View Full Version : Raw tonight should be huge
03-01-2004, 12:00 PM
Do you smell what the Rock is cookin for Wrestlemania? I guarantee he is there tonight.
03-01-2004, 04:11 PM
Should be a fun show.
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03-01-2004, 04:45 PM
Raw hopefully will be good since we are less then 2 weeks to Mania.
By the way in all do respect:
and now A-Rod
so Fu@k the Red Sox!
The Cerebral Assassin of the RNF message board!
03-01-2004, 07:30 PM
Finally, the Rock has come back to RAW.
Nice booking.
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Please don't hold my huge nutbag against me, or I'll hold it against you that you have flapjack tits
03-01-2004, 07:32 PM
Fuck the Rock returning, Benoit / Michaels v. Orton / Batista, Austin v. Vince for the billionth time.
RAW was made tonight by one thing and one thing only.
In one segment, he proved he's 29495 times more deserving of the Orton push than....well, Orton is.
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<marquee behavior=alternate bgcolor="#FFFFFF">CAST IN THE NAME OF GOD, YE NOT GUILTY</marquee> </font>
03-01-2004, 08:07 PM
for all your taker bashing se7en you are correct sir. johnny blaze is fucking great.
now i want to see him tag with danny ketch and call themselves the Midnight Sons.
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"Go sit on the toilet and pull and tug on your weiner until white stuff comes out."
03-02-2004, 04:29 AM
On this past weekend's velocity he had tag teamed with Matt Cappotelli from TOugh Enough and wrestled a great match against Worlds Greatest Tag team. What happened?
RF Godfather
03-02-2004, 04:50 AM
Johnny Blaze, ugh. I wanna see Method Man or Snoop lay him out for calling himself that.
"Time to make a little noise!" --Shane Douglas
03-02-2004, 05:13 AM
Does this mean Cappotelli goes to Smackdown? Thank the Lord, fresh talent for Smackdown for once.
Pilots make the best approaches...
03-02-2004, 05:38 AM
On this past weekend's velocity he had tag teamed with Matt Cappotelli from TOugh Enough and wrestled a great match against Worlds Greatest Tag team. What happened?
They've been working dark matches and tv tapings a bit lately. Not too many weeks ago they wrestled Cade / Jindrack on Heat, I remember that much.
The rumor was that they'd be getting the call up soon, and if we can expect more Johnny Blaze segments out of this, it's not a bad thing.
Why is Hennigan on RAW, though? That's easy - EVERYONE's going to RAW. Smackdown is treated like the bastard step-child.
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<marquee behavior=alternate bgcolor="#FFFFFF">CAST IN THE NAME OF GOD, YE NOT GUILTY</marquee> </font>
03-02-2004, 06:22 AM
phixion was on my wavelength. I'm just waiting for the inevitable lawsuit from Marvel for the Johnny Blaze name.
<img src=""><BR><A href="">Chaotic Concepts</a>
03-02-2004, 01:00 PM
Johnny Blaze, ugh. I wanna see Method Man or Snoop lay him out for calling himself that.
It should be Meth' since that's one of his tag names in wutang (Tikal/Johnny Blaze).
But last nights Raw once again dissapointed me. Som segments that weren't needed, like the hardy/test vs booker/rvd tag match and of coure the whole mcmahon/austin thing as well as stacy and gayda. Undertaker's promo sucked as it has being that we don't see him till 'Mania and all the friggin matches were set up stalely. For instance, Evolution vs Rock N Sock: Instead of what should have happened with them semi-surprising us, they drew the friggin picture right in front of our face's like we're retarded. Come on! Let Foley get jumped by Evolution from behind at the back, beat him up and bring him out to the ring where Orton's about to strike him with the IC title, and then all of a sudden..."If Ya Smelllaalalala..." Then Rock fends them off, and announces the match. FRIGGIN SIMPLE.
As for Y2J/Jericho, Jericho's music should've hit without the countdown with Jericho coming down pissed and commencing to beat Christian's ass to a pulp. Then he can tell us that since Christian had an interesting match at 'Mania, he'll have one, Chistian vs Y2J.
