View Full Version : GAME OVER
08-25-2003, 01:54 PM
can someone help me out here.
when the f does this selfish piece if sh*it
cough up the belt... ya put pump against
him.. dq... nash samething... goldberg sledgehammer.. cant this son of a bitch take
a freakin vacation for three months and prove someone else can carry the belt that was handed to this prick on a silver platter. cunt i mean hunt didnt win it.... how many guys on raw deserve that fuckin belt.. heres a game name a few ??????
i'll throw the first name into the hat.....
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Thanks Fallon!
08-25-2003, 02:13 PM
Kill yourself.
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<marquee>A proportionate amount of props are equally distributed to my nigga's Fluff, Alexxis, CanOfSoup15, WWFallon and Katylina</marquee>
08-25-2003, 02:55 PM
Due to the racism in the WWE, Booker T will never hold the Raw Heavyweight title
If he were to Dr0p the belt, i'm thinking it would be to none other than his running mate, Randy Orton
<marquee behavior=alternate scrolldelay=30>I've been Tromatized!</marquee>
<marquee>still no new marquee :-( </marquee>
<a href=>The Toddster (the soundclip) </a href>
08-25-2003, 05:47 PM
What can be said?
The wrong man went over and HHH is, pure and simple, NOT a professional.
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Is the Captain a member of the proud <b>2%</b>?
08-25-2003, 07:31 PM
Due to the racism in the WWE
Racism??? I'm not tryna call you an idiot but I'm real curious as to how you came to this conclusion.
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Aggrivating the Mod's, one post at a tim
08-25-2003, 07:34 PM
Ya Todd how did you come to that conclusion, is there something the rest of us don't know?
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08-25-2003, 07:38 PM
has there ever been a black federation champ?
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"Go sit on the toilet and pull and tug on your weiner until white stuff comes out."
08-25-2003, 08:48 PM
The Rock is half black.
08-26-2003, 01:16 AM
Ya Todd how did you come to that conclusion, is there something the rest of us don't know?
Well Phixion basically answered it, there has never ever been a Black World Champion.
African Americans have held every other belt but that one in the WWE/WWF. They had like 7 chances to give Booker the title and hundreds of other oppertunities to have other African Americans win the Wold title but it never has happened.
They only way you can be black and champ is if your 1/2 black 1/2 Samoan and that really doesn't count
Honestly I'd love to see Rodney Mack as a champion, bleave dat playa.
<marquee behavior=alternate scrolldelay=30>I've been Tromatized!</marquee>
<marquee>still no new marquee :-( </marquee>
<a href=>The Toddster (the soundclip) </a href>
08-26-2003, 10:04 AM
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Thanks Fallon!
This message was edited by hatetreehighway on 8-26-03 @ 2:09 PM
08-26-2003, 11:03 AM
I don't buy it. The WWE's demographic simply dictates that a white champion would be in the company's best financial interest. That's called good business not racism.
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08-26-2003, 11:17 AM
They only way you can be black and champ is if your 1/2 black 1/2 Samoan and that really doesn't count
uh huh, and along with rodney makc, they shoulve given d'lo at least one main event match. he was so underused by the fed.
and steels, in that case why have black people play football, or basketball? its mostly watched by white males, who also are the majority of ppl who attend the games. people are aminority for a reason, there are more white people in american then there are black, or any other race. so ofcourse mostly white people watch. but that does not mean that black people dont watch. also percentage wise, i think more blakc people watch then the percentage of white. as far as what ive noticed in my personal experiences.
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"Go sit on the toilet and pull and tug on your weiner until white stuff comes out."
08-26-2003, 11:30 AM
in that case why have black people play football, or basketball?
Um because owners sign the best people they can find? Maybe because winning makes money? Maybe because nobody cares what color somebody is aslong as they can play?
<img src="">
<marquee>A proportionate amount of props are equally distributed to my nigga's Fluff, Alexxis, CanOfSoup15, WWFallon and Katylina</marquee>
08-26-2003, 11:38 AM
Um because owners sign the best people they can find?
and they reward that player for playing well right? so isnt that true for black wrestlers? booker t has taken demotion after demotion and he has still performed excellently, still no title. d'lo is a dman good wrestler and still didnt even have a federartion title match? and do u think they will even give rodney mack a chance? no, they won't he will lucky if he ever holds the IC title.
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"Go sit on the toilet and pull and tug on your weiner until white stuff comes out."
08-26-2003, 11:42 AM
Going back to what I think the point of this post was:
Goldberg looks like he'll be champ at Unvforgiven. Why else would they put that "retire" stipulation when he's finally generating some heat for the title. It's a sure fire win for Goldberg. Triple H will then be out for a while to rehabilitate his injuries he's racked up since tearing his groin muscle before SummerSlam and anything else that happend at SummerSlam. I think that Triple H will lose. He gets out of the limelight for about a month or two. Goldberg keeps the title until Royal Rumble. He could possibly have a heel turn in their somewhere. That is, if Trips is out. If Goldberg were to turn heel, Booker T would definitely be a great competitor for him and then, and only then, would a legit african american win the title in the WWE. The key here is to have Triple H out of the picture, and Goldberg turn heel.
