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Bret Hart LOVES Ric Flair [Archive] - Messageboard


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07-20-2004, 06:50 PM
<a href="">WOW!</a>

That's some real venomous stuff there.

<a href="">Listen To My Sounds</a>

07-20-2004, 07:40 PM
Damn, that was a fun read.

<img border=1 src="">
</center><font color=white>

07-20-2004, 08:09 PM
ok, I think Bret is still suffering the effects of that stroke and the after affects of Goldberg's "accident"

Why can't Bret just go away adn be bitter in the corner, this doesn't help his image. on the bright side, he riled up the tens of dozens of his fans...

<img src="">

IM: Evilpete66
Blog (AKA random thoughts of a loser):

07-20-2004, 08:32 PM
I think he makes a lot of sense. Flair sucks

<img src=>
Please don't hold my huge nutbag against me, or I'll hold it against you that you have flapjack tits

07-20-2004, 09:29 PM
bret hart deserves a better webpage.

07-21-2004, 02:47 AM
Why can't Bret just go away adn be bitter in the corner

How can you expect a dude to "just go away" when he's been written about in a book that just came out? Is he just supposed to let people talk shit on him, and not defend himself?

<a href="">Listen To My Sounds</a>

07-21-2004, 04:52 AM
How is this "not helping" Bret's image?

07-21-2004, 05:05 AM
I'm just happy that someone in the business is finally stating publicly what I have realized for years; that Flair is an overrated boring wrestler.

But on a side note, enough of the Montreal crap Bret. No one believes that that was real.

<img src=>

07-21-2004, 05:55 AM
Why can't Bret just go away adn be bitter in the corner, this doesn't help his image.
It's not like he took out a full page ad in the NY Times to get back at Flair, he posted on his own website. I think he, and his tens of dozens of fans, deserve the webspace just as much as anyone else.

This does make me want to read Flairs book even more, though, because I want to read everything Ric had to say about Bret and Foley. Then judge how big an asshole he is for myself.

Thanks for the link, BrownTown, it was definitely an interesting read.
Let's get Sirius...
I plead the FiF!

07-21-2004, 06:07 AM
Bret's just pissed that Flair is twice the performer he could ever be. Regardless of how many moves he knows, Bret will never have the love of the fans the way Ric does.

Tazz, I love you baby, but you're gonna get my knickers all in a twist if you keep up with that trash talk.

If I were any better, I'd have to be twins!!
<marquee><font color=red>INRI</font> White people are so scared of blakjeezis<font color=red> INRI</font></marquee>
I'm Rick James, bitch!

07-21-2004, 07:58 AM
But on a side note, enough of the Montreal crap Bret. No one believes that that was real.

How does this explain the popularity of "Wrestling With Shadows"?

Bret's just pissed that Flair is twice the performer he could ever be.

So...Bret should react to what Flair wrote?

07-21-2004, 08:11 AM
No one believes that that was real.

How does this explain the popularity of "Wrestling With Shadows"?

Well, no one believes wrestling is real, but that's enormously popular. Plus, real or fake, it was a look inside the business and that's gonna draw attention.

So...Bret should react to what Flair wrote?

Absolutely, but it still doesn't make him a better wrestler than Flair.

If I were any better, I'd have to be twins!!
<marquee><font color=red>INRI</font> White people are so scared of blakjeezis<font color=red> INRI</font></marquee>
I'm Rick James, bitch!

This message was edited by blakjeezis on 7-21-04 @ 12:14 PM

07-21-2004, 09:27 AM
Better or worse in this case mean nothing, as it is all a mattar of opinion.

Ric was the top guy at the shitty Fed, Bret was a midlevel guy in the best fed. Which is better?

Would you rather be the star of the Royals, or a bench player for the Yankees??

2 Different things IMHO

<img src=>
Please don't hold my huge nutbag against me, or I'll hold it against you that you have flapjack tits

07-21-2004, 09:31 AM
savage and cactus jack will always be better then sagging chest flair and cry baby hart.

07-21-2004, 09:45 AM
Can't we all just agree that Ric Flair is an helluva an entertaining one, but an asshole nonetheless?! This is certainly not the first piece of evidence to support that argument.

And Cactus Jack is one bad motherfucker.
Let's get Sirius...
I plead the FiF!

07-21-2004, 09:59 AM
tru dat. cripster.

07-21-2004, 10:21 AM
Ric was the top guy at the shitty Fed, Bret was a midlevel guy in the best fed. Which is better?

