View Full Version : A question about Presidential Succession
07-15-2004, 01:55 PM
The constitution states that in order for a person to be President, he/she must be at least 35 and born in the US.
Hypothetical situation. If the President and VP are both assasinated, the next in line is Speaker of the House. In order to be a Congressman its not a requirement to be born in the US. So if the Speaker is born in Canada does he get passed up and the President Pro Tempore of the Senate becomes president?
07-15-2004, 01:57 PM
In short? No. If that situation were to occur, the commissioners of the 4 major sports (NBA, NHL, NFL, MLB) would compete in Greco-Roman wrestling to determine the President. My money would be on Selig. He may be old, but he's wirey and tough as nails.
If I were any better, I'd have to be twins!!
<marquee><font color=red>INRI</font> White people are so scared of blakjeezis<font color=red> INRI</font></marquee>
I'm Rick James, bitch!
This message was edited by blakjeezis on 7-15-04 @ 6:04 PM
Mike Teacher
07-15-2004, 02:19 PM
I *Think* [beginner's luck, eh?] that it is OK for said person to become Prez. If memory serves, if the person qualifies under Constitutional rules for a Said Cabinet Post or place on the Hill, the line of Succession trumps Eligibility.
Meaning, it is assumed if we were wise enough to trust him/her at That spot, we trust the line of succession that we know is in place, irrespective of Eligibility rules. So, the eligibility rules for Prez
-35 years, natural born citizen...
are for Election to said office, not succession. I could be spectacularly wrong in this.
But I think something like this is being debated re: the weird possibility of someone putting Bill Clinton on a ticket as a VP. I forget, but there was some argeument as to whether or not this was a technically viable scenario. Again, I could be Wrongy Wrongerton.
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07-15-2004, 02:40 PM
I hope this answers the question (
Down towards the bottom of this article, Iit states that any successor to the presicency must fulfill the requirents as stated by the Constitution. I'm no legal scholar but from what I understand, the successor MUST be a natural born citizen, at least 35 years old!!
[center]<IMG SRC=>
[center]I know karate....voodoo too!![center]
07-15-2004, 03:24 PM
and if no one meets the requirements, the whole world will start to burn and implode.
<img src="" align="right" alt="SatCam is so sexy" /><a href="">Ron and Fez Drops and Bits</a>
Mike Teacher
07-15-2004, 03:30 PM
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07-15-2004, 04:12 PM
Actually Mike, I'd sway towards what you said. Since there's a set order of succession do you really think it would matter if they meet the presidential requirements?
<img src="" align="right" alt="SatCam is so sexy" /><a href="">Ron and Fez Drops and Bits</a>
07-15-2004, 04:12 PM
don;t be so hard on yourself mike. you could have typed "i suck" in lowercase because it was not THAT bad. At least you gave it the old college try!
Thanks to Monsterone for my first sig.
07-15-2004, 05:01 PM
So, the eligibility rules for Prez
-35 years, natural born citizen...
are for Election to said office, not succession. I could be spectacularly wrong in this.
Excellent explanation. Also, the speaker would be serving on a temporary basis, so you should take that into account if the situation ever comes up.
"To insist on strength is not war-mongering. It is peace-mongering." -Senator Barry M. Goldwater "If gold should rust, what will iron do?" -Geoffrey Chaucer "Worship him, I beg you, in a way that is worthy of thinking beings.-Romans 12:1</marquee>
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Mike Teacher
07-15-2004, 05:36 PM
It's a game I play with myself [nice phrase, eh?]
I try to see what's in my Head before I go to Google.
Scary whats in there.
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This message was edited by Mike Teacher on 7-15-04 @ 9:37 PM
07-15-2004, 05:39 PM
Are you planning something, Wrestlingfan?
Thanks to monsterone for the sig!
07-15-2004, 06:03 PM
If you don't meet the Constitutional rules for ELECTION, you don't meet them for succession as well. The short answer to Wrestlingfan's question is that the person in question, who doesn't met the requirements, would be skipped over for the next person in line.
You might remember, this was something that was brought up when Madeline Albright was Secretary of State - because, should something have happened to those above her, she would not have been able to succeed to the presidency, since she is not native-born.
<center><img border="0" src="" width="300" height="100">
Don't blame me....I voted for Kodos.
I look forward to an orderly election that will eliminate the need for a violent bloodbath. </center>
Mike Teacher
07-15-2004, 07:10 PM
Gotcha Seven.
Of course, my mind instantly imagines some no way in hell scenario where everybody but two are taken out; let's say everyone except is abducted by UFOs except Canadian-born Secretary of State and USA-born Congressman Mitch Cumstein of Sheboygin, Wisconsin are left.
It could happen, ya know.
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This message was edited by Mike Teacher on 7-15-04 @ 11:11 PM
07-15-2004, 09:37 PM
This thread just blew up someone's computer at the Secret Service.
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1979 << December boys got it BAD >> "You can tell some lies about the good times we've had, but I've kissed your mother twice...and now I'm working on your dad..."
07-16-2004, 01:14 AM
This thread just blew up someone's computer at the Secret Service.
The SS has computers??????.....oh shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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[center]I know karate....voodoo too!![center]
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