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Randy Orton-Boy does he suck! [Archive] - Messageboard


View Full Version : Randy Orton-Boy does he suck!

08-09-2003, 03:11 PM
This topic should be no surprise to anyone who has half a brain in their head that this kid has as much talent as the Brooklyn Brawler. No wait, I think I just insulted the Brawler with that remark. ;)

Anywho, including Orton in the Elimination Chamber was a big mistake. This was a huge push thats just gonna back fire on the WWE. Night after night of having to sit through J.R. say that Randy Orton is the "future of this company" sickens me. It also frightens me to think that WWE wrestling could get any worse. News flash for those of you who didn't think about it: the only reason for the group "Evolution" is to push Orton as the next big thing. "The past, present, and future of the WWE." Sadly for the WWE though, I really don't think fans are buying into the Randy Orton hype. I mean, the kids signature move is a limp one-armed diamond cutter. How can that maneuver possibly excite a crowd of thousands in an arena, needless to say the millions (if be that many), that are watching from around the globe?

To close, watching the WWE over hype wrestlers who should've stayed in the indie circuit for a few years really isn't my idea of sports entertainment, and it also makes me wonder why I started watching the WWE again after years. Oh yea, I can answer that question; it was because of one of the only talents the WWE has in their roster, Rob Van Dam who is truly "the whole fuckin' show" since I flip the channel after he pins someone in a match.

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Aggrivating the Mod's, one post at a tim

08-09-2003, 04:39 PM
I completely agree.

Orton is AWFUL in the ring. There's just nothing else too it. He's STILL far too green to even be on the main roster, let alone flirting with the upper-card. He does NOT have any decent skills that I've seen - Test is a better worker than Orton.

He's mildly good on the mike - not THAT good, though. His young turk attitude doesn't work for him as he doesn't have shit to back it up.

And he has no heat. If anything, he's bordering on NEGATIVE heat. Fans don't care about Randy Orton - and they may easily turn on him soon.

There's two reasons why Orton is being pushed so far so fast.

1) The WWE (and Vince especially) are control freaks to the extreme. Somewhere along the way they decided that instead of just letting individuals get over on their own, they're now going to control what the fan's reaction is. They attempt to calculate how they present the workers & angles, to the point where it's just ridiculous. Orton is the most perfect example of this. They're going to force him down all of our throats until he eventually reaches critical mass and either a) he'll get over, to some degree, or b) the fans will revolt. Personally, I think the latter will be the more likely outcome (they did the same shit with Brock last year - the only difference is guys like Angle actually made Brock into a good worker).

2) HHH, who apparently has more stroke in the company than Shane fucking McMahon, has recently disclosed that Orton is one of his pet projects. Thus, we're all doomed to a long, sustained Orton push, unless the hapless fuckwad reinjures himself.

Orton doesn't deserve to anywhere NEAR a main event match.

Ever wonder why I'm so goddamn bitter about the WWE & Vince McMahon? It's because Vince and his cronies shit on workers like Ultimo Dragon, who is ten times the worker Orton will ever be, and push wastes like Randy Orton.

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Is the Captain a member of the proud <b>2%</b>?

08-09-2003, 04:52 PM
Praise be to Brother Se7en!!!! Speak the truth!!!!

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Check out the Spyder's Web. That's my stuff.

08-09-2003, 05:39 PM
Replace him in Evolution with Cena, switch HHH with Brock or Goldberg and switch Flair with Hogan and then you got something going. As bad guys of course.

Mad props to Fluff for the sig and C.O.soup for hosting!
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08-10-2003, 10:44 AM
Everyone hated rocky maivia when he came up too and look how he turned out. You guys talk about pushing new stars. You are looking at one and you hate him. Hypocrites.

Heather 8
08-10-2003, 12:07 PM
Everyone hated rocky maivia when he came up too and look how he turned out.
And I still hate him. Point?

You guys talk about pushing new stars. You are looking at one and you hate him. Hypocrites.

I have no problems with a ''star'' being pushed as long as he's got the talent to prove that he deserves his spot. If Randy wasn't Bob Orton's son, JR's favorite newbie, and now Trips' pet, he'd be toiling on Heat or in dark matches where he belongs. Don't get me wrong, he's nice to look at, but in the ring, he's got nothing.

unless the hapless fuckwad reinjures himself.
Ah, Se7en, there you go putting happy thoughts in my head.*

*To anyone offended, it's a friggin' joke. Lighten the eff up.



08-10-2003, 12:13 PM
Everyone hated rocky maivia when he came up too and look how he turned out. You guys talk about pushing new stars. You are looking at one and you hate him. Hypocrites.

Good point. But, the Rock was hated because of his arrogance, not his talent. He showed alot of potentiol and began to get alot of recognition when he was still IN The Nation of Domination when he fought Kane on Raw. The match was good and although Rocky lost, he still put up a good effort and made Kane look really good.

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Aggrivating the Mod's, one post at a tim

08-10-2003, 12:46 PM
I'm pretty sure HHH is gay, but doesn't realize it. I think he may have banged stephanie in the beginning, just because he was so excited to be banging someone with so much power.

