02-08-2004, 04:01 AM
Bat saliva may offset coagulation problems associated with when someone gets a STROKE! (
Some bats that drink blood, secrete this enzime in their saliva that prevents the coagulation of the blood that animal, so that the bat can drink it freely. Ordinairily, when something is wounded, the blood begins to coagulate, and the enzime secreted into the saliva is the key. The thought here is that when a person gets a stroke or a TIA, particles of arterial plaque are getting caught up in the small blood vescles up the the brain, thus causing the damage normally associated with Stroke. This could, in essence, allow much needed blood and oxygen to reach critical areas of the brain in the moments following a stroke. Assuming someone can get to a hospital in time. If you or anyone gets the stroke symptoms, get to a hospital asap!
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<center><B>My Thanks to ADF for the sig-pic!</B></center>
<center><B><strike>Bandwidth Hound</strike></B></center>
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Some bats that drink blood, secrete this enzime in their saliva that prevents the coagulation of the blood that animal, so that the bat can drink it freely. Ordinairily, when something is wounded, the blood begins to coagulate, and the enzime secreted into the saliva is the key. The thought here is that when a person gets a stroke or a TIA, particles of arterial plaque are getting caught up in the small blood vescles up the the brain, thus causing the damage normally associated with Stroke. This could, in essence, allow much needed blood and oxygen to reach critical areas of the brain in the moments following a stroke. Assuming someone can get to a hospital in time. If you or anyone gets the stroke symptoms, get to a hospital asap!
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<center><B>My Thanks to ADF for the sig-pic!</B></center>
<center><B><strike>Bandwidth Hound</strike></B></center>
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