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worst match/ best match [Archive] - Messageboard


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10-21-2003, 12:43 PM
what is the the worst match and best matches you've ever seen?
worst : HBK vs Vader (summerslam 96?)
- because of the 2 people invovled, and the event . these two put on a shitty match. Very disappointing.
best : FLair vs Steamboat -Music City Showdown

10-21-2003, 07:33 PM
tie btw Stamboat/Savage from WM3 and Malenko/Eddy final ECW Match

Tie btw Kennel from hell match BTW snow and Boss Man (the dog sold his shitting better than the two humans in the match)

anything match involving Vince or Steph

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<marquee><b> IM me at Evilpete66 or I will be force to perform a "Tony Danza" on 'yo ass!!!

10-21-2003, 08:13 PM
I was always partial to the Kevin Sullivan/ Chris Benoit feud and thier matches for some reason

I also was a big fan of the Flair/Vader World Title match

But the absolute worst match that pops in my mind when I think of shitty matches was the Hell In A Cell match between the Big Bossman and The Undertaker. Ummmmm.....correct me if Im wrong but didnt Taker hang Bossman at the end of that ? ? So would Bossman have to be dead then ???

10-21-2003, 09:38 PM
-Flair vs.Steamboat (Chi-Town Rumble)
-Flair vs. Funk (Bash '89)
-Tastumi Fujinami vs. Akira Maeda (IWGP League '86)
-Nobuhiko Takada vs. Vader (UWFi)

-Sid Vicious vs. Nightstalker (Clash of the Champions)
-Main event of Starcade '94

Defeat leads me to anger...anger that leads me to victory!

10-23-2003, 12:45 PM
taker hbk

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Thanks Fallon!

10-23-2003, 12:52 PM
Main event of Starcade '94

Was that Hogan/Beefcake? If so, blech.

Best: Bret Hart/Mr. Perfect-Summerslam '91

Worst: Undertaker/Big Boss Man Hell In The Cell - WM 15

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10-23-2003, 08:40 PM
forgot as some of the best matches was the Bret Hart/HBk Iron man Match, Hogan/warrior (WM6??), the Match SId broke his leg and the match goldberg ended Harts career

some other bad matches-most womans matches, any HHH pay per view match,

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<marquee><b> IM me at Evilpete66 or I will be force to perform a "Tony Danza" on 'yo ass!!!

10-24-2003, 09:25 AM
swede/billy grahm-worst
any vince match-worst

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Thanks Fallon!

10-24-2003, 04:12 PM
Any Flair-Steamboat from 1989
Hart-Austin WM13
Michaels-Razor Ladder
Bret-Owen WMX
Michaels-Taker HIAC
Angle-Lesnar WM19 and Iron Man

Taker & Kane-Kronik

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Another WWFallon joint

Heather 8
10-24-2003, 05:18 PM
I was always partial to the Kevin Sullivan/ Chris Benoit feud and thier matches for some reason

How can you not love a man who booked his own divorce?

But the absolute worst match that pops in my mind when I think of shitty matches was the Hell In A Cell match between the Big Bossman and The Undertaker.

I was at WM15, and I wholeheartedly agree.
Ummmmm.....correct me if Im wrong but didnt Taker hang Bossman at the end of that ? ?
Yep... in fact, the Brood came down from the rafters of the FU Center on cables to help Taker hang Bossman. Edge had trouble with his cable and nearly fell... sadly, about a month later, Owen Hart did fall.

October 25, 2003...

10-24-2003, 06:00 PM
This is an insanely difficult question. But here goes:

Flair v. Steamboat - 1989 series. Pretty much unrivaled as far as North American wrestling goes.

Mitsuhara Misawa v. Jumbo Tsurata (6/8/90) and (9/1/90) - Just recently saw these for the first time. Great matches, and a passing of the torch from Tsurata to Misawa, who would go forward and become a true wrestling god.