Flair was the man in the NWA, the pre-eminent fed at the time, when Vinny Mac Sr. was still putting on WWWF shows in church halls. Flair remained at the top of the NWA, carried the company, and helped create new, young talent until he went to the Fed, where he went to the top. Went back to Dubya-See-Dubya, and at a time when there was countless other superstars that could have worn the strap, they still put it on Flair, because he is the draw, the man, and really "the whole f'n show". After DubSeeDub, Flair went back to the Fed. Why would Vinny Mac, a marketing genius, want a breaking down, out of shape, aging Flair in his organization. Because Vince knew and knows that Flair is THE BEST in the business and if there's anyone that can take the elder statesman role, show the vets a thing or two, help the young guys learn how to do things right, still get a huge pop, put on great matches, and most importantly put asses in the seats, it's The Nature Boy. You cannot deny the man's accomplishments or abilities. He is simply the best ever.

Is he an asshole? Absolutely. I have firsthand experience. At his book signing I went up to get my book signed and was talking to him. It was just like that scene in Wayne's World 2 with Harry Shearer as the DJ. He was just nodding and, "uh huh, mmm hmm." He wasn't even looking at me. Was I upset? Not in the least, know why? He's RIC FUCKING FLAIR!!!!!

If I were any better, I'd have to be twins!!
<marquee><font color=red>INRI</font> White people are so scared of blakjeezis<font color=red> INRI</font></marquee>
I'm Rick James, bitch!

This message was edited by blakjeezis on 7-21-04 @ 2:33 PM

07-21-2004, 11:03 AM
being on the jock of guys like flair hogan rock hbk.
is just pathetic.

guys like hart savage steamboat jack warrior busted there asses. and will never get the same billing.

07-21-2004, 11:04 AM
Flair didn't bust his ass? Is that what you're saying?

If I were any better, I'd have to be twins!!
<marquee><font color=red>INRI</font> White people are so scared of blakjeezis<font color=red> INRI</font></marquee>
I'm Rick James, bitch!

07-21-2004, 12:17 PM
more bark then bite.
mic skills best in the game. talent as a wrestler not of equal value.

07-21-2004, 02:33 PM
guys like hart savage steamboat jack warrior busted there asses. and will never get the same billing.

Warrior ???

Should he even be in the same fucking sentence ??

Heather 8
07-21-2004, 02:52 PM
guys like hart savage steamboat jack warrior busted there asses. and will never get the same billing.

One of these things is not like the other, one of these things just doesn't belong...

And who's Jack? Outback? New? Black?

07-21-2004, 03:06 PM
The Whole Bret Hart v. Ric Flair thing is seriously being perpetuated by the internet and I don't think Bret and Ric are going to add much to the argument at this point. I've been reading about Bret vs. Ric for like 2 weeks now, and Flair just says the same thing on interviews while Bret seems content with that same statement thats been up a while now.

07-21-2004, 05:33 PM
guys like hart savage steamboat jack warrior busted there asses. and will never get the same billing.

Warrior ???

Should he even be in the same fucking sentence ??

Didn't he want a mil to headline wrestlemania.

07-22-2004, 05:48 AM
<a href="">7/19/04 - Flair responds to Bret (Real Media)</a>

PS - The Warrior was stiff garbage. Never mention him in the same breath as Steamboat or Cactus.

<a href="">Listen To My Sounds</a>

This message was edited by BrownTown on 7-22-04 @ 9:49 AM

07-22-2004, 06:08 AM
Anyone think this is all WWE fueled for Bret's big one night comeback?

<img src=>
Please don't hold my huge nutbag against me, or I'll hold it against you that you have flapjack tits

07-22-2004, 06:24 AM
talent as a wrestler not of equal value.

He was always a better talker than a wrestler, but his in-ring work combined with his interviews and promos added up to the consumate professional wrestler. Technically, he's not Kurt Angle, but he can carry a fucking match better than most of the jamokes half is age. And when he was in his prime, forget it. I bet if you look at wrestling fans' top 10 lists; and I mean real fans not these idiot, Johnny come lately, Rock fan, ham 'n eggers, ask people who know and respect the business; Flair's name will appear more than anyone else's. You cannot deny him his place in history. He's Babe Ruth; he's Ty Cobb; he's Cy Young.

If I were any better, I'd have to be twins!!
<marquee><font color=red>INRI</font> White people are so scared of blakjeezis<font color=red> INRI</font></marquee>
I'm Rick James, bitch!

This message was edited by blakjeezis on 7-22-04 @ 11:52 AM

07-22-2004, 09:10 AM
peachy who doesnt belong.
and im talking about cactus-dude-mankind-jack.
OWN ala ultimate warrior was always second fiddle to hogan...


so would savage hogan hart jack taker.. so what the hell .. i take savage over flair anyday of the week...
eddie benoit angle are better wrestlers then flair will ever be.

