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UP the stairs is fine. DOWN is a whole other story [Archive] - Messageboard


View Full Version : UP the stairs is fine. DOWN is a whole other story

02-12-2004, 08:19 PM
So maybe some share this phobia of going down the stairs. Even though I tripped up the stairs once and got some particle board stuck in my eye and it scratched my cornea and every now and again when my eye gets dry during sleep and I wake and feeel the eyeball crack (run on sentence, deep breath) when ever I go down the stairs I have to grab the handrail and then step forward for fear or falling.

I was thrown and fell down flights of steps at school and at home as a child. Maybe it is psychoscematic maybe I am just a pussy. Maybe both. It just scares the shit out of me.

I had always feared sitting way up high at ballparks and for the whole last weekend at Veterans Stadium I was all the way in the last rop at the top. Man is that steep. I had no problem going up but I had to grab seats (no handlerails mind you) to make it down the 25 steps. That stairwell is on roughly a 35ø - 40ø angle. The night game was probably the worst as I was going down, looked ahead and lost my balance a bit but regained it remarkably. The two day games were also quite tense.


Yesterday I was at the Woodbridge Mall doing some repairs in the Sears on their TV Network there. The computer that runs everything is upstairs and I had to take a computer monitor up to the tower. I am fine taking it up the escalator and then coming back down.

Actually from my trips to England I am so trained to get onto the right side of the escalator and don't really give that a second thought. That seems to be law over there cause everyone just migrates to the right and the left is open for all those in a really hurry to get to The Tube.

So I get to the top of the escalator and just freeze and wonder when to step forward as I am holding the monitor. I step forward with my left foot but my right foot is staying still. Now mind you this thing is MOVING and making me eligible for the Boy's Chior. I felt myself falling forward and then proceeded to fall head over heels over head again down the escalator pretty much in a jumbled rolling position. I was able to land at the bottom on my back, in pain. With the monitor on my stomach.

Now go back to where my right foot is staying still and that is what I thought would happen. Scary huh? Fortunately I pulled back after about 4 steps had appeared and reared back gasping for breath. That was by far the scariest thing I have been involved in in sometime. Especially considering my shoe was eaten by an escalator a few years back.

So there is my boring adventure for the evening. Hopefully it was able to grab you for a second.

Anyone else though have this awful fear of falling down stairs to the point where it is disibilitating?

Bringing Crap to every post.


02-13-2004, 06:43 AM
I dont know what to tell you fluff. Escalators whould be pretty easy t master for you if you can just figure out a way to see your feet or whats right infront of them. Maybe you couldve rested the tv on the side rail thing then you couldve seen what was coming just by turning sideways. i dont know man, best wishes from Wadd. Keep it real.
A proportionate amount of props are equally distributed to my nigga's Fluff, Alexxis, CanOfSoup15, WWFallon and Katylina

02-13-2004, 07:06 AM
I had always feared sitting way up high at ballparks and for the whole last weekend at Veterans Stadium I was all the way in the last rop at the top. Man is that steep. I had no problem going up but I had to grab seats (no handlerails mind you) to make it down the 25 steps. That stairwell is on roughly a 35ø - 40ø angle. The night game was probably the worst as I was going down, looked ahead and lost my balance a bit but regained it remarkably. The two day games were also quite tense.
I'm not afraid of stairs, but I have a fairly mid-level fear of heights. If I'm on something stable, I'm ok, but if there's any chance it looks like I might fall...

But I always hate those top tier stairs at stadiums. They're too short and I always feel like I'm gonna fall, esp. if I'm carrying food or something.

<img src=""><BR><A href="">Chaotic Concepts</a>

East Side Dave
02-13-2004, 07:16 AM
Fluff- get one of those chairs that that lady in "Gremlins" had!! Just make sure the gremlins don't wire the chair to go on hyperspeed and shoot you through the roof because then you'll get a headache I'm sure!

<img src=>
Big Ass Mafia

Click this link ( to hear my show on Jersey's 90.5 The Night FM; (weeknights)-
Sunday night/Monday morning through Thursday night/Friday morning- 3 to 5 AM.

Johnathan H Christ
02-13-2004, 12:22 PM
i have to climb extension ladders at work into palm trees that are like two stories tall. and the wind makes them sway around while im cutting the dead fronds off. it makes me nervous.

<IMG SRC= width=300 height=100>
"his very conception was an act of animosity, why shouldnt his entire life be one as well?"

02-13-2004, 01:04 PM
I actually want to see someone tumble down an escalator, and I've wanted this for a while though. I was going to try to do it in a short film I was going to shoot and just have the speed of the escalator be such that they keep tumbeling and stay in the same spot pretty much yet fall for 20 minutes.

But I know others who get vertigo when they sit in stadium seats.

