08-14-2001, 08:08 PM
Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back is fuckin' great. This movie is Old School Kevin Smith funny, good old dick and farts jokes. I know there are alot of View Askew fans on this board, you will love it, it has like every character from the previous movies, except like the demons and angels and shit.
<img border="0" src="http://members.aol.com/nyhcmikex/myhomepage/ronfezsig2.jpg?mtbrand=AOL_US">
AOL Name:NYHCmikeX
-"I'm sorry, I cant divulge information about that customers secret, illegal account. Oh Crap, I shouldn't have said he was a customer, Oh Crap, I shouldn't have said it was a secret, Oh Crap, I certainly shouldn't have said it was illegal. Ah, it's too hot today."- The president of the Cayman Islands Offshore Holding Company
<img border="0" src="http://members.aol.com/nyhcmikex/myhomepage/ronfezsig2.jpg?mtbrand=AOL_US">
AOL Name:NYHCmikeX
-"I'm sorry, I cant divulge information about that customers secret, illegal account. Oh Crap, I shouldn't have said he was a customer, Oh Crap, I shouldn't have said it was a secret, Oh Crap, I certainly shouldn't have said it was illegal. Ah, it's too hot today."- The president of the Cayman Islands Offshore Holding Company