Why couldn't that have happened? Can someone answer this? And I don't even care about RVD/Booker anymore. The WWE has done a good enough job of making them look like shit, and Matt Hardy seems to be next on their list of talent to kill.
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"The Revolution will not be televised!"
newport king
03-02-2004, 04:50 PM
Why couldn't that have happened?
beacause you my friend are wasting your talent on a messageboard.
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03-02-2004, 08:06 PM
Evolution vs Rock N Sock: Instead of what should have happened with them semi-surprising us, they drew the friggin picture right in front of our face's like we're retarded. Come on! Let Foley get jumped by Evolution from behind at the back, beat him up and bring him out to the ring where Orton's about to strike him with the IC title, and then all of a sudden..."If Ya Smelllaalalala..." Then Rock fends them off, and announces the match. FRIGGIN SIMPLE.
I still can't wrap my brain around the horrifying reality that they're going to use the two most beloved, over stars in their promotion, and job them out to Randy fucking Orton just to put that little heat killer over.
Shit, Orton will probably be champ by year's end.
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<marquee behavior=alternate bgcolor="#FFFFFF">CAST IN THE NAME OF GOD, YE NOT GUILTY</marquee> </font>
shamus mcfitzy
03-03-2004, 01:59 PM
johnny blaze is fucking great.
now i want to see him tag with danny ketch and call themselves the Midnight Sons.
i was thinking Johnny Blaze and RVD as the Midnight Tokers myself. teehee
Shit, Orton will probably be champ by year's end.
We can only hope and pray.
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03-04-2004, 01:11 PM
Shit, Orton will probably be champ by year's end.
I've been saying that for months now Se7en. At least now you see the horryifying images I see in the wrestling world.
You know, I give everyone their chance to give their opinion, but Tazz you are the biggest idiot I know right now. When Orton gets the strap all main events are destined for crowd walk outs. PPV ratings'll drop to the shit hole and everybodys gonna start bitchin'. And don't bring that "push the young guys" shit to me. I think pushing young guys is what it's all about, but when you push the damn gaing-GREEN-gang, then you have a problem. And I haven't even begun to lay my disgust for Batista. The guy no sells and botched every friggin move, EVEN IF THE MOVES BEING DONE TO HIM. Hell, in his singles match against Benoit, HE COULDN'T GO DOWN TO A DRAGON SCREW. It was horrible.
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"The Revolution will not be televised!"
This message was edited by sleepyeyed_Jynx on 3-4-04 @ 5:13 PM
03-04-2004, 04:08 PM
Orton doesn't deserve to be anywhere near the belt until he's halfway proven he's a draw (which he hasn't - certainly not for that IC title around his waste) or until he has at least a little heat.
But he doesn't. Have heat that is. He's Orton the Crowd Killer. They've placed him in a feud with THE most beloved WWE performer of the past 5 years and he STILL CAN'T DRAW HEAT to save his life.
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<marquee behavior=alternate bgcolor="#FFFFFF">CAST IN THE NAME OF GOD, YE NOT GUILTY</marquee> </font>
I still don't think either of you are watching the same show I am.
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03-04-2004, 05:46 PM
If it weren't for HHH making Orton his pet project, he'd still be on Heat facing local jobbers. What is is about Orton, Tazz, that you can possibly say that will convince us he's going to be worthy of that already worthless championship belt?
"And they ask me why HighFly drinks."
03-05-2004, 09:43 AM
I think Snoogans is sending you some expierd meds. Tazz. Beacuse i do not know what you are watching. Orton is AWFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now Batting For The Yankees. #13 3B Alex Rodriguez #13
03-05-2004, 11:47 AM
phixion was on my wavelength.
i was seriously wondering if i was the only fan of ghost rider here, guess im not.
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"Everybody wanna be like Mike but Mike wanna be like L"
Monsterone, many much thanks.
I support Orton so much, because he is exactly where the Rock was in 1997 when he joined the Nation. Still a little green, showing some signs of great charisma. Don't believe me? Go back and watch how little of a response the People's Elbow got back then.