Toshiaki Kawada v. Mitsuhara Misawa (6/3/94) - the boys from the DVD have called this match "art", and it's true. There is so much bullshit in wrestling today - most of it coming from McMahon - that we forget how wrestling can be more than just a faux sporting event - it can trascend into true art. This is an example of it.

Toshiaki Kawada / Akira Taue v. Kenta Kobashi / Mitsuhara Misawa (6/9/95) - amazing match. Tag team wrestling gets no finger than this.


Have you seen "Legends of Wrestling"? That's about as bad as it gets.

<center><img border="0" src="" width="300" height="125">
Resistance is <b>FLAMMABLE.</b></center>

10-24-2003, 06:32 PM
This is by far not the best match I've seen, but it's pretty much the best match I've seen all month long, and it's not even from this year - but it deserves some love.

I've been watching an old Joshi tape that I had forgotten I'd even owned (which is distressing to me, as it possesses the incredible Akira Hokuto v. Meiko Satomura match from April 2001, a match which smoked most men's matches of that same year), and on it I had ARSION's Carival 1999.

The match: HamaKINO (Ayako Hamada & AKINO) vs. Las Cachorrus Orientales (Etsuko Mita & Mima Shimoda), 12/11/99. Our plucky young heroes, Ayako & AKINO, face off against the brutal LCO, who had previously cut a swath of destruction through the company, including a royal punking out of Hamada's mentor Aja Kong. There's some great buildup showing the history of things leading up to this confrontation in the pre-match video package.

The match itself is a thing of beauty - HamaKINO take a royal shit-kicking, and Hamada wins my heart and eternal devotion for being a cute girl who isn't afraid here to get utterly beaten into a pulp, including bleeding fucking buckets (we're talking near Muta levels - by the end of the match the ring is slick with a coating of gore) and taking nasty spots such as a sick piledriver through a wooden table. Ultimately, our courageous, if outmatched, young heroes win the day, but not before suffering grievous bodily injury. But that's not what's important here - this match pulls you in and is filled with emotion. You're filled with anger at the brutality of LCO, just as you cheer for the brave struggle of Hamada / AKINO. I can honestly say that I haven't felt this emotional for a match - at least, in North America - in a good long while. I marked the fuck OUT for this match.

Worth picking up. This match is better than any North American woman's match I've seen in the past five years, easy.

<center><img border="0" src="" width="300" height="125">
Resistance is <b>FLAMMABLE.</b></center>

RF Godfather
10-25-2003, 04:56 AM
Best: Anything with Benoit/Angle/Storm/Hart
Worst: Anything with T.B.S./A-Train
"You know it and I know it, that TNA is a rocketship ready to explode!" --Jeff Jarrett (NWA World Champion)

Heather 8
10-25-2003, 05:49 AM
Best: Anything with Benoit/Angle/Storm/Hart
Worst: Anything with T.B.S./A-Train

So, in what category does Benoit vs A-Train fall?

*steps back and watches RFM's head explode ;) *

October 25, 2003...

10-26-2003, 05:26 AM
more best: Misawa vs Kobashi
Van Dam/Sabu vs Hakushi/Hayabusa
Masato Tanaka vs Mike Awesome mathces
Any Dynamite Kid vs Tiger Mask from the early 80's

I forgot about that "kennel in a cell match".....
Did "Legends of Wrestling" have a fat Jake the Snake come out late for his match drunk and f'ed up?

RF Godfather
10-26-2003, 06:36 AM
*steps back and watches RFM's head explode * Ummm... errr... but Mr. Nelson... ummmm eeeeeerrrr ahhhhh! *kaboom*

Why I outta.... Nyuk, nyuk. Hehehe.
"You know it and I know it, that TNA is a rocketship ready to explode!" --Jeff Jarrett (NWA World Champion)

10-26-2003, 06:52 AM
Did "Legends of Wrestling" have a fat Jake the Snake come out late for his match drunk and f'ed up?


<center><img border="0" src="" width="300" height="125">
Resistance is <b>FLAMMABLE.</b></center>

10-27-2003, 12:38 PM
savage hogan-mega powers explode

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Thanks Fallon!