Skidmark/canofsoup15 production.
Red Sox Nation
08-04-2004, 09:04 AM
Those "files" were surveillance activity citing specific warnings that had been three years old.
<IMG SRC="">
...with thanks to JustJon
08-04-2004, 09:30 AM
But if I read the Bible for the first time tomorrow, It's new to me!
<font size="3" color="red">AND WHAT?</font></center><font color="FBF2F7">
08-04-2004, 09:36 AM
The surveillance was not read for the first time this past weekend. It was read three years ago. It was just released to the public over the weekend.
Edit: Yes, the information about the buildings seized by authorities in a raid in Pakistan last week was about three years old. It was similar to intelligence we have had for years. They are obvious targets. My point is that I don't see the necessity of creating the fear of an "orange alert" for information such as that.
<IMG SRC="">
...with thanks to JustJon
This message was edited by Furtherman on 8-4-04 @ 1:58 PM
08-04-2004, 10:35 AM
I think the terror alerts are stupid but from everything I read, this information was discovered recently from computer files of someone that was in custody. So the research is old, and the information may be old, but it wasn't part of the existing information within the scope of terrorism intelligence.
The only way to be prepared is to focus on securing our ports, and airlines. However, since the "War on Drugs" was waged about 30 years ago and still hasn't done that, I can't imagine it happening now.
We'll just throw money aimlessly at the problem, point fingers and use it as an opportunity to make profit.
<font size="3" color="red">AND WHAT?</font></center><font color="FBF2F7">
08-04-2004, 10:50 AM
We'll just throw money aimlessly at the problem, point fingers and use it as an opportunity to make profit.
Well said. No denying that.
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...with thanks to JustJon
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