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Matt Hardy v1.0-"The Real Future of the WWE" [Archive] - Messageboard


View Full Version : Matt Hardy v1.0-"The Real Future of the WWE"

02-18-2004, 06:44 PM
For those of you who remember my "Make RVD the champ already" thread, be warned this is pretty much like that. With that said on with the rant,!

The WWE has a history of making wrestlers seem bigger than life as to make us thing they're the next big thing (ie: The Rock, Kurt Angle, Brock Lesnar, Hardcore Holly). Their most current and developing model of this action is none other than Randy Orton. Week in, and week out we're "treated" to another heaping serving off boredom as Orton walks down the ring only to stink up the arena with a luke-warm rehearsed promo or a disgusting display of boshed moves and limp maneuvers which usually creates a dead crowd, or a very angry internet wrestling community. Aside from Orton, there are some young guys on the roster who actually show a decent display of good inring work, and smooth linguistics. One of those young workers, is Matt Hardy.

With the inception of the Hardy boy's, Matt has shown great in ring work that was not appreciated by the fans nor the fed being that his brother Jeff usualy outshined him with his aerial assualts. But later on the best came out of Matt as the two split which led to the birth of Matt Hardy v1.0, the real Matt Hardy. With his new persona, Matt showed just how great an actor and worker he was. He even played both sides of the spectrum from Face to Heel and pulled both roles off quite well. However, even with his good work ethic he was still moved to Raw where he's now wasted. Which he shouldn't be since in him we can find the next champ.

Ok, forget the formal stuff, Hardy's got what it takes. The in-ring work which can get better with more matches with guys who've been in the business for a while. Remember his match with Benoit in the U.S. Championship Semi-finals? It was a solid bout that showed Matt had some edge to him. Even when Benoit broke Matt's nose to which he began to bleed profusely, he wiped the blood away from his mouth and had the best " I'm about to strangle you" glare in his eyes I've ever seen. And as for his mic skills, they're great. He can actually adress someone without reading off a script or rehearsing, unlike a certain Evolution member (*cough, cough, nudge nudge*), and the fans react to him way more than they do with Orton. I mean seriously, who'd you rather see getting this push? Hardy, or Orton. Which other young star deserves a push more? And you can't bring up Y2J, RVD or Booker since they aren't young anymore and they've had the chances. Come on, the kid shows a truck load of potential. Building him up for him taking the strap at say Wrestlemania 21 (next year ya morons), would be a great idea. I dunno, Se7en, RFMark, Teenweek, Spicy, anybody, tell me if I'm too much of a M'effer (Matt follower), or if I'm actually making sense.

<IMG SRC="">
"The Revolution will not be televised!"

02-18-2004, 07:30 PM
right off the bat, they screwed up with matt. when he went to RAW, he should have been paired with lita and could have been feuding with some other guy over her or something.
now he's in wwe pergatory.
one cool thing they could do would be to pair him with Christain in a tag team. both in earlier days were overshadowed by their partners jeff and edge. grant it now days they're above tag team matches.
I agree he has the potential, if given, to become the next big thing. who knows, with eddie SD champ and Benoit winning the RAW belt at WM, maybe things will pick up from here on.

newport king
02-18-2004, 07:51 PM
he was still moved to Raw

that's where he's been buried? i do like the guy and does seem like he deserves a much better push than orton is getting. so i have no problem with your opinion.

he should have been paired with lita and could have been feuding with some other guy over her or something.

reeks of midcarder. ask jericho.

<img src="">

02-18-2004, 11:27 PM
He won't even be on the WMXX card.
Potvin doesn't suck.

02-19-2004, 05:46 AM
Here's Spicy's Take on what could be with the Master Of Mattitude:

Post WrestleMania-

Hardy the week before Mania spoke up about Orton's treating of Foley which resulted in a tag-match of Orton and Batista versus Foley and Matt with Matt carrying most of the match and Foley getting a few shots in so that Matt could hit the Twist of Fate on Orton letting him win the match.

Foley wins his match against Orton, but Orton once again gives Foley a saveage beating, which results in Hardy comming out and taking down Orton and Evolution with the help of some Foley-like equalizer. It's announced that on RAW the next day, Orton will defend his Intercontinental Championship against Matt Hardy V1.

RAW comes in, Matt Hardy and Orton get the main event spot for their title match. Everyone is behind Matt Hardy. Orton starts to gain momentum, but Foley's music is heard. Foley doesn't come out, but Orton does get distracted. Matt goes for a roll up pin, Orton kicks out, Orton hits the RKO somehow on Hardy. Foley's music plays again, Foley does come out. He just stays on the arena floor, promting Orton to come out. Orton doesn't do it. He smiles and turns around, thinking that he doesn't have to sink to Foley's level. Orton turns around, Hardy gives him the Twist of Fate. Orton's down, Hardy's got the leg hooked, 1...2...3! New Intercontinental Champion and a new feud for two up and commers.

"And they ask me why HighFly drinks."

walking joint
02-19-2004, 05:49 AM
without even reading your post...sorry to long...i would love to see Hardy get a real push, but I don't see it happening.

02-19-2004, 07:39 AM
They've jobbed him so badly in the last few months that I'm not sure what they could even possibly do at this point to give him anything resembling credibility anymore.

<center><img border="0" src="" width="300" height="125">
<marquee behavior=alternate bgcolor="#FFFFFF">CAST IN THE NAME OF GOD, YE NOT GUILTY</marquee> </font>

Heather 8
02-19-2004, 02:28 PM
Is it wrong of me to wish that they'd bring Jeff back on the off-chance it might give Matt something to do?

...yeah, you're right, I'll go repent now.

02-19-2004, 03:34 PM
Spicy, you're idea won't work since the end result is Orton losing the title. And another thing, Orton isn't an "up an comer", he's a "here and now" kind of guy. Watch how fast they breast feed him the title.

Anyway, I'll continue to be the eager little m'effer that I am and hope for the best. They put the strap on Eddie, which was like a christmas gift for every wrestling fan from here to mars, so maybe the fed will do something right again and set up Hardy. I'd also like to see Christian gets some push after his matche with Y2J at 'Mania. He's another guy with potential and he's oozing with charisma.

<IMG SRC="">
"The Revolution will not be televised!"

02-19-2004, 06:46 PM
I realize that when I wrote it, but still, Orton has a lot to learn. Him actually going on the hunt for this title could result in great matcehs with Hardy and catapault Hardy to the level WWE is trying to put Orton at right now.

"And they ask me why HighFly drinks."

02-19-2004, 08:58 PM
Matt is great. one of my fav. I loved how on smackdown for awhile he was being used well with his followers and the matt facts. I hate him being on Raw and having to Job so much, the guy is a great heal

Iris loves you

02-21-2004, 08:22 AM
Matt Hardy was very over with his version 1 gimmick, and then he went Raw and seemingly got demoted.

"It matters not how straight the gate,
How charge with punishments the scroll
I am the master of my fate the
captain of my soul."