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Fire Alarm Pull Boxes [Archive] - Messageboard


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09-13-2003, 12:15 AM
Noticed one for the first time in yearrrss!

After closing up the bar tonite, friends and I were hanging on the corner, and there it was. Do these still work? Have they been outdmoded by just calling 911? Is it true what they told us in 1st grade, that if you pull the alarm, there is flourescent powder or something that you cannot see that gets on your hands and incriminates you if you pulled it as a prank? Or was it battery acid?

09-13-2003, 02:19 AM

The ones in my high school had that flourescent powder on the handle, to find the kid that pulled it to disrupt the school day. The ones outside dont. My friend's a fireman and I saw this odd old fashioned looking ticker-tape device at the firehouse and asked him what it was. He told me that it receieves a signal from the fire alarm boxes and taps out a 4 digit code that corresponds to the fire alarm box (see ''5111'' on the box above). Above the machine, was a board with the location of the 4 digit code! Smart!
I guess the "Chief" or someone drives to the location to see if anythings up, and then they call back for back-up if its legit.

Many Thanks Soup!

This message was edited by sr71blackbird on 9-13-03 @ 6:21 AM

Mike Teacher
09-13-2003, 03:02 AM
I guess the "Chief" or someone drives to the location to see if anythings up, and then they call back for back-up if its legit.

Actually, they responded.

In the awesome book 'Report from Engine No. 82' it tells about back in the 60's. If one of those was pulled, until otherwise; it was treated as a real alarm.

He talks of the alarms coming in about 3 minutes apart down a street; means a drunk is pulling the alarms as they walk around drunk.

But it wasn't a captain checking it out; they suited up and drove. Often they were halfway there when they found it was nothing, but until then, they assumed fire.

I think the city tried two-way boxes that had a human voice respond, and I'm pretty sure if one didn't, the rode anyway.

I think that signaled the death of them.

The book also tells of Firemen getting hurt by kids chucking rocks and bottle at them as they rode on the back, of the drinks mentioned above, and it's a Fantastic Book, showing life in the city back-in-the-day.

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09-13-2003, 09:17 PM
the have them in my nieghbor hood but i dont think they work.. in my school tho they have newer ones..


09-14-2003, 01:09 AM
They work, dont pull them.

Many Thanks Soup!

This message was edited by sr71blackbird on 9-14-03 @ 5:11 AM

Death Metal Moe
09-14-2003, 09:04 AM
Pull THIS!

<IMG SRC="">
<A HREF=""></A>
How can this poison be the dream of my soul?
How did my fantasies take complete control.......yea.

09-14-2003, 10:41 PM
cool info, thanks

no Moe, I won't pull on your red x in a box

09-15-2003, 07:11 PM
me and a friend of mine used to pull the one in our town when we were in the 7th grade. we got so close to getting caught we never did it again!!!! i think its a federal offense???

09-18-2003, 09:41 PM
My senior year in high school, kids would pull the alarm constantly, just so that we would have to evacuate the building, and take up valuable class time. It happened so many times that year, that, at our graduation ceremony, the valedictorian actually mentioned it in her speech.

Oh, by the way, which one's pinky?

The more I know, the stupider I know I am. - Gary Busey

09-18-2003, 09:50 PM
from the perspective of a person inconvienced by a false alarm- you're a fucking dick. and i know the better majority of people inconvienced feel the same.

so what's the perspective of the dicks? i'm referring to the chronis offenders, not one-timers. you must know people see that person as a dick, so what's you m.o.?

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09-19-2003, 12:44 AM
from the perspective of a person inconvienced by a false alarm- you're a fucking dick.

My dad is a retired NYFD. He told me that the majority of firemen are hurt responding to false alarms ( accidents, etc). Not to mention the money lost that it costs to respond to a false alarm and the danger it causes when a fire company is responding to a false alarm when it could have been fighting a real fire and saving people!!!


09-20-2003, 01:13 PM
Well let's be honest, the decisions you made when you were a kid are not grounded in the same logic that you use as an adult. You don't assume that somebody will get hurt ( even if you do think about it ) and you just want a good laugh.
I remember where I lived in the Bronx they converted to the two-way ones and it had a button for the police and another button for the firemen. One time I pressed the police button and said something like " I want a cheeseburger, fries and a strawberry shake. " The dispatcher guy responded back with " I'll put it right up your ass !! ". That was hilarious so I never did it again.

I have balls !!!