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Nader, Kerry to Discuss Defeating Bush [Archive] - Messageboard


View Full Version : Nader, Kerry to Discuss Defeating Bush

03-29-2004, 12:28 PM
Ralph Nader said he will meet with John Kerry next month to discuss the effort to defeat President Bush in the November election. (

Hmmmmm...what could this mean? Have we been PUNKED? Was Nader going to support Kerry all along, but felt the need to look at first like he was own man, and then switches over in a way that gives Kerry more props...or did he misread the possible support he would have out there, learned that Howard Dean has made him irrelevant, and faced a lot more opposition...or...I don't know...

He has to know that he's not going to be taking away votes from the GOP - who might be just as happy to have him endorce Kerry, so they could make stick their charge that JFK is a liberal.


This makes things very, very interesting.

In current polls, Bush and Kerry are in a dead heat, with Nader drawing 2% - 5% of the vote.

I wonder if Nader would consider keeping his name off of the ballot in certain states, like Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virgnia, that everyone predicts will be close, and instead running rigorous campaigns in strong GOP states, trying to pull in some additonal non-voters, or those phantom GOP people he says are out there who are too disgusted to vote for Bush again, yet would never vote for a Democrat - that's the only example of seeing him really working to get Bush out of office (in my very biased opinion).

At the very, very least, it's good to see him lighten up on the rhetoric of lumping the two parties and candidates together.

I really have a lot of respect for Nader. In 1966, Congress passed a car safety law, largely due to Nader's 1965 book "Unsafe at Any Speed: The Designed-in Dangers of the American Automobile." He used the royalties from his book for research and studies to the dishonest banks, polluting paper mills, meat-packing, unsafe trucks, and cheating supermarkets.

His legacy should be about the Corvair and not George W.
[b][i]Much thanks to M1 for the siggie...!i][b]

This message was edited by curtoid on 3-29-04 @ 4:30 PM

03-29-2004, 12:37 PM
There's an old saying: "enemy of my enemy is my friend."

<img src="">

03-29-2004, 12:43 PM
hold me, curtoid, I'm frightened.

<img src= align=right><A HREF=>Ron and Fez Drops and Bits</A> | <a href=>WNEW Ron and Fez Pages</a> | <a href=></a> | Thanks Monsterone![color=white]

03-29-2004, 01:03 PM
hold me, curtoid, I'm frightened.

Somebody needs a good tussle!!!!

[center]<IMG SRC=>
Thanks to Yerdaddy!!

03-29-2004, 01:18 PM
Somebody needs a good tussle!!!!

Who doesn't need a good tussle every once in awhile?
[b][i]Much thanks to M1 for the siggie...!i][b]

03-29-2004, 01:22 PM
Nader, Kerry to Discuss Defeating Bush

What is there to discuss? Bush is handing Kerry this election.

<img src=>

A Skidmark/canofsoup15 production.

Red Sox Nation

03-29-2004, 01:38 PM
Here is a transcript of my top secret wiretap of this meeting:

Nader: I want to do all I can to help you win this election.

Kerry: Then drop out.



Nader: No.



Kerry: This is pretty awkward.

Nader: Yeah.

Kerry: I was in Vietnam, you know.

03-29-2004, 05:46 PM
Wow, this is fatal to Bush.

I mean, now Nader will bring to Kerry all of those millions upon millions of Nader followers, and....

.....*snicker* I'm sorry, I just can't say that with a straight face.

Hbox, you win points with me (yet again) for using a John Kerry Vietnam reference.

<center><img border="0" src="" width="300" height="125">
<marquee behavior=alternate bgcolor="#FFFFFF">CAST IN THE NAME OF GOD, YE NOT GUILTY</marquee> </font>

03-29-2004, 06:15 PM
If I was Nader I would switch parties and be part of the Blue Orthodox Saints of the Lost Kennel of Dogs That Were Stranded At the Top of the Empire State Building Party.
Thanks to katylina...

03-30-2004, 05:43 AM
HBox is my new favorite poster. LOL

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