Give Orton time. He'll get just as big as Rock I believe.
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walking joint
03-05-2004, 12:04 PM
i'm with you Tazz. i won't go as far as saying he will be as big as the Rock, but he has potential. the Rock would bore people to death when he first showed up...enough to get Die Rocky Die chants. but with the charisma Orton has shown I think he will be okay. i agree with Se7en that i'm not sure he needs as big a push as he is getting already now, but at least they are trying someone new. bashing Orton seems to be the general feeling of the board and I feel some just jump on the bashing bandwagon.
03-05-2004, 12:37 PM
I still don't understnad you guys.... You moan and grown that they don't push the young guys... then they push Orton WHO GETS PLENTY OF HEAT.... Puts on a good show and you complaijn he is getting a push. I GIVE UP!!!!!!!!
Everyone Loves CYYYFYYY
I am just a Simple jewish Boy
from the Lower east Side
03-05-2004, 04:25 PM
I'd really like to see Raw through your eyes as you guys have picked up on something I haven't. When I see a kid with the in-ring skills of Maven come out, and cut a dry rehearsed promo, I tend to get really bored espcially and when the same thing is repeated week after week. But hey, I'm just another moron who thinks Orton has no charisma, even though he has the personality of a frying pan. Excuse my ignorance oh wise ones. ;)
Edit: I really need to read over my work before I post it. So many spelling mistakes.
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"The Revolution will not be televised!"
This message was edited by sleepyeyed_Jynx on 3-5-04 @ 8:31 PM
03-05-2004, 05:11 PM
You know back in 99-00-01 The Triple H feud with Rock was the hot feud at the time.In my opinion someday soon we'll see a feud like that between John Cena and Randy Orton.I think it will be when Cena loses the rap gimmick(not that im not entertained)and when Orton dumps Evolution.You know sometime soon Orton will hit a peek and HHH wont want him around anymore.Plus you know sooner or later they'll do the Legend Killer gimmick on Ortons dad and then on Flair.
The Cerebral Assassin of the RNF message board!
03-05-2004, 06:45 PM
I support Orton so much, because he is exactly where the Rock was in 1997 when he joined the Nation.
Nope. Rock had better skills, more personality, TONS more charisma.
Still a little green, showing some signs of great charisma.
At some point, Rock stopped being green.
A....what? Year? A year after Orton's debut, he's still not developed into much.
And those signs of charisma are just NOT there.
Don't believe me?
No, I don't.
Go back and watch how little of a response the People's Elbow got back then. [
Give Orton time. He'll get just as big as Rock I believe.
a) Orton has been pushed as an upper-midcard heel since AT LEAST Summerslam (really more since Badd Blood in June), and he STILL. IS NOT. OVER. Sooner or later you realize that it isn't working.
b) NO ONE wrestling in the WWE now will be as big as the Rock was / is. Guys like the Rock come along once every generation - this is why Hogan / Rock from Wrestlemania 18 was so monumental, because it was the superstar of the 80s vs. the superstar of the 90s. Another Rock-type will come along somewhere down the line, but it WON'T be Orton.
A more accurate comparison to Orton would be Brock Lesnar. He debuted, wasn't over, they put him over everyone and finally, it paid off. But Brock has something Orton doesn't - talent and charisma. Brock doesn't kill crowds, Orton does.
I still don't understnad you guys.... You moan and grown that they don't push the young guys... then they push Orton WHO GETS PLENTY OF HEAT.... Puts on a good show and you complaijn he is getting a push. I GIVE UP!!!!!!!!
You're not listening.
We want them to push young guys. But not the WRONG young guys.
A good example of a young guy who's getting a push that he DESERVES is John Cena. He got a shit gimmick, but through his own CHARISMA, he got over with it.
And hey, he didn't even have to go over half the roster to get that way.
Compare Orton to Cena. Go ahead. You'll see that Orton doesn't even have half the heat Cena does on a BAD night.
Don't worry about Orton, though - he's secure. He's one of HHH's pet projects, so we won't be rid of the guy unless, fortuitously, injury prevents him from competing.