This message was edited by hatetreehighway on 7-22-04 @ 1:27 PM

07-22-2004, 09:20 AM
he's Ty Cobb

Perfect comparison. They are both legends of their athletic profession, and for their propensity to be an asshole.

BTW - He's still one of my 3 favorites of all time.

<a href="">Listen To My Sounds</a>

This message was edited by BrownTown on 7-22-04 @ 1:24 PM

07-22-2004, 09:27 AM
BT-who would be your other two ?

07-22-2004, 09:43 AM
Strangely enough, Ricky Steamboat & Cactus Jack.

Flair for being the best interview.
Steamboat for being the best technical wrestler.
Cactus for a combination of interviews & seeing what ridiculous torture he would put his body through next.

In no particular order, I think the rest of my top ten would be:
Nikita Koloff
Scott Hall
Roddy Piper
The Great Muta
Steve Corino
Bret Hart
Shawn Michaels

But I'd probably change that list 100 different times, if I spent more time thinking about it (shit, I've already changed it once since posting it here).

<a href="">Listen To My Sounds</a>

This message was edited by BrownTown on 7-22-04 @ 1:45 PM

07-22-2004, 10:00 AM
But I'd probably change that list 100 different times, if I spent more time thinking about it

Yeah that's a tough thing to ask. I'll give you mine, even though no one asked. I rate them not by in ring technique or mic skills or whatever. I use a combination of everything, basically who do I want to see on my TV in their prime. In no particular order, besides Flair being at the top:
Double A
Steven Regal
Jake Roberts
Ted DiBiase

Tag Team:
Midnight Express (Bobby and Stan) w/ Cornette
Road Warriors w/ Paul Ellering
British Bulldogs
The Outsiders
The Hart Foundation

If I were any better, I'd have to be twins!!
<marquee><font color=red>INRI</font> White people are so scared of blakjeezis<font color=red> INRI</font></marquee>
I'm Rick James, bitch!

07-22-2004, 10:12 AM
I had Roberts & DiBiase on my list at first, but moved them down when I thought of a few others.

As for Tag Teams, I agree with all of your list except for the Midnight Express and I'd add:

Arn & Tully (in the WWF as the Brainbusters or the NWA)
The Freebirds
The High Flyers

<a href="">Listen To My Sounds</a>

This message was edited by BrownTown on 7-22-04 @ 2:13 PM

07-22-2004, 10:15 AM
These lists go all over the place, but DiBiase was the absolute master heel, just awesome.

If I were any better, I'd have to be twins!!
<marquee><font color=red>INRI</font> White people are so scared of blakjeezis<font color=red> INRI</font></marquee>
I'm Rick James, bitch!

This message was edited by blakjeezis on 7-22-04 @ 2:15 PM

07-22-2004, 12:37 PM
bt-you pick two guys that i mentioned...
wooooooooooooo- to that.

bt-your top ten of all time has corino,hall,jerico,anderson
jake. give me a break. no wonder you think rick flairs shit dont smell.

and bj on your list has regal,ted,jerico,anderson.
my b list would be better then that.

This message was edited by hatetreehighway on 7-22-04 @ 4:43 PM

07-22-2004, 12:38 PM
I think that Ric Flair, as a total package, is probably the best professional wrestler of all time. He pretty much had it all - the look, the charisma, the verbal skills, the talent.

Of course, he's a fucking JOKE these days, and writing a book that berates other workers for pretty much no good reason doesn't endear him to me anymore.

He's possibly my favorite wrestler of all time, but frankly, I like to imagine that nothing he's done after that final Nitro broadcast has ever happened.

As for Bret Hart - absent Flair's charisma & verbal skills, which I think Ric exceeds him in, Hart was at least every bit as good as Flair and deserves status as a legend.

I don't really see the WWE's rationale in having Jerry Lawler read the specific portions of Flair's book which punk Bret Hart, especially since Bret has at least met with Shane to try and put together a Bret Hart DVD, but then again, no one has ever questioned whether the decisions the WWE has made in regards to the Harts post 1997 have ever been smart.

<center><img border="0" src="" width="300" height="100">
Don't blame me....I voted for Kodos.
I look forward to an orderly election that will eliminate the need for a violent bloodbath. </center>

Heather 8
07-22-2004, 01:25 PM
peachy who doesnt belong.

Ouch, that hurt. *eyeroll*

07-22-2004, 03:52 PM
bt-your top ten of all time has corino,hall,jerico,anderson
jake. give me a break. no wonder you think rick flairs shit dont smell

Think you may want correct yourself there, sport?
You're mixing my list and blakjeezis' together, but addressing me.

