View Full Version : The Final El Jefe ?
02-22-2004, 09:30 AM
Is this true ? El Jefe gone ? Or merely a change in the name or nature of the show ? The DC Skankshift ? Cosmic Circus goes legit ? Any details ?
02-22-2004, 10:20 AM
the hideout can't be gone its the only good radio on the entire fucking weekend. i mean whos gonna take its place the friggen stacy show? i doubt it. plus they said theyd explain next week so... its probably just a name change. I HOPE!!!!!!!
DON'T LEAVE ME EL JEFE AND J DUBBS! bateman can go though
p.s. row row row your boat gently down the stream merrily merrily merrily merrily life is but a dream
All bow down to PudgyT!
02-22-2004, 11:18 AM
The correct answer is:
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<marquee behavior=alternate><font size=2><b>EMFA</b></font></marquee>
02-22-2004, 11:48 AM
It's the apocolipse!!!!! Run for cover!
<img src= align=right><A HREF=>Ron and Fez Drops and Bits</A> | <a href=>WNEW Ron and Fez Pages</a> | <a href=></a> | Thanks Monsterone![color=white]
02-22-2004, 12:02 PM
Last night's show was the cluster fuckiest of all cluster fucky shows on the planet. Sounds like no planning or support by WJFK for the live remote, and from the sounds on the radio a pretty poor turnout, and then (to add insult to injury) they kept getting bounced off the air, and finally made the move to just call it a night, and resort ot replay at 10pm.
Through it all, though, it was hysterical to hear them pad and flounder and try to make something out of nothing - real cringe radio.
The only good thing out of it was the discovery that one of the waitresses at the bar was a Playboy model.
They mentioned it a bunch of times that last night's episode was the last one for "The Hideout." And when the pulled the plug, they said, "Tune in next Saturday so we can tell you what's going on."
So...if it was the last episode, then there can't be a next Saturday, unless they are changing the name or format or whatever. They seem to have a good relationship with managment there, and I can only imagine that they have been around for as long as they have been because they are being groomed for something.
[b][i]Much thanks to M1 for the siggie...!i][b]
02-22-2004, 12:23 PM
The show will only change it's title in protest to the new WJFK censoring rules. I think the strict new rules at Infinity make for an easy excuse for El Jefe to cave-in to J-Dubs who is always bitching about not having his name in the show's title. They even mentioned on air about how staff compliment El Jefe while the same people don't even know J-Dubs is on the show. Total bitch move.
Doctor Manhattan
02-22-2004, 01:39 PM
I missed it. What's the new name?
That show is always a cluster fuck, and even when D&M or R&F do a remote it's a cluster fuck, and they all know how to do a radio show. So why is anyone surprised?
<a href=""><img src=""></a>
<b>"...He's a habitual line-stepper!"</b>
02-22-2004, 03:06 PM
I missed it. What's the new name?
That show is always a cluster fuck, and even when D&M or R&F do a remote it's a cluster fuck, and they all know how to do a radio show. So why is anyone surprised?
They didn't say - the announcement is this next Saturday.
R&F'a last remote sounded pretty good. There were a couple of problems, but Wendell fixed 'em up pretty good.
[b][i]Much thanks to M1 for the siggie...!i][b]
02-22-2004, 03:10 PM
They didn't say - the announcement is this next Saturday.
Great- I'll make sure I don't listen to it like I don't listen to it every Sat. night!!!!
[center]<IMG SRC=>
I listened to it on the ride home from the poker tournament and wasn't impressed. Maybe I just caught them on a bad night.
<center><img src = ""><br>I'm so glad the cheat is not dead.</center>
02-22-2004, 03:58 PM
Can someone [curtoid?] who listened give a bit more detailed description of what went on?
Were the problems purely technical? How bad how often?
Remotes are nightmare enough, but with R+F you have two guys who can improv a show off the top of their heads if everything else fails. That's a tough test, when the equipment goes to shit.
Thats a bummer for the guys. How were they handling it on-air? Fist-fighting would have been cool.
Enquiring minds wanna know!
02-22-2004, 04:29 PM
the show is really starting to grow on me. the live broadcast was alright, but all the problems made it kinda suck.
at first i thought they had gotten kicked off the air. I figured El jefe said something bad.
"I feel like a lost sock in the laundry-mat of oblivion"
02-22-2004, 04:31 PM
I hope they finally get rid of Don & Mike and shift the schedule around. Perrynoid will do late nights.
02-22-2004, 08:14 PM
I hope they finally get rid of Don & Mike
If that happened, I'd give WJFK about a month until they went to a new music format with Howard as the morning show.
<img src="">
2% << December boys got it BAD >> "You might tell some lies about the good times we've had/But I've kissed your mother twice...and now I'm working on your dad..."
02-22-2004, 09:26 PM
Curtoid is apparently the only other one who noticed that they were cut off early.
Shiloh, the "Playboy model", used to be one of the girls who came in to the Don and Mike Show when one of the guys had a birthday. Toy shows, girl on girl, that sort of thing. Skank says what? Doesn't make you a bad person. It's possible she was just hired for the evening.
Last night's show was the cluster fuckiest of all cluster fucky shows on the planet. Sounds like no planning or support by WJFK for the live remote, and from the sounds on the radio a pretty poor turnout, and then (to add insult to injury) they kept getting bounced off the air, and finally made the move to just call it a night, and resort ot replay at 10pm.
Through it all, though, it was hysterical to hear them pad and flounder and try to make something out of nothing - real cringe radio.