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Check out the Spyder's Web. That's my stuff.
08-26-2003, 11:49 AM
Listen booker t isnt champ because he sucks. I turned off WCW when he was champ. BORING. And D-Lo Brown? Are you fucking kidding me? Why not have A-train be champ? BECAUSE HE SUCKS! And I'll just assume you throw Rodney Macks name in thier because hes just 1 more black guy you can add to the list
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<marquee>A proportionate amount of props are equally distributed to my nigga's Fluff, Alexxis, CanOfSoup15, WWFallon and Katylina</marquee>
08-26-2003, 12:00 PM
And I'll just assume you throw Rodney Macks name in thier because hes just 1 more black guy you can add to the list
no i think he has alot of potential. he should be competing for IC title right now.
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"Go sit on the toilet and pull and tug on your weiner until white stuff comes out."
08-26-2003, 12:01 PM
and steels, in that case why have black people play football, or basketball? its mostly watched by white males, who also are the majority of ppl who attend the games.
Your actually serious aren't you. REAL sports and sports entertainment are two COMPLETELY different businesses! Your statement is ALARMINGLY irrelevant.
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08-26-2003, 12:06 PM
Rodney Mack should not be anywhere close to a title... he is one of the few that could be cut from the roster without making a difference. Besides, he's whiter than some of the white wrestlers.
Pilots make the best approaches...
Listen booker t isnt champ because he sucks. I turned off WCW when he was champ. BORING.
Amen to that. He blows. Never wish anyone injured, but thank god for back injuries once in a while.
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08-26-2003, 02:03 PM
Being a wrestling fan or enthusiast is largely a subjective venture, as for every one of us who champions individuals such as Eddie Guerrero or Chris Benoit there are an equal if not greater number who are infinitely fond of Undertaker or Rob Van Dam. Quality may be in the eye of the beholder.
With that said, everyone of you who think Booker T "sucks" really have no fucking clue what you're talking about.
<img border="0" src="" width="300" height="100">
Is the Captain a member of the proud <b>2%</b>?
I like Benoit, I like Guerrero.
As for Booker T, being able to do a break dancing spin, look at one's hand, raise the roof, or do an axe kick does not constitute a good wrestler.
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08-26-2003, 02:56 PM
I think the reason Rodney Mack isn't bigger is cause they like the his storyline as it is. And that type of storyline can't be main eventing. Same thing with the Hurricane storyline, its goofy 4th match quality.
I certainly don't think Booker T is as good as Eddie or Benoit, but definetly in that level. All of them are 2nd main eventers (IC contenders).
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<b>"Its time for a revolution"</b>
08-27-2003, 08:37 AM
game over is the thread...
booker t will never get respect from rasslin fans..
he does just as much as rock or austin or angle...
and much more right now then taker and lez...
dont hate the playa hate the game............
<IMG SRC="">
Thanks Fallon!
08-27-2003, 08:48 AM
goldberg will win, hhh will go on his honeymoon in october, and kane will be goldbergs first opponent
08-27-2003, 08:51 AM
goldberg will win, hhh will go on his honeymoon in october, and kane will be goldbergs first opponent
that actually adds up and makes sense. bravo my friend!
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"Go sit on the toilet and pull and tug on your weiner until white stuff comes out."
08-27-2003, 09:11 AM
point 1:
HTH, You're such a big WCW mark, and you're complaining about paper champions that were handed the title on a silver platter? that organization used to hand out the title like cookie samples at the mall: Hogan, Goldberg, Jarret, Arquette.. c'mon already. They handed the whole federation to Goldberg, and look where that got them...
Now, I have gotten sick of HHH, but considering that over the past few months, it's either Tripps, Steiner, Nash or Goldberg. I'd take Tripps over any of them anyday.
Now, Booker T, on the other hand, deserves the title, probably more than anyone but Jericho on RAW. I can't blame racism for it though (see point 2) but I chalk it up to HHH being a McMahon by proxy, and both feds have been "The McMahon show" for some time now, so they keep the belt on Mr Levesque.
Point 2:
I can't say there's racism in the WWE, only because everyone's being screwed regardless of color. But don't go on about how Rodney Mack deserves a title shot, he's been here, what? 2 months? and he was doing only squash matches up until recently. He hasn't showed me very much.
As for D-Lo? They never forgave him for snapping Darren Drozdov's neck. he's also clumbsy, and too doughey to be a cruiserweight. OK, let's look at our other black choices... Mark Henry.... um, no. Plus he may go back to playing 1st base for the Mets next season.. ;)
Ron Simmons.... yes, probably, but he's stuck in Tag team land... but so are a lot of people.
