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Can this possibly be true?!?!? [Archive] - Messageboard


View Full Version : Can this possibly be true?!?!?

04-05-2004, 09:58 AM
[color=purple]I've long since resigned myself to the fact that the GOP stole the 2000 election. That Bush was selected, rather than elected. And that America seems way too apathetic in having witnessed a bloodless coupe.

But that said, can this ( possibly be true?!?!?

It just seems like an infeasibility to me. But any substantiating links or articles would be greatly appreciated.


Much thanks to CZM for the killer sig pic

This message was edited by GaryWyze on 4-5-04 @ 2:24 PM

04-05-2004, 10:05 AM
Well, Flash animations are always the most accurate sources of information.

Actually, though, I have read about shenanigans going on in Florida. There were thousands of people who were left off the voter rolls because they were listed as being felons when they were not, in fact felons. I can't vouch for the numbers given, though.

04-05-2004, 10:08 AM
Are we still crying about this 4 years later?

Bush won. Gore didn't. Try to deal with it.

<img src=>
Please don't hold my huge nutbag against me, or I'll hold it against you that you have flapjack tits

04-05-2004, 10:14 AM
Oh sure, he won. Fair and square. Nothing shady going on there.

<IMG SRC="">
...with thanks to JustJon

04-05-2004, 10:25 AM
That was a very nice over-dramatization of manipulated numbers. Funny music too.

<IMG SRC="">
<marquee behavior=alternate><font size=2><b>EMFA</b></font></marquee>

04-05-2004, 10:29 AM
Gary -

There's a excellent docutmentary you should check out called "Unprecedented - 2000 Presidential Election (2002)." Once you see that, there is no doubt that there were serious shenanigans going on in FLA.

Unprecedented (

If I can get a copy of it, I'll send it up to you.

Are we still crying about this 4 years later?Bush won. Gore didn't. Try to deal with it.

Ahhhh...yes...the eye-rollers. People who believe that Party is more important than Country.

Excellent op-ed piece in yesterday's Washington Post, outlined how close this next election is more than likely going to be, with once again the difference between the popular winner and loser will be less than a million votes, however there is the very real possibility that it could swing the other way, and Bush could lose the electorial votes, even if he gets the popular numbers.

This Time, Bush Could Get the Gore Treatment (

Gee...I wonder how the GOPers out there who roll their eyes, and say "Oh THAT again" when Gore is brought up will react if this happens?


The way they did after 8 years of railing against Clinton and the Democrats, and have turned a blind eye when their own party and President's moral misgivings, seem to suggest that they will conveniently forget their behavior since 2000.
[b][i]Much thanks to M1 for the siggie...!i][b]

This message was edited by curtoid on 4-5-04 @ 2:31 PM

04-05-2004, 10:34 AM
This Time, Bush Could Get the Gore Treatment
You mean LOSE?

<IMG SRC="">
<marquee behavior=alternate><font size=2><b>EMFA</b></font></marquee>

04-05-2004, 10:35 AM
This Time, Bush Could Get the Gore Treatment

So he's President of the blue states!
You don't want to know what I think

04-05-2004, 10:43 AM
[color=purple]There were thousands of people who were left off the voter rolls because they were listed as being felons when they were not, in fact felons.

That much I know. I'm also aware that road blocks were purportedly set up in certain neighborhoods as a way of discouraging voter turn-out.

But all of this pales in comparison to stopping people who happens to share a birthday or a surname with a convicted felon from voting. Maybe I shouldn't be giving them the benefit of the doubt, but it's just hard to believe that even Katherine Harris and company were capable of this.

Bush won. Gore didn't. Try to deal with it.

I don't think 4 years is the statute of limitation as far as overthrowing a government is concerned.

Democracy was cirvumvented here. That's nothing to be so cavalier about.

But hey, it's not like he's used his stolen presidency wage war and further divide this country or anything, so it's all cool and the gang.


Much thanks to CZM for the killer, yet not currently working, sig pic

04-05-2004, 12:43 PM
Coup? with 50% of the people wanting one side, and you call that a coupe? A coup is when a small minority grabs power. this came down to 300 votes. And I've voted in FL before, those ballots are not hard to follow. Old people should be force to take a competence test before they vote.

No One's bitching how Kennedy stole the election from Nixon. No one's calling that a coup, and there was a larger margin in that election.

Way to be divisive.

<img src="">

04-05-2004, 12:51 PM
I just don't see how wasting energy on this now does any good. If you want Bush out you should focus on the election in November 2004 not 2000. Even if there was some underhanded politics going on in the last election, who cares? The fight ahead is the fight that matters.
Thanks to monsterone for the sig!

