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Ever wonder what might have been done with Raven? [Archive] - Messageboard


View Full Version : Ever wonder what might have been done with Raven?

08-13-2003, 08:59 AM
This is from the recent shoot interview that Raven did with the folks at

I highly recommend anyone who's a Raven fan to get the interview, as it gives some interesting insight into Scott Levy's life and career (holy Christ, was THIS guy fucked up on drugs in his day).

It also gives some insight into just how things are run in the WWE these days. For all of those who enjoyed Raven when he was there, here's a look at the storyline which Levy himself proposed, and what could have become of it, if it had been given the chance.

The Seven storyline- Since you can't kill people and just beating someone up isn't very good, proven because they do that on RAW and "Brian Gerwitz is an idiot." He thinks "he fucked me royally business-wise." Since psychological damage lasts longer, he wanted to do that based off of the seven deadly sins. The first three would have been jobbers or guys like Coach, in order to get things started without bogging down in a feud. The fourth one would become a feud, which would last a few months, which would end with Raven losing an "I Quit" match. You'd think it would end the storyline but he'd then actually come back two weeks later and come in for the fifth sin. The last ones were going to be envy and lust. He wanted take a face like Matt Hardy and show him on a bar in a videotape kissing a girl who isn't Lita, checking into a hotel with her, etc., all the way up to the shot of the "Do not disturb" sign going on the door. The next shot would be of the aftermath of the night before, with beer bottles and condom wrappers abound, then pulling back to show Raven consoling Lita. While he would be consoling her, he would be feeling on her and trying to kiss her but she's too busy sobbing. It would come out later that Matt didn't actually do it. The next week, he'd be gone while Hardy would be trying to find him for revenge. The week after, Raven would have Lita in the ring and insist on playing the tape again because, while Matt's sin was lust, Raven's was envy because he was envious of Matt's perfect life and perfect girlfiend and so forth. Immediately after saying that he was guilty of envy, he'd act like his soul was purged despite completely screwing over all those other people. Matt would beat the piss out of Raven, Lita would knock Matt out with an international object, and Lita would leave with Raven. He'd then feud with Matt and it would turn out that Lita had cheated on Matt first and that their relationship was already in trouble but that Matt had been trying as hard as he could to hold it together. Raven booked it out to be a six month program with at least two major feuds within that time but he was later asked by Stephanie McMahon where he would go afterwards. Raven felt that he'd be made by that storyline for life at that point and that they wouldn't NEED to find other sins to have programs on.

His final storyline before getting fired- He was going to turn Hurricane heel in a program with Tommy Dreamer and himself. He'd turn Hurricane into such a heel that Hurricane would turn on him, which would make him a tweener. Dreamer would be trying to play the angel and keeping Hurricane as a face while he would be the Devil and trying to turn him heel. There's more than that but that's the simplest form of it. After that, Hurricane would then bring in an OVW sidekick and a girl who would supposedly be the head of his fan club. The long and short of it would be that Hurricane would become a major player, getting over an OVW guy as a monster, Hurricane's valet, revitalize Raven and Dreamer's careers, etc. without having to work with a Triple H or other big star to do it. The first reason he couldn't do it was that Brian Gerwitz didn't want to turn Hurricane heel since he'd come up with the Hurricane character. Then Gerwitz wanted to make Hurricane heel but use his own idea "which probably fucking sucks and he wanted to cock-block me out." (Gerwitz' idea was for Hurricane and Trish Stratus to tag against Stevie Richards and Victoria, they win and hug after the match, Hu

08-13-2003, 09:07 AM
raven is and always will be god of the ring ...
best mic skills in the bizz. and could have been pushed to fight for world titles.. eddie.benoit,booker feuds..
.. they just never knew how to use him... hardcore title killed so lets kill raven... pathetic...

what you guys thank......

<IMG SRC="">
Thanks Fallon!

This message was edited by hatetreehighway on 8-13-03 @ 1:08 PM

08-13-2003, 11:12 AM
Ever wonder what might have been done with Raven?


<img src="">
Mad props to Fluff for the sig and C.O.soup for hosting!

08-13-2003, 11:21 AM
that storylinestinks of the trash heyman was always putting on

Matt cheating on Lita omg drama omg not wrestling but movie making

Raven's a sharp tack but this Sophoclese-style Booking is just plain dumb

he should get into writing or, if he'd like, e-fedding

also, in the interview, did he mention how doped up he obviously was when they brought him into the company?


(Blame SatCam! ;D )

08-13-2003, 11:37 AM
I really like Raven's idea. This storyline definitely would have put him over the top. Seeing Hurricane turn heel would have been cool as well. Brian Gerwitz is freaking pansy. No balls to stand up to Vince and say that these storylines aren't doing so well.

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Check out the Spyder's Web. That's my stuff.

08-13-2003, 11:39 AM
quote the seven nevermore....

ps-where the hell is ddp?
and how hurt is the book ?

<IMG SRC="">
Thanks Fallon!

