View Full Version : $61.51
05-11-2004, 06:15 PM
Yesterday I found a brand new fifty dollar bill in a parking lot!! On the way to the train today I found a dollar on the street. When I got on the train I found 51 cents on my seat. I was thinking, "Wow! 51.51! I should play those numbers!" and then I get home and go out for a walk and see a bill crumbled up on the sidewalk, I pick it up.... ten bucks! Sweet!
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<center><B>My Thanks to Just Jon, Reefdwella, ADF, Yerdaddy,Monsterone and Katylina for the sig-pic help and creation!</B></center>
<marquee behavior=alternate><font size=1>( o Y o )</marquee>
05-11-2004, 06:18 PM
Once I was in the ocean, and when I was swimming around I noticed a piece of something in the water. I picked it up, and it was $20. Very good day.
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Thanks M1
05-11-2004, 06:20 PM
Yesterday I found a brand new fifty dollar bill in a parking lot!! On the way to the train today I found a dollar on the street. When I got on the train I found 51 cents on my seat. I was thinking, "Wow! 51.51! I should play those numbers!" and then I get home and go out for a walk and see a bill crumbled up on the sidewalk, I pick it up.... ten bucks! Sweet!
Yer buyin'!
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Reefy's website... (</center>
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<center>Check out The Ron and Fez Show Logs...UPDATED!!!!! (</center>
<marquee behavior=alternate bgcolor="#FFFFFF">Right now you could care less about me...
but soon enough you will care, by the time I'm done</marquee> </font>
05-11-2004, 06:21 PM
damn, that is a nice streak of luck.
Thanks to Monsterone for my first sig.
05-11-2004, 06:59 PM
That fifty may be mine... please check to see if there is a picture of President Grant on it. If so, i will forward you my address. For a reward i will speak well of you...
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05-11-2004, 07:05 PM
That wasn't money... That was just old gum and some pebbles, Mr. Crazy.
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<marquee behavior=alternate><font size=2><b>EMFA</b></font></marquee>
05-11-2004, 07:11 PM
i found a $1000 bill once, but it belonged to an old man. he proved it was his; it was impressed on his chest.
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<font color="red" size="1"> dead in the middle of little italy little did we know every riddle's a middleman who didn't do diddily </font>
<font color="white">moe & horde king, come back soon</font>
05-11-2004, 07:42 PM
The other day I was separating the dirty pile from the clean pile and out from a pair of my jeans a $20 fell out. I was all happy like that money never existed untill I found it..............
but then I began to think about what if I never found it.....and what if I missed out on alot more money that was in my jeans mysteriously.....and then I began to think about why the chinese lady is always always really really happy to see me when I drop my laundry off......
05-12-2004, 06:28 AM
I found a dollar in the back pocket of my jeans when I put them on this morning. I'm going to spend it on beer, though.
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I don't have a cat
05-12-2004, 06:32 AM
I never find money. I always lose it.
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05-12-2004, 07:04 AM
i always spend it hehe
<center>You can speak your mind but not on my time.
[b]I'm doing the happy dance, I'm doing the happy dance.
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<font color=blue>110% Shenannigans</font>
Alice S. Fuzzybutt
05-12-2004, 08:10 AM
I found $40 in a Staples bathroom. I think that was my biggest find.
When I was a kid, I was riding my bike around a parking lot. There was a pothole and I checked it out. There was about $10 in chnage in there! Pretty sweet find for a kid!
It's a cat house! A CAT HOUSE! Thanks M1!
05-12-2004, 08:38 AM
I found $40 in a Staples bathroom.
East Side Dave
05-12-2004, 08:45 AM
I once found a twenty in my grandpa's pocket!
Boy was I happy that I shot him!
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Big Ass Mafia
Click this link ( to hear my show on Jersey's 90.5 The Night FM; (weeknights)-
Sunday night/Monday morning through Thursday night/Friday morning- 3 to 5 AM.
05-12-2004, 08:59 AM
I once read a Wiccan money spell which says you say Trinka three times with the sum of money you want and you are supposed to find it somewhere. I don't think it works but I found my Dad's OTB ticket stubs.
See Ya!
East Side Dave
05-12-2004, 09:01 AM
I love shit like that!
Also----I'm drunk at one ine the afternoon!
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Big Ass Mafia
Click this link ( to hear my show on Jersey's 90.5 The Night FM; (weeknights)-
Sunday night/Monday morning through Thursday night/Friday morning- 3 to 5 AM.
05-12-2004, 09:09 AM
Some time ago when I was 17, I was just walking around town w/ a good friend in the summer. My friend nor I had squat on us. As we were walking, I looked down and found this mighty large spliff! As we kept walking, I looked down and found a bank envolope w/ $340 in it! Needless to say, we both got groovy for the entire weekend!
05-12-2004, 09:31 AM
When I was a kid, my friend and I found like 5 bucks, so we went to the store and bought a big ole tube of cookie dough. We walked around town and ate the whole damn thing.
I wish we never found 5 bucks.
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<b>I'll punch every one of those bees in the face. Fuck bees. -Dane Cook</B>
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