04-05-2004, 01:40 PM
Just think if Gore would have been able to carry his home state of Tennessee, none of the Florida crap may have mattered much. ;)

<img src=>

04-05-2004, 02:30 PM
I take it that nobody noticed Brigadier General (retired) Frank Borman's name...the same Frank Borman who made the epic first flight around the moon aboard Apollo 8 in December of 1968.


This message was edited by Doogie76 on 4-5-04 @ 6:30 PM

04-05-2004, 02:58 PM
They were both shitty options. But, like others have said. Even if there was some shenanigans in Florida, we're talking 300 votes one way or another. Hardly a landslide either way. I personally don't allign myself to a party, just believe in what I believe in.

I voted for Bush, though I cant say it was done with much conviction. I also voted for Clinton. I'm not sure if that says something about me or not.

I just don't see what the point is in bitching about it now.

Plus, you think this is the first election in the US where there may have been some shady shit going on? I don't.

Show em my motto

<img src=>
Please don't hold my huge nutbag against me, or I'll hold it against you that you have flapjack tits

04-05-2004, 03:01 PM
It seems to me that people here are making the incorrect assumption of how these votes would have affected the election. Whose to say that these people who were not allowed to vote would have favored Gore?

The problem is a lot of people were not allowed to vote. And that's it. It's a real problem, and if you ignore it for any reason you are allowing democracy to be undermined.

And another thing that bothers me. Why did the recounts help Gore? There seem to be two explanatons: a Democratic slant to the recount or those votes weren't counted in the first place. Either one is highly disturbing.

Anyway, I'd just like to say fuck you Florida.

04-05-2004, 03:02 PM
Show em my motto

"I must admit, I love Ed's gaping anus "?

<img src="">
Ron & Fez Show Log (
I'm dull and too low-energy!

04-05-2004, 03:13 PM
I just don't see how wasting energy on this now does any good.

It's never a waste to find out the truth about the past, especially when it applies directly to the present and future. Knowing whhat happened in the last election will hopefully prevent it from happening in the future. And knowing what kind of things Katherine Harris did, and what kind of character she has, is important if she's a member of the government.

"42nd-delay is the only person who's making sense." - Ron, 3-12-02

04-05-2004, 03:57 PM
No One's bitching how Kennedy stole the election from Nixon. No one's calling that a coup, and there was a larger margin in that election.

How dare you?!? The man was KILLED.

<img src="">
2% << December boys got it BAD >> "You can tell some lies about the good times we've had, but I've kissed your mother twice...and now I'm working on your dad..."

04-05-2004, 05:01 PM
Gee...I wonder how the GOPers out there who roll their eyes, and say "Oh THAT again" when Gore is brought up will react if this happens?


The way they did after 8 years of railing against Clinton and the Democrats, and have turned a blind eye when their own party and President's moral misgivings, seem to suggest that they will conveniently forget their behavior since 2000.

I'll be on the veranda......since you're already on the cross......

<center><img border="0" src="" width="300" height="100">
Don't blame me....I voted for Kodos.
I look forward to an orderly election that will eliminate the need for a violent bloodbath. </center>

04-05-2004, 05:48 PM
[color=purple]I wasn't just bringing it up to bring it up. The link was sent to me by a friend of us all, I'm really trying to either verify the allegations or find a way to disprove them.

I know Michael Moore makes the same claim in "Stupid White Men," but I was looking for proof from a more objective source.

Anybody know of one?


Much thanks to CZM for the killer, yet not currently working, sig pic

04-06-2004, 01:28 AM
I'll be on the veranda......since you're already on the cross......

...and I'll completely misuse a great quote... oh, wait, you beat me to it...

<IMG SRC="">

Nothing we've shared means a thing
Without you close to me
I can't live without you

04-06-2004, 05:20 AM
The problem is a lot of people were not allowed to vote. And that's it. It's a real problem, and if you ignore it for any reason you are allowing democracy to be undermined.

Exactly! I could care less which party is in the fucking White House, as long as it's who I believe best man for the job. I am more comfortable, however, when the balance of power is split between congress and the White House, so that one side of this country doesn't get to run rough-shot over the other half. A wise TV show once said, "What might be right for you, might not be right for some."

Back on point: I would have been just as furious if the level of circumventing and manipulation of the law had come forward from the Democrats in 2000 - maybe even more so, because I would have expected more from Gore, being the sitting vice President.

Oh Spider Sense is tingling...I detect some extreme-Right Wing eye-rolling happening out there...!

I'll be on the veranda......since you're already on the cross......

