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Chris Benoit vs... [Archive] - Messageboard


View Full Version : Chris Benoit vs...

05-17-2004, 12:04 PM
...whoever wins the battle royal. Who is it gonna be? I'm rooting for Jericho or Edge but apparently the house show matches of Kane and Benoit have been good. I don't know how it's going to fit in with the Hardy/Kane feud currently going on, but let's hope they pick a good one.

"Snootch to the nootch."

05-17-2004, 12:32 PM
The latest rumor online is Edge which is better than kane but not better than Jericho.

05-17-2004, 01:00 PM
I thought Edge would continue to go after Orton and the IC belt. Oh well...

Anyway, it would make more sense for HBK to be the final entry to win it all tonight, as he and Benoit have not yet tied up loose ends. And as of late the same goes with him and HHH. Sidenote: (The whole HHH/HBK feud has been really stale lately. Sure HHH gets superkicked, and HBK catches a pedigree once in a while, but it feels as if they've stretched this thing as far as the could have. Now it's just redundant. I mean: I know they hate each other, but can they end this already? That end may hopefully come at Bad Blood with a Hell in a Cell. Anyone remember that Nash and HHH did a Hell in a Cell last year? Hmm...I wonder who's gonna be in the cell with Hunter next year.)

Anyway, the main event picture is confusing. Y2J would be my best pick, taking him out of an almost inevitable feud with the new hoss on the block, Tyson Tomko. However, if Jericho is in deed paired up with Christian's henchman, then let's hope this Tomko guy is at least half decent in the ring.

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05-17-2004, 01:24 PM
shelton bejamin is going to be wrestling randy orton. maven was the last entrant to replace Christopher. Hbk will probably knock out HHH though.

05-17-2004, 02:10 PM
I hope that the Jericho Christian feud is over and his win in the cage match being the main event win on RAW signifies his legitimacy as a main eventer and deeserving of the World Heavyweight Championship.

"Snootch to the nootch."

05-25-2004, 08:18 AM
oooooooo. tyson tomko.
he' s gonna fight cristains flunkie.
y2j willfight this guy once and win.. how about a real feud for a title for jerico.
the best total package in the biz today...
name someone better.......

This message was edited by hatetreehighway on 5-25-04 @ 12:26 PM