View Full Version : Goodbye TechTV
Today was pretty much the end for TechTV. It was bought out by Comcast a few months ago and "merged" with G4, a channel with all the production values and talent of a high school AV club. Seriously, this is the first I've seen of this channel and it looks like these shows are being filmed in somebody's basement with 20 year old equipment. It looks like only a couple of shows from TechTV will be on the new channel.
So, anyway, if there's anyone else out there who liked TechTV, you can share your fond memories here.
05-28-2004, 06:43 PM
I did not have it for that long, its only been a couple months but i liked alot of there shows. I hope ScreenSavers and Call For Help are still on, both very informative shows. I also hope that show Invent This is still on, although im assuming it's not. G4 does not seem that bad however, I am more game oriented than techonology oriented, but I am in the process of learning more computer knowledge. I hope that this all goes smoothly, and most of all that they keep Kevin Rose, he's the Shizz Bo Dizzle.
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Stuck in believe there is a lie, Promises promise an eye for an eye.
We've got something to reveal, No one can know how we feel.</marquee>
05-28-2004, 06:44 PM
Good thing I couldn't afford TechTV, so I won't be missing it.
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05-28-2004, 06:51 PM
Man oh man, G4 is terrible. I've been watching The Screen Savers, Call for Help, and X-Play which was then GameSpot TV for 3 years. Call for Help is gone, yes thats right G4 decided to keep Robot Wars and the cancer of Judgement days over Call for Help.
I'm really sad to see Leo Laporte go (90 second tips on The Screen Savers doesn't do it for me). Leo was one of the most amazing hosts I've ever seen and its a shame that he left TSS and CFH.
All I really care about is The Screen Savers and X-Play now. The game shows from G4 are unwatchable, seriously its embarassing how bad they are. Even Screen Savers is being flooded with bad people like Cat Schwartz. Godamnit this channel blows now.
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Invent this will be on the new channel. So will the Screensavers, but most of the staff will be gone, according to the TechTV messageboards (Pat, Leo, and Yoshi are gone. Sarah and kevin might be back). Call for Help is gone.
Oh yeah, the old TechTV website which was just a huge database of useful computer tips is gone, and the new website is a complete joke.
Their excuse for canceling Call for Help was that it was too similar to The Screensavers, yet they keep both X-Play and Judgment Day, which are both exactly the same, except one is entertaining, and the other is garbage.
This message was edited by HBox on 5-28-04 @ 10:54 PM
05-28-2004, 06:54 PM
Pat, Leo, and Yoshi are gone.
Excuse me? You're kidding right? Sarah Lane is terrible, that show can't survive with just Kevin. This can't be, I demand a link.
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This is a messageboard post, so it isn't exactly the most reliable info. But the hostile way Pat had been talking about this merger makes me believe it is true. (
05-28-2004, 06:59 PM
What the fuck is "Judgement Day"?
I too, am sad to see Leo go, he was very very good at hosting that show. I am also sad to see that show go as well, they offered alot of good things.
The G4 programming is alright i guess, I haven't seen alot of it but what i have seems somewhat decent. Unscrewed is still on which is pretty cool, I didn't watch it all that much but now im sorta getting the feel for it.
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Stuck in believe there is a lie, Promises promise an eye for an eye.
We've got something to reveal, No one can know how we feel.</marquee>
05-28-2004, 07:02 PM
Great and the 12 midnight replay of The Screen Savers is gone. Unbelievable, thats when I watched the show. Godamnit.
What the fuck is "Judgement Day"?
A show with 2 men who have man crushes on each other who face games off. Of course sine its G4 they have no knowlege of games and give the worst ratings I've ever seen. Good example: Ninja Gaiden: 7.5 nuff said.
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What the fuck is "Judgement Day"?
X-Play without the humor, charisma, and Morgan Webb.
Actually, their E3 show wasn't bad, but their regular shows are just awful. One of the guys is relentlessly annoying, and the other one is just boring.
05-28-2004, 07:05 PM
That sounds ridiculous.
Why oh why did they have to shred up a perfectly fine channel into a void of useless gaming. Granted I like gaming, but they didnt have to destroy a good technology channel for it. I am glad that "Body Hits" is still on, that show is really cool. I can't believe they keep robot wars and get rid of Call for Help, robot wars is A-W-F-U-L.
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<marquee behavior=alternate><Font size="1" Color="blue">
Stuck in believe there is a lie, Promises promise an eye for an eye.
We've got something to reveal, No one can know how we feel.</marquee>
Did Cat make the cut or is she gone?
She was hot, nice rack also.
"White people are so Scared of Black people"
05-28-2004, 07:44 PM
Cat will be on Screen Savers 3 times a week. She was fine on Call for Help, but she doesn't deserve on Screen Savers.
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05-29-2004, 02:07 PM
Guest: So this is a one of a kind peice, there's no other one like this peticular one in the world, and you can see the cracks go this way, and um it's really cool because it records much more accuratly than, um [crack], oh ffff... shit
Crew: [laughing]
Host: Well that does happen every once and a while that can't be good uh now shh izz are you done with that then?