I think he's pretty much asexual. He likes men, but doesn't even realize it. Look at Chyna. When they were together she was fucking hideous and looked like a man. Now Steph looks like a smaller Chyna.

And look at who he's pushing, Orton and Batista... I'm not gay, but even I can tell these guys are good looking.

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08-10-2003, 01:50 PM
Now Steph looks like a smaller Chyna.

I beg to differ. Steph is beautiful and her figure got fuller. I admit that sometimes I watched Smackdown just to see her.

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Aggrivating the Mod's, one post at a tim

RF Godfather
08-11-2003, 02:31 AM
Yeah, Orton gets a monster push and he doesn't deserve it! WTF! Why is he even in the Summerslam main event? Granted Nash is involved but at least he was a main eventer. What did Orton do? Did he blow Hunter?

So what if he is a second generation or third generation wrestler... he blows in the ring (wow so are we supposed to jump up and down cuz now he has a finisher and medicore mic skills at best?) and ripped off the Diamond Cutter from DDP. I wish DDP would make a return and RK... no Diamond Cut this two bit hack back tot the Stone Age."I excel at not giving a sh*t." --George (Dead Like Me)

08-11-2003, 04:22 AM
I like Orton. However he does not belong int he chamber match. RVD does and put Shane with Kane. You could have had Orton try to interfere and maybe cost HHH getting eliminated.

Jericho should win this thing dammit.

08-11-2003, 08:05 AM
I like Orton.

Please, please tell me why you like this kid. He can't throw punches, his acting sucks, and he does NO BUMPS.

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Aggrivating the Mod's, one post at a tim

08-11-2003, 10:40 AM
I'm telling you... HHH is in love with him!!!

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08-11-2003, 10:45 AM
I'm telling you... HHH is in love with him!!!
Randy will have to get breast implants soon I guess.

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"He'll probably buy the whole league, but not my desire and my heart. He doesn't have the money to buy fear and put it in my heart." <b>-Pedro Martinez on George Steinbrenner</b>

08-11-2003, 12:22 PM
Everyone hated rocky maivia when he came up too and look how he turned out.

People hated Rock for two reasons.

1.) The "Blue Chipper" gimmick wasn't working at the time. This was the beginning of the birth of the anti-hero, i.e. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin.

2.) He was shoved down our throats.

Like Orton is now.

The difference between Rock & Orton is mainly two-fold: 1) Rock has charisma oozing out of his pores (Orton does not seem to have a single charismatic bone in his body), and 2) while Rock is no technical master, he's a better worker than Orton. Rock's moveset is somewhat limited, but he knows what to do with what he knows; he knows enough psychology to work the crowd; and he knows how to sell his ass off when he needs to.

Orton has shown NONE of these things, and I have genuine doubts he ever will.

You can argue that he's still young and inexperienced. I would use that as an argument for not having him be anywhere near the uppercard.

You guys talk about pushing new stars. You are looking at one and you hate him. Hypocrites.

No. As Peachy has said, we want them to push the RIGHT stars.

Take Spanky for example. Tremendous worker on the independent scene. What's he doing now? Losing tag matches with Funaki on Heat. He's got the ability, he's got the charisma - but because he's not of a particular body type or look (i.e. HOSS~!) he's pretty much screwed.

We want them to push new guys who have talent. Even in the WWE, where talent isn't necessarily a prerequisite to make it to the top, Orton still doesn't have what it takes.

<img border="0" src="" width="300" height="100">
Is the Captain a member of the proud <b>2%</b>?

08-11-2003, 03:40 PM
Finally someone else who knows what they're talking about.

Bravo Se7en, bravo!

<IMG SRC="">
Aggrivating the Mod's, one post at a tim

08-11-2003, 07:46 PM
we want them to push the RIGHT stars

cough kanyon cough

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08-12-2003, 08:08 AM
Orton in the Elimination Chamber match is just wrong. One of the problems with the WWE is that they try to push the wrong people. Sometimes they get it right like when Brock came in. They had a good story going for him and we could honestly say he was good at playing the new blood who could destroy anyone who walked in his path. But this Orton guy with the "ladies can't resist me and i'm the future of this company" bullshit is sad because he's not backing it up with in-ring skill.

"Oh, I feel so deliciously white trash. Mummy, I want a mullet!" -Stewie Griffin, Family Guy

08-12-2003, 12:32 PM
I didn't think Lesnar should have been pushed so hard, so fast like he was.

Fortunately for Lesnar he was a talented enough worker that he was able to develop into a pretty solid wrestler.

I COULD be wrong - Orton could develop into something good - but I wouldn't bet money on it. It's highly unlikely, IMO.

<img border="0" src="" width="300" height="100">
Is the Captain a member of the proud <b>2%</b>?

08-13-2003, 11:57 AM
two words for ya... RANDY SUCKS...
MIC SKILLS are ok... thats only reason he's getting push...

how about not firing raven saturn...
and pushing guys like rvd benoit eddie jerico to heading the fed.......
and not a guy that hasnt payed his dues.....


others should be thrown into this mix......

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Thanks Fallon!

08-17-2003, 11:07 AM
This guy hates Randy Orton more than all of you put together!!!!! (

Drugs weed out the weak and dependent.

08-19-2003, 09:27 AM

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Thanks Fallon!