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George W. Bush: Comedian? I think not! [Archive] - Messageboard


View Full Version : George W. Bush: Comedian? I think not!

03-26-2004, 05:09 PM
Ok, so first off I am not the biggest Bush supporter and I think he is an idiot. There, that is out of the way. I was behind the reasons that we were going into Iraq to make our country and the rest of the world safer and to keep the WMD's out of terrorists hands.

Now, I have heard a lot of discussion on the "WMD Joke" topic today and I find it rather disturbing. That you, The President of the United States of America is joking about the very thing that was the reason for the War in Iraq. To joke about NOT finding the Weapons is disgusting and irreprehensible. I think of the familes who lost loved ones in a war the was seemingly justified by these allogations. This mirrors a lot of the discussion I heard today.

Keep in mind I rarely (and maybe this post will explain why) put anything in the Politics Forum becasue I always feel very weak with my arguments and my wording when there are so many more intelligent (Se7en, MojoPin, YerDaddy and AJ in DC to name a few) and well worded on the politics front.

I just had to throw my two cents in on this topic.

I also know no history on these websites but I found these links on the topic.

The Nation (

The Guardian (,2763,1178547,00.html)

Not trying to Bush-slap here just opening discussion.
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03-26-2004, 05:19 PM
After seeing Richard Clarke's testimony, I'm all outraged out.

Uncle Smokey
03-26-2004, 05:32 PM
We have a profoundly stupid president.

I sincerely can't recall the last time I was offended by ANY joke on any topic, sexual, political, racial or otherwise, yet this managed to sicken me. I think what resonates so forcibly is how fucking smug and glib he is in the face of his own deception. I just hope he or his successor has the courage to commit sufficient resources to establish some sense of order in both Iraq and Afghanistan before we dig ourselves an even deeper hole. I'm really not hopeful.

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03-26-2004, 05:40 PM
It's not unprecedented. Here's something from one of Lincoln's addresses:
"I never thought freeing those negros would cause such a ruckus."

03-26-2004, 05:42 PM
I think that by making a joke like that, that he is trying to let people know he has the weapons. At least i hoped that was what he meant. I personally dont care about him that much because he is just a puppet, he's there to take the the blame for everything his evil administration does. I personally hate dick cheney alot more.

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<marquee behavior=alternate><Font size="1" Color="blue">
Stuck in believe there is a lie, Promises promise an eye for an eye.
We've got something to reveal, No one can know how we feel.</marquee>

03-26-2004, 06:02 PM
When I heard about this, even I was surprised. I'm afraid I've been overestimating our president.

<center><img src="">
Thanks to M1 for the sig!</center>

03-26-2004, 06:09 PM
I try to keep an open mind, but like HBox said, the 9/11 hearings and Clarke's book have just really soured me on the current administration. And here I was even thinking of voting for the guy just a couple months back.

This "joke" just seems in REALLY poor taste, especially since people are still dying because of what he was joking about.

<img src="">
2% << December boys got it BAD >> "You can tell some lies about the good times we've had, but I've kissed your mother twice...and now I'm working on your dad..."

03-26-2004, 06:27 PM <font size=4>"Take my wife, please!"</font>

<img src="">
<marquee behavior=scroll>I'm chatty!-----</marquee>

03-26-2004, 06:30 PM
Usually when soemthing like this happens, I have a chuckle, but it really doesn't influence me at all because it has almost nothing to do with actual policy or job performance. But this just goes to further convince me that this man just doesn't take the costs of war as seriously as he should. That's just my personal feeling about him.

03-26-2004, 06:34 PM
Clarke is an idiot, and even the 9/11 Commission said he was lying.

Everyone knows that the WMD was a needed excuse to go to war. Would it have been better if he had just gone to war to remove a terrorist from power? Yes. But the peons wouldn't accept that. The was was necessary either way.

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03-26-2004, 06:48 PM
and even the 9/11 Commission said he was lying.

I must have been in the can when that happened. Refresh my memory.

<img src="">
<marquee behavior=scroll>I'm chatty!-----</marquee>

03-26-2004, 06:49 PM

<center><img src="">
Thanks to M1 for the sig!</center>

03-26-2004, 06:52 PM
and even the 9/11 Commission said he was lying.

Was that when Thompson asked Clarke a question about morality, and Clarke's response humiliated him so much that Thompson got up and abruptly left the hearing, after the round of applause from the crowd, of course.

03-26-2004, 08:02 PM
Clarke's response humiliated him so much that Thompson got up and abruptly left the hearing

I think it was more the absurdity of Clarke's accusations, but, yes, that is what I meant. The fact that he can sit there and blame Bush, when Clinton made just as many mistakes, makes me sick. Surely there is no agenda there. Not like he has a book to sell or anything. Oh, wait a minute.....