<center><IMG SRC="">
<center><a href="">Check out my blog. I'd be witty here, but I gave up on that a while ago.</a> </center>

02-13-2004, 01:57 PM
I have reverse fear of heights.
I can stand on top of the Sears Tower and peer down no problem, stretch my neck out over the grand canyon, etc...

But if I'm on the ground I can't look up at any building over 20 stories. I'm just really freaked out. I don't know if there is a name for that, but I just think of it as reverse fear of heights.

<img src=>
<br>Ron: Who is your favorite broadcaster who was an athlete?
Caller: uhhh Joe Theisman
Ron: If you're not going to be serious, don't call in, OK?

02-13-2004, 02:11 PM
Fluff, maybe you're part clydesdale. They can go up stairs, but not down. They would climb up the stairs in fire houses (back when fire trucks were pulled by horses) and couldn't get back down, prompting the ever popular ladder/pole combo still found in fire houses today.

Joking aside, that's pretty serious. I mean, going down stairs is something you take for granted until you can't do it anymore. I don't know how you deal with it, dude.

<IMG SRC="">

02-13-2004, 04:44 PM
I'm really scared of just tripping down the stairs at a stadium, and falling all the way to a lower level.

<img src= align=right><A HREF=>Ron and Fez Drops and Bits</A> | <a href=>WNEW Ron and Fez Pages</a> | <a href=></a> | Thanks Monsterone![color=white]

02-13-2004, 06:20 PM
But I always hate those top tier stairs at stadiums. They're too short and I always feel like I'm gonna fall, esp. if I'm carrying food or something.

I always get that feeling too when I'm at Shea. Especially when I'm walking up the little aisle stairs. Same when I go to concerts.

See Ya!

02-13-2004, 07:03 PM
<center><img src = width = 300 height = 500></center>

<center><img src = ""><br>I'm so glad the cheat is not dead.</center>

This message was edited by ADF on 2-13-04 @ 11:06 PM

02-13-2004, 07:05 PM

<center><img src = ""><br>I'm so glad the cheat is not dead.</center>

02-13-2004, 08:22 PM

<center><IMG SRC="">
<B>Horde King Forever!! <strike>The Oracle Never!!</strike></B></center>
<font size="1" color="red">
<center>Check out The Ron and Fez Show Logs...UPDATED!!!!! (</center>
<marquee behavior=alternate bgcolor="#FFFFFF">Right now you could care less about me...
but soon enough you will care, by the time I'm done</marquee> </font>

02-13-2004, 08:23 PM

<center><IMG SRC="">
<B>Horde King Forever!! <strike>The Oracle Never!!</strike></B></center>
<font size="1" color="red">
<center>Check out The Ron and Fez Show Logs...UPDATED!!!!! (</center>
<marquee behavior=alternate bgcolor="#FFFFFF">Right now you could care less about me...
but soon enough you will care, by the time I'm done</marquee> </font>

02-13-2004, 08:26 PM

<center><IMG SRC="">
<B>Horde King Forever!! <strike>The Oracle Never!!</strike></B></center>
<font size="1" color="red">
<center>Check out The Ron and Fez Show Logs...UPDATED!!!!! (</center>
<marquee behavior=alternate bgcolor="#FFFFFF">Right now you could care less about me...
but soon enough you will care, by the time I'm done</marquee> </font>

02-13-2004, 08:33 PM
i sometimes have trouble stepping onto the escalator. i am always very hesitant about stepping on. i'll wait and let a couple of steps roll by before finally making my move. it always reminds me of playing jump rope, and standing beside the moving rope, just waiting for the right opportunity to jump in without stepping on it. sometimes the procrastinating throws my timing off and i'll end up stepping in between steps, and then they begin to separate... which is the thing that scares me about the whole thing in the first place. once i'm on, though, i'm good to go.

<center><img src="" height=100 width=300</img><br><br>we all know gold is getting old
the ice in my teeth keep the crystal cold

02-13-2004, 09:19 PM
A proportionate amount of props are equally distributed to my nigga's Fluff, Alexxis, CanOfSoup15, WWFallon and Katylina

02-13-2004, 09:56 PM

<center> </center>

<center><B>My Thanks to ADF for the sig-pic!</B></center>

<center><B><strike>Bandwidth Hound</strike></B></center>

<marquee behavior=alternate><font size=1>( o Y o )</marquee>

02-13-2004, 10:08 PM

<center> </center>

<center><B>My Thanks to ADF for the sig-pic!</B></center>

<center><B><strike>Bandwidth Hound</strike></B></center>

<marquee behavior=alternate><font size=1>( o Y o )</marquee>

02-14-2004, 05:24 AM
Those are huge pictures.

<font size="3" color="red">AND WHAT?</font></center><font color="FBF2F7">

02-14-2004, 06:13 AM
Yeah.. resize them, you idiot.

<center><img src = ""><br>I'm so glad the cheat is not dead.</center>

02-14-2004, 06:20 AM
Yeah you moron.

I am getting dizzy.

Bringing Crap to every post.