View Full Version : the luckiest beta ever
04-25-2004, 06:33 PM
<img src= "" width="600" /> (
this is <b>beautiful</b>, my beta i got a month ago. i was on li last weekend and got back around 6 pm.
i found his bowl, roughly holding 2 gallons of water, empty. marbles everywhere. usinn my csi abilities, i deducted that the bowl had broken atleast 3 hours prior to getting home.
so i'm cleaning up, most of the water has seeped in or evaporated, ruined my tv. i'm wondering where the fish is at, and within a half an hour i find it, all shirivellled up.
i see it and it sucks; i feel bad and a lil guilty. i pick it up, and it wiggles. so i'm like "holy shit i have to save it." he gets thrown in the larger tank, with an oscar.
anytime the tank top opens, the oscar expects to get fed. so what happens, plop, the fish goes in, next second, tail is hanging out of the oscar's mouth.
i scramble to get the fish net and seporate them. done. now i'm searching for a bowl for this guy to get him out of the tank.
5 minutes later, and 3 smacks to the oscar, bam, i got it.
so that's him 7 days later. i didn't think he'd make it the night. maybe i should rename him.
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<font color="blue" size="3"><b>i have vermin to kill</b></font>
<font size="2" color="red">back off you shatner stealing mexico touchers </font>
<font color=white>moe & horde king, come back soon</font>
This message was edited by monsterone on 5-4-04 @ 1:52 AM
04-25-2004, 07:10 PM
shit man thats one lucky betta. Im surprised that the oscar didnt finish it off, those things can be brutal,hell any cichlid can be brutal
Better yet, Just swallow some jacks-CM Punk
newport king
04-25-2004, 07:25 PM
is that a hennessey scented candle?
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Holy shit...thats pretty cool...he's "The chosen one".......rename him something cheesy like "Neo".....
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05-03-2004, 10:16 AM
Please name him Jesus.
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<marquee behavior=alternate><font size=2><b>EMFA</b></font></marquee>
05-03-2004, 10:17 AM
<img src="" alt="fish" />
Fish-fish made babies.....then ate them all.
Supposedly they can last a good amount of time out of water. I have two in my office. Fun fishies to watch staring at each other and swimming into the glass trying to attack each other......
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<marquee>There's nothing duct-tape and a Sharpie can't fix......</marquee>
05-03-2004, 09:16 PM
is that a hennessey scented candle?
check it (
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<font color="black" size="1"> don't you think it's funny that if i grab a woman's ass and she punches me, she's fighting for her rights, but if a faggot grabs my ass and i punch his lights out, i'm a homophobe? </font>
<font color="white">moe & horde king, come back soon</font>
05-03-2004, 09:54 PM
ah, good suggestions on a name change, but beautiful is beautiful. as amazing his the survival is, maybe a suffix might be more suiting.
<center><img border=1 src=""><br></center>
<font color="black" size="1"> don't you think it's funny that if i grab a woman's ass and she punches me, she's fighting for her rights, but if a faggot grabs my ass and i punch his lights out, i'm a homophobe? </font>
<font color="white">moe & horde king, come back soon</font>
05-04-2004, 02:47 AM
Here's my betta, Master,39.jpg
<center> </center>
<center><B>My Thanks to Just Jon, Reefdwella, ADF, Yerdaddy,Monsterone and Katylina for the sig-pic help and creation!</B></center>
<marquee behavior=alternate><font size=1>( o Y o )</marquee>
05-04-2004, 03:53 AM
This is the only Beta that I've been able to keep for any length of time . . .
Mike Teacher
05-04-2004, 05:58 AM
Beta is second.
ALPHA is First!
Name it Alpha; or Al, or like in Day of The Dolphin; Fa.
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I thought this thread was going to about when my fraternity brother fell off the roof of our house and didn't get hurt because he was so drunk...
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Mike Teacher
05-05-2004, 11:43 AM
Dan what is up with that?
The drunks seem to walk away?!
<IMG SRC="">
05-05-2004, 12:20 PM
I heard that its because when you're drunk, you hit the ground all floppy and don't tense up before you slam into the ground. Tensing up makes you break more bones or something. yeah.
<BR><img src="" width="300" height="100" border="1">
05-05-2004, 02:03 PM
Sticks and stones can break your bones as well. However, upon further review, names will never hurt me.
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Please don't hold my huge nutbag against me, or I'll hold it against you that you have flapjack tits
high fly
05-09-2004, 06:19 PM
I'd say you beta hang onto that fish.
Good thing you taught that oscar to catch and release, huh?
It reminds me of that scene in Naked Gun on the boat where OJ first tries to kick in the door, and when he finally gets in, he slips on a banana peel, steps in a leghold trap, etc...
" and they ask me why I drink"
Big ups to sex bomb baby Katylina (LHOOQ) for the sig!
This message was edited by high fly on 5-9-04 @ 10:23 PM
05-09-2004, 06:28 PM
poor Oscar, he's probably wallowing in the Mayer...
as for beta, he is the Master
i won't say it but you know where that's going...
M1 - it's a cool story
<img src="">
high fly
05-09-2004, 06:43 PM
7 months from now, he beta not pout,
he beta not cry
He beta not pout I'm telling you why...
Hey mons, when you found him, did you pick up the lil' fella, hold him cupped in your hands, and say, "Beta, speak to me. Speak to me, Beta!"?
" and they ask me why I drink"
Big ups to sex bomb baby Katylina (LHOOQ) for the sig!
This message was edited by high fly on 5-9-04 @ 10:46 PM
05-13-2004, 11:54 PM
7 months from now, he beta not pout,
he beta not cry
He beta not pout I'm telling you why...
Hey mons, when you found him, did you pick up the lil' fella, hold him cupped in your hands, and say, "Beta, speak to me. Speak to me, Beta!"?
" and they ask me why I drink"
Big ups to sex bomb baby Katylina (LHOOQ) for the sig!
This message was edited by high fly on 5-9-04 @ 10:46 PM
actally it was more like:
<center><img border=1 src=""><br></center>
<font color="red" size="1"> dead in the middle of little italy little did we know every riddle's a middleman who didn't do diddily </font>
<font color="white">moe & horde king, come back soon</font>
high fly
05-15-2004, 11:43 PM
I'd say he is o-fish-ially the luckiest beta ever.
" and they ask me why I drink"
Big ups to sex bomb baby Katylina (LHOOQ) for the sig!
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