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This message was edited by Tazz on 3-27-04 @ 12:03 AM

03-26-2004, 08:09 PM
Surely there is no agenda there. Not like he has a book to sell or anything. Oh, wait a minute.....

Right wing conservatives sell just as many or more books than left wingers. He could have wrote a book sucking Bush's dick for 700 pages and made shitloads of money.

But please, just refute one thing he said. I plead with you. Just one. It would be a start.

03-26-2004, 08:53 PM
Clarke's no fan of Clinton. And the Clinton admin is getting no love from this investigation (Or Clarke, at ALL) for what they didn't do, or could have done. The current admin is getting the most fire because, well, they're in power now, and Clarke's testimony is pretty fuckin' relevant given what's going on in Iraq right now.

He views both Billy and Reagan as the two presidents he's served under who were most ineffectual at countering the kind of threat we're facing today. His book and his testimony makes that very clear to anyone actually paying attention.

In fact, he praises the first Bush left and right for his treatment of terrorism, and as a president in general, so this whole "he favors Clinton/the left" schtick was really played out before it even began...and we all knew it would.

<img src="">
2% << December boys got it BAD >> "You can tell some lies about the good times we've had, but I've kissed your mother twice...and now I'm working on your dad..."

03-27-2004, 02:17 AM
Maybe all the people who were offended by his jokes should write to the FCC so they can fine him and the network that broadcasted these indecent statements.

Thanks Katylina, Monsterone, you make the shittiest sigs.
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03-27-2004, 06:50 AM
Lighten up, people. A joke's a joke. Who cares about the WMDs, we got our primary target Saddam.

Now if we find out Bush plays "Osama----Bin Laden" in the Swimming pool. Now that's offensive. ;p

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East Side Dave
03-27-2004, 06:54 AM
Well I think Bush IS funny..........

......funny lookin'! Yeeehhhhhhaaaaww! That'll learn him!!!!

anyone have any dayquil I can buy?

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This message was edited by East Side Dave on 3-27-04 @ 10:56 AM

03-27-2004, 08:33 AM
All partisan Democratic histrionics aside, there does seem to be legitimate arrogance to the sensitivity of the 9/11 and war issues - the dismissive tones towards fire fightters and 9/11 survivors and family members with regards to the use of the casket in a commercial to sell a President; the attack stance on someone with the balls to step forward and say what really happened behind the line - Clark apologizing to the family members in that room was one of the classiest things I've seen in politics in a long, long time; someone owning up to a costly mistake; and now the "get over it" rebuttal to the "joke" - because we know that Republicans are known as such comedians.

There's a standard response too, whenever someone steps forward and complains - the GOP must neutralize them, and somehow shame them for saying anything in the first place; if it's a 9/11 family member who is hurt, they show a 9/11 family member who doesn't see a big deal; if it's the parent of a service person who is sickened by the WMD joke, then the GOP trot out their person who is just fine with it; and, of course, this week every big name Democrat was on stage to support Kerry at a DC fundraiser, and who is all over tv the next day but "Democrat" Zell Miller, in front of a sign that says "Democrats for Bush."


Personally, the joke bothered me, but I wasn't surprised or shocked about it. I was more concerned by the reaction from the press in the room, as well as some of the critics of the joke now, like Nancy Pilosi, who now only claims that she was guffawing to be polite.
[b][i]Much thanks to M1 for the siggie...!i][b]

03-28-2004, 07:49 AM
The point of these dinners is for Presidents to poke fun at themselves. Even in the middle of one of his scandals du jour, Clinton did the same thing. As much as I disliked him, I at least gave the guy credit for being self-depricating rather than portraying himself as a victim.

Was it in poor taste for Bush to joke about the lack of Iraqi WMD? I don't know. In a political sense, no. But so as not to offend the memories of the fallen soldiers, I probably would have made one quick joke about it instead of going on and on with "maybe here -- nope."

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shamus mcfitzy
03-28-2004, 01:41 PM
But the peons wouldn't accept that. The was was necessary either way.

well the "peons" probably would've, but that's besides the point. Most people don't need a reason to take him out of power. I'm only mad because he came up with such a backwards excuse that shows inability to communicate to the US people (which would be just as backwards if Clinton used it instead of being ineffective).

i don't know. I wasn't as offended as other people. I kinda just looked at it as just another stupid thing Bush did, and because the press gave it such a good reaction i just assumed that I was just being biased. I could understand a little joke, but just the fact that he continued doing it just shows he doesn't really have good planning skills. His image doesn't change any in my mind, he's stupid, people kinda knew that already.