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<marquee behavior=alternate bgcolor="#FFFFFF">CAST IN THE NAME OF GOD, YE NOT GUILTY</marquee> </font>
See, you are not watching the same show I am.
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03-06-2004, 09:07 AM
Um...Cena gets heat.... He is not a heal.... Yes, Cena gets more cheers than Orton gets boos...... I agree Cena should get pushed....AND HE IS!!! Which young guy would you like to see pushed ahead of Orton? Maven???? HEidrich???? Rosie????? Lets hear..... Yes, I agree with Van Damn but I got news he is not all that young and most people hate working with him and he also has said on interviews that he is an avid pot user, he said he does not care he has the Int belt and has no idea how many times he has held it........ It is hard to push someone when they say stupid things like that
Everyone Loves CYYYFYYY
I am just a Simple jewish Boy
from the Lower east Side
03-07-2004, 02:01 PM
Which young guy would you like to see pushed ahead of Orton?
Matt Hardy v1.0, and Christian.
And I've almost lost all respect for RVD smoking weed. Doesn't the guy have kids? And even if not he's really not presenting a good image that I even I agree with. I'm young and all, but one of my favorite wrestlers shouldn't be smoking the ganja. Now I see why his in-ring work has diminished.
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"The Revolution will not be televised!"
03-07-2004, 02:29 PM
I got news for you,Your favorite wrestlers since you been alive have probably been doing worse.I just saw Justin Credible's 2nd shoot interview and he said the drugs were "out of control" in ECW and that killed me,and then I relized all these years all of these guys have been rumored or its been proven to be addicted to pain killers,smoking weed,snorting coke and taking steroids and all it leads to is guys dying at the age of 45 or starving their snake to death.
The Cerebral Assassin of the RNF message board!
Heather 8
03-07-2004, 03:49 PM
I just saw Justin Credible's 2nd shoot interview and he said the drugs were "out of control" in ECW
See: Louie Spicolli.
See also: Tammy Sytch.
"There is no god, and the cage wasn't 30 feet."--CM Punk
Oh, how I loathe you all.
This message was edited by Peachy on 3-7-04 @ 8:09 PM
03-07-2004, 05:17 PM
See: Louie Spicolli.
See also: Tammy Sytch.
See Raven as well, although during his last run with the company he was largely clean.
[See the late Pitbull #2 also. See a LOT of people who were in ECW.]
And I've almost lost all respect for RVD smoking weed. Doesn't the guy have kids? And even if not he's really not presenting a good image that I even I agree with.
If anything his weed smoking makes him "cool" to the youngins' these days.
And if you really want to a mind fuck, ponder why Kurt Angle is a HEEL simply for not wanting a former drug addict, who teaches children to lie, cheat & steal, to be champion.
I'm young and all, but one of my favorite wrestlers shouldn't be smoking the ganja. Now I see why his in-ring work has diminished.
His in-ring work has never been great because Rob's a generally lazy worker, and he's even lazier than usual when he's not motivated - and that hasn't been for several months now.
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<marquee behavior=alternate bgcolor="#FFFFFF">CAST IN THE NAME OF GOD, YE NOT GUILTY</marquee> </font>
03-08-2004, 09:38 AM
orton sucks. his in ring work is crap. thats all that matters to me. promos heat all that crap is just fodder. but to entertain me simply with a match not the buildup and not watching the other guy , he cannot entertain. ive seen matt hardy and christian entertain me with matches, look at any of their ladder matches. orton has not. he blows spots on at least a monthly basis. and the only reason he gets a reaction fromt he crowd at all its because of who on the screen with. or who is talking about. you subtract foley, and hbk, and every other aging great worker hes worked with and he is nothing. orton sucks balls. deal with it.
and for the rock comparisons, just stop. im no fan of the rock, but one of the main reasons he was able to build up crowd reaction is because of who he worked with when he was stilla midcarder, austin. you subtract austin from from federation history and no i dont believe the rock would ever have main evented.
lastly for everyone talking shit about rvd's pot use, fuck you! A has nothing to do with B. big show smokes cigs and he refuses to quit, yet he's held the belt and main evented mania's. rvd is the best wrestler on raw(besides benoit) and he gets shit for it.
