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I got something to say [Archive] - Messageboard


View Full Version : I got something to say

04-17-2004, 12:40 PM
ITS A DAMN SHAME THAT STEELS WAS TRYING TO HELP AND U GUYS CANT ADMIT WITH U MAKE A u gotta try to cover it up..... i know this thread is going to be locked soon because the mods dont want any other peoples points being heard but comon guys

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04-17-2004, 12:53 PM
What the hell are you talking about???????

[center]<IMG SRC=>
Thanks to ADF!!

04-17-2004, 12:55 PM
read the happy b-day mikey steels thread...

thats what its about i would of posted on that one

but it got locked..

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04-17-2004, 01:00 PM
here (

there thats the link

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high fly
04-17-2004, 01:02 PM
When did they change their name from the "Blue Devils" to the "Padres?"

More right wing repression?

" and they ask me why I drink"
Big ups to sex bomb baby Katylina (LHOOQ) for the sig!

04-17-2004, 01:10 PM
duke is my dogs name..

but good joke high fly

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04-17-2004, 01:12 PM
I got something to say

...I killed your baby today!! Doesnt matter much to me as long as its dead. I got something to say, I raped your mother today. Doesnt matter much to me as long as she is spread...

Ahhh thank you Duke for reminding me of great lyrics


04-17-2004, 01:16 PM
I'm just going to put my head down and pretend this thread was never started.

04-17-2004, 01:17 PM
I think he locked it becuse he felt it had the potential to have peoples feelings hurt and didnt want it to escalate. I know we all want to be able to express ourselves freely and theres nothing wrong with that, and people should be able to take the dirt if they give it, but he probably didnt want to see it get to that point. But it is their resposibility to try and keep it civil, to moderate the flow of the discussion.

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<center><B>My Thanks to Just Jon, Reefdwella, ADF, Monsterone and Katylina for the sig-pic help and creation!</B></center>
<marquee behavior=alternate><font size=1>( o Y o )</marquee>

04-17-2004, 01:35 PM
wait, what did we do wrong?

Steels has an agenda each and every time he posts. Plain and simply for whatever reason, he tries to provoke an argument or instill doubt in our members. Maybe he feels that he doesn't get enough credit for what he does, but then again he really cant. That's the hard thing when you want to be "underground". Hey, if he wants us to put up banners and throw up his picture behind ron and fez on the homepage we could do that, but to what cost? Once the right people find out what he'll be gone.

He doesn't realize that we've looked the other way a few times with almost each and every post he makes. He still comes here every other week and is downright nasty to the people that run this board....and for what? What exactly did we do to be treated the way he treats us? So what if we can see your password...don't be an Internet nub and use the same password for all your accounts. What other personal information do you we see? Your email address? Your IP? WHO CARES?!?! My IP is: . go whatever you want with that info.

I could have banned him several times over and didn't, rather i sent him emails.

What does he and every steels sympathizer want to do?

<center><img style="backround:COLOR" style="color:BLACK" style="border style:double 3px" src="">
I Crush The Rush. I Rule You Fool!</center><font color=white>

04-17-2004, 01:59 PM
You turn me on when you get passionate!!!!!

[center]<IMG SRC=>
Thanks to ADF!!

04-17-2004, 02:04 PM
You turn me on when you get passionate!!!!!well now everyone knows MY agenda for each and every post.

<center><img style="backround:COLOR" style="color:BLACK" style="border style:double 3px" src="">
I Crush The Rush. I Rule You Fool!</center><font color=white>

04-17-2004, 03:47 PM
look i am not trying to start a friggin war i am just saying that u made like he was trying to fuck up the thread and he wasnt he was trying help the people out thats all....

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Death Metal Moe
04-17-2004, 03:53 PM
Duke. I appreciate that you agreed with Steels because I did, but you're not going to get your answer.

Either ignore another problem here or decide if it's worth staying, because that is all you will get.

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Mike Teacher
04-17-2004, 03:55 PM
Duke; or anyone, imagine what was said in the thread to a female was said to you. In fact written out for all to see. One person slamming another with the most vile series of insults i have seen on this board.

Which part of 'help the people out' is this?

Having said that; I also consider GrlNIN a friend. I also things she is adorable. And intelligent.

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04-17-2004, 03:56 PM
A proportionate amount of props are equally distributed to my nigga's Fluff, Alexxis, CanOfSoup15, WWFallon and Katylina

04-17-2004, 04:21 PM
look i was backing up my friend

SO GO THE FUCK AHEAD make jokes about me i can careless what u guys say....i was just trying to help out my friend...