08-13-2003, 12:22 PM
that 7 deadly sins idea is fucking kickass. tho i wouldve preferred him getting into the IC title mix the second he entered the fed. raven was always agreat character, wwe were fucking morons for letting him go.

<IMG SRC="">
"Go sit on the toilet and pull and tug on your weiner until white stuff comes out."

08-13-2003, 12:58 PM
so he didn't mention the drugs?


(Blame SatCam! ;D )

08-13-2003, 01:00 PM
Goes to show you I haven't been watching wrestling in years being I only found out Raven used to be in the WWE when they showed clips from the last Elimination Chamber. But anyway, now you see just how much Vince cares and how his company is run. He's got people who don't know one thing about what the fans want, scoring top jobs in his company. Yea, that makes sense.

<IMG SRC="">
Aggrivating the Mod's, one post at a tim

This message was edited by sleepyeyed_Jynx on 8-13-03 @ 5:00 PM

08-13-2003, 01:46 PM
that storylinestinks of the trash heyman was always putting on

Matt cheating on Lita omg drama omg not wrestling but movie making

In the shoot interview Raven describes how he believes that the business today has shifted to being story-driven. There's obvious truth to this, especially in the WWE, and you can see how Raven's work in NWA has been story-driven as well.

Raven's a sharp tack but this Sophoclese-style Booking is just plain dumb

he should get into writing or, if he'd like, e-fedding

Why is it dumb? If you're going to make it story-driven, why not actually give the story DEPTH? That's something that is sorely lacking in the WWE these days.

Part of Raven's whole point in telling the story about his proposed storylines was to show that a) while the WWE is storyline-driven their writers are incompetent and b) he would most likely have been able to put over himself, Tommy Dreamer, Hurricane, and two OVW workers, all WITHOUT working a program with a major guy like HHH. Raven sort of subscribes to the type of booking philosophy that Terry Taylor exhibits, in that if the lowercard guys are over, than it trickles UP and makes the mid and upper card guys over as well.

And Raven doesn't take the book because he wants to wrestle and not write. For all of his good ideas, he doesn't seem to be too into working on the creative end (this may be due to his time in ECW).

also, in the interview, did he mention how doped up he obviously was when they brought him into the company?

He's exceptionally blunt about his drug use, and just how bad it was (the man cannot remember HUGE chunks of his life and career from the past ten years or so, and by all rights with the type of shit he was doing we should all have been mourning his passing years ago), but by the time he signed with the WWE again he was clean (he even spends some time talking about his detox experience). Him being clean was sort of a requisite to him getting the job, and he even remarks how his drug reputation cost him as he was forced to take a contract with a lower downside agreement because Jim Ross & the others wanted to cover their ass should he self-destruct on them.

The interview is really quite fascinating. Especially his brief story about his experiences in the Gold Club down in Atlanta.

Oh, can't forget:

1.) Where's DDP? Last I heard, he's going to be in some independent movie. His relationship with the WWE still seems to be amicable, so it's possible we may see him there again sometime in the future (likely as a commentator - they should hire him to take the Cat's job, that's for sure).

2.) Book's back injury may be very bad. He's tentatively scheduled to come back in 6 to 8 weeks, but the more distressing rumors I've heard is that this could be career-ending. Then again, everyone (including Kurt) said that Angle was over and done with after Mania, and he's still going strong.

<img border="0" src="" width="300" height="100">
Is the Captain a member of the proud <b>2%</b>?

08-13-2003, 01:54 PM
Did you SEE that first match Raven had?

He tried a tope that ranks right up there with the Road Dogg second-rope moonsault for "doped up fat guys outta control" moves.

Also re: story driven wrestling- see ROH plz k thx.


(Blame SatCam! ;D )

This message was edited by Travis_Angel on 8-13-03 @ 6:00 PM

08-22-2003, 09:57 AM
never let a raven thread die...
quote the raven nevermore...

raven should be in tazz's seat on smackdown ta least...

<IMG SRC="">
Thanks Fallon!

08-29-2003, 09:09 PM
I was always told that Raven never got a shot because of the heat he had with management from his Johnny Polo days.

I ask, why did the WWE even bother to sign him if they weren't going to do anything with him???

And anytime a wrestler presents an idea to the writers, they get instant heat and demoted immediately, especially if it's any good or has any thought behind it.

I'm so tempted to scream at vince and stephanie if I ever see them again... would anyone bail me out of jail?

<img src="">

Heather 8
08-30-2003, 08:20 AM
I'm so tempted to scream at vince and stephanie if I ever see them again... would anyone bail me out of jail?

They can't throw you in the slammer for screaming at someone... unless you're a big-lipped ''comedian'' who doesn't know when to shut up.

Yell to your heart's content... in Vince's world, we're only fans, so we don't know what the hell we're talking about.. and in Trips' world, we're all twelve years old. ;p



08-31-2003, 03:15 AM
raven could have been the number one guy on raw or sd, i'm so glad others agree with me. EVER WONDER WHAT MIGHT HAVE BEEN DONE WITH RAVEN...

how about use him... and not bury this talented man on heat w/ dlo brown....................

<IMG SRC="">
Thanks Fallon!