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Electric Train Sets [Archive] - Messageboard


View Full Version : Electric Train Sets

09-12-2003, 04:14 PM
Is it possible to get electrocuted by an electric train set? I mean to the point of death?

Lets say you had a big ass glass of water and you fell on the train set and the water fell on you and the train set (which of course is plugged in), could it kill you? I've never really heard of train set deaths so I don't know. The same question applies to electric race car sets as well.

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<font size="1" color="red">
<marquee behavior=alternate bgcolor="#FFFFFF">right now you could care less about me...
but soon enough you will care, by the time Im done</marquee> </font>

09-12-2003, 04:17 PM
Are you planning to murder someone. Cuz murder is wrong.

Fight the Establishment. Down with censorship!!

09-12-2003, 04:29 PM
If you're using a standard train set (IE: Lionel), it'll never happen. The voltage is so goddam low, the shock is like a static shock. All you gotta do is put your finger on the middle rail (the 3 rail sets) under the train and you'll get the shock. Again, they make it so low voltage so that its safe for little kids. Sorray.

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<a href=>WNEW Ron and Fez Pages</a>

Thanks for the Sigpic, SatCam, you're the best!

09-12-2003, 04:32 PM
Is it possible to get electrocuted by an electric train set? I mean to the point of death?

Somebody's bored...

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Makin' my own sigs cuz I'm still unknown on this site and too lazy to ask anyone else to make them for me.

My Really Crappy Site (

09-12-2003, 04:58 PM

Many Thanks Soup!

Death Metal Moe
09-12-2003, 07:54 PM

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How can this poison be the dream of my soul?
How did my fantasies take complete control.......yea.

Mike Teacher
09-15-2003, 07:37 AM
If you're using a standard train set (IE: Lionel), it'll never happen. The voltage is so goddam low, the shock is like a static shock. All you gotta do is put your finger on the middle rail (the 3 rail sets) under the train and you'll get the shock. Again, they make it so low voltage so that its safe for little kids. Sorray.

That's the stepped-down current.

That awesome Ozone smell is from the Transformer, which steps down the 120V 60Hz AC that comes out of your wall to a lower voltage; and DC, direct current.

But 110-120Volts? Well, it's the Amperage, not the Volts that kill you. There's a picture somewhere on this thread two people holding Van Der Graff Generators; by looking at then they're putting out at least 200,000 Volts, but only the tiniest amount of amperage, a fraction of what is harmful.

110 volts can stop a heart. Not often, but it can. Depends on the person, any defects they may be born with, length of time, etc. I've had 110 through me three times that I remember; one for a good full two or three seconds. Definately screwed me up for a bit that last one [some people lose sight and/or hearing after getting big shocks, usually its temporary, but still...]

Remember, they use, I think, about 200-400 V to start the heart; even though I have seen a heart started by someone just slamming on the person's chest cavity.

Ask me about the old Live frog dissections...


PS: Horde King where are ya?

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09-15-2003, 08:23 AM
Ask me about the old Live frog dissections...

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Mike, you've peaked my interest. Please tell us about those old Live frog dissections.


The Big Yellow One's The

09-15-2003, 10:05 AM
Mike, you've peaked my interest.

This has always been a pet peeve of mine, but it's "piqued," although you could be referring to the "bring to a maximum of development, value, or intensity" definiton of peaked. Still, you're probably referring to the "aroused" (in a non-sexual way in this context) definition of piqued.

Ack... being a spelling nazi makes me feel a bit peaked.

<center><img src = ""><br>The boy with the thorn in his side.</center>

09-15-2003, 10:09 AM
Ack... being a spelling nazi makes me feel a bit peaked.

Not to derail this thread any more, but my pet peeve is when people say "It's a mute point", when they mean "It's a moot point." Also, I hate the constant misuse of your and you're.

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I'm hiding out in the big city blinking
Subscriber to Dignan's 40 year plan

Mike Teacher
09-15-2003, 11:43 AM
WARNING: This May Gross you Out so Don't Flame Me.

Well; we used to dissect Frogs while they were still alive. In college. No one thought it was weird. When I lab assisted at University I'd do the lesson for the undergrads.

Why? Well to demonstrate the different levels of brain function and how they relate to brain structure = we destroy the brain bit by bit, using a good needle probe. First, you have your Live Frog. Hopping around doing that Froggy Thing. We put in down, and wave a hand in front of it, watch it jump, etc.

Then you destroy, cut off really, the part of the brain responsible for sight and hearing. So the needle goes in and you scrape that part away and then you take the needle out. And the Frog just, sits there. He's quite alive, and can move, but can't see or hear. The eyes are open, but you can do what you wish; it can't see. It can still move, and feel, so if you touch it, it still hops around.

Until you start to destroy the parts responsible for movement of legs. We have cervical vertebrae; seven actually, and it's similar, cut that and you have a blind, deaf, dumb frog that's paralyzed, but still alive.

Alive? Well look. It's breathing. We see that even though the higher parts of the brain have been either destroyed or severed; the autonomic parts, breathing and heartbeat, go on.

OK; Let's take a look at that marvelous heart. You're going to cut out the heart? Yes. While it's still alive? Yes. That way, you can see the heart beating. So I open the thorax/chest and it's still beating and I cut it out, it's very tiny, and I place it in a Petri dish with some Saline solution and usually, the heart is beating. There you have it, a beatinging heart.

Now, the heart beats due to electricity, yes? Your body has an electricl system. You can start up the frog heart, if it stops [it will eventually since nothing is feeding it energy], by placing the ends of a 9V Battery on the heart. Bop! Lubdub lubdub lubdub.

The frog is quite dead by then. I thank the Frog.

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