Guest: Uh yea, I'm done with that [chuckling]
Host: [laughing] we're really done with that one
<img src="" align="right"><A HREF="">Ron and Fez Drops and Bits</A>
Unscrewed is god-awful. All of the G4 shows suck (but not as much as Unscrewed). The only reason to watch the new channel is for The Screen Savers, and it sounds like that's going down the tubes as well. I think the channel is doomed.
<center><img src = ""><br><center> <i><b>blablam!</i></b></center>
I'm just astounded by the logic of this. You've got a channel owned by Comcast that is so lousy that no cable carriers other than Comcast will carry it. Then you've got a reasonably successful channel that is independent and widley carried despite not being owned by a cable company.
So, obviously, Comcast buys the successful channel, kills it, and instead of trying to improve its own channel, just takes all of the distribution TechTV has and kills all the shows that made it popular? It's not like these two channels really even were competitors. At this rate, people are just going to stop watching the new channel and cable systems will just start dropping it. I hope mine does; I can't fathom having to pay for this channel. This just pisses me off so much.
05-29-2004, 06:58 PM
I am officially starting a boycott against all G4 programming on the once great Tech TV. All shows not previously seen on Tech TV will not be viewed by me.
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<marquee behavior=alternate><Font size="1" Color="blue">
Stuck in believe there is a lie, Promises promise an eye for an eye.
We've got something to reveal, No one can know how we feel.</marquee>
05-31-2004, 09:30 AM
I've never seen TechTV, but they took down the website, which was an amazing resource for computer information.
<img src=""><BR><A href="">Chaotic Concepts</a>
05-31-2004, 10:12 AM
I had never seen anything from Tech TV so I was a lil concerned if I would like it. Turns out I like it more than any of the G4 shows.
12-01-2004, 09:58 PM
UPDATE: For anyone who cares.
During the last few weeks the entire staffs from The Screen Savers and Unscrewed were fired. Kevin Rose and Sarah Lane are the only ones who stayed. I'm not sure if anyone has seen the new TSS, I am shocked.
They put in 2 hosts-1 who is a gamer, and another asian for eye candy and its horrible, seriously. They don't take calls, they talk about dicks and farts and Kevin is pushed to the side like a retarded step child.
Starting January 2005 "G4TechTV" will be renamed to "G4". 99% of every TechTV employee was fired, and the other remaing on air talent will soon leave or be fired also.
This is one of the worst corporate buy outs I've ever seen. Its obvious that Comcast bought TechTV to nearly quadruple its size. G4 was a little channel with bad ratings. TechTV, while moderately low key, did fine. Since the merger ratings have gone down horribly and soon cable companies will start to drop the channel completely. G4 has run the entire channel and its thousands of employees into the ground.
If you didn't watch it you wouldn't know, but Call for Help and especially The Screen Savers was the best place for technology news...ANYWHERE. What Leo and Pat did with that show was amazing and nothing can touch it.
Leo's commented on G4 and what they've done with it. Leo's Thoughts on G4 (
He brings up an interesting point that once tv is broadcasted online, real tech shows could return. Really interesting.
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I gave up on the channel a while back. Only Morgan Webb had me watching the channel for awhile, but now the wretched stink from every other show on the channel has me avoiding X-Play. I'm to the point where I put a parental lock on the channel so I never have to accidentally run into it. This couldn't have turned out any worse.
12-02-2004, 09:58 AM
I used to love tech TV, back when the Screen Savers was still "Kate and Leo," (In fact, back when it was still "ZDTV" and they only had about 2 sponsors)
Anyway, I'm saddened to hear those corporate douchebags at Comcast ruined it. I guess they did it out of spite after being denied Disney.
...and I subscribe to thier crappy cable (and to be fair, very good internet service), but it's nice to see my money being used wisely.... ugh.
[The Patriot Act has decreed this sig indecent, and has put JerryTaker under suspicion]</B>
12-02-2004, 10:53 AM
I like the X play show before morgan came on... then i really enjoyed x play when morgan came... now i cant stand anything on that channel because of the fuck ups that run it now...
12-02-2004, 11:11 AM
Great Clip TheKnicks23.
The G4 people are so gay I can't believe it. Not gay like Fez, Gay in like G-phoria. Did you see the promo's for that. That is the dumbest name for an award show of all time. Real trippy dude. Yea, that's what tech geeks like.
What about the promo's between shows with the girl with wires hanging off her back. LOL... What the fuck is that.
Also the 10 PM G Spot? Wasn't that an MTV thing like 2 years ago.
Fuck Comcast!
I would go on but CINIMATECH is on and I love that techno music while watching someone else play video games.
Hankddog Has Spoken
03-29-2005, 05:17 PM
So has anyone noticed that the Screen Savers has been canceled. The Replacement name for the new show is "Attack of the show" ... WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!
Hankddog Has Spoken
03-29-2005, 08:43 PM
I was just watching it and it's okay. I still dig the channel.
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