View Full Version : I'm fascinated by weapons of destruction
07-25-2003, 09:53 PM
Are there any other war buffs out there that are fascinated with war machinery or if you want weapons of destruction/peace.
I don't know why but I dig all kinds of war stuff. My favorites are tanks and helicopters. I recently went to the helicopter war musuem in West Chester, PA. I'm trying to find a tank musuem but can't locate one. But I did see a nice display of tanks in one of the bases in Maryland.
I've visited the US Military Academy in West Point (one of my cousins is class 2007).
I checked out the U.S.S. Wisconsin (I think) Battleship in Norfolk and the museum there.
In Kissimee, Florida I checked out the Warbird Museum.
Now I'm planning to check out the stuff on the USS Intrepid in NY and also the USS New Jersey in Camden.
Is anyone else fascinated with stuff like this?
This message was edited by mdr55 on 7-26-03 @ 11:46 PM
07-25-2003, 11:10 PM
Hey I got an idea. Why not grab your balls and join the military instead of going to museums to "learn" about them.
Mad props to Fluff for the sig and C.O.soup for hosting!
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07-25-2003, 11:55 PM
Can you grab your balls and not be a fucking asshole in every thread you reply to?
<center></center><marquee><font color=r
07-26-2003, 01:21 AM
im totally fascinated by violence. it's sick. but i love seeing a streetfight go down. i love being involved in them. but that hasnt happened in ages. i keep that to a low because im an adult now.
call me childish, call me what you will... but it's the upbringing. that is why i train to fight... so i have something to vent my anger and frustration out on
<img src=>
The Goon Squad is the underground. Declaring war on everything... Declaring war on nothing.We are your children raised on ritalin and prozac, biting the hand that's reared us... pissing down our heros throats.
All we are is all you have made us...Given nothing. Taking everything. Making this world a place of our own.
07-26-2003, 12:34 PM
but it's the upbringing
I'm calling bullshit unless you were raised by a Chinese opera company. Anything else is just abuse and straight-thuggin'.
<img src="">
2% << December boys got it BAD >> "You might tell some lies about the good times we've had/But I've kissed your mother twice...and now I'm working on your dad..."
This message was edited by TheMojoPin on 7-26-03 @ 10:00 PM
07-26-2003, 03:48 PM
Are there any other war buffs out there that are fascinated with war machinery or if you want weapons of destruction.
Word up to dat!!!!
I am very interest with war machinery. Almost all games I play are war fps. If you've ever gone to the cradle of aviation museum here on LI, you can go in the cockpits of some war planes and play with the gagets. It's very interesting.
<IMG SRC="" align=right><b>Linx</b>
<A HREF=>Ron and Fez Dr0ps and Bits</A>
<a href=>WNEW Ron and Fez Pages</a>
<b>The Cam's News:</b>
<b>-</b>The mods have been released.
<b>-</b>My sig is EVOL!!![color=White]
07-26-2003, 04:21 PM
me too, it's called The Stock Market...
<img src="">
shamus mcfitzy
07-26-2003, 04:25 PM
Biggest DICK ever!
true dat johnee, true dat
high fly
07-27-2003, 01:01 PM
The Navy museum at the Navy Yards in D.C. is good, and so is the Marine museum there, but you've got to call ahead to let-em know you're coming.
One cool thing outside the Navy museum is this bigass piece of Japanese battleship steel from WWII. It's about 2 feet thick, and I'd guess about 6 feet wide and 8 feet tall.
After the war, they took it down to Dahlgren for testing. It was hit with a round from a 16 inch gun and this slab of steel has the hole in it.
Like I said, the Marine museum is good there, but they've got a much better one at Quantico.
You know how the old Soviet bloc jets had nicknames like "Foxbat" and "Flogger"?
At the USMC museum, they've got a Korean war vintage Mig 15 "Fagot." No shit.
A bunch of the stuff there is set up in big displays with many items of interest grouped together.