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04-17-2004, 04:30 PM
its good to see your back moe

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04-17-2004, 04:32 PM
easy, finster

Big ups to amy, aggie, satcam,adf and fluff for the sigs..

hey my man, what it look like

04-17-2004, 04:43 PM
Duke, you always pull this shit. WHos making jokes about you? Every thread youre talking about this same shit, but nobodies even said shit about you or made fun of you, you homosexual dog loving fuck.
A proportionate amount of props are equally distributed to my nigga's Fluff, Alexxis, CanOfSoup15, WWFallon and Katylina

Death Metal Moe
04-17-2004, 04:44 PM
Make no mistake Duke. I'm not back. I just post when I want or when old friends bring things to my attention and they're even worth my time responding.

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<A HREF=""></A>


04-17-2004, 04:46 PM
Welcome back, Moe
A proportionate amount of props are equally distributed to my nigga's Fluff, Alexxis, CanOfSoup15, WWFallon and Katylina

04-17-2004, 04:50 PM
I just post when I want or when old friends bring things to my attention and they're even worth my time responding.

The Weathercutioner misses you, he's been crying up a storm...

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We're An American Band

Mike Teacher
04-17-2004, 04:59 PM
Welcome Back, Moe!

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04-17-2004, 05:03 PM
these threads drive me insane.

duke, if you don't like the way the board is run, don't post here anymore. then no one has a problem.

<center><img src="" height=100 width=300</img><br>to think i might not see those eyes<br>it makes it so hard not to cry<br>and as we say our long goodbyes, i nearly do</center>

04-17-2004, 05:07 PM
Welcome back moe. Again. Yawn.

Duke, you are wrong. Steelz turned the thread into a namecalling thing, and worse yet, he wasn't even being funny. C'mon.

"I don't like to argue with unatractive women because it gets ugly???"

C'mon, that is 12 year old shit.

Make your password something different. If you are still that paranoid about your dopey IP address or password, take a big batch of "go fuck yourself" pills, and stop posting, just like Moe. Wait, Moe's back again. Jeez, this gets confusing.

<img src=>
Please don't hold my huge nutbag against me, or I'll hold it against you that you have flapjack tits

Mike Teacher
04-17-2004, 05:08 PM
if you don't like the way the board is run, don't post here anymore.

Someone Hit The Winning Cowbell ! !

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Death Metal Moe
04-17-2004, 05:40 PM
Since I only exsit on the planet to ruin your day Iamnotatool, I'm glad I did.

I hope the drama I am setting up makes you uncomfortable.

Hey everyone! Fawn over me! Hey! I'm gone and then I'm back! UH OH, what will it be today?! Am I a new character? WHO KNOWS!

HEY! OVER HERE! THIS WAY TO THE DRAMA! Right over here folks!

There you go. I hope that clears everything up for you and others on the board.

Back on track, you should all be so lucky that Steels came back as a steady poster.

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04-17-2004, 05:52 PM
I answered Steels' questions and points to the best of my abilities. If you disagree with what I said, say so. If you have ANY proof to the contrary about ANYTHING I said or explained, lay it out it for everyone to see.

The mods have had access to everyone's passwords and IP's since the site started. Nobody made a "mistake," Duke. This is nothing new. This will not change. Nobody has abused having these abilities. If somebody thinks we have, or any other former mod/admin has, feel free to share it here. We have nothing to hide, and we weren't hiding anything in the first place.

The thread was locked because it was escalating to a point of personal attack that we don't allow. People knocking each other around and talking a little shit is fine...a flame war is not, and that was the start of a flame war. It's a waste of time and board space, and had NOTHING to do with either the original point of the thread (Steels' birthday) or what it became about (Board security issues). Again, if my reasoning here is wrong, feel free to say so. Quit talking ABOUT me and the other mods, and talk TO us.

<img src="">
2% << December boys got it BAD >> "You can tell some lies about the good times we've had, but I've kissed your mother twice...and now I'm working on your dad..."

This message was edited by TheMojoPin on 4-17-04 @ 9:56 PM

04-17-2004, 05:52 PM
Steels I actually can deal with, even if he is a touch sensitive.

You however are merely full of shit, and couldn't get a rise out of me if you tried.

I do find it amusing that while you aren't 'back' as you say, you still continue to post regularly.

You were one of my favorite posters moe, but your drama is getting.....yawn....tired.