Please feel free to try and explain how the simple opinion of a registered Republican about the neo-con hypocrisy translated into you reading it as a martyr complex.

It was not a *bitching* or *whining* comment, *complaining* about being *persecuted.* It was just speculation how your religious Reich comrades will react if the shoe was on the other foot, and an example of precedence illustrating how I believe it will turn out; which, broken down, is the same discussion we've had here a million times.

And yes...I know you were attempting a joke, which is why I know you won't be mortally wounded and take it personally when I observe that it appears you once again identify yourself with the label of eye rolling GOPer who puts party before country.
[b][i]Much thanks to M1 for the siggie...!i][b]

04-06-2004, 05:40 AM
I'm not sticking my head in the sand. The 2000 election was fucked up. I'm not saying otherwise.

But it's more along the lines of: whatever happened happened, and you can't do anything about it now except vote him out of office in November.

You're on some moral crusade here, I'm taking an attitude which TRANSCENDS politics - it's as simple as this:

Shit happens. Learn to deal with it without pissing and moaning about it for YEARS after the fact.

And while I'm conservative, I'm not a member of any political party.

<center><img border="0" src="" width="300" height="100">
Don't blame me....I voted for Kodos.
I look forward to an orderly election that will eliminate the need for a violent bloodbath. </center>

Mike Teacher
04-06-2004, 05:46 AM
It seems to me that people here are making the incorrect assumption of how these votes would have affected the election. Whose to say that these people who were not allowed to vote would have favored Gore?

It seems there's also something missing in the mix. Can someone answer this for me: How did anyone know that the election might come down to a single state; and know what state that is?

Be real. Oh, but feel free to give an answer; I'm all ears.

Excellent op-ed piece in yesterday's Washington Post, outlined how close this next election is more than likely going to be, with once again the difference between the popular winner and loser will be less than a million votes,

Utter fantasy. [Edit: meaning any measurement polling or otherwise, that can even approach that kind of accuracy this far from the election; not that it might not be close. But it won't be.]

<IMG SRC="">

This message was edited by Mike Teacher on 4-6-04 @ 1:00 PM

04-06-2004, 06:26 AM
When I was in Florida a couple months ago. There was some talk about this because Harris is talking about giving up her House of Reps seat to run for Senate, a significantly more powerful position--and the polls showed her in the lead.

Reguardless of the result of the 2000 election, can you just imagine for a moment: the person who orchestrated the mass invalidation of so many voters may soon be rewarded with a Senate seat? No matter what you political bent, this should piss you off.

<marquee>"Last night I went running through the screen door of discretion, for I woke up from a nightmare that I could not stand to see. You were a-wandering out on the hills of Iowa and you were not thinking of me." Dar Williams "Traveling III (Iowa)"</marquee>

04-06-2004, 09:08 AM
[color=purple]It seems there's also something missing in the mix. Can someone answer this for me: How did anyone know that the election might come down to a single state; and know what state that is?

Be real. Oh, but feel free to give an answer; I'm all ears.

Mike, ever notice that the degree for error in polling is only 3%? Think about that for a second. Think about what a small margin for error that actually is. And when that second ends, think about how scary accurate these polls always turn out to be. So much so that policy, both foreign and domestic, is very often based on the results of them.

Everybody knew Florida was going to be the swing state. It boast both the epitome in urban development and counties so rural the guys from Deliverance would think twice about entering them. You've spent time there, you probably know this already.

Florida is considered to be a microcosm of America and everybody knew it was gonna be the swing state.


Much thanks to CZM for creating the killer sig and Furie for hosting it.

04-06-2004, 09:33 AM
Everybody knew Florida was going to be the swing state.

And everyone knows that Ohio is the swing state this year, including the Republican backed contract to put interesting new voting machines all over the state...

But it's more along the lines of: whatever happened happened, and you can't do anything about it now except vote him out of office in November.

We have to remember because of the very real possibility of it happening again. A growing number of us have felt that the concept we were told was "democracy" was taken from us, or never even existed in the first place. Bush made it very apparent that we may be right. That's why we can't ignore what happened in 2000.

<IMG SRC="">

Nothing we've shared means a thing
Without you close to me
I can't live without you

This message was edited by JerryTaker on 4-6-04 @ 1:40 PM

04-07-2004, 01:54 PM
I wouldn't be surprise if everything in that clip is true.

<IMG SRC="">
Thanks for the sig monsterone

04-19-2004, 05:22 PM
There is a documentary named Unprecedented: The 2000 presidential election in a sense supports what that link says

<IMG SRC="">
Thanks for the sig monsterone