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Is it OK to see a movie by yourself? [Archive] - Messageboard


View Full Version : Is it OK to see a movie by yourself?

08-15-2001, 10:55 PM
There was a thread about this a while back, but I felt too lazy to find it myself. I'm thinking of seeing Jay and Silent Bob strike back by myself b/c my friends either are going to be on vacation or they don't like kevin smith...i've only seen one movie by myself it socially acceptable?

<IMG SRC="" width=300 height=80>

<font color="#0F00CD">~~~~"I wanna ditch the logical."--Eve 6~~~~</font color="#0F00CD">

girl germs
08-15-2001, 11:25 PM
<i>"Is it OK to see a movie by yourself?"</i>

only if you're gay.

<p align="center"><font face="verdana"><b>"i am a male model, not a male prostitute"</b></font></p>

girl germs
08-15-2001, 11:27 PM
and i'm just joking everybody! so don't have a shitfit!

<p align="center"><font face="verdana"><b>"i am a male model, not a male prostitute"</b></font></p>

girl germs
08-15-2001, 11:33 PM
i think it's alright to go to the theater by yourself.

i actually prefer going to the theater by myself...most of the time, but the experience is always more enjoyable when a friend is with me.

either way...who cares if it is or isn't socially whatever you want.

<p align="center"><font face="verdana"><b>"i am a male model, not a male prostitute"</b></font></p>

This message was edited by girl germs on 8-16-01 @ 3:57 AM

08-16-2001, 12:49 AM
who gives a shit if its ok or not- go see the fricken movie if u want. and yes, we all whisper, point & laugh at you.
your lonliness is our entertainment...get over yerself, we dont notice loser..

till the next line~

08-16-2001, 12:55 AM
wait a minute, I am posting at 4:57 am, whos the real loser?????? i am more of a loser than u sundog, i go to dinner alone, but i always pretend to have an invisible friend, and i talk to her at the table,,its like an inside joke for only me.. try it at the movies,,,have an argument with her. BETTER YET, walk out on her...

till the next line~

08-16-2001, 02:56 AM

Relax, there's absolutely nothing wrong with seeing a movie by yourself. I read somewhere that some of the most famous people in the world attend movies as a way to seek inspiration or merely chill out. Among them:

1) Charles Manson
2) Ted Bundy
3) David Berkowitz

and of course, Paul (Pee-Wee) Reubens!

Steamrolling toward 1,000 posts

08-16-2001, 03:22 AM
Hey charles manson didn't watch movies alone. He watched Rosemary's Baby with the rest of the family at Roman Polanski's house.

I will get a sig pic...eventually

08-16-2001, 05:29 AM
It's definately not cool to go to the movies by yourself. I mean come on you cant find anyone to go with you? what do you have, like 2 friends? Dude for real dont go alone. I hate it when i go with my girl and i like to sit at the toop row, usually its all couples up there and between each couple theres always an empty seat for extra comfort, then there's always that one loser who comes alone and always happens to sit next to me and makes me feel uncomfortable, because he want to use my armrest. Nah man take your mom if you have to. dont go alone.

"Who the F. is Frita"?

08-16-2001, 10:55 AM
I actually only go to movies by myself. I haven't seen a movie with another person for like 6, 7 months and I see a movie like every/every other week.

I think the original thread started because Al dukes said he refused to see a movie by himself circa May when Pearl Harbor came out since he thinks people point and laugh at him. Speaking from someone who does go to a movie by himself, I can speak with truth that they do. God how they do.

EDIT: The worst though is when you see a movie by yourself and you run into people you know going into a different movie or coming out of a movie. They see you, you see them. They're with a group of people, you're by yourself. You say hi, they say hi. Then they ask "So who are you here with?" You answer "myself" and you can see the look of patheticness and sadness in their eyes as they respond "Oh, ok, that's cool"

"Nothing can kill The Grimace"

This message was edited by IkeaBoy on 8-16-01 @ 3:09 PM

08-16-2001, 12:07 PM
SUNNY - Of course it's OK.

In fact it demonstates that you are comfortable in your own company and that you are not dependant upon others for happiness.

08-16-2001, 09:10 PM
Well at least you can make
out with yourself at the
movies alone. ;)

I don't see a problem with it
either, I mean we all watch
TV by ourselves right?

I wanna go see J&SBSB
too, lets go together Sunny!

<img src=>
~Well look up from the ground and see who's laughing last...I do what it takes to pull me through...No thanks to anything that you could do...I'm better off without you~

08-16-2001, 09:27 PM
I go to porno movies all the time by myself-I just sew the hole in my pocket when I get home

i need a shower

lil chicklet
08-23-2001, 08:30 AM
at least you know you'll get some at the end of the date, unless you have a headache

i have a fever, and the only prescription is more cowbell

08-23-2001, 04:06 PM
well i go too alot of childrens movies alone.great place too pick up chicks.(see the little girls are much more easy too pick up and run with then the older girls.)
pantera made me a cool sig,but i didnt know what to do so PanterA entered my account and got it to work. :)

08-23-2001, 07:05 PM
Yo dogg -- none of my friends want to see that J/SB movie either -- so in a few weeks i'll be going alone too. and I could care less -- i'de rather see a movie alone than with people who won't get it