The only good thing out of it was the discovery that one of the waitresses at the bar was a Playboy model.
They mentioned it a bunch of times that last night's episode was the last one for "The Hideout." And when the pulled the plug, they said, "Tune in next Saturday so we can tell you what's going on."
So...if it was the last episode, then there can't be a next Saturday, unless they are changing the name or format or whatever. They seem to have a good relationship with managment there, and I can only imagine that they have been around for as long as they have been because they are being groomed for something.
[b][i]Much thanks to M1 for the siggie...!i][b]
02-22-2004, 10:33 PM
I hope they finally get rid of Don & Mike
If that happened, I'd give WJFK about a month until they went to a new music format with Howard as the morning show.
As much as i hate Don and Mike. I have to agree with MoJo. WJFK would sadly crumble without them. And that would mean no ron and fez.
Now Batting For The Yankees. #13 3B Alex Rodriguez #13
Thanks To MikeyBoy For the Sig
This message was edited by KERMIT on 2-23-04 @ 2:35 AM
02-22-2004, 11:13 PM
does anyone know how much longer r&f have on their contracts. i remember about 2 months after being at jfk the went out to luch with the suits to elebrate something related to their link to infinity.
<center><img border=1 src=""><br></center><font color=green>
moe & steels, you
are greatly missed... you too
horde king
<font color=black>"what did the five fingers say to the face?"</center>
02-23-2004, 03:12 AM
Can someone [curtoid?] who listened give a bit more detailed description of what went on?
I wasn't listening too closely, doing some other stuff. I was toying with going down there (a friend of mine won a "Hideout Pass," and put my name down instead of his!).
They bitched about the sales or promotions person who arranged it - they did an interview with someone from the club, but weren't on the air and had to do it again when they were - it didn't sound like there were many folks there, until (ironically) 10pm when the show went off the air for a second time - and all of it was done in the new climate of "what to say/what not to say."
The best parts were Shiloh the Playboy playmate and with Wendell in the 3rd chair role.
Sorry it's not more detailed.
Halloween Goddess was actually there, so maybe we can get some real info.
I hope they finally get rid of Don & Mike and shift the schedule around.
Yeah...good idea to get rid of the show that generates as much money (if not more) than Howard Stern for WJFK.
Shiloh, the "Playboy model", used to be one of the girls who came in to the Don and Mike Show when one of the guys had a birthday. Toy shows, girl on girl, that sort of thing.
I thought the name was familiar.
does anyone know how much longer r&f have on their contracts. i remember about 2 months after being at jfk the went out to luch with the suits to elebrate something related to their link to infinity.
Thank goodness there's one show that doesn't bore their listeners with stuff from their contracts! If I were to speculate (and we know how I hate to do this), I'm sure they aren't going anywhere for a couple of years. I would hope their agent got them locked up for five years, to make it worth it for them to come down here.
Just saying.
[b][i]Much thanks to M1 for the siggie...!i][b]
DON'T LEAVE ME EL JEFE AND J DUBBS! bateman can go though
No way... Bateman is the best, just listen to his theme song.
Plus he writes for the show and is the male spokesmodel for WJFK. He's going nowhere, but to the top.
Sweep the leg!!!
<img src="">
02-23-2004, 05:12 PM
Bateman has a *great* radio voice. The Live Mardi Gras show was an abortion. Treehouse Part II.
02-23-2004, 06:07 PM
No way... Bateman is the best, just listen to his theme song.
Plus he writes for the show and is the male spokesmodel for WJFK. He's going nowhere, but to the top.
*sniff* *sniff* What is that smell? Oh, I know -- shameless self-promotion.
<img src="">
Ron & Fez Show Log (
I'm dull and too low-energy!
02-23-2004, 07:44 PM
They cleared things up tonight at the start of the show - El Jefe and J-Dubs are staying put. It does sound like a name change is what is coming on Saturday.
Ron said he actually heard part of the show - I like how he used the word "cluster" to describe it. Really no other word would do.
What I would like to know is which one of you maniacs can't stand to wait and find out like the rest of the world, that people actually e-mailed Ron about this over the weekend, wanting to know if the FCC was cracking down on "The Hideout!"
[b][i]Much thanks to M1 for the siggie...!i][b]
This message was edited by curtoid on 2-23-04 @ 11:46 PM
*sniff* *sniff* What is that smell? Oh, I know -- shameless self-promotion.
ROTFL... so, what's wrong with that???
<img src="">
Doctor Manhattan
02-28-2004, 05:11 PM
Bolee Spears (
This was talked about tonight on the show.
"That's one hot dude..."
<a href=""><img src=""></a>
<b>"...He's a habitual line-stepper!"</b>
02-28-2004, 05:36 PM
Then, when you're done batching to that, click here. (
<img src="">
<marquee behavior=scroll>I'm chatty!-----</marquee>
Doctor Manhattan
02-28-2004, 05:41 PM
I like how they were debating on who was hotter:
<img src="" width=350>
<img src="">
And I don't think it was a "bit" or a "joke" They like this 'Bolee' dude.
<a href=""><img src=""></a>
<b>"...He's a habitual line-stepper!"</b>
This message was edited by SofaKingWhat on 2-28-04 @ 9:42 PM
02-28-2004, 05:47 PM
I'd do her!!!!!
[center]<IMG SRC=>
Thanks to Katylina
02-28-2004, 05:52 PM
aka Britney's Spear
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<marquee behavior=scroll>I'm chatty!-----</marquee>
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