To cry racism is ignoring the fact that so many wrestlers of any color who are continually screwed out of title shots by McMahon and company, like Jericho, RVD, Kane, Al Snow, Chris Nowinski, etc. Lets not forget what they did to Raven. Hell, the way Spanky and Gowen have been abused on smackdown just proves that McMahon just hates everyone, regardless of color.
Now that I think of it, just the fact that they put Maven on TV should prove they're not racist.
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Even in death you still look sad.
Don't leave me! Dont leave me, here.
08-27-2003, 11:12 AM
Of course Booker T isn't on the same level as Benoit or Eddie - that's because 98% of the roster isn't on their same level.
As far as the total package, as an entertainer - Book's probably in the top 10 to 20% of the roster. As a worker, he's solid. He's EASILY one of the upper-tier workers on RAW. Saying he "sucks" is just foolish.
I think the reason Rodney Mack isn't bigger is cause they like the his storyline as it is. And that type of storyline can't be main eventing.
Mack isn't over because he sucks. See, now there's an example of where the adjective works. He's bad in the ring, he has little to no charisma, he's just there taking up space.
And the WWE is somewhat racist, or at least they enjoy embracing stereotypes. Anyone who disagrees with that should just look at how Vince has treated EVERY Asian wrestler who's worked for him (outside of Gail Kim - but I expect her to get stuck with a Geisha girl gimmick, even though it would be inaccurate based on nationality and ethnicity). Eddie G is portrayed as a criminal and cheat - though a lovable one - and the cameras are always quick to focus on the "Eddie mows my lawn" signs. Booker T, when a heel, was portrayed as little more than a thief.
Remember, Vince DID grow up in the South.
<img border="0" src="" width="300" height="100">
Is the Captain a member of the proud <b>2%</b>?
08-27-2003, 11:14 AM
thank you taker .
i'm the WCW MARKSTER .
but when they handed the title to jarrett. it was awesome to get rid of hogan.. that selfish piece of shit.
but vince brings him back to torture us not once but three times.. last time in the dumbest angle ever the masked man........ rasslin needs the game to be over so other peeps can play with the ball, meaning the belt.
please go on this so called honeymoon.. or will my prediction happen .. goldberg wins on a dq.. that way trip holds belt and goldberg wins match...even on honeymoon he will find a way to hold that strap.. via sattilite he will do spots and come back for next ppv..
would you deny that will be possible......
TO WORLD TITLE SHOT FUCK THE INTER BELT... HE CAME THERE LIKE GANGBUSTERS... HOW LONG DID IT TAKE TO GET SOME KIND OF HEAT... WITH CRIPPLE.. but i loved when he said to triple h "don't hate the playa hate the game".... booker t was the number 1 guy during the invasion.. he stuck austin in sat night fever outfit.... and now hes lost in the mutherfuckin mix.. an HOW about lance storm who was the second guy.. and he has been reduced to being goldudts flunkie.......... WCW4LIFE..........................
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Thanks Fallon!
08-27-2003, 11:25 AM
Seriously, I think TeenWeek summed it up and this thread is done with Triple H and the title discussion. If you want to talk about racism in the WWE start a thread on it. Like someone did last time.
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Check out the Spyder's Web. That's my stuff.
08-27-2003, 12:25 PM
The idea of racism in the WWE is so ubserd it doesnt even deserve its own thread. And Booker-T still sucks
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<marquee>A proportionate amount of props are equally distributed to my nigga's Fluff, Alexxis, CanOfSoup15, WWFallon and Katylina</marquee>
08-28-2003, 10:26 AM
YOUR SMOKING CRACK.. and who do you think is better than the book ? that hasnt been pushed.. to top of the heep..
the thread is about game being selfish prick.. not racism.. people respond how they wanna respond..
freedom of speech man......
<IMG SRC="">
Thanks Fallon!
This message was edited by hatetreehighway on 8-29-03 @ 8:20 AM
08-29-2003, 04:25 AM
: who the hell in the blue moon is better then book ?
answer thread .. i stress this cause peeps are taking shots at the book... you gonna tell me rock austin...
how in wrestling skills... come on....
i write this in the thread i started cause wanna shoot em down..
and the game should be over and he should go on a two year honeymoon.. and let other talent get the big pusher and i gurantee someone can carry the fed on there own... hhh isnt thats why vinnie running around along with bish and austin hbk goldberg kane. rvd-y2j-book.. and yes storm if given the opp could make a fine wcw champ....
<IMG SRC="">
Thanks Fallon!
and yes storm if given the opp could make a fine wcw champ....
WCW is dead. Lay off the crack. Also, stop replying to yourself, it gets too annoying.
