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Turnaround at the Toll Plaza [Archive] - Messageboard


View Full Version : Turnaround at the Toll Plaza

07-18-2004, 08:38 PM
I'm not really sure if I broke the law tonight, or if I'll find a ticket in the mail. Anyway I was driving home tonight from Jersey to NY. I was on the Jersey Turnpike and I generally take the Goethals to the Verazzano. The traffic reports were talking about heavy heavy traffic on the Goethals all the way through Staten Island. So I was debating taking the George Washington instead, though I'm a little more comfortable on the Verazzano. At the last minute I decided to go with what I know. I took the exit for the Goethals.

I get off and as I make the turn and approach the Toll Plazas all I can see is a HUGE parking lot in front of me. It looked like a complete disaster. Plus traffic was just at a complete standstill.

This was one of those times where the traffic report was dead on. A lot of times I'll find the traffic reports to be off, or not really in touch with the current events. Though by this point I'd wished I'd stayed on the Turnpike and took the GWB. When I finally inched past the EZ Pass lanes at the toll I saw an opening between the cones at the plaza that seperated the Goethals Bridge with the NJ bound toll plaza for the Turnpike. I waited until there was no traffic and then cut through and went back through the toll plaza and went back on the Jersey Turnpike. I lucked out in a way because I pretty much flew the entire way home. There was minor delays at the GWB which made it actually a little calmer of a ride for me.

I'm just curious though if even though I cop didn't pull me over for going between the cones, if I'll actually get a ticket in the mail. Or perhaps I'll luck out that it was a rainy night and I slipped through to the otherside unnoticed.

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07-18-2004, 08:49 PM
I would`nt worry about it. I know those Toll Plazas well. What you have to worry about is paying in the booth. If you don`t, they take a pic of your plate. It`s happened to me back in the day when I did`nt want to break that $10 bill. Many times...and if you did`nt see any N.J. Troopers even better, they`re bastards. Don`t sweat it.

<IMG SRC="">
Thanks Reefdweller

07-18-2004, 09:01 PM
What you have to worry about is paying in the booth.

When I went through the toll plaza to get back onto the Turnpike I definitely went through an EZ Pass tollbooth, so that part of it I think I'm okay with. I'm was just curious if they use cameras or something there for that sort of thing.

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<marquee behavior=alternate bgcolor="#FFFFFF">Right now you could care less about me...
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07-18-2004, 09:14 PM
I thought you turned around prior to the booth! If you go thru , your hit! $25 fine + .25 toll. Wait it out. You can easily find out. Call EZ-Pass in Secaucus, NJ

<IMG SRC="">
Thanks Reefdweller

This message was edited by njlumberdude on 7-19-04 @ 1:16 AM

07-18-2004, 09:33 PM
Why are the Jersy state police calling my house for your address????

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[center]I know karate....voodoo too!![center]

07-18-2004, 11:38 PM
Because you sleep around

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07-19-2004, 02:32 AM
Maybe this will be the start of my killing spree....

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<marquee behavior=alternate bgcolor="#FFFFFF">Right now you could care less about me...
but soon enough you will care, by the time I'm done</marquee> </font>

This message was edited by Reefdweller on 7-19-04 @ 6:38 AM

07-19-2004, 02:45 AM
I think if you got off the Turnpike and back on, you're probably fine. It's when you get on and turn around to get back out at the same exit, that it's a problem. As liberal as this state is, I doubt anyone would complain about you willingly giving up more money to the government......

<center><img src="" alt="Just say 'Screw all ya'll.' It'll work. Trust me.">
I <font face="webdings" color=red size="+1">Y</font> my Special Spiteful Title!
Sure, reply to a post with just a picture. Just realize that you fuckers killed teh funney long ago.</center>

07-19-2004, 04:41 AM
I told you to take the GWB...I know what I'm talking about. :)

hehe wub woo.

<center><font color="teal"><b>You can speak your mind but not on my time.
<img src="">
The years may come and go but there's one thing I know, love is all there is when I'm with you.</font></b>

07-19-2004, 04:46 AM
Yeah yeah yeah, you told me to as I took the exit for the Goethals!!! :p

<center><IMG SRC="">
Reefy's website... (</center>
<font size="1" color="red">
<center>Check out The Ron and Fez Show Logs...UPDATED!!!!! (</center>
<marquee behavior=alternate bgcolor="#FFFFFF">Right now you could care less about me...
but soon enough you will care, by the time I'm done</marquee> </font>

07-19-2004, 04:50 AM
whatever you have to say to make yourself feel better, my love.

<center><font color="teal"><b>You can speak your mind but not on my time.
<img src="">
The years may come and go but there's one thing I know, love is all there is when I'm with you.</font></b>

07-19-2004, 04:52 AM

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Reefy's website... (</center>
<font size="1" color="red">
<center>Check out The Ron and Fez Show Logs...UPDATED!!!!! (</center>
<marquee behavior=alternate bgcolor="#FFFFFF">Right now you could care less about me...
but soon enough you will care, by the time I'm done</marquee> </font>

07-19-2004, 05:24 AM
it is not a favorable thing to do but people do it every day.... they take the wrong exit and turn around.... don't sweat it you paid the toll leaving the turnpike and then registered again when you went through ez-pass and paid at the GW... your fine.... and remember next time just listen to Amy hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaa


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