<IMG SRC="">
"Everybody wanna be like Mike but Mike wanna be like L"
Monsterone, many much thanks.
03-08-2004, 09:54 AM
See also: Tammy Sytch.
I refuse to look at Tammy after she left the WWF, became a druggie and bloated up.
<img src=""><BR><A href="">Chaotic Concepts</a>
03-08-2004, 02:33 PM
you subtract austin from from federation history and no i dont believe the rock would ever have main evented.
That's exactly what they did and Rocky got over even more and turned into a mega face.
And I'll say in short, cigarettes and weed are two different beasts. One legal, and the other isn't. Are they both harmful? Of course. But by smoking one, you can be charged criminally.
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"The Revolution will not be televised!"
03-08-2004, 03:11 PM
That's exactly what they did and Rocky got over even more and turned into a mega face.
no ur not understanding me. of austin was never ever in the fed then the rock would be nobody. if austin never took rocks IC belt and threw it off that bridge then the rock would have died right along side the nation of domination. the rocks in ring talent wasnt anything so amazing that he would ahve surived on that alone. he became big due to his mic work, and the idea of mic work taking precedent over in-ring work was created by austin.
And I'll say in short, cigarettes and weed are two different beasts. One legal, and the other isn't.
yeah and if it wasnt for turn of the century fed's being scared of weed toting mexicans then weed would be legal. if weed was brought over here by the goddamn english all would be fine. so ponder over why is it that one is legal and other isnt. instead of saying rvd loses your respect simply because he likes a drug. caffeine is a drug. alcohol is a drug. and why am i rambling on there is already a thread about this.
<IMG SRC="">
"Everybody wanna be like Mike but Mike wanna be like L"
Monsterone, many much thanks.
03-08-2004, 05:00 PM
I realize alot of Wraslters use drugs... But to openly say you do weed is going to hurt your chances to becoming the champ. Who knows what he would say. How would the WWE look if there champ says in an interview.... Yea I use weed
Everyone Loves CYYYFYYY
I am just a Simple jewish Boy
from the Lower east Side
03-08-2004, 05:22 PM
vince sold steroids to hogan in the 80's. and mcmahon shouldnt penalize a guy for it, he agrees that they are actors, and are not portraying anything in real life. should dave chappelle one day act amazing in some drama should he not get awards for it despite him smoking a lil weed?
<IMG SRC="">
"Everybody wanna be like Mike but Mike wanna be like L"
Monsterone, many much thanks.
03-08-2004, 05:26 PM
Well I'm not sure what you people are talking about but:
1-Weeds bad and its shouldnt be brought up on air
2- Orton blows. Hes boring and nobody cares about him
3- Rock doesnt not have Austing to thank for shit. Rock is the man on his own. From what I remember, It was the Mankind fued that totally put him over.....and over. He was loved before his heel turn leading up to that but who cares. He never went over as a heel becasue people still loved him but who cares. He is easily the single most entertaining person in the Fed, and without him, i dont watch
A proportionate amount of props are equally distributed to my nigga's Fluff, Alexxis, CanOfSoup15, WWFallon and Katylina
03-08-2004, 08:16 PM
The last 15 minutes of Raw tonight was easily the best TV Ive sen in awhile.
Women too?! STRAY DOGS!!!?
Fucking great.
A proportionate amount of props are equally distributed to my nigga's Fluff, Alexxis, CanOfSoup15, WWFallon and Katylina
03-08-2004, 09:15 PM
I hope last night brought an end to this retarded ridiculous Randy Boarton the next Rock Comments. The Rock is fucking great. and Boarton will never EVER be near his level NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!! Like my boy Foamy says. LAY OF THE FUCKING CRACK. Comparing those two is like comparing Michael Vick To Achillie Smith. Not on the same fucking planet. So once again. LAY OF THE FUCKING CRACK. Especially you Tazz. copy.jpg
Now Batting For The Yankees. #13 3B Alex Rodriguez #13
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