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08-29-2003, 09:01 AM
yes daddy.. others double post...but im annoying.. yeah whatever! raw is wcw and the belt is the world title.. so my crack is pretty on target ... now lets shake hands and be friends..
someone roll the dice and end the game....
<IMG SRC="">
Thanks Fallon!
This message was edited by hatetreehighway on 8-31-03 @ 7:17 AM
08-29-2003, 05:46 PM
The RAW end of the WWE is WORSE than WCW was at this point.
At least in WCW you could sit back and enjoy some good cruizerweight action.
<img border="0" src="" width="300" height="100">
Is the Captain a member of the proud <b>2%</b>?
At least in WCW you could sit back and enjoy some good cruizerweight action.
*bangs head on wall*
This is one of the reasons I don't watch Smackdown. Trust me, I want to see Angle, as he is my favorite, maybe of all time by now, but it's hard to have to watch Rey Mysterio.
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08-29-2003, 06:49 PM
Yea cruiserwieghts blow. Jump off a ladder through a table and im interested. Anything else is for kids. Give me the Big Show over them any day.
<img src="">
<marquee>A proportionate amount of props are equally distributed to my nigga's Fluff, Alexxis, CanOfSoup15, WWFallon and Katylina</marquee>
08-29-2003, 06:56 PM
Give me the Big Show over them any day.
you couldnt just stop before u wrote this sentence?
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"Go sit on the toilet and pull and tug on your weiner until white stuff comes out."
08-29-2003, 07:01 PM
Jericho is best on Raw right niw and Eddie Guerrero is the hottest thing on Smackdown.
Jericho is best on Raw right niw and Eddie Guerrero is the hottest thing on Smackdown.
I agree fully.
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08-29-2003, 07:41 PM
I agree with both of you. The sad truth is that Vince sees Guerrero as a midcarder special, and that Jericho had his time in the sun with being first Undisputed Champion.
The best I can see Jericho doing right now is (if Triple H goes on leave for marriage with Steph and lets Goldberg have title) Jericho battling Goldberg in a rekindled feud that happened not too long ago.
As for Eddie, it would be a dream if he and Benoit were to leave the US Title ranks and finally be able to participate in the WORLD TITLE (stole that from Edge) hunt.
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Check out the Spyder's Web. That's my stuff.
08-30-2003, 04:14 PM
*bangs head on wall*
This is one of the reasons I don't watch Smackdown. Trust me, I want to see Angle, as he is my favorite, maybe of all time by now, but it's hard to have to watch Rey Mysterio.
Ah, so I've found the line here between mark and smark - it's the cruizerweights.
Let's hate on them, despite the fact that the LEAST of Smackdown's cruizers - probably Kidman, or maybe Tajire - is easily twice the worker than Big Show, Undertaker, HHH and Goldberg COMBINED.
I bet you all are also Test fans too, aren't you?
<img border="0" src="" width="300" height="100">
Is the Captain a member of the proud <b>2%</b>?
08-31-2003, 12:43 AM
Racism has nothing to do with it. I never thought that Booker T was all that great. He's good, but not great. He's got a lot of charisma. But, like it was mentioned before, breakdancing and shouting "5 time 5 time..." over and over again doesn't make you a great wrestler. Quick, name one 4 to 5 star match that Booker has had. Aside from his matches with Benoit (who could make me look good in the ring), there haven't been many.
WWF tried to push Ahmed Johnson to the moon, but he was way to clumsy and stiff. It's also been proven that Booker is very clumsy. But so is RVD and Chris Jericho. So racism has nothing to do with it. A case can be made that WWE has a problem with Canadians also. Benoit, Jericho, Lance Storm, Edge, and Christian. They are all much more talented than Booker T. How many world titles between them? Besides Jericho, none.
This is all about the selfishness of Hunter. He probably wouldn't put over his own mother.
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Another WWFallon joint
This message was edited by SuperClerk on 8-31-03 @ 4:46 AM
08-31-2003, 01:26 AM
Nah, he'd put her over. But, he'd lose by DQ and use the sledgehammer on her. Twice.
They only way you can be black and champ is if your 1/2 black 1/2 Samoan and that really doesn't count
Why not? Just because you said so? Because it makes your argument wrong?!
Rock is black, Rock is huge... thus then you're wrong.
<img src=""><br><br>
3 parts gin
1 part extra dry vermouth (or less...)
shake quickly over ice
pour and add 3 olives
08-31-2003, 03:27 AM
booker t should have strap... cruisers rule....
and anyone that thiknks showkishi is a talent of any kind .. better quit while there ahead....
eddie,benoit,rvd,y2j,booker... are the best wwe has to day.. and eddie is the only one that gets thrown a freakin morsel....
pull the fuckin plug on the game PLEASEEEEEEEE !
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Thanks Fallon!
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