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A fight avoided? [Archive] - Messageboard


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01-14-2004, 12:06 PM
This message was edited by Furtherman on 9-29-04 @ 2:48 PM

01-14-2004, 12:07 PM
I think it was nice that she was honest with you.

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Alice S. Fuzzybutt
01-14-2004, 12:13 PM
Trust me, you're better off not making dinner tonight. The evening could end up with a lot of yelling, screaming, and crying.

Where's skidmark? I'm sure he could add in his 2 cents. :p


She said Jesus had a twin who knew nothing about sin.

01-14-2004, 12:17 PM
I try to do the same thing with my bf when I'm feeling crampy, emotional, overwhelmed at work, and don't want to say or do anything that I will regret later when I'm feeling better.
Maybe you can make dinner for her.

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01-14-2004, 12:25 PM
This message was edited by Furtherman on 9-29-04 @ 2:48 PM

01-14-2004, 12:29 PM
She's about to dump you.

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Please don't hold my huge nutbag against me, or I'll hold it against you that you have flapjack tits

01-14-2004, 12:29 PM
I'll make dinner for her, I always end up doing it anyway but she likes to help. She doesn't cook. I blame it on her vegatarianism.

This weekend I'll make the dinner for her, plus something extra special as well.

By something special I hope you mean that you will sneak chunks of ham into her dinner.

We carnivores need to adopt the tactics of PETA! Meat eaters UNITE !!!!

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01-14-2004, 12:39 PM
I think you did the right thing. Kudos to you for noto instigating and recognizing a potential problem. Well Done.

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Bowie, Md.: Berkeley, I'm so glad you're back!; I've really missed The Far Side all these years.

Berkeley Breathed: Yes, thank you, but I don't draw Far Side. I draw Calvin and Hobbes.

01-14-2004, 12:43 PM
Furtherman, thank you for your kind words. I'm normally a total bitch to him, so I try to do what I can to avoid making his life a living hell :eg:

offer to give her a massage or a head rub...that'll score some points and help relax her too.

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high fly
01-14-2004, 03:29 PM
Take her some "thank you" flowers.

" and they ask me why I drink"

walking joint
01-14-2004, 03:41 PM
i'm a little confused...what is involved in your process of making dinner that would cause such a big arguement. maybe because i'm married and end up making dinner almost every night, whether we are getting along or not, i just don't get it.

is it more of a i'm not feeling so great, lets not hang out tonight type of thing or will you guys be hanging out and just ordering out for food? because if you are still hanging out tonight, i would think the potential for arugements is just as great. but maybe i'm wrong.
finally a sig...SatCam rules

01-14-2004, 03:55 PM
2 words:
Foot Massage

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<center><B>My Thanks to Reefdwella for the sig-pic!</B></center>

<center><B><strike>Folgers and Lava</strike></B></center>

<marquee behavior=alternate><font size=1>( o Y o )</marquee>

01-15-2004, 07:46 AM
This message was edited by Furtherman on 9-29-04 @ 2:48 PM

Bill From Yorktown
01-15-2004, 07:49 AM
be happy with the honesty, and either offer take-out (if assuming you're still going over there) or say no problem if she hinted you shouldnt be around.

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01-15-2004, 08:52 AM
i'm a little confused...what is involved in your process of making dinner that would cause such a big arguement. maybe because i'm married and end up making dinner almost every night, whether we are getting along or not, i just don't get it.

is it more of a i'm not feeling so great, lets not hang out tonight type of thing or will you guys be hanging out and just ordering out for food? because if you are still hanging out tonight, i would think the potential for arugements is just as great. but maybe i'm wrong.

you'll never understand what if feels like to be a girl sometimes :)

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01-15-2004, 09:26 AM
ask her if she wants some 'crab', considering her mood. it should cheer her up!

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