All the planes there are supposedly in flyable condition.
Ground will soon be broken for a much larger museum at Quantico near the 95 exit.
I recently visited the WWII Normandy Invasion Memorial in Bedford, Va.
It's quite impressive, though there's still some statues to add, I understand.
There's these figures of guys charging the beach and in the water are little spurts of water shooting up like incoming fire.
Way out of the way, it's still worth seeing.
" and they ask me why I drink"
07-27-2003, 02:25 PM
there's a museum somewhere in pennsylvania... i cant remember the name... but it is the the united states museum of weapons.
you need clearance to go in there and everything. they take your id's, run checks on you... and all you see are guns pointed at you by soldiers.
the last guy you see, all you see is his head and shoulders in this last bunker... i sware, since he is the last stand in defense, he is packing a RPG in there.
<img src=>
The Goon Squad is the underground. Declaring war on everything... Declaring war on nothing.We are your children raised on ritalin and prozac, biting the hand that's reared us... pissing down our heros throats.
All we are is all you have made us...Given nothing. Taking everything. Making this world a place of our own.
07-27-2003, 03:40 PM
When I went to West Point in the winter I got lost and the guards pointed their M-16's at my car. They checked my ID twice because it's an old picture of me. It was so cool and scary at the same time. I got lost again the next day but the soldiers remembered me from the day before because my cousin was entering the Academy (USMA Class of 2007).
07-30-2003, 08:35 PM
I went to the Philadelphia waterfront and checked out the Independence Seaport museum and the 2 ships they have there (Olympia-cruiser and the Becuna-submarine).
The Olympia is an old ship that dates back to the Spanish-American War. Must of been something to see the cannons firing back in the day. Truly a work of art and craftmanship. Sailors sleep on hammocks while the officers have their rooms (even though a room sometimes is no bigger than a walk in closet).
The Becuna- well what can I say, life in a submarine is VERY VERY cramp. WOW. Designers of subs take no space for granted. They fit 3 mattresses in the same area of space (one practically touching the ground, another 2 feet above it and the other another 2 feet above that!). Some sailors sleep in the torpedo room. Even though the officers have "rooms" they are no bigger than a closet. If a person is tall, they would have to spend most of the time leaning over due to the low ceiling area of the sub. Plus moving from one compartment to the next involves croaching down and stepping up (no easy task if the sub is moving). And if someone is in front of you in certain spots in the sub, you would need to wait until they moved if you needed to get through.
I didn't get a chance to go on the USS New Jersey Battleship, I'll save that for next time.
I'm planning to check out the USS Intrepid Air-craft carrier in NYC and the submarine they have in Hackensack next. Plus the Aviation hall of fame and museum in Teterboro.
Death Metal Moe
07-30-2003, 08:38 PM
Just put on The History Channel for awhile. They usually have some specials on weapons. I just saw an episode of Mail Call almost completley dedicated to weapons. Mostly firearms, not large machinery.
<A HREF=""></A>
07-31-2003, 05:33 AM
I'm anti-gun but I am still awed by our aircraft carriers, planes, & technology. They're amazing! (except when killing innocent women & children)
If only they could be used for GOOD.
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high fly
08-09-2003, 01:00 PM
The submarine museum in Groton, Conn. is good.
Also the Mariner's Museum in Newport News is a must-see.
USS North Carolina in Wilmington, N.C. is good.
I've heard of an armor museum in Kentucky, is it at Fort Campbell?
" and they ask me why I drink"
high fly
08-09-2003, 01:00 PM
The submarine museum in Groton, Conn. is good.
Also the Mariner's Museum in Newport News is a must-see.
USS North Carolina in Wilmington, N.C. is good.
I've heard of an armor museum in Kentucky, is it at Fort Campbell?
(edit) AAiiEEE! 'nother double post!
" and they ask me why I drink"
This message was edited by high fly on 8-9-03 @ 5:01 PM
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