Now on to your point
Corino - Brilliant mic skills, Always down to blade like it's Florida Wrestling in 1982, and a fucking funny ass cool guy when he breaks kayfabe that makes me want to root for him.
Hall - A worker's worker. I can't think of another big man that was as technically sound, and so good at putting other people over (not to mention, always so willing to do it). Did he have his problems? Sure. Did he leave a bit to be desired when it came to backstage? Absolutely. Regardless, whenever he was on TV, I was glued to the screen.
Flair - The single best interview in the business ever, and I've always enjoyed watching him as a result of the incredible character he created for himself (even in these later years where he's a shell of his former self). But don't mistake my love for watching his work for me thinking his "shit dont smell". I recognize that he's been a a dick behind the scenes that got the majority of his push because his good ol' boy buddies had the book. Regardless, I can watch any of the 40+ hours of Flair videotapes that I own at any point (that I've already watched coutless times), and enjoy the shit out of myself. If I can continue to be captivated by shit I've seen over and over again, the guy is aces in my book.

BTW - You're quick to judge everyone else's top ten, but I'm yet to hear your definitive list.

BTW2 - I think
peachy who doesnt belong
was missing some punctuation. I'm guessing it should've read "peachy, who doesnt belong?", and was meant as a question, not an insult referring to your not-belonging-ness.

<a href="">Listen To My Sounds</a>

This message was edited by BrownTown on 7-22-04 @ 8:00 PM

07-22-2004, 04:28 PM
and so good at putting other people over (not to mention, always so willing to do it

Unless your name is Shane Douglas.

<img src=>

07-22-2004, 05:04 PM
Unless your name is Shane Douglas.

Point taken. I totally forgot about the whole Shane vs. the Clique war.

<a href="">Listen To My Sounds</a>

07-22-2004, 05:52 PM
bt-your top ten of all time has corino, hall, jerico, anderson, jake. give me a break. no wonder you think rick flairs shit dont smell.
Don't you EVER disparage the name of Jake Roberts (as a wrestler, at least)! He was one of the greatest heels of all time & put on a psychological clinic everytime he entered the ring.
Let's get Sirius...
I plead the FiF!

07-22-2004, 08:44 PM
Unless your name is Shane Douglas.

Point taken. I totally forgot about the whole Shane vs. the Clique war.

I've never been a supporter of the Clique, but honestly, should they have really gone out of their way to put over HIM?

<center><img border="0" src="" width="300" height="100">
Don't blame me....I voted for Kodos.
I look forward to an orderly election that will eliminate the need for a violent bloodbath. </center>

07-23-2004, 04:36 AM
Well, of course not. I was just pointing it out. Douglas never deserved to be in the WWF to begin with.

Although that character was somewhat amusing.

<img src=>

07-23-2004, 04:54 AM
The truest thing Hart said was " Flair is a 3 dressed as a 9"

For example: Kindest Regards, Your Name

07-23-2004, 05:58 AM
I just finished his book, and like many, I think Flair will always be known as the best....but he shots he took at Hart served no purpose. If I were Bret I would be pissed too. I feel it was written to sell the book instead of legit contempt, which he apparentlt stills holds for Hogan and Bischoff.

I can understand the shot he took at Foley, because Foley did the same to him. Flair should understand though, that everbody doesn't need to be a "technical " wrestler to be entertaining and successful. This might be hype to build something off of for a future match.

07-23-2004, 10:08 AM
jake the snake should never be on any ones top 10 list.
and corino to wet behind the ears. " OF ALL TIME"
And the shot flair takes at foley he's just a selfish bitch. i can name 10 guys that are better wrestlers then flair in the ring. mic skills he has. so does jerico and jerico is better in the ring then flair ever was. but i wouldnt put him on my best list.

07-23-2004, 10:28 AM
i can name 10 guys that are better wrestlers then flair in the

Exactly. That's why I don't name my lists, the 'best wrestler list' or 'best mic skills list'. It's the wrestler that I, once again that's I not you or anyone else, want to see on my TV. I'm not asking for your opinion or to critique my list. I'm just saying that these are the wrestlers that I enjoy watching.

If I were any better, I'd have to be twins!!
<marquee><font color=red>INRI</font> White people are so scared of blakjeezis<font color=red> INRI</font></marquee>
Broken bones sticking out of her virgin, white gown/She spread herself out like butter when she smacked the ground.

This message was edited by blakjeezis on 7-23-04 @ 2:28 PM

07-25-2004, 03:28 AM
relax dude. somebody give him a chill pill.