<img src=>
Please don't hold my huge nutbag against me, or I'll hold it against you that you have flapjack tits

04-17-2004, 05:55 PM
Knock it off.

I just explained why I locked the LAST thread because of a flame war.

<img src="">
2% << December boys got it BAD >> "You can tell some lies about the good times we've had, but I've kissed your mother twice...and now I'm working on your dad..."

04-17-2004, 06:00 PM
Mojo, I mean to start no shit here.

Not flaming anyone, in fact, said he was one of my faves.

However, it seems whenever there is trouble or anti-mod stuff, here comes DMM to stir the pot. It's a bit tired, and I'm not even a mod.

Sorry for causing trouble if you thought I was, just my 2 cents.

Besides, are you my mom? Knock it off? Who says that? Cut the shit maybe, cut the it off? C'mon Mojo, you can do better...

Just having some fun...

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Please don't hold my huge nutbag against me, or I'll hold it against you that you have flapjack tits

04-17-2004, 06:12 PM

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<marquee>"I went home with a waitress, the way I always do. How was I to know she was with the Russians too?"

Mike Teacher
04-17-2004, 06:26 PM
START: Cowbell

I got something to say

It's better to Burn Out, then Fade Away ! ! ...

[Enter one armed drums]

I was wondering why that song was in my head; and it has Cowbell! [Wood Block?]

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04-17-2004, 06:30 PM
START: Cowbell

I got something to say

It's better to Burn Out, then Fade Away ! ! ...

<img src="">

<marquee>"I went home with a waitress, the way I always do. How was I to know she was with the Russians too?"

Mike Teacher
04-17-2004, 06:34 PM
Ok furie I'm clueless.

Who is that?

Wow I'll regret this. I should know, I feel.

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04-17-2004, 06:46 PM
OK so......yeah.

First of all i'd just like to say that if you can dish it out you have to be able to take it. I put that to good use when a post like lasts nights happened. I read the whole thing, i smirked and i took it with a grain of salt.

I'm sorry but i am not about to let words on a fucking monitor dictate the opinions inwhich i hold regarding myself. So to that sir, i hope you feel 100% better about yourself because you know what?...I do. I know myself enough to be able to sit and take something like that after dishing it out(though maybe not as severe) onto other members of this and various other boards.

Really, i dont mind last words, everyone that posts here day in and day out feel free to try a nudge the last one into this post before it's locked.

And there's no reason to go on a Mod bashing spree, they're just doing what they're here to do so whatever, leave it alone. I'm over it, you're over it, we're all over it. It's over.

<center><img src="">
<br>Daddy's little girl ain't a girl no more</center>

04-17-2004, 06:52 PM
Nice post GrlNIN


You may not be the evil bitch I had you pegged for a year ago... :)

<img src=>
Please don't hold my huge nutbag against me, or I'll hold it against you that you have flapjack tits

04-17-2004, 07:09 PM
Moe, Im glad you came around again, I hope you stay!
Imnotatool, just stop already, if the guy wants to come and go, the rest of us that like him are pleased as punch that he chooses to come in here, and also dont appreciate jumping on the guy for doing it. The other post was heading along innapropriate lines of mature discussion, even though this is comedy related, and he already said as such. Why cant we just let it go already? If you dont like "drama", then why instigate it? Moe doesnt need me to defend him, but I really think that all thats been said about him in this topic is the reason why he and the other quality posters are baling from here and also causing the level of actual "discussion" to deteriorate to the realm of the unenjoyable. As far as your posts go, you do have a valuable contribution here and are appreciated when your remarks are good natured.

<center> </center>

<center><B>My Thanks to Just Jon, Reefdwella, ADF, Monsterone and Katylina for the sig-pic help and creation!</B></center>
<marquee behavior=alternate><font size=1>( o Y o )</marquee>

04-17-2004, 07:24 PM
i dont know why there has to be a whole big thing every time moe posts something. i think the thing that annoys some people, myself included, is that when he'll come and post, all these people have to comment about it. just let him, and everyone else, come and go as they please. i happen to like moe, i think he's a good guy, but my day is not made or ruined based upon whether he posts in a thread or not.

this is all just really silly.

<center><img src="" height=100 width=300</img><br>to think i might not see those eyes<br>it makes it so hard not to cry<br>and as we say our long goodbyes, i nearly do</center>

04-17-2004, 07:24 PM
I think this thread has run it's course. No need for any more finger pointing.

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Ron & Fez Show Log (
I'm dull and too low-energy!