RF Godfather
01-22-2004, 03:39 AM
1. Jerry Lynn returns as the Captain for the TNA portion of the America's X Cup. Thank God!
2. Simon and Swinger finally getting away from Young and Gilberti.
3. Sonny Siaki is in singles action.
4. Sonny Siaki is not on Xplosion.
5. D-Lo returns from Japan to face Siaki.
6. Trinity's heel turn. Possible Kash/Trinity return?
7. The New Franchise vs. Skipper and Daniels match. Sick bump taken by Skipper and Traci.
8. Red Shirts vs. AMW for the #1 Contendership of the Tag Titles.
9. The Naturals return and screw over AMW. And so we have a great young tag team with alot of Hardy-esque maneuvers.
10. AMW vs. The Naturals potential explosion feud and matches.
11. Fairplay and his bikini clad lady entourage. Fairplay was solid on the mic and AJ powerbombed him for disrespecting the Asylum and TNA wrestlers.
12. AJ calling Fairplay Carrot Top.
13. Carrot Top chants start there after.
14. Jarrett taking a Faygo shower from the ICP.
1. Gathering vs. Sandman/Mahoney... too short, teased the thumbtacks and no chair shots from Balls.
2. Not the real Balls Mahoney theme song dammit!
3. Sonny loses to D-Lo. Sonny better be getting a push.
4. The sick bump taken by Skipper with Traci on his back from the top turnbuckle onto 4 chairs. Traci may have shatttered her arm by the way she landed. It did not look good. Hopefully it was not as bad as it looked. OUCH! My source does not know what is up with Traci as of last night.
5. EL Leon's universal Spanish TNA theme song.
6. The Juggalos drowning out the promos in the ring.
7. Too much Tenay intereference and his rants.
8. Enough with Hairy Tiny the Ring Guy. Get him off my tv!
9. Who cares about Sara Lee?
Overall, best show in weeks!
"I am the King of Bling Bling!"
This message was edited by RonFez Mark on 1-22-04 @ 7:41 AM
1. Jerry Lynn returns as the Captain for the TNA portion of the America's X Cup. Thank God!
2. Simon and Swinger finally getting away from Young and Gilberti.
3. Sonny Siaki is in singles action.
4. Sonny Siaki is not on Xplosion.
5. D-Lo returns from Japan to face Siaki.
6. Trinity's heel turn. Possible Kash/Trinity return?
7. The New Franchise vs. Skipper and Daniels match. Sick bump taken by Skipper and Traci.
8. Red Shirts vs. AMW for the #1 Contendership of the Tag Titles.
9. The Naturals return and screw over AMW. And so we have a great young tag team with alot of Hardy-esque maneuvers.
10. AMW vs. The Naturals potential explosion feud and matches.
11. Fairplay and his bikini clad lady entourage. Fairplay was solid on the mic and AJ powerbombed him for disrespecting the Asylum and TNA wrestlers.
12. AJ calling Fairplay Carrot Top.
13. Carrot Top chants start there after.
14. Jarrett taking a Faygo shower from the ICP.
1. Gathering vs. Sandman/Mahoney... too short, teased the thumbtacks and no chair shots from Balls.
2. Not the real Balls Mahoney theme song dammit!
3. Sonny loses to D-Lo. Sonny better be getting a push.
4. The sick bump taken by Skipper with Traci on his back from the top turnbuckle onto 4 chairs. Traci may have shatttered her arm by the way she landed. It did not look good. Hopefully it was not as bad as it looked. OUCH! My source does not know what is up with Traci as of last night.
5. EL Leon's universal Spanish TNA theme song.
6. The Juggalos drowning out the promos in the ring.
7. Too much Tenay intereference and his rants.
8. Enough with Hairy Tiny the Ring Guy. Get him off my tv!
9. Who cares about Sara Lee?
Overall, best show in weeks!
"I am the King of Bling Bling!"
This message was edited by RonFez Mark on 1-